
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:26 评论:0
我们来了解一下目前市值排名前20的币种。Let's get to the top 20 currencies of the current market value.无论是比特币还是区块链都在世界上...



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Let's get to the top 20 currencies of the current market value.


Both bitcoin and block chains have a huge wind in the world, but the “man on the outside” has been confused, especially in the face of so many kinds of currencies, and even in the form of new ones every month. The purpose of this presentation is to help you list the 20 currencies that rank the highest in terms of authority, most of which are “right” in terms of “blood” and prospects, and we will look at them below. According to MyToken's application, the top 20 currencies are currently ranked as follows (in United States dollars):


BTC (bitcoin): 125,097 million


ETH: 39,096 million


XRP: 20.116 billion


4. BCH (bitcoin cash): 11,773 million


LTC (Letco): 6,794 million


EOS (EOS): 4.592 billion


XLM: 4,355 million


8 ADA (Cardano Aidan): $4.159 billion


NEO: 3,335 million


10, MIOTA (IOTA EOTA): 2,949 million


XMR: 2,949 million


12, DASH: 2,616 million


13, XEM (new currency): 2,359 million


14, USDT (Tedaco)


TRX: 2,277 million


16, BNB: 1,524 million


17, ETC: 1,515 million


18, VEN (chain-only): 1,511 million


19 QTUM (Quantum Chain): 1,323 million


20, LSK (application chain): 980 million


Apart from the few currencies known to most, such as bitcoins, tutcos and bits of cash, which are not well known, each currency is presented in turn below.


1, BTC (bitcoin)


The concept of BitCoin was originally proposed by Nakamoto in 2009, and Bitcoin is a digital currency in the form of a P2P. Point-to-point transmission means a decentralised payment system.


Unlike most currencies, Bitcoin does not rely on specific monetary institutions for issuance, which is generated by a large number of calculations, using a distributed database consisting of numerous nodes in the entire P2P network to identify and record all transactions and using cryptography to ensure the security of all links in currency circulation, which ensures the anonymity of currency ownership and transactions in circulation. Bitcoin, the largest difference with other virtual currencies, is that its total number is very limited and extremely scarce.


Bitcoins can be cashed and converted into the currency of most countries. Users can buy virtual items, such as clothes, hats, equipment in network games, and, if accepted, bitcoins for real-life items.


The current market value of Bitcoin is $12.597 billion, RMB 46214.91 per currency, or approximately $7338. After falling in the previous days, Bitcoin is now slowly rising.


2. ETH


Ether is an open-source public block chain platform with smart contracts.

以太坊的概念首次在2013至2014年间由程序员Vitalik Buterin,受比特币启发后提出,大意为“下一代加密货币与去中心化应用平台”,在2014年通过ICO众筹得以开始发展。

For the first time in the period from 2013 to 2014, the concept of the Taiku was introduced by programmer Vitalik Buterin, inspired by Bitcoin, to the effect that the next generation of encrypted currency and decentralized applications could be developed in 2014 through ICO crowds.


As of February 2018, it was the second-highest encrypted currency, after Bitcoin. To date, the market value is approximately $39,096 million, or RMB 248,06 per currency, or US$ 39,5.4 per dollar.

以太币对其他实体货币的汇率可能在短时间内大幅变化,并且也可在许多加密货币的外汇市场上交易,它也是以太坊上用来支付交易手续费和运算服务的媒介 。

The exchange rate of the Tai currency vis-à-vis the currencies of other entities may vary significantly within a short period of time and may also be traded in the foreign exchange markets of many encrypted currencies. It is also the medium used in the Tai shop to pay transaction fees and operation services.


3, XRP (Ripoon)

瑞波币是Ripple网络的基础货币,它可以在整个ripple网络中流通,总数量为1000亿,并且随着交易的增多而逐渐减少,瑞波币的运营公司为Ripple Labs(其前身为OpenCoin)。

Ribbon is the base currency of the Ripple network, which can circulate throughout the Ripple network, amounting to 100 billion and gradually decreasing as transactions increase, with Rippoon operating company Ripple Labs (formerly OpenCoin).


Ribbon is the only universal currency in the Ripple system that is different from other currencies in the Ripple system. Other currencies, such as CNY and USD, cannot be forwarded across the gateway. In other words, CNN, which is issued by A Gateway, can only be posted at the A Gateway, and CY, which is converted through the Ripple system to the B Gateway if it is to be presented at the B Gateway, can only be presented at the B Gateway through the Rippoon Listing function.

