Tonight, the global encrypt currency suffered a severe setback, with Bitcoin at a time of close to 30% at $30,000, at a time when it fell 46%, OKB at a time of 56%, Leteco at a time of 51%, and HT at a time of 40%. According to Coin, as of the last 24 hours, the market was about $5.92 billion (about 38 billion yuan), with nearly 480,000 people. The largest single blast was worth $67 million in Houbi-BTC.
Under the encrypt currency collective avalanche, the trading platform also “cannot hold”.
币安发布通告称,已暂停 BTCUP、BTCDOWN、ETHUP、ETHDOWN、BNBUP、BNBDOWN 之外的所有杠杆代币的交易,并暂停所有杠杆代币的申购和赎回功能。交易、申购和赎回恢复时间将另行通知。
The currency announcement states that all transactions in foreign currency other than BTCUP, BTCDOWN, ETHUP, ETHDOWN, BNBUP, BNBDOWN have been suspended, as well as the requisition and foreclosure of all leveraged currency.
On 18 May, in response to the recent surge in virtual currency transactions, the Internet Finance Association, the Banking Association and the Payments Clearing Society issued a joint announcement requiring member institutions to refrain from conducting virtual currency transactions and other related financial operations.
The bulletin calls for a firm boycott of illicit financial activities related to virtual currency, the non-provision of accounts and payment settlements, publicity and other services for virtual currency transactions, while alerting the public to increase its awareness of risk prevention, to refrain from participating in virtual currency-related transactions and to guard against the loss of personal funds.
Prior to that, the virtual money exchange platform had responded by bypassing banking rules, even though regulators had long banned bank cards, micro-trusts, payment treasure channels for virtual currency transactions and cash withdrawals. There were currently two main ways in which legal currency could be exchanged with virtual currency: an off-the-shelf C2C transaction, which was “packaged” by an OTC platform; and an institution or investor that could be purchased directly from miners and suitable for large-scale purchases.
“三大协会的声明打击了市场情绪。”嘉盛集团资深分析师TONY SYCAMORE表示,加密货币市场中,往往上演的是“带货者”呼风唤雨,结果是“韭菜”被野蛮收割。这一领域亟待有关部门进行整顿与规范。比特币可能正在展开新的跌势,下探40000美元支撑位。
“The statements of the three major associations have hit the market mood.” Tony SYCAMORE, a senior analyst of the Triumph Group, said that the “cargo-taker” often appeared in the crypto-money market, with the result that the “breeding” was savagely harvested. This area is in urgent need of correction and regulation. Bitcoin may be on the verge of a new downturn, looking for a US$ 40,000 boost.
It is noteworthy that, on the same day, Inner Mongolia also took part in “mining”.
According to information from the Inner Mongolia Development and Change Commission website on 18 May, the Office of the Energy Explosion Double Control Emergency Command of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region issued a bulletin on the establishment of a virtual currency “mining” business reporting platform:
In order to give serious effect to the requirements of the "Seventy-Fifty-Four " Safeguards for Ensuring the Completion of the Energy Exploitation Targets ", which call for the complete clean-up of the virtual currency “mining” project, further broadens the source of information on the issue of virtual currency “mining” enterprises and fully utilizes the role of public oversight and the creation of a virtual money “mining” reporting platform, with a view to inviting a wide range of groups to monitor the reporting. The main areas of reporting include: (i) virtual currency “mining” enterprises; (ii) virtual currency “mining” enterprises disguised as data centres enjoying preferential policies in the areas of taxation, land, electricity prices, etc.; (iii) enterprises providing services such as rental of premises for virtual currency “mining” enterprises; and (iv) enterprises engaged in virtual currency “mining” operations using illegal means to obtain electricity supplies.
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