
资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:19 评论:0
目前市面上主流的BTC跨鏈橋WBTC:中心化多簽託管1:1 發行在以太坊主網上的包裝代幣。 43億美金WBTC: Centralize multi-signing services at 1:1 to launch a packaged c...



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  • WBTC:中心化多簽託管1:1 發行在以太坊主網上的包裝代幣。 43億美金

    WBTC: Centralize multi-signing services at 1:1 to launch a packaged currency exchange on the Ether Homenet. $4.3 billion

  • tBTC:分散式門限簽章1:1 託管發行在以太坊上的BTC包裝代幣。 5000萬美金

    tBTC: Dispersal gate signature 1:1 requests the issuance of BTC packaged coins on the Etherm. $50 million

  • L-BTC:Liquid側鏈1:1 發行的BTC包裝代幣。 8000萬美金

    L-BTC: Liquid Rim 1:1

  • 閃電網路:代幣鎖定在主網,鏈下票據無需gas 點對點做支付轉帳。 1億美金

    Lightning Network: The money is locked in the main network, and the ticket under the chain is paid for without any need for gas points. $100 million.

BTC 完全去中心化Layer2 的兩種思路

  • 把閃電網路這種OPRollup的模型做拓展,不侷限在做支付,可以做任意的合約作業。 BitVM就是這種想法。

    Expanding the models of OPRollup, such as the lightning network, without limiting it to payment, can do any kind of contractual work. This is the idea of BitVM.

  • 把tBTC這種分散式閘限簽章做到鏈上去中心化,BEVM就是這種想法。

    The idea is to centralize a decentralized signature like tBTC.

BEVM:相容EVM的完全去中心化的Bitcoin Layer2

BEVM是相容EVM生態,並以原生BTC作為gas的去中心化的Bitcoin Layer2,BEVM把EVM生態引入BTC,讓比特幣生態也具備發行資產、建構應用的能力。具有以下技術特點:

BeVM is compatible with the EVM biology, and the decentralised Bitcoin Layer2 of the original BTC as Gas introduces the EVM biology into BTC so that the Bit currency also has the capacity to produce and construct applications. It has the following technical features:

  • EVM:完全相容於EVM生態、metamask等錢包、truffle/hardhat等開發框架、solidity程式語言。

    EVM: fully compatible with EVM biology, wallets such as metamask, development frameworks such as truffle/hardhat, solidity program language.

  • BTC原生gas:使用原生BTC作為EVM的gas費用。與ETH Layer2 OP/Starknet 類似,ETH用作Layer2 的Gas 費。

    BTC Original Gas: Using original BTC as a gas fee for EVM. Similar to ETH Layer2 OP/ Starknet, ETH is used as a gas fee for Layer2.

  • Taproot Threshold Signature:鏈上POS 節點,確保閾值簽章驗證者的去中心化。單一隱私通訊協議,確保聚合的schnorr 簽章pubkey/msg 的安全性。

    Taproot Threshold Signature: The POS node on the chain ensures the centralization of the certifier. A single private communication agreement ensures the security of the schnorr signature pubkey/msg.

  • 比特幣輕節點:BTC鏈上支援Wasm版本(no_std)的輕節點。

    Bitcoin Light Node: A light node on the BTC chain to support the Wasm version (no_std).

  • Signal Privacy Distributed Protocol:Signal 協議,保證schnorr 聚合簽章和Mast 合約組合門限簽名時節點間訊息通訊的隱私性和安全性。

    Signal Private Distributed Protocol: Signal agreement to guarantee the privacy and security of the message between the Schnorr Convergence signature and the Mast Joint Convention signature limit.

  • zkstark超輕節點:針對上述輕量節點的最佳化,可以利用zkstark技術來實現BTC的超輕量節點。

    zkstark is a very light node: in order to optimize the above-mentioned light node, the very light node of BTC can be realized using the zkstark technique.

BEVM去中心化安全BTC layer2的關鍵:鏈上分散式門限簽章合約託管,讓分散式門限簽章託管人可以做到1000個

  • 利用Taproot(schnorr + mast 合約) 結合, 產生一個BTC主網上門限簽名合約地址(可以設定M/N 的門限閥值, N可以選定到1000人,M/N 一般取值2/3)

    Create a BTC main network restricted signature contract address using Taproot (schnorr+mast contract) (the door limit value of M/N can be set, N can be selected to 1,000, M/N 2/3)

  • 讓BTC 主網上門限合約地址的N個參與者作為BTC layer2的POS驗證節點, BTC的門限合約的N個託管人和Layer2 上的POS 驗證節點完全重合,整個BTC託管的安全性和去中心化依賴於Layer2 POS網路共識的安全性和去中心化。

    The N participants in BTC's main network access address are BTC player 2 POS validation nodes, BTC's restricted nodes for N and Layer 2 are fully integrated, and the security and decentralisation of the entire BTC's ownership depends on the security and decentralisation of the Layer 2 POS network.

