
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:18 评论:0
三把“金钥匙”精准办理网络犯罪案 3 gold keys accurate for cybercrime cases 检察官利用大数据对一起新型网络犯罪案件进行分析面对日益猖獗、手段不断翻新的互联网犯罪,以更高质量的办案和监督,为大局服务,...



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3 gold keys accurate for cybercrime cases



It is the consensus of the Zhejiang State Attorneys that, in the face of growing Internet crime, the means are being refurbished to provide better quality case handling and monitoring, to serve the larger authorities and to provide justice for the people.


According to statistics, between 2017 and the first half of 2020, 1408 arrests and 1,592 prosecutions of 5309 cybercrime cases were approved by the Hangzhou municipal prosecution authorities, with the number of prosecutions increasing by 93.41 per cent in 2019 compared to 2017 and nearly doubling in two years.


In the capital of the Internet, how does the prosecution guarantee the healthy development of the digital economy? The Hangzhou prosecutor has found the “gold key” through continuous exploration and practice.


A's Special Forces


/strong >


On 27 August of this year, the Prosecutor's Office in Jianggan District, Hangzhou, opened a court hearing and sentenced the defendant to a higher term of imprisonment of one year and six months for cybercrime and a fine of 15,000 yuan and a fine of one year and two months and a fine of 10,000 yuan for cybercrime. The first case in the country was reported to be the two-highest issues of interpretation on the law applicable to criminal cases involving the illegal use of information networks, the facilitation of information cybercrime activities, etc.


“Micro-sealing is not an act specified in a judicial interpretation, and can the act be found guilty of aiding cybercrime activities?” When the case first came to her, the prosecutor who had 12 years of experience with the case was Ban Innocence and somewhat confused, and how to apply it accurately was the first problem she faced. After looking at a large amount of information, Pan Innocence found that there was no case law to draw on.


Fortunately, the Hangzhou City Public Prosecutor's Office has a “special task force” – a specialized cyber crime team. The first 33 members of the team come from the city's public prosecutor's offices. They are police officers with extensive experience in the fight against cybercrime.


The team leader, the national expert in prosecutorial operations, and the director of the first prosecutor's department of the Hangzhou City Public Prosecutor's Office, Santao, responded firstly to Pan's ingenious doubts: “These two years were a period of rapid cyber-fraud, which also gave rise to a series of black and gray industrial chains, one of which was the micro-lettering of the black and grey industry.


There was a clear response to the question: Did Gao, Zhang, or others behave in a way that met the criteria for criminal accountability? The evidence shows that he created a special studio to carry out a micro-letter release operation with more than 12,000 micro-letter accounts, “safe” and “declared” for five months, including fraudsters, micro-businesses, and ordinary users.


Another challenge is to guide investigative authorities to determine exactly the amount involved. The members of the “special forces” are active in providing advice, supported by the “criminal prosecution plus information technology” to improve the objective evidence of serious and complex cases.


Following careful examination of the case, the investigating authorities were provided with specific and operational additional investigative opinions. Under the direction of the prosecution, the investigating authorities, through electronic data surveys, recovered and compared the records of the incidents in the stored media, such as mobile phones and computers, and eventually identified more than 10 micro-signals, such as the “Wolves” and the “Good Time” associated with the tall studios, as being offshore fraud rings with a proven amount of more than $900,000. In five months, the amount of fraud was more than 1 million yuan.


“As a result of the investigation experiment, we also find that the system will provide a hint when the micro-letters are unsealed and the user's account numbers are blocked.” This information provided by the investigator undoubtedly adds confidence to Ban's belief in highness and a certain subjective knowledge.


Since its establishment on 25 March 2020, the Hangzhou Network Information Crime Professional Team has directed the prosecution service to more than 20 complex cases involving new forms of cybercrime.


B brain think tank


specializes in "synchronous diseases"


Even though the second point of the mouse, and the speed of the net, can't get anyone else, it shouldn't be a strange scene for the Internet acquisition community. While appreciating the “miraculous” speed of the Internet, perhaps you wouldn't think of competing with you, probably a cheating software.


“The professionalization and intellectualization of cybercrime techniques has undoubtedly made the case more difficult.” As an experienced prosecutor, the Deputy Director of the First Prosecution Department of the Hangzhou City Prosecutor's Office, Li Peng, is sometimes confused in the face of the constant “new” use of cybercrime, “the problem of investigating cybercrime is that it is difficult to collect evidence, to characterize it, to understand it, and to find a “good drug” at the technical, theoretical and other levels.”


