
资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:30 评论:0
作者|AaronHay by Aaron Hay 编译|Jhonny Written by Johnny 作为以太坊项目的追随者和支持者,我一直支持围绕以太坊网络开发和升级的有益讨论。本文的目的是向...



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by Aaron Hay


Written by Johnny


As a follower and supporter of the ETA project, I have supported useful discussions around the development and upgrading of the ETA network. The aim of this paper is to present readers with an in-depth discussion of the economic advantages and challenges of the current one-way bridge model (one-waybridge) around ETA 2.0 ETH migration design.


In my view, it is important that both technology and finance be taken into account as the transition to Ether 2.0 approaches, taking into account both the technical and economic challenges and examining the two equally.


Technically, the feasibility of single-way bridges (one-waybridge) and two-way bridges (two-waybridge) has been well studied, but discussions on the advantages and challenges of the economic design of single-way ETH migration have not yet been well developed, and discussions on the economic aspects of single-way bridges have so far been very limited.


Discussion up to date


At present, a consensus has been reached in the Taiwan Developer Community to move the current Eth 1.0 chain ETH through a one-way bridge to the Eth 2.0 chain.


In addition, there are a number of developers that support two-way bridges, as well as some discussions about the possible future integration of the Eth 1.0 chain into the Eth 2.0 chain through local integration, but given the current Eth 2.0 norm, this paper will address the economic dimension of the one-way bridge model and present several economic incentives that I believe are essential under this model.


What's a one-way bridge migration?


One-way bridge mode means that the ETH holders on the current Eth 1.0 chain have the option of destroying them on the Eth 1.0 chain (by sending them to a collateral contract (DepositContract) deployed on the current Eth 1.0 chain) and obtaining the same quantity of ETH on the Eth 2.0 beacon chain (some refer to the ETH on the Eth 2.0 chain as BeaconEther, or BETH), and these newly forged BETHs will be locked in the beacon chain.


Kraken reports that bitcoin will rise by 50 to 200 per cent in the next few months: the latest report issued by Kraken, the United States encrypted currency exchange, predicts that bitcoin will rise by 50 to 200 per cent in the next few months. The report states that Bitcoin has experienced a new low volatility of only 23 per cent in the 21 months since its inception on 24 July. The 12 lowest historical fluctuations in bitcoin (15 to 30 per cent) usually reflect an average rebound of 140 per cent. As August is usually the third month of price volatility in BTC, Kraken predicts that the rise in bitcoins at the end of July will continue for several months.


The relocation plan will begin during the DevconV period today, October, when the collateral contract will be deployed on the Eth1.0 chain, after which users can begin sending and pledging Eth2.0 to the Eth2.


The beacon chain will be officially activated when the number of ETHs pledged in the mortgage contract reaches a certain target (approximately 2 million) (expected to be launched in early 2020 and possibly later in the first quarter of 2020).


Why a one-way bridge?


The advantages and disadvantages of a one-way bridge approach and a two-way bridge approach are illustrated below. It is important to note that the underlying list of one-way bridges is mainly technical in nature, whereas the list of weaknesses is mainly economic in nature.


In other words, there is a trade-off and trade-off between the one-way bridge approach and the two-way bridge approach on the one hand, and the technical and economic challenges on the other.


One-way bridge




(b) Stability of security, with user-guaranteed deposits only rising;


Prior period is less complex;

数据:过去1年比特币Omni层网络USDT交易量遭遇负增长:5月5日消息,根据Coin Metrics的数据,过去12个月里,比特币Omni层网络USDT交易量遭遇负增长,同一时期,USDT供应量也下降了110%以上。Tether于2014年10月在Omni层首次发布,且USDT供应量在2018年年中达到峰值,略高于30亿美元。虽然稳定币供应和交易数量经常波动,但几个月的供应收缩是不寻常的,特别是USDT。同时,Omni层是唯一一个支持Tether超过三年的,直到2017年11月Tether作为ERC-20代币在以太坊上发布。在不到两年的时间里,以太坊在Tether的总循环供应中所占的份额超过了Omni层。

Data: The volume of USDT transactions in the Omni layer of Bitcoin has experienced negative growth in the past year: on 5 May, according to Coin Metrics, the volume of USDT transactions in the Omni layer of Bitcoin has experienced negative growth over the past 12 months, and the supply of USDT has declined by more than 110% over the same period. Heather first released in the Omni layer in October 2014, and USDT supplies peaked in 2018, slightly above $3 billion. While stable currency supplies and transactions fluctuated, several months of supply contractions were unusual, especially USDT.

