
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:19 评论:0



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As an important component of the World Congress on the Development of Vocational and Technological Education, the World Expo on the Integration of Vocational Education in Education, under the theme “Full development of vocational education adapted to the needs of new technologies and industrial transformations”, in the form of “Online, on-line, on-line and on-line integration”, focused on integrating resources from education, industry, science and technology, building a platform for exchange of ideas for global vocational education development.

近年来,VR/AR、人工智能、云计算、区块链、5G 等众多信息技术的高速发展,加之党和国家关于“实施科教兴国战略,强化现代化建设人才支撑”的战略部署和在线教学模式及应用倒逼信息技术的迭代升级,不仅标志着我国教育信息化已全面进入2.0时代,元宇宙的“火热”也为教育行业从数字化到智能化,开辟了一条全新转型思路。而作为博览会的主要渠道,“云上博览”正是通过大数据的采集、分析和应用,在突破了时间和空间的局限同时,对新技术应用场景,数字化转型整体驱动生产方式、生活方式及治理方式变革成果的一次集中展示,高度体现了职业教育在元宇宙技术的赋能下,产教融合、科教融汇的卓越成效,为中国职业教育的高质量发展奠定了良好基础。

In recent years, the rapid development of numerous information technologies, such as VR/AR, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, block chains, and 5G, together with the strategic deployment and on-line upgrading of teaching models and applications of information technologies by the party and the state on “implementation of the science-educative State strategy to strengthen the modernization of talent-building”, have not only marked the country’s full entry into the 2.0 era of educational informatization, but the “hotness” of the meta-coast has also opened a whole new way of transformation for the education sector, from digitalization to intellectualization.


An innovative attempt to teach integrated TOPCARES educational teaching reform and meta-cosm education in the midst of a wave of meta-cosm technology was made by the East and South Education Science and Technology Group, in collaboration with the East and South Information Institute in Dalian, which highlighted the Life and Health Meta-Cosmos General Cloud Museum and the Meta-Cosmos Medical Digital Anatomy Laboratory.


The meta-cosm medical digital anatomy laboratory is more like a digital twin laboratory based on human CT and MRI data, using artificial intelligence to integrate digital techniques into the teaching of human anatomy. In the meta-cosm medical digital anatomy laboratory, students are taught in a immersive manner, from a multi-dimensional and multi-layered perspective, to learn about the anatomy of the human body in all its aspects, to look at its tables, and to go deeper into it, to achieve an improbable experience of real specimens, opening up a whole new direction for the teaching of health medical research and medicine-related professions.

如果说东软教育科技元宇宙研究院跨越教育领域人才培养和产业实际需求的“鸿沟”,作为此次博览会参展企业中的另一翘楚,科大讯飞在此次博览会上展出了他们以人工智能、VR/AR、大数据、云计算、 5G/6G等信息技术为支撑在元宇宙教育领域的融合与创新。

As another example of the Expo's participation, the Escort Institute for the Promotion of Science and Technology in East and South Africa has demonstrated its integration and innovation in the field of education in the meta-cosm, supported by information technologies such as artificial intelligence, VR/AR, big data, cloud computing, and 5G/6G.



The most notable of these is the “Speech Over Brain 2030” programme, which aims to enable artificial intelligence to “know knowledge, learn well, evolve” and allow robots to walk into every family. At the heart of the plan is value creation, technological innovation and systemic innovation through the core of AI technology that continues to provide the machine with far more than the basic intelligence of “You ask me questions” and greater interactive and motor skills to solve the pressing problems of society in the future. To support the objectives of the “Super Brain 2030 programme, science-based communications have made breakthroughs in multi-mode perception, in-depth understanding, multi-dimensional expression, and key technologies of motor intelligence, and many demonstration applications have been developed in the field of continuous education.


On the basis of the learning scene, the unsupervised pre-learning training framework designed by the Quest flight, with innovations that optimized with a small amount of monitoring data, greatly improved the efficiency of the training. In addition, the Quest has explored the combination of neural networks with symbolic reasoning, achieving the interpretability of the reasoning process, bringing the correctness of AI questions from zero to 90%, significantly superior to the traditional system of reasoning.


In addition to this, it has also developed an innovative IT classroom, offering a holistic approach to artificial intelligence innovation education based on the “AI curriculum at its core, the AI teaching aids and the AI service as its guarantee”, with a new upgrade in four main areas: teaching environment, teaching content, teaching applications and learning applications, and embracing the new paradigm of the classroom.


At present, the science science science science and intelligence education products cover areas such as regional management, school teaching, testing and evaluation, self-learning, teacher development and innovation of the curriculum and after-school service solutions at the regional level, and the creation of a system of intelligent educational products and services from the national, provincial, municipal, district to in-school educational scenes, home-based educational scenes, providing in-depth services to more than 50,000 schools and more than 100 teachers and students.


When the material world and the digital world are fully connected, the teaching of the meta-cosmos technology will not only be a re-establishment of traditional teacher-student relationships, but also a transformation of the teaching content and the educational environment. In the current Internet era, education will not only give, but also inspire, the inherent nature and potential of human beings.


From the source of technological innovation to the upgrading of teaching models; from the digitalization of education to the resolution of difficulties in the supply of and demand for human resources, China’s vocational education is flourishing under the influence of the “won cosmos.” In the future, the World Vocational Education and Integration Fair continues to use the cloud as a medium for building an integrated, high-level and modern World Vocational Education and Productions Integration and Digital Services platform, bringing together industries and education, jobs and professions, scenes and curricula at a “zero distance” and constantly breaking innovative borders, helping China with the quality development of vocational education with artificial intelligence, and building a new future for education.




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