比特币是一种虚拟货币,而Ripple 是一种互联网交易协议,它允许人们用任意一种货币进行支付。例如,甲方可以利用Ripple 以美元支付,而乙方则可以通过Ripple直接收取欧元。

Bitcoin is a virtual currency, and Ripple is an Internet transaction protocol that allows people to pay in any one currency. For example, Ripple can be paid in United States dollars, while B can collect the euro directly through Ripple.


Although the list of 350 money distribution organizations was published in 2017, the market value of Ripoon was even higher than the second-highest in January 2018, making it the second-highest currency. The current market value of Ripoon was $20.116 billion, with RMB 3.22 and RMB 0.556, the third-highest.


4, BCH (bitcoin cash)

比特币现金(Bitcoin Cash)是由一小部分比特币开发者推出的不同配置的新版比特币。

Bitcoin Cash is a new version of Bitcoin with different configurations introduced by a small number of bitcoin developers.


On 1 August 2017, at 20:20, Bitcoin cash began mining, and each bitcoin investor’s account will have a bitcoin cash equivalent. This is a new branch of Bitcoin or another form of “shelve currency”, with variations in industry, but before the BCC’s advance offer reached $2,000, that is, one tenth of the price of Bitcoin.


Bitcoin's cash history was Bitcoin, and the data it stored in the block chain before the fork, and the software it operated, were compatible with all bitcoin nodes, and after the fork, it began to implement new codes, package large blocks and form new chains.

知名国外比特币交易所都表示不支持BCH交易,包括Coinbase、GDAX、Poloniex、Bitmex和ExodusBitstamp等。但是也有公司表示如果Bitcoin Cash进展顺利,不排除予以支持的可能性。此外,著名比特币投资者Roger Ver之前也公开表示支持Bitcoin Cash。

The well-known foreign Bitcoin exchange has indicated that it does not support BCH transactions, including Coinbase, GDAX, Poloniex, Bitmex, and Exodus Bitstamp. But there are also companies that have indicated that if Bitcoin Cash is going well, this does not preclude support.


At present, the market value of Bitcoin cash is $11,773 million, or approximately RMB 43,24.89 per currency, or approximately $687.12 for the United States dollar.


5, LTC (Letcoin)


Letcoin is a network currency based on "point-to-point" technology and an open-source software project licensed by MIT/X11. It helps users pay instant payments to any person in the world.

莱特币受到了比特币(BTC)的启发,并且在技术上具有相同的实现原理,莱特币的创造和转让基于一种开源的加密协议,不受到任何中央机构的管理。莱特币旨在改进比特币,与其相比,莱特币具有三种显著差异。第一,莱特币网络每2.5分钟(而不是10分钟)就可以处理一个块,因此可以提供更快的交易确认。第二,莱特币网络预期产出8400万个莱特币,是比特币网络发行货币量的四倍之多。第三,莱特币在其工作量证明算法中使用了由Colin Percival首次提出的scrypt加密算法,这使得相比于比特币,在普通计算机上进行莱特币挖掘更为容易。

Lightcoin is inspired by bitcoin (BTC) and technically has the same rationale for realization, and its creation and transfer are based on an open source encryption agreement that is not regulated by any central agency. Leitco is designed to improve bitcoin, which has three significant differences compared to it. First, it can handle a block every 2.5 minutes (rather than 10 minutes) and thus provide faster confirmation of transactions. Second, it is expected to produce 84 million latcoons, more than four times the amount of currency issued by bitcoin. Third, it uses the Scrypt encryption method first proposed by Colin Percival in its workload certificate, which makes it easier to do Leitco digging on a regular computer than it is in bitco.


To date, the market value of Leitco is $6,794 million, or approximately RMB 778.6 per currency and the United States dollar equivalent is approximately $12,266.


可以理解为Enterprise Operation System,即为商用分布式应用设计的一款区块链操作系统。EOS是http://EOS.IO软件引入的一种新的区块链架构,旨在实现分布式应用的性能扩展。注意,它并不是像比特币和以太坊那样是货币,而是基于http://EOS.IO软件项目之上发布的代币,被称为区块链3.0。

It can be understood that the Enterprise Operation System, a block chain operating system designed for commercial distribution applications, is a new block chain architecture introduced by the EOS software http://EOS.IO, which aims to expand the performance of distributed applications. Note that it is not a currency like Bitcoin and Etheria, but is based on a token issued on the http://EOS.IO software project, known as the block chain 3.0.


