
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:19 评论:0
  作者丨不亮 author   编辑丨门人运营丨一百 小石头 Editor ˃ nbsp ˃ ; small stone   十一假期“唰”的一下就过去了,还沉浸在其中的各位朋友们该醒醒了。 The eleventh...



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  编辑丨门人运营丨一百 小石头

Editor > nbsp > ; small stone


The eleventh holiday of “twilight” is over, and it is time for your friends to wake up.


When you put your work behind your head and put your bag on the road, the EOS parent company made a deal with the SEC; when you were in a dilemma in Yellow Hills, the founder of Fujikang Guo Tai-jung announced the launch of the Taiwan version of Libra; and when you asked around about what Aasan meant, PayPal officially withdrew from the Libra Association...


The block chain and the encrypted currency industry have not stopped the wheels for the holidays, and the following is a “History Review of the Blocks of the Eleventh Holiday” organized for you to meet each of the following days.

  「 EOS母公司同意支付2400万美元与SEC和解」

"and nbsp; EOS parent company agreed to pay $24 million to settle with SEC"


On 30 September, the SEC network ( US Securities and Exchange Commission) released a message that settlements were made with Block.one, the parent company of the block chain technology company EOS.


The SEC had previously charged him with an unregistered lCO (the first issue of a digital token), raising the equivalent of billions of dollars over a period of about a year. At present, the company has agreed to settle the charges by paying a civil fine of $24 million.


In response, Block.one also issued an official statement stating that it neither recognized nor denied the findings of the SEC, stating that the fine was for the sale of the ERC-20 token, which was no longer in circulation or traded and did not need to be registered as a security in the SEC.


The fine is not for the actual EOS token that is currently in circulation.


The SEC also granted Block.one an important immunity for future operations, which would not be subject to certain existing rules and would normally apply to the resolution of the same type of event.

  加密分析师Alex Krüger发推表示,2018年加密货币崩溃的触发因素是SEC刺破了泡沫。lCO并没有因此消失,因为投资者变得精明并且意识到lCO是一种金钱掠夺,资金只是停止了流动。

The encryption analyst, Alex Krüger, pushed that the trigger for the collapse of the encrypted currency in 2018 was the SEC puncture of the bubble. ICO did not disappear because investors became smart and realized that ICO was a money grab, and money simply stopped flowing.


The fine amounts to a notice of green light given by SEC to the crypto-business in the form of such a fine.


Deep-chain review: With more than $4.2 billion raised over a year from ICO, EOS, more than 140,000 bitcoins in hand, $30 million for a domain name, $24 million for reconciliation with SEC, say, SEC, don't you despise EOS?

  「 2019年迄今lCO仅募资3.38亿美元,或在2020年完全消失」

"and nbsp; ICO raised only $338 million so far in 2019 or disappeared completely by 2020"

  据lCO Watch数据显示,即使在2018年1月熊市开始后,lCO仍然以每月100多个的速度在发生,但到2019年,lCO数量已经减少到几乎为零。

According to lCO Watch data, even after the beginning of Bear City in January 2018, the number of lCOs continued to occur at a rate of more than 100 per month, but by 2019 the number of lCOs had been reduced to almost zero.


In 2018, 14 different ICO projects raised more than $50 million, but in 2019 only one project (Contentos) reached $50 million in fund-raising, which was actually a 2018 project — whose ICO ended on 3 January 2019.


In addition, ICO raised a total of over $7.6 billion in 2018, while total investment from 2019 to August this year was only $338 million, a decrease of more than 95 per cent.


Longhash stated in its most recent report that the lCO model might be completely eliminated by 2020.