In July of this year, there was some confusion over the handling of a new type of cybercrime case involving the use of fraudulent software to rob a red bag of “hair” and the convening by the Hangzhou City Public Prosecutor's Office of a civilian police officer, a judge, an expert scholar to examine the social dangers of the case and the causes and consequences of criminal law, in the context of domestic and international criminal law theory.


“The promotion of false flows is also a traffic in itself, so that false flows are not a fictional fact”... At the seminar, the “outer brain” think tank brought a “brainstorm” to the prosecutors, and there was a spark of wisdom that everyone occasionally collided.


In recent years, the Hangzhou Municipal Prosecutor's Office has continued to strengthen its regular links with institutions of higher education, Internet enterprises, etc., and has increased its efforts to build “think tanks” such as the cybercrime teachers' pool, case banks, curricula, etc., to promote greater efficiency in the handling of cybercrime cases, to take full advantage of the “Internet”+ district advantage, to strengthen cooperation with large Internet enterprises such as Alibaba and Internet-friendly, and to increase the development of “Internet+Law” cross-border talent in the form of online training and exchange of information.


In one case of alleged online fraud involving the handling, sale and purchase of public accounts, the first prosecutor of the Hangzhou City Public Prosecutor's Office, who had just been trained in the fight against cybercrime by the Public Prosecutor's Office and Ali Baba, benefited from the “dividend”: “We led the investigative authorities to lock the target accounts using Ali's security techniques, thereby tracking the upper-middle-down and downstream industrial chains and laying the groundwork for a subsequent precision strike.”


C big data


Internet small white "Small Red Book"


The “Python language” “VIEID” “Little Power Simulator” “Pocket” “cookie” The prosecutors often refer to themselves as “Small White” in the face of a variety of Internet adjectives.


“A proper understanding of the professional language is the basis for the case.” U Qiao, Deputy Director of the Technical Department of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Hangzhou City, introduced the online version of the web-specific electronic “Small Red Book” in the Hangzhou City Public Prosecutor's Office's Cyber Crime and Smart Support System, where the host can find a more accurate explanation if key words are entered. More than 500 web-based professional terms currently collected by the system are more commonly used in cybercrime cases and are interpreted by first-line prosecutors from a legal and technical point of view, depending on the actual situation.


Using standardization and information depth as a path to explore the use of big data and artificial intelligence as a means of informationization in judicial cases, it is taking the initiative to integrate into the construction of the “City of Mobile Offices” in Hangzhou, building on the “city brain”, keeping cases abreast of the times of Internet, big data, cloud computing, and becoming increasingly intelligent.


Santao states that a new form of cybercrime, using big data to “paint” crime, is much clearer and more visible. The Hangzhou City Public Prosecutor’s Office combines the processing of cyber crime cases and the cybercrime analysis system throughout the city, collating the general characteristics and trends of web-based crime in Hang County, and discovers that new types of cyber-crime, such as big data, small programs, cloud payments, etc., can become “associates” to cybercrime.


It is understood that, as a next step, the Hangzhou Municipal Prosecutor's Office will work with a number of departments, including the Internet, courts, public security, the Judiciary, the Financial Office, the Data Resources Bureau and banks, to develop a long-term mechanism for preventing and combating Internet crime, fully utilizing information technology and large-scale data technology, strengthening data collection, integrated analysis, early warning forecasting and providing data support for preventing and combating cybercrime.


"big data association" determines


The amount involved in the mega-cross-border network fraud


Johang: Actively leading the investigation


There's more than 20 million people involved in the investigation.


“In the absence of a request for international judicial assistance, this huge cross-border network fraud ring was successfully defeated, thanks to the early intervention of the Public Prosecutor's Office in leading the investigation.” On 9 September, with the arrest of three suspects in the case, namely, Feng, Wang and Xu, by the Hangzhou municipal prosecutor's office, Zhang Ga Wen, the director of the Hong Kong City Public Security Bureau's e-commerce crime investigation squad, said that, to date, 19 persons had been authorized to be arrested, 11 of whom had been transferred for trial and prosecution.