Through a more in-depth understanding of EOS, EOS is of considerable investment value, starting with ETH as an initial intelligent contract, operating an intelligent contract on ETH, not free of charge, and depending on your Gas, which, according to the people who used it, is slow and expensive to operate the ETH trading platform, but it is not a problem for EOS, depending on the number of your EOS, and the more it has, the more it can lease and the more expensive it will be as it continues to develop; the second EOS development of DAPP is simple and does not need to write many modules on its own, because it provides a platform for developers, which significantly reduces the threshold of development; and the second, as a general investor, it is equivalent to having a real estate, which can be used to rent and earn money, and when the number of users increases, the price increases are not appropriate.


The market value of EOS is currently $4,592 million, with a single price of RMB 37.68 and a United States dollar equivalent of approximately $5.89.


7, XLM (stellar currency)


Stellar, a decentralized gateway for transmission between digital and legal currencies, is an open-source agreement for value exchange, which is the base currency of the network of stars, which is developed on the basis of Riboche Ripple.

恒星是一个用于价值交换的开源协议,在2014年早期由Jed Mccaleb和Joyce Kim创立。恒星币的主要特点如下:

Stars are open-source agreements for value swaps, which were created in early 2014 by Jed McCaleb and Joyce Kim. The main features of a star's currency are as follows:

1.恒星的团队经验丰富,董事会成员有包括前Square首席运营官Keith Rabois,Stripe首席执行官Patrick Collison,而狗狗币联合创始人Jackson Palmer以及AngelList联合创始人Naval Ravikant 将作为该项目的顾问;

1. The team of stars is experienced and the board includes Keith Rabiis, former Chief Operations Officer of Square, Patrick Collison, CEO of Stripe, and Jackson Palmer, Co-Founder of Dog Currency, and Navar Ravikant, Co-Founder of Angel List, who will serve as resource persons for the project;


2. The upgrading of the stellar currency as Riboco, with many improvements on a technical basis, in particular the associated consensus mechanisms and validation algorithms, the increased operational node of the network of stars and the very low resource requirements of the node;


3. The currency of the star is used as a currency for the payment network of the star, which can be converted into any currency and is transferred at a fast rate of payment.


As a result of its many excellent characteristics, the market value of the stellar currency has jumped to the top 10 currencies, and the market value of the stellar currency is currently $4.355 billion, or 1.47 yuan per currency, or 0.24 dollars in United States dollars.


8 - ADA (Cardano Aidan)

ADA,中文称为艾达币,是Cardano项目的产物,Cardano项目发起于2015年,名字的由来是来自16世纪的意大利数学家Gerolamo Cardano。Cardano既是医生,也是占星术士、哲学家同时也是个赌徒。他运用占星术预言自己的死期,据说最后于同一日自杀。Ada则是以19世纪英国贵族Ada levea的名字来命名,她被称为人类史上的第一位程式员。

ADA, known in Chinese as Aidan, is a product of the Cardano project, which was launched in 2015 by the Italian mathematician Gerolamo Cardano from the 16th century. Cardano is a doctor, as well as an astrologist, a philosopher and a gambler. He used asteroids to predict his own death, and allegedly ended up committing suicide on the same day. Ada was named after the 19th century British aristocracy Ada levea, the first programmer in human history.


A total of 4.5 billion won, of which 2.5 billion will be allocated to ICO, while the remaining 500 million will be used to finance the company’s operations. Because of the total of 4.5 billion, there are 1.5 billion ADAs left, which will be distributed on an ongoing basis.


The block incentive will be issued every 3.5 minutes, with the following frequency references: initially, each block generated 2,000 Idaz, totalling 3,744,961 blocks; in phase II, 1,000 Idaz, totalling 3,744,961 blocks per block; and in phase III, 500 Idaz, totalling 3,744,961 blocks per block.


At present, the market value of Aida is approximately $4.159 billion, and each currency is equivalent to about RMB 1.021.



One company in China issues a central NEO currency, which, because of its anti-bitcoin philosophy, is considered Chinese. The founder of NEO is Da Hung Fei, 37 years old.


Da Hung Fei designed NEO to compete with Ether. The latter is a decentralized ledger for companies to issue tokens, design smart contracts or programs, and the design concept of NEO is central. To date, NEO remains under the control of several people -- mostly co-founders and employees -- who decide who to work with. This is far from the Bitco-liberal ideal, with Bitcoin having an open network of thousands of diggers.


Despite a number of shortcomings, the market of the NEO was veritable and even once known as the “killer” of Bitcoin. At present, the market value of the NEO is $3.35 billion, equivalent to $329.16 yuan per currency, or approximately $52.39.



