为响应即将推出的第二章智能手机的巨大需求,这款手机在不到一个月的时间内已获得10 万台的预购量,APhone今日宣布了一项在Solana Mobile生态系统内的计划。这将使 Solana Saga 用户能够通过他们的设备激活 APhone 的去中心化云智能手机。
In response to the huge demand for the upcoming second-chapter smartphone, which has received 100,000 pre-purchases in less than a month, APhone announced today a plan within the Solana Mobile ecosystem. This will enable Solana Saga users to activate APhone’s de-centralized cloud smartphones through their devices.
APhone 的云智能手机提供自己的 Web3 应用商店,通过使用 Aethir 的 DeCloud 技术绕过传统的硬件限制。这使用户能够直接通过现有设备上的浏览器访问 Solana 区块链上的 500 多个 Web3 应用程序、游戏和 DeFi 协议。
APhone's cloud smart phone provides its own Web3 application store, bypassing traditional hardware restrictions by using Aethir's DeCloud technology. This enables users to access more than 500 Web3 applications, games and DeFi protocols on the Solana block chain directly through browsers on existing devices.
对于那些等待新型 Solana 智能手机的用户来说,这个功能尤其关键,他们寻求购买、销售和使用加密货币的能力。虽然第二章智能手机将带来新的 Solana 原生功能,但预计要到 2025 年初才能交付。一开始,APhone 将向 Solana Saga 用户空投 2 万个 Access Pass NFT,提供无与伦比的处理能力而不会消耗设备资源。不久之后,APhone 将向 Saga 第二章等待名单上的用户空投定制 Solana 手机。
This function is particularly critical for users waiting for the new Solana smartphone, which seeks the ability to purchase, sell, and use encrypted money. Although a new Solana raw feature will be brought in from Chapter II, it is not expected to be delivered until early 2025. Initially, APhone will drop 20,000 Access Pass NFTs to Solana Saga users, providing unparalleled processing capacity without draining equipment resources.
这一计划不仅满足了用户的即时需求,还通过提供一个免于传统应用商店限制的生态系统,增强了 Solana Mobile 在市场中的地位,而无需等待实体设备。
This plan not only meets immediate user needs, but also enhances the position of Solana Mobile in the market by providing an ecosystem free from the restrictions of traditional application shops without waiting for physical equipment.
APhone 首席商务官 William Peckham 表示,「我们的目标是让先进的 Web3 功能对每个人都可随时访问,不受硬件限制。目前,主要的应用商店正成为广泛采用 Web3 的瓶颈。我们致力于为各行各业的用户带来区块链技术的全球访问。」
William Peckham, Chief Business Officer of the APBhone, said , "Our goal is to make the advanced Web3 function accessible to everyone without hardware restrictions. At present, the main appliance shop is becoming a bottleneck for the widespread use of Web3. We are committed to bringing global access to block chain technology for users in all walks of life."
APhone 致力于提供一个成本效益高的 Web3 入口,为用户提供对其数据的高度主权,超越了传统移动品牌的封闭环境。这在新兴市场和经济体中尤其关键,那里的个人通常购买力有限。
APhone is committed to providing a cost-effective web3 portal that provides users with a high degree of sovereignty over their data, going beyond the closed environment of traditional mobile brands. This is particularly critical in emerging markets and economies, where individuals usually have limited purchasing power.
APhone 由 Aethir 的去中心化云技术支持,用户数据分布在全球网络中,消除了单点故障,增强了安全性和数据隐私。此外,Aethir 提供实时服务,支持包括云游戏在内的多种应用程序。
APhone, supported by Aethir's decentralised cloud technology, has distributed user data across the global network, eliminating single-point failures and enhancing security and data privacy. In addition, Aethir provides real-time services to support a variety of applications, including cloud games.
APhone 目前利用 Qualcomm 865 和 RK3588 系列的 CPU,这些 CPU 支持 8K 视频编解码器,并拥有许多强大的嵌入式硬件引擎,为高端应用程序提供优化的性能。Aphone 的 GPU 目前处于共享模式,意味着一个单一的 Aphone 实例可以利用 Qualcomm 865(15 TOPS)、8550(48 TOPS)或整个 RK3588 的所有 GPU 功率。
APhone currently uses the CPUs of the Qualcomm 865 and RK 3588 series, which support the 8K video codec and have a number of powerful embedded hardware engines that provide optimal performance for high-end applications. The GPU of Aphone is currently in a shared mode, meaning that a single Aphone example can use all GPU power of Qualcomm 865 (15 TOPS), 8550 (48 TOPS) or RK 3588 as a whole.
预计在 2025 年推出的第二章手机,通过提供更高的性价比和更广泛的分销渠道,以 450 美元的价格,以及 Seed Vault 和去中心化应用商店等增强功能,对 Saga 手机进行了改进。Solana Mobile 已经调整其战略,以满足不断增长的加密货币用户群体的需求,目标是构建一个强大的用户基础,这不仅支持其盈利能力,也促进了其生态系统的持续发展。
The second-chapter mobile phone, expected to be launched in 2025, has improved Saga by providing a higher value for money and wider distribution channels at a cost of $450, as well as enhancements such as Seed Vault and decentralized application stores. Solana Mobile has adapted its strategy to meet the needs of a growing group of cryptographic currency users, with the objective of building a strong user base that not only supports its profitability but also contributes to the continued development of its ecosystem.
APhone 是首款去中心化的云智能手机,旨在重新定义您的移动体验。凭借卓越的处理能力、无与伦比的存储能力和高质量的 GPU,能够无缝地为您提供对数字世界连续且高效的访问。
Aphone is a front-runner cloud smartphone designed to redefine your mobile experience.
由 Aethir 尖端的去中心化云技术支持,APhone 在提升安全性、保护隐私和用户权益方面做出了保证。APhone 集多种智能手机功能于一身,为您带来全面而先进的移动体验。
Aphone combines a variety of smartphones to provide you with a comprehensive and up-to-date mobile experience.
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