In particular areas where Internet leaders such as Alibaba gather together, the Jaguar District Attorney’s Office has been at the forefront of examining arrests and prosecuting new types of cybercrime cases. Over the past two years, telecommunication network fraud has been gradually moving from home to abroad, and cross-border telecommunication network fraud is becoming more industrial than in previous cases of telecommunication network fraud.


At the beginning of this year, the Jaguar District Attorney's Office was seized with a typical case of cross-border cyber-fraud, a case of information cybercrime. Several of the suspects in this case took control of dozens of accounts to help others launder money.


In the course of the case, the attorney-in-charge discovered that the money-laundering group was providing financial and clearing services to several “pig-killing” criminal groups, all of whom were involved abroad, and that it was difficult to investigate and obtain evidence. “The suspects in the network have a high level of computer skills, are increasingly good at using the anonymity surrounding the network to commit the crime, and are generally managed in a closed manner and money-laundering through the professional “waterhouse” `run-out platform', with a strong counter-detection capability.” The civilian police officer in the case told him.


“With regard to the difficulty of detecting such cases, the difficulty of obtaining evidence, the difficulty of proving evidence, etc., we have insisted on the professionalization of cybercrime cases and the resolution of the problem.” The Deputy Attorney-General of the Court, Chen Li, has stated that the arrest of members of the money-laundering group was accompanied by dozens of continuing investigations and evidentiary opinions from the host prosecutor at the first time, suggesting that the public security authorities should continue to investigate the fraud groups behind the money-laundering group in order to strongly combat cross-border telecommunication network fraud.


The public prosecutor also submitted timely evidentiary requirements to prove the facts of the crime, directed the public security organs to carry out large data collisions at specific data latitudes, gradually reaching out to dozens of victims in all provinces of the country, and established criteria for proving the amount of crime supported by group fraud during the period of participation, on the basis of immigration records and verbal evidence.


During the period of the epidemic, some of the members of the fraud group returned to the country and the public security forces took advantage of the opportunity to carry out an internal arrest operation, which resulted in the arrest of 33 suspects. The case is currently under review for prosecution.


is a vicious attack on company officials .




Liamjiang: From tight to fast.


Create a "high new" prosecutorial brand


The city of Hangzhou, which is located on the south bank of Changang Gang, is a small part of its territory, but the economy is the top ten economy in Zhejiang province. The digital economy is also the brightest of all, with 52 enterprises listed in the Riang region, the first in all of the districts of Lei Zhejiang province, of which five are listed, representing 45% of the province's total.


The concentration of high-rise enterprises and the use of information technology have been accompanied by a growing trend of cybercrime that cannot be ignored. The data show that, since 2019, the Attorney-General's Office in the Rim River Region has prosecuted more than 150 persons for Internet-related crimes, an increase of 26 per cent over the previous year.


Many of the victims are high-tech businesses in the district, and the case needs to be handled quickly, creating new challenges for the prosecution service. The Vice-Prosecutor of the Attorney-General's Office of the Rim River Region, Wu, has just felt pressure.


“A vicious attack on our network of company officials has led to the paralysis of our company's website, which has seriously affected our normal operations, and the extortion of a bitcoin (approximately 50,000 yuan).” Not long ago, a well-known private enterprise in the Rim River region reported it to the public security authorities.


After the incident was reported, the investigating authorities quickly targeted the suspect, Chung, who had learned his own computer because he owed a lot of external debt and had the mind to attack the company's website by means of a DDOS. He attacked the company's website using the attack software on a foreign “kidster” server, causing the site to collapse and seriously disrupting the company's normal operations. When the attack was completed, Jong-won had used several foreign numbers to contact the company's employees and extorted a bitcoin from the company.


The Attorney-General's Office of the Rim River Region intervened early in the case and found that, since the case could involve multiple offences, including extortion and the destruction of computer information systems, there were significant differences in the direction of investigation and evidence collection. In response, the Attorney-General's Office of the Rim River Region, together with the public security organs, analysed and concluded that there were more than 360 delivery orders that could not be delivered, more than 97,000 machines could not be delivered, and less than 130 orders were received.


“We are actively adapting to the features of the high and new district, creating a `high and new' prosecutorial brand, focusing on the finer handling of cases, focusing more on substantive research, and keeping prosecution cases abreast of the new era of Internet, big data, cloud computing.” The Attorney-General of the court, Shatao, said.