  「 Libra要做世界货币,主网首发将有上百个节点」

"and nbsp; Libra is going to be the world's currency, with hundreds of nodes to be launched by the main network"

  在N.avenue株式会社在东京举办日本区块链大会b.tokyo上,Facebook区块链子公司Calibra项目负责人Catherine Porter进行“Libra的钱包Calibra”演讲时指出,Libra区块链是一个开放的平台,开发者可以在其上开发并逐渐进化为一个有很多业务的大型生态系统。

At the N.avenue Blocks conference in Tokyo, at block chain conferenceb.tokyo, Catherine Porter, Project Leader of the Calibra Project, a Facebook block chain subsidiary, stated that Libra's wallet Calibra was an open platform on which developers could develop and evolve into a large ecosystem with many operations.


Libra is still in its early stages, with many special components. All virtual currencies have one purpose: to develop into a global currency.


At the same time, the Libra Association issued its first project road map detailing the development route planned by the team prior to the launch of the Libra main network.

  在第一阶段,Libra协会预计将邀请五个合作伙伴在网络上部署全节点,Calibra团队将在节点运营中起到重要作用(注:Calibra 为 Libra钱包开发团队)。

In the first phase, the Libra Association is expected to invite five partners to deploy the full node on the network, and the Calibra team will play an important role in the operation of the node (note: Calibra is the Libra wallet development team).


The Libra main network will be launched at the end of phase IV of the road map, when 100 partners are expected to run the full node and Calibra will withdraw from its dominant position as a general node.


"Strong" is a deep-seated review: if you choose to be a world currency, you must be prepared to be hammered by the world's governments.

  「 Libra发展受阻,PayPal正式退出Libra协会」

"and nbsp; development of Libra blocked and PayPal officially withdrew from Libra Association"


On 4 October, PayPal announced that it was withdrawing from Facebook's Libra association.


In a statement, the company stated that PayPal had decided not to join the Libra association further at this time and remained committed to advancing the company's existing mission and operational priorities. PayPal stated that it still “endorses Libra’s wishes” and will continue to work with Facebook in the future.


Following the announcement by PayPal to withdraw from the Libra Association, the official Libra Twitter postposted several tweets, as follows:

  1. 建立一个现代化、低摩擦、高度安全的支付网络,赋能数十亿缺乏金融服务的人,是一段旅程,而不是终点。像Libra项目这样建立代际支付网络的旅程并不容易。

1. The establishment of a modern, low friction, highly secure payment network that empowers billions of people without access to financial services is a journey, not an end point. A journey such as the Libra project is not easy to establish an intergenerational payment network.

  2. 我们认识到变革是困难的,每一个开始这一段旅程的组织都必须就Libra所承诺的改变做出自己的风险及回报评估。

2. We recognize that change is difficult and that each organization that begins this journey must make its own risk and return assessment of the changes Libra promised.

  3. 我们期待将在10天内举行的首次Libra委员会会议,并将在会后分享最新进展,其中包括1500家有意参与的实体的详细信息。

3. We look forward to the first meeting of the Libra Committee, to be held within 10 days, and will share the latest developments after the meeting, including detailed information on the 1,500 interested entities.


Deep-chain brief: The withdrawal of PayPal was undoubtedly a major blow to Libra and could be a “demonstrator”, and Mastercard and Visa are now hesitant. It is reported that the regulatory authorities have issued harsh criticisms and asked members of the association for Libra-related information, and the time has come to stand on the team.

  「 富士康创始人郭台铭:正在筹划推出台湾版Libra」

> and nbsp; Founder of Fujikang, Daimong Guo: planning to launch Taiwan's Libra


On 3 October, the General Conference of Members of the Taiwan Yushan Association of Science and Technology, under the theme “Global War on Science and Technology: Taiwan's challenges and layout”, was held at the International Conference Centre at Taiwan Hospital.


At the Congress, one of the founders of the Taiwan Yushan Association of Science and Technology and founder of the Hong Hai elite (Fuscan Group of Technology), Taijung, stated that he had recently read the book Libra: A Financial Innovation Experiment (ed. by the Graduate Institute of Digital Assets) and had begun to study Facebook's encrypted currency Libra.