Omni层开发人员Sean Gilligan表示,不同协议之间的增长差异可能是由于每个链上的当前需求不同。Gilligan解释说,通过发布一个简单的“撤销”交易,Tether可以将Omni层上未使用的USDT转移到另一个需求更高的链条上。对于Tether在协议上转移原因,Tether的首席技术官Paolo Ardoino表示,交易费用和确认时间是Tether决定将USDT发展成由多个协议支持的跨链资产的主要原因。虽然Omni是使TETHER成为可能的第一个协议,但也必须满足交易员的要求。交易员们通常会担心比特币交易费用突然飙升会导致套利交易变得昂贵;确认时间问题上,一些交易所要等三个比特币区块才能确认交易,这可能意味着在市场上失去了时机。(CoinDesk)[2020/5/6]

In the case of the Omni floor developer Sean Gilligan, who said that the differences in growth between the different agreements might be due to different current demands on each chain. Gilligan explained that by issuing a simple “cancellation” transaction, Tether could transfer the unused USDT on the Omni layer to another more demanding chain. For Tether's reasons for moving on the agreement, Heather's chief technical officer, Paolo Ardoino, said that transaction costs and confirmation times were the main reason Tether decided to develop USDT into cross-chain assets supported by multiple agreements. Although Omni was the first agreement to make TETHHER possible, it was also necessary to meet the traders' requirements. Traders usually feared that a sudden surge in Bitco's transaction costs would make arbitrage more expensive; and, on the issue of time, some exchanges would have to wait for three bitcot blocks to confirm the transaction, which could mean a loss of opportunity in the market.


The Eth 1.0 and Eth 2.0 chains need not be split (the ETH migration can be achieved).

动态 | 德国基金公司推出专注比特币开采的私募股权基金:据cointelegraph消息,德国投资基金管理公司Xolaris Service KVAG在11月29日的一份新闻稿中证实,该公司已推出一只专注于比特币开采的私募股权基金。该基金的最低投资额为25万欧元(28.5万美元),计划发行规模在3000万至5000万欧元(3400万美元至5700万美元)之间。该基金是与瑞典现存矿业所有者Marc Stehr的联合项目,资金将首先用于矿场扩建。[2018/11/30]

The German Foundation launched a private equity fund focused on Bitcoin mining: according to a press release on 29 November, Xolaris Service KVAG, a German investment fund management company, confirmed that it had launched a private equity fund focused on Bitcoin mining. The minimum investment in the fund was Euro250,000 ($285 million), with a planned distribution of between Euro30 million and Euro50 million ($34 million to $57 million). The fund is a joint project with the Swedish existing mining owner, Marc Stehr, which will be used first for the expansion of the mine. [2018/11/30]




There is a higher risk of locking the early pledge (assets are locked for at least 1 to 1.5 years);


Two types of ETH currency (i.e. ETH and BETH) may appear in the futures market;


This can lead to fragmentation of communities and different economic incentives.


Two-way bridge




The risk of asset locking is lower and more assets will flow into the Eth 2.0 system;


There is only one ETH encrypt currency and there is no BeaconETH (BETH);


If there is a problem with Eth 2.0, ETH can be relocated back to the Eth 1.0 chain.




The total quantity of ETH pledged will be highly volatile;


Increase the complexity of the pre-stage code;


There is a risk of zero pledges and more problems are likely to arise at an early stage.