What exactly does "BC" mean in the chat log ?


West Lake: Unsuspected. Changed.


Increase of $1.6 billion in related amounts and prosecution of 1 person


Recovery of over 60 million in stolen money


“As a result of careful scrutiny and data recovery, not only did the charges change, raising the amount involved by $1.6 billion and pursuing one person to recover over $60 million. Although the accused pleaded not guilty, this did not prevent him from being subject to the law.” Earlier, in the case of Lin, who had learned of the illegal financing of Internet gambling, the Public Prosecutor's Office of the West Lakes Region of Hangzhou was very proud to have been convicted.


In December 2018, when the case was referred to the Office of the Attorney-General of the West Lakes Region for a review of the indictment, the investigating authorities found that a company controlled by Lin was suspected of having illegally financed a gambling site, which involved $3 billion. However, at the time of the examination by the prosecutor, Lin argued that he did not plead guilty to the fact that he was not aware of the origin of the money from the gambling site.


In order to ascertain whether one of the individuals in Lin is subjectively aware of and clears the direction of the funds, the prosecutor in charge of the case, on the one hand, recovers by technical means the data removed by one of the individuals in Lin, and, on the other hand, seeks clues from the volume chat records of one of the individuals in Lin.


In screening the chat record, the prosecutor found the word “BC.” The word “BC” in a person in Lin is a “gaming” and they avoid sensitive words and try to escape supervision by means of chatting tools outside the country. A chat record, coupled with a statement by an employee in Lin, is sufficient to confirm that someone in Lin is subjectively funded.


Moreover, in Lin's chat record, the prosecutor found out that they all mentioned a man called “Li”. On the basis of the evidence, the prosecutor ruled that “Li” should be downstream of Lin, but the investigating authorities failed to capture him because they could not determine his true identity.


The prosecutor continued to look into the trail of "old Lee" in a small group of only three people. Formerly, "old Lee" had earned gambling money and sent his name and bank cards to the group. According to this information, the investigating authorities captured Li-Xiao. According to Li Piao, he was working as a downstream company to fund gambling websites, with huge sums involved.


At the time of the prosecutor's review, 17 related accounts were also identified as potentially involved, and after the data had been restored, the comparative analysis of the evidence confirmed that the funds involved in those accounts were approximately $1.6 billion. Given that significant funds were also retained in those 17 accounts, the Court promptly recommended that the investigating authorities seize and freeze more than $60 million.


In June of this year, Lin was sentenced to 12 years and six months in prison and to confiscation of personal property; Li was sentenced to seven years and six months in prison and a fine of $4 million. To that end, a criminal group with $4.6 billion in illegal financing of Internet gambling was completely destroyed.


employed to attack game website


also surreptitively collects “protective fees”


Xiaoshan: Cut the claws of the hackers.


Clear the cyberspace.


Recently, in the case of Lau, a casino, extortion and extortion, which had been prosecuted by the Hangzhou City Xiaoshan Prosecutor's Office in accordance with the law, the court, at first instance, publicly sentenced the defendant to five years'imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 yuan for the opening of a casino; the defendant to three years and nine months'imprisonment and a fine of 10,000 yuan for the opening of a casino and extortion.


In April 2018, the owner of a chess game company, Lou, met someone online, and after several conversations, one told him that he was a hacker, and one offered to let someone use hacker technology to attack his designated chess game website. With the help of professional hackers, one agreed, and with the help of professional hackers, six game company websites were attacked, all of which resulted in players being unable to log in properly.


"We attack all gambling sites." In one way or another, each of the attacked chess game sites has a score and settlement function, and the players end the game by making online transfers based on the score, and most of the website operators are aware of the situation, so they are afraid to speak up after the attack. The evidence suggests that some of the people in the other side would be taking note of the "Agents League" in the attack and calling their actions "cleaning up the cyberspace".


“Why are they regularly charged `protection fees' for the purpose of `cleaning up the cyberspace'?” In the course of the interrogation, the Prosecutor of the Xiaoshan Prosecution Service, Gao Xinyu, pointed out the key to uncovering the “genuine face” of one of them.