埃欧塔,即IOTA,发行于2015年11月,其主要关注领域是物联网(Internet-of-Things),特别是智能城市、基础设施和智能电网、供应链、运输和移动等领域。除此之外,IOTA能够成为任何P2P交易结算的支柱,比如说网络支付甚至是汇款。它目前的主要功能是无需手续费的微支付和安全的数据转移以及数据锚定,具有良好的扩展性和分区容错特性。其总供应量约为2780万亿个(确切数字是(3 ^ 33-1)/ 2=2,779,530,283,277,761个),并且都是在初始块创建的,没有挖矿新增的币。因为其供应量如此之大,单个的价格非常小,所以交易都是以百万IOTA为单位的,即MIOTA。

EOTA, or IOTA, was launched in November 2015. Its main area of concern is the Internet-of-Things, especially in the areas of smart cities, infrastructure and smart power grids, supply chains, transport and movement. In addition, IOTA can be the backbone of any P2P transaction settlement, e.g., network payments or even remittances. Its main function is now micropayment without charge and secure data transfer and data anchoring, with good expansion and faulty zoning characteristics. Its total supply is approximately 27.8 billion (exact numbers are (333-1)/2=2,779,530,283,277,761), all created in the initial block, and no additional currency has been mined. Because of its large supply, the individual prices are very small, the transactions are in millions of IOTA, or MIOTA.


At present, MIOTA has a market value of $2,949 million and a price of $6.75 yuan per currency, or approximately $107.


11, XMR (Monroe)

门罗币(Monero,代号XMR)是一个创建于2014年4月开源加密货币,它着重于隐私、分权和可扩展性。与自比特币衍生的许多加密货币不同,Monero基于CryptoNote协议,并在区块链模糊化方面有显著的算法差异。Monero的模块化代码结构得到了比特币核心维护者之一的Wladimir J. van der Laan的赞赏。Monero在2016年经历了市值(从5百万美元至1.85亿美元)和交易量的快速增长,这部分是因为它在2016年夏季末期得到了主要的暗网市场AlphaBay的采用。

Monero, code-named XMR, is an encrypted currency that was created in April 2014 and focuses on privacy, decentralization and scalability. Unlike many encrypted currencies derived from Bitcoin, Monero is based on the CryptoNote agreement and has significant differences in algorithms in the blurring of block chains. Monero’s modularized code structure was appreciated by Vladimir J. van der Laan, one of Bitcoin’s core defenders. Monero experienced a rapid increase in market value (from $5 million to $185 million) and volume of transactions in 2016, partly because it was adopted by AlphaBay, the main black market, in late summer 2016.


To date, the market value of Monroe is $2,949 million, or RMB 118,133 per currency, or approximately $185.5.


12, DASH

达世币 ,DASH原名叫做暗黑币,是在比特币的基础上做了技术上的改良,具有良好的匿名性和去中心化特性,是第一个以保护隐私为要旨的数字货币,听名字也能感觉出来被黑市所喜。

The original name of DASH, known as Dark Black Currency, was technically improved on the basis of Bitcoin, with a good anonymity and decentralised character, and was the first digital currency to protect privacy, and the name could be felt by the black market.


In 2014, the DASH issued a white paper with a total of 18.9 million copies. After DASH was born, it was recognized as the currency best able to realize the dream of being a medium-sized human being.


The main features of the local currency are as follows:


A two-tier incentive network, or a network technology known as the main node;


2. In-time payment functionality, timeliness of arrival and lower handling costs.


At present, the market value is US$ 2,616 million, RMB 2090.44 per currency, or approximately US$ 331.33.


13, XEM (new currency)


Born April 1, 2015, the first digital asset to be developed using a test-driven development model. A point-to-point virtual currency. Released early in 2015, the source code was written by Java and 100% original.


The new currency uses the PoI consensus mechanism, which determines the rights to account according to dimensions such as volume of transactions, activity, etc., so that it can pack a block every 60 seconds, much faster than bitcoin and Lightcoin.


With a total of 9 billion pieces of money, all the new currency was issued at the outset of the release, so each new block does not generate a new currency incentive, which is only a transaction fee and does not provide sufficient incentives for the latecomers.


The market value of the new currency is currently $2.359 billion, or RMB 1.53 per currency, or approximately $0.24 per currency.