Guo Tai-jung said that mainland China decided not to introduce Libra’s system, but to set itself a set of standards. Controls over decentralised technology are stringent, and this is a good opportunity for Taiwan.


At the same time, he said that semiconductor technology and mining technology, which in the past was often seen as speculation in Taiwan’s society, was now beginning to take up the real stage. The newly established Guo Taiming Institute was also planning to find experts to produce the Taiwan version of Libra.


  「 苹果不发币,但是因加密货币“GayCoins”被起诉」

"andnbsp; apples do not issue currency, but are prosecuted for encoded currency "GayCoins"

  10月4日,苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)接受了法国媒体《回声报》的采访,在被问及苹果是否会效仿Facebook推出数字货币时,库克表示:“不会。我深信货币应该掌握在国家手中。我对由私人团体建立竞争性货币的想法感到不适。私人公司不应该以这种方式获得权力。”

On 4 October, the Chief Executive Officer of Apple, Tim Cook (Tim Cook) accepted media, when asked whether apples would follow Facebook in the roll-out of digital money, Cook said: “No. I am convinced that money should be in the hands of the state. I am uncomfortable with the idea that private companies should build competitive money.




A man who had received the wrong encrypted currency on a virtual wallet application installed on iPhone in 2017, 69 GayCoins, an encrypted currency designed for members of the LGBT (non-heterosexual) group, had a mysterious transfer accompanied by a message, “Don't click”, and the man then tried, eventually involving him in a homosexual relationship and was unable to resist it.

  原告指出,苹果App Store的宽松政策使其被成为了一名同性恋,这在该国是不被接受的,进而对其造成了道德、精神上的伤害。对此,该名匿名男子要求苹果赔偿100万卢布。

The plaintiff stated that Apple App Store's liberal policy, which made him a homosexual, was unacceptable in the country, causing moral and moral harm to it. In response, the anonymous man claimed an Apple compensation of 1 million roubles.

  「 先锋系创始人张振新异国身亡,曾高位接盘比特币」

> > > > > > > >.


According to the interface news report, late in the night of 5 October, the Pioneer Group announced that the Chairman of the Group and the effective control of the Internet Group had died in London on 18 September at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, 48 years old, as a result of multi-dirty failure, alcohol dependence and acute pancreas inflammation.


According to the information received, with the exception of about $10 billion in payments due from the 2018 arrangement, new holdings, peace securities and green city China were encountered in several listed companies with pioneer equity holdings.


In the area of block chains, Zhang Zhen had made large purchases of exchanges, mining machines, mines and purchases of large amounts of bitcoins, which, in the second half of 2018, were sold at low prices in order to stop losses, at a total loss of 10 billion yuan.


According to the interface news, Zhang Zhen did not run out of debt, and he lived in Hong Kong many years ago to manage overseas operations. Since the vanguard crisis, Zhang Zhen has met several times with Yan, commercial banks, asset management companies, investment agencies, and domestic and foreign funds, seeking help until 19 September, when he was declared dead.


  「 美国SEC工作人员:比特币不是证券」

"and nbsp; US SEC staff member: Bitcoin is not a security issue"


In a letter dated 1 October from the investment management staff of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, it was stated that Bitcoin was not a security.

  Cipher Technologies比特币基金(简称Cipher)向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交了一份注册声明,根据1940年的《投资公司法》,它申请成为一家封闭式区间基金和一家“投资公司”。

The Cipher Technologies Bitcoin Fund (Cipher) submitted a declaration of registration to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which, under the Investment Companies Act 1940, applied to become a closed inter-zone fund and an “investment company”.


At the written comments submitted to the Commission and at the meeting attended in person, Cipher's position was that Bitcoin was a security.


In addition, SEC staff indicated that if Bitcoin was a security, it would “invent a large number of other problems” because Bitcoin would be a large-scale “unregistered public issue” of securities, and the fund would be an underwriter.