It turns out that one of the reasons why Fang knew about the chess website was because the owner who hired him to carry out the attack was the owner of the biggest chess game site in the region and the biggest profiter in opening casinos using the game site, and that the reason why he organized the attack on the chess website by one or more hackers was to achieve the objective of monopolizing the market. One of the parties not only knew all of this, but also, unknowingly, charged protection fees to the operators of many of the games’ websites and promised to protect them from the attack by paying them as long as they were due.


“Motivated by the interests, some of the hackers with advanced technology stretch their claws into cyberspace.” According to Gao Xinyu, “In addition, the ease of the network has, to some extent, broken space barriers to the industrialization and specialization of similar crimes.” In this case, from the availability of traffic, scripts and technical support in the implementation process, almost every link involved a hacker in the operation, and the defendant simply had to search the key word on the network to find a person with the ability to match it.”


“The involvement of hackers in cybercrime, often remote and off-site operations, the ease with which evidence is destroyed, people are not easily found, makes cases more difficult to detect and will pose a great threat to cyberspace.” According to Gao Xinyu, the trend towards rejuvenation and ageing of hacker crime is making it imperative to strengthen cybersecurity education for key populations and to improve the capacity of legal networks.



Personal information disaster zone


Fuyang: All together.


Construction of protection barriers for personal privacy and security of information


When the banking business was completed, it received a loan harassment call; when the child was born, it received a marketing message from a child-care institution... During the Internet era, advertising messages continued to be available, telephone calls were harassed, spam was spread, and citizens' personal information seemed to be “wings”, turning into “transparents”.


“We are all selling information about our respective customers, and we are selling the house, and the company has not asked us to keep it secret, and I have been bought and sold...” Since this year, the Prosecutor's Office in Fuyang District, Hangzhou, has been prosecuting 47 cases of alleged violations of citizens' personal information. In these cases, the defendants were involved in the real estate industry, either by using their job facilities or by using business needs to divulge, sell, exchange personal information of owners of large number of residential districts, thereby seriously violating the interests of owners.


The investigation found that these illegally obtained personal information was transmitted through private means of communication such as employee micro-letters, QQQ, and that the agents involved, property, etc., had not entered into confidentiality agreements with their employees, nor had effective technical or other measures been taken to prevent the disclosure of information, even encouraging such behaviour, such as the requirement by a real estate agent in Hangzhou to obtain information on the source of housing in a small area, with incentives of between $500 and $1,000, and the installation of an internal “fashion” customer system to share information on the entire source of the house. The employees of the four branches of the company illegally obtained more than 50,000 copies of consumer personal information, including owner's name, house number, contact phone number, etc., by purchasing or exchanging information on the refurbishment company with employees of multiple real estate companies, property companies, etc.


“In view of the characteristics of such cases, the Public Prosecutor's Office, as a representative of the public interest, shall create a protective barrier to personal privacy and the security of information.” After the completion of the case, the head of the public interest litigation department of the Office of the Public Prosecutor of Fuyang District shall state that:


Subsequently, on 18 April, the Office of the Public Prosecutor of Fuyang District, acting in a timely manner, issued a pre-prosecution recommendation to the Regional Market Supervisory Authority, urging it to perform its duties in accordance with the law.

区市场监管局收到检察建议后,高度重视,根据检察建议书的内容,开展了为期一个月的专项检查,依据消费者权益保护法规定,查处了14家涉案公司。其中,对上述房地产代理有限公司的4家分公司采取顶格处罚,吊销其营业执照,其余房产、装修、物业等10家公司各被处以罚款2万元,还与物业、房产、装修协会进行了对接,并专题组织相关法律知识集中培训,要求各企业加强信息管控,落实保密制度,同时提醒行业协会强化行业管理。(检察日报 方芳 赵云 关巧巧 潘菲 张永睿 陈佩佩 白思静)

Upon receiving the recommendation, the District Market Supervisory Authority attached great importance to the conduct of a one-month special inspection on the basis of the content of the inspection proposal, in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Rights Protection Act, in which the 14 companies involved were prosecuted. Of these, the four branches of the above-mentioned Real Estate Agency Ltd. were fined $20,000 each for the suspension of their licences, the remaining 10 companies, such as property, furnishings, real estate, etc., were also held in conjunction with the Association of Property, Real Estate, Furnishing, and organized a focused training on relevant legal knowledge, requiring enterprises to strengthen information control, implement confidentiality systems, and alert industry associations to strengthen industry management.




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