14, USDT (Tedaco)

泰达币(USDT)是Tether公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元(USD)的代币Tether USD(下称USDT),1USDT=1美元,用户可以随时使用USDT与USD进行1:1兑换。Tether 公司严格遵守1:1的准备金保证,即每发行1个 USDT 代币,其银行账户都会有1美元的资金保障。用户可以在 Tether 平台进行资金查询,以保障透明度

The Tether company strictly adheres to the 1:1 reserve guarantee that its bank account will have a $1 guarantee for each dollar issued. Users can access funds on the Tether platform to ensure transparency.


Tedar is a virtual currency that pegs an encrypted currency to a statutory dollar. Every tadar is symbolically linked to a government-backed legal currency.


15, TRX (band)


TRON is an open source decentralised content entertainment agreement based on the block chain, which seeks to build a worldwide free content entertainment system using block chains and distributed storage techniques that allows each user to freely publish, store, possess data and, through decentralized forms of self-government, distributes, circulates, trades, determines the distribution, subscriptions, pushes, empowers content creators to form a decentralized content entertainment ecology.


The main features of the wave currency are as follows:


1. Changes in the current decentralised content distribution in the business model into distributed content distribution;


2. The product pain point is freedom of expression, content not subject to platforms, and absolute ownership of the content of their creations;

3.拥有数千万用户的陪我APP将在未来成为首个兼容波场TRON协议的内容娱乐应用, APP已经取得了一些成绩,有着不错数量的活跃人数,是款能击中特定群体需求的产品;

With tens of millions of users, my APP will become the first compatible TRON agreement in the future, and the APP has made some progress, with a good number of active people, a product that can reach the needs of specific groups.


4. The founders understood the high visibility of marketing and packaging and were very good at creating personal brands.


It's not very stable, but it's good to have a short line when there's news, but it's not going to be a first choice for a value investment, not to look at how many times it's going up, to do a little dissipation, and it's not going to get higher at a lower point, so it's going to be fine.


At present, the market value of the waves is $2,277 million, or 0.21 yuan per currency.


16, BNB


BNB-Binnium, a platform for currency exchange distribution, is one of the three largest domestic exchanges in the world, with 3 million registered users. BNB issues a total of 200 million copies and sells 100 million (50% of the total) to the outside world, based on the centralized digital assets of the district in Taiku.


Distribution ratio


A total of 100 million BNBs, representing 50 per cent of the total, are publicly distributed by ICO at the same time on three platforms: the Currency Security Network, RenReenICO, and the Currency Guinness Network.


2. The founding team members held 80 million BNBs at an early stage, representing 40 per cent of the total distribution.


3. 20 million BNBs, or 10 per cent of the total distribution, are held by prominent businessmen in Angel Wheel Finance.


To date, the market value of the currency is $1,524 million, and the price per currency is RMB 81.27, or approximately US$ 12.85.


17, ETC.


The Ether Classic is the prelude to the Ethercopic Ether, which is a longer chain and more “blood” correction than the Ethercopic, but is more widespread and flexible. The Etheric chain has been stolen by hackers, so many investors and developers have turned away from the classic chain to develop the Ether.


At present, the market value is $1,515 million, RMB 92.6 per currency, or approximately $14.72.


18, VEN (chain-only)


The chain is the leading global block chain commodity and information platform, which seeks to build a credible distributed business environment that is transparent, efficient and efficient in terms of information and high-speed transmission of value by working with venture clients and industry-class and industry-class partners to build well-developed block chain solutions to break down barriers to block chain technology and real commercial applications.


Serial currency alone is a currency generated by a platform based on the application of the block chain and currently has a market value of $1,511 million, RMB 17.78 per currency, or approximately $2.8 per currency.


19, QTUM (Quantum Chain)

量子链是一个开源的社区,可以通过价值传输协议来实现点对点的价值转移,并根据此协议,构建一个支持多个行业(金融、物联网、供应链、社交游戏等)的去中心化的应用开发平台(DAPP Platform)。

Quantum chains are an open-source community where point-to-point value transfers can be achieved through a value transfer agreement under which a decentralised application development platform (DAPP Platform) that supports multiple industries (finance, object networking, supply chains, social games, etc.) is constructed.


The main features of the quantum chain are as follows:


1. From a technical point of view, Qtum is committed to achieving the first BIP-compatible POS smart contract platform, compatible with the Bitcoin trading model and the advantages of an Ethio virtual machine;


Quantum chains introduce the elements of the chain through “down-centre applications” and “master-control contracts”, leading to the formation of block-chain master contracts that are consistent with the business logic of the real world, supporting multiple industries and channels and ultimately leading to mobile end-of-end strategies;


3. Enhance the flexibility of consensus mechanisms in public and union chains, taking into account industry compliance.


The current market value of the quantum chain is $1,323 million, RMB 92.7 per currency, or approximately $15.61.