Inflation in Eth 1.0 and Eth 2.0


Since the upgrade in Constantinople, the block incentive on the Eth 1.0 chain has been reduced from 3ETH to 2ETH, generating a new block on average for about 15 seconds, bringing the current annual rate of inflation (growth rate) to approximately 4.8 per cent.

分析师:ETH超过400美元只是时间问题:加密货币分析师The Crypto Dog发推称。考虑到DeFi资产CREAM的潜力,其目前的市值被低估了。此外,该分析师看涨比特币,认为卖空者的破坏行为已经结束。他还表示,ETH超过400美元只是一个时间问题。(The Daily Hodl)[2020/9/15]

Analyst: ETH over $400 is only a matter of time: the cryptographic currency analyst The Crypto Dog exclaims that its current market value has been underestimated, given the potential of DeFi’s assets CREAM. Moreover, the analyst looks up Bitcoin and believes that the vandalism of the seller is over. He also states that ETH over $400 is only a matter of time. (The Daily Hodl) [20/20/9/15]


As the Eth 1.0 chain moves gradually towards the Eth 2.0 chain, the inflation rate in the Eth 1.0 chain will fall to 0 per cent at some point in the future.


Figure 1: Trends in ETH supply and corresponding distribution rates (Blue Line for supply and Orange Line for increase)


It is not clear in the figure above how Eth2.0 migration and projected inflation were taken into account. The figure shows that there appears to be a sign of an increase in the incidence of phase 0 (beam chain phase, early 2020), which means that Eth 1.0 and Eth 2.0 increases are tied together.


This means that the Eth1.0 chain will continue to grow ETH (as an incentive for miners) through mining, while the Eth 2.0 chain will increase BITH (as an incentive for certifiers) through stking.


In addition, the figure below is the Eth 2.0 surge plan proposed by Vitalik Buterin. It should be noted that the rate of increase varies according to the number of bets on the Eth 2.0 system.


Figure 2: Highest BETH increase and maximum annual rate of return after the launch of Eth2.staking proposed by Vitalik

行情 | ETH 1小时跌幅超过2.50%:据Bitfinex数据显示,ETH 现报价115.11美元,1小时内跌幅超过2.50%,波动较大,请做好风险控制[2019/1/21]

ETH 1-hour drop of more than 2.50%: According to Bitfinex data, ETH now offers $115.11, drops of more than 2.50% within an hour, fluctuations are greater, and risk controls are in place [2019/1/21]


Let's analyze the three economic design decisions described above:


“ETH on the Eth1.0 chain will be destroyed”


The inflation situation of Eth 1.0 and Eth 2.0 is combined in figure 1 above, but I believe that, given the one-way bridge approach to be followed, the inflation situation of the two chains should be separated.


This model of “destruction-constructed” means that the total supply between Eth 1.0 and Eth 2.0 is a reverse relationship, that is, “destruction” means a reduction in the supply of ETH in the Eth 1.0 chain, and “construction” means an increase in the supply of BITH in the Eth 2.0 chain.


When the number of Eth 1.0 chains destroyed exceeds 4,890,000 Eth1.0 chains, there will be deflation of Eth 1.0 chains.


In other words, the rate of ETH inflation on the Eth1.0 chain will decrease as the percentage of ETH destroyed and moved to the Eth 2.0 chain increases. As a result, if other conditions are the same, the value of the remaining ETH on the Eth 1.0 chain will increase as this movement moves forward.


“BETH will be cast and locked”


The newly forged BETH currency will be locked in the beacon chain (about 1.5 years). Therefore, only futures or off-site transactions negotiated between individual certifying officers can bring limited liquidity to BETH.


Given the limited mobility of the BETH, I expect that the ETH price on the Eth 1.0 chain will be higher than the BETH price on the Eth 2.0 chain over a 1.5-year lock-out period. For those Eth 2.0 certifying officers who choose to accept this low liquidity and implementation risk, they will receive a certain amount of BETH as an incentive (see figure 2 above).


However, the early certificationer's decision to destroy ETH on the Eth1.0 chain and to pledge BETH was worthwhile, depending on the exchange rate between ETH and BETH (the closer the 1:1 is the better) and the incentives obtained after becoming a certification authority.