  • L2/BEVM會完全實作一個BTC 的鏈上輕節點,這樣可以確保BTC鏈上的資料可以即時的同步到BEVM網路上。換句話說:BEVM的所有節點都有BTC網路的資料。

    L2/BEVM will fully implement a BTC chain of light nodes, which will ensure that the data on the BTC chain can be synchronized immediately to the BEVM network. In other words, all nodes of the BEVM have data on the BTC network.

BEVM的POS網路可以做到1000個驗證人,同時這1000個驗證人也是BTC託管合約的共同託管人,只有這1000個驗證人大於2/3的驗證節點在共識層簽名後才能操作BTC和BTC網路上資產從L2 跨到L1。資產從BTC L1跨到L2,只需要使用者在BTC網路往這1000個驗證人的閘限託管位址轉移token或BTC,自動會在BTC Layer2 BEVM上收到L2 上的資產。

BeVM’s POS network enables 1,000 witnesses, and at the same time these 1,000 witnesses are BTC’s contracted co-authors, and only these 1,000 witnesses, more than two-thirds larger, can operate BTC and BTC’s network assets from L2 to L1. The assets range from BTC L1 to L2 by transferring the users to their 1,000 witness’ restricted seat on BTC’s network to Token or BTC, and automatically receive L2 on BTC Layer2 BEVM.


雖然tBTC已經比wBTC要去中心化多了, 但BEVM 的跨鏈模式比起tBTC的閘限簽章還可以有以下的優點:

although tBTC is already more central than wBTC, the BEVM's cross-link mode has the following advantages than the tBTC's restricted signature:

  • 無需集中初始設定。無需使用分片私鑰實現分散式門限簽名,避免了分片私鑰帶來的私鑰洩漏的安全問題。直接使用BTC原生的閘限簽章方案:MuSig2。

    Do not need to centralize initial settings. No separate private key is required to implement a decentralised signature that avoids a private key leak security problem. Direct use of the BTC original restricted signature scheme: MuSig2.

  • 鏈上分散式網絡,更加去中心化。分散式閘限網路的驗證者都是鏈上的區塊驗證節點,鏈上的網路增加了信任。避免了鏈下分散式網路不透明、易操作的缺陷。

    The links are fragmented, and they are more central. The decentralized networks are validated by the fact that they are part of the chain, and the network on the chain increases trust.

  • 無需許可,只需信任代碼即可。 BTC to Layer2網路使用BTC輕節點。完全信任程式碼的區塊鏈邏輯,避免了向鏈下分散式網路提交資料預言機所帶來的中心化詐欺問題。

    The BTC to Layer2 network uses BTC light nodes. A complete trust in the chain logic of the code avoids centralizing fraud by submitting data to a decentralized network under the chain.

  • 分散式網路通信,完全隱私。 Signal協定用於完成BTC主根門限簽章的通訊問題。解決分散式網路的隱私通訊問題。避免門限簽章出現時資料外洩、串通或外部攻擊的風險。

    The Signal protocol is designed to complete the communication problems of the BTC's main signature limit. Addressing the privacy problems of the decentralized network. Avoiding the risk of data leakage, collusion or external attacks when the signature is issued.


BitVM是ZeroSync的負責人Robin Linus推出的一種表達圖靈完備比特幣合約的計算範式,根據白皮書,BitVm 合約類似於以太坊上的OPRollup。合約不是在比特幣上執行計算,而是在不需要更改網路共識角色的情況下進行驗證。

BitVM is a calculation model introduced by Robin Linus, the manager of ZeroSync, for the completion of the Bit currency contract, which, according to the White Book, is similar to OPRollup in the neighbourhood. The contract is not to run calculations on the Bitcoin, but to test it in cases where there is no need to change the protagonistic role of the Internet.

BitVM的OP Rollup的執行VM,有三大應用程式推廣的缺陷。

The OP Rollup of BitVM executes VM with three major application promotion deficiencies.

  • 限制在只能雙方,而Defi基本上需要三方(其中不可缺失的一方是鏈上合約託管帳戶地址)才能正常運作。

    The restrictions are limited to only two parties, and Defi basically needs three parties (one of which cannot be missing is a chain-of-custody account address) to operate properly.

  • 雙方的鏈下往BTC主網發起挑戰的模式, 操作會比閃電網路更複雜、更困難。

    The two-party chain has a pattern of challenging the BTC main network, which is more complicated and more difficult to operate than the lightning network.

  • 短時間無法做成BEVM這種成熟的通用鏈上Layer2平台。

    It is not possible to be a mature universal link like BEVM for a short period of time on the Layer2 platform.




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