20, LSK application chain


The application chain Lisk is a DAPP public chain platform constructed in JAVA language, where developers can easily build their own applications.


Embracing blocks is a trend, with various decentralised APPs emerging, and Lisk responding to the needs of various developers. His Node.js and Javascript language creates a public-chain platform that makes it easier for developers to develop their own DAPPs.


As the founding fathers of digital money, Bitcoin and Etheria share a serious problem: friends who used bitcoin and Etheria know that all functions and data need to be added to the main chain to cause a fast expansion of blocks, super-sized blocks, super-long synchronous times, a painful process. Lisk’s side-chain model provides a way to deal with the problem of network congestion at a high volume of transactions, and users need to download the corresponding side chain only when they use the relevant DAPs, significantly reducing ineffective synchronization data, keeping the entire Lisk network running efficiently, and the speed of Lisk’s network will continue to accelerate over time.


Bitcoin’s market value is still far ahead of the currency as a whole, the most “orthodox” digital currency. There are also very promising currencies in the remaining currencies, which, it is not known, will become tomorrow’s “bitcoin” – a difficult process that requires constant learning and grinding.


Quit the article, respond to the white paper and learn to read the five white papers.


I've got ten whites of Ethercats and I've got to watch block chain games.




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    然而,对于DDO在新加坡的列名是否真实存在争议。 据报道,有人质疑DDO的数字选项是否真的上市,其背景是否经过了彻底调查。 首先,有报告说,DDO数字选项清单仅仅是一种宣传手段,没有找到DDO交易的平台,这就对DDO的真正清单提出了疑问。 其次,一些媒体调查了DDO数字选项的背景。 报告显示DDO数字选项发行人声称其数字选项是国家赞助的,但实际上,根据中国人民银行,虚拟货币相关业务是非法金融活动。 此外,DDO数字选项在视频号码等平台上广为传播,吸引了许多信徒的注意,然...
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    Griffin Gaming Partners计划为其第三支基金筹集5亿美元
    Pitchbook引用的6月8日《快链头条新闻》作为监管文件, 指出游戏风险投资公司Griffin赌博伙伴计划为其第三个旗舰基金筹集5亿美元, 比第二个基金少33%。 2021年,格里芬赌博伙伴从Web3游戏开发者Forte获得A回合资金1.85亿美元,并于2022年筹集了第二个旗舰基金,金额达7.5亿美元,此时风险资本家对Web3和加密游戏的热情达到顶峰。...
  • 比过山车还狠!比特币价格再次暴跌

      上周日,比特币的价格创造了3000美元的历史新高,随后就开始各种高台跳水了。Last Sunday, the price of Bitcoin created a record high of $3,000, and then began to dive on all the high platforms.   据外媒报道,本周一,比特币价格一度下跌到2526.4美元,最高跌幅高达14.5%,这创造了2015年1月以来最大跌幅。According to external...
  • 加密货币之王重回王位:比特币飙升至 71,000 美元,还能再涨多少?

    加密货币之王重回王位:比特币飙升至 71,000 美元,还能再涨多少?
    比特币是市场上最大的加密货币,它再次打破了重要的7万美元门槛。 在短短的四舍五入(67,000美元到69,000美元之间)之后,价格在这一水平上遇到了强烈的抵制。 然而,势头的不断增强表明,比特币可能形成一个超过70 000美元的板块,为重新测试下一个抵抗阵地71 300美元和3月份可能攀升到历史最高点73 700美元铺平了道路。 问题仍然是:比特币能否维持预期的上升趋势并继续大幅上升?    分析家预计比特币价格将上升到74,400美元。 加密货币分析师Ali M...
  • 几张图看懂区块链技术到底是什么?https://www.cnblogs.com/behindman/p/8873191.html

    “区块链”的概念可以说是异常火爆,好像互联网金融峰会上没人谈一谈区块链技术就out了,BAT以及各大银行还有什么金融机构都在开始自己的区块链研究工作,就连IBM最近也成立了自己的区块链研究实验室,但其实区块链到底是什么?大家或许并不清楚,停留在雾里看花的状态。从今天开始,就让我们一起走进区块链,揭开区块链的神秘面纱吧!The concept of a block chain can be described as an unusually hot one, as if no...