Certifying officers may be exposed for a considerable period of time to the risk of BETH trading at prices below ETH (e.g. because Eth2.0 chain development is delayed or the two old and new chains may never be fully merged, etc.).


Given the low mobility of the pre-BETH period, I wonder whether a portion of the BETH will be converted to WBETH (i.e. wrapped-BETH) on the Eth1.0 chain, thereby unblocking greater mobility and utility.


“BETH locked in the beacon chain will yield benefits”


It is worth noting that the Eth 2.0 chain certificationer incentive will be issued to the certificationer in the form of BETH.


When smart cryptographic currency holders assess the best way to use their assets for configuration and profitability, not all benefits are equal. Let's compare the options that holders may face:


Option one, lend DAI on Compound platform and obtain 14.80 per cent annual floating interest rate (paid by DAI); option two, pledge BETH to become a certifier and obtain 18.10 per cent - 1.56 per cent annual floating rate (paid by BETH).


Given the different values of DAO and BETH and the different risks faced by both options (e.g. DAI faced smart contract risks and BETH faced low liquidity and implementation risks), it is not possible to judge which option is better directly by comparing the interest rates of the two options.


The focus here is that the BETH benefits available to early Eth 2.0 certifying officers may not be sufficient for sophisticated crypto-currency investors to provide them with a strong economic incentive to accept the risks involved in Eth2.staking and to abandon many of the other ways in which the current Eth1.0 chain provides revenue.


In my view, the main problem in moving Eth 1.0 chains to Eth 2.0 via one-way bridges is 1ETH1BETH, which may have a knock-on effect on the encrypted economic ecosystems developing in Eth1.0 and Eth 2.0, with unintended consequences for communities.


In the end, however, I am confident that we will create a healthy economic environment for Eth 1.0 and Eth 2.0 that the new and old two chains will have the right incentives and develop together, but that the two chains will have an economically independent ecosystem and that there may be unexpected competition between the ETH holders in the Eth1.0 chain and the BETH holders in the Eth 2.0 chain.


Ideally, appropriate economic incentives will be in place to promote the development of the entire community.


Impact of one-way bridge on prices


Finally, given that the Eth1.0 chain may eventually be fully integrated into the Eth 2.0 chain on an uncertain date in the future, I would like to share how the game theory will play a role in this process.


I think that the possibility of a complete merger of the old and new chains is neither 100% nor 0%, but rather lies between them. But even if it were only 10%, it would have had a significant impact on limiting price volatility between ETH and BETH during this period, but I am not sure how this will work in the market. Perhaps we can imagine two examples:


Example 1: The proposed merger in the area of equities is a good example: if Company A buys all of Company B's shares at a price of $1 per share, with 99 per cent of the possibility of merger between the two companies, the market will reflect this possibility by pricing Company B's shares at around $1.


Example 2: In the area of de-centralized finance, I think that MakerDAO’s GlobalSettlement (global settlement) of the DAI’s stability mechanism is a good example: for users who hold DAI, part of the principle that DAI prices remain around $1 is that at any time in the future all DAIs can be returned to users at $1 prices through global asset settlements. In the event of a global settlement, buying (sale) DAI at less than $1 would mean profit (loss).


Similarly, if the Eth 1.0 chain is highly likely to be merged into the Eth 2.0 chain, then BETH could be traded at a price similar to ETH.


While the analogy between the merger of the Taiwan and the old two chains and the stock mergers and acquisitions and the MakerDAO is not very relevant (Eth2.0 is not a company, nor is it a stable currency system supported by collateral), a similar dynamic trend is likely to emerge between BETH and ETH.


Questions for the Etheraya community


On the basis of a one-way approach to migration, what economic incentives can we add to better coordinate Eth1.0 and Eth 2.0 stakeholders? I hope this paper will contribute to discussions around the upcoming move in the community and look forward to hearing the views of the rest of the community. Please talk with me via Twitter @aaronahaay, thank you!









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