The staff also noted that Cipher had failed to address “the major legal issues of , particularly with regard to valuation, trusteeship and potential manipulation in the Bitcoin market”, a concern raised by the company earlier this year.

  由于这些原因,工作人员得出结论,Cipher不正确地寻求注册为投资公司,根据《 40号法案》,将不会进行进一步的审查。

For these reasons, the staff concluded that Cipher had improperly sought registration as an investment company and that, under Act No. 40, no further review would be carried out.


  「 欧盟不喜欢Libra,或自己发行央行数字货币」

"and nbsp; the EU does not like Libra or issue its own central bank digital currency"

  在WeMove.EU上发布的一项禁止“ Facebook资金”的请愿书中,截至目前,在所需的75,000个签名中获得了57889个签名。请愿书是与非政府组织《金融观察》合作完成的。该请愿书呼吁整个欧洲联盟团结起来,反对Facebook,以停止Libra的推出。

In a petition published on WeMove.EU against “Facebook Funds”, 57889 signatures have been obtained to date out of the 75,000 required. The petition was done in cooperation with the NGO Financial Watch. The petition called for the European Union as a whole to unite against Facebook in order to stop Libra’s launch.

  同时,德国财政部长Olaf Scholz在谈及Facebook的Libra时表示,国家核心主权之一就是发行货币,我们不会将其留给私人公司。

At the same time, German Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz, speaking about Facebook's Libra, said that one of the core sovereign rights of the State was to issue money, which we would not leave to private companies.


Faced with a plan by Internet giant (Facebook publication Libra), which indicated that a central bank digital currency called “e-euro” would be introduced, it considered that such a payment system would be beneficial to the European Financial Centre and its integration with the world financial system, and that this area should not be left to China, Russia, Ross, the United States or any private institution.


  「 比特币遭遇最惨Q3,但仍是今年表现最好的资产」

> and nbsp; Bitcoin suffered the worst Q3 but was still the best asset this year

  Blockforce Capital 的首席投资官David Martin总结了今年第三季度加密货币市场上的一些宏观数据。以下是一些主要观点:

David Martin, Chief Investment Officer of Blockforce Capital, summarized some of the macro-data on the encrypted currency market in the third quarter of this year. The following are some of the main points:

  1. 比特币价格9月份下跌14.4%,连续三个月下跌。在整个第三季度,黄金表现最好,价格上涨4.5%,而比特币价格下跌了23.8%。同时,这也是比特币自从 2012 年以来,表现第三糟糕的一个季度;

1. Bitcoin prices fell by 14.4 per cent in September and three months in a row. Throughout the third quarter, gold performed the best, with a 4.5 per cent price increase, while bitcoin prices fell by 23.8 per cent, and this was also the third worst quarter since 2012;

  2. 第三季度,芝加哥交易所CME的交易量与第二季度相比,有所下降,但未平仓合约量保持不变;

2. The volume of CME transactions on the Chicago Exchange decreased in the third quarter compared to the second quarter, but the volume of unsettled contracts remained unchanged;

  3. 第三季度,加密货币市值前10位的项目平均亏损44%,以太坊是前10大项目中,唯一在9月份不跌反涨的资产,上涨幅度4%;

3. In the third quarter, the average loss on the top 10 items in the market value of the encrypted currency was 44 per cent, with the only assets in the top 10 projects that did not fall back in September, up by 4 per cent;

  4. 截止到目前,BNB 是今年表现最好的资产,价格上涨160%,比特币位列第二,价格上涨124%;

4. To date, BNB is the best-performing asset this year, with a 160 per cent price increase, Bitcoin ranked second, with a 124 per cent price increase;

  5. 币安美国交易所在上线后的7天内,交易量有610个比特币,约450万美元。9月23日上线的Bakkt,交易量有754个比特币。

5. The United States Exchange traded 610 bitcoins, or approximately $4.5 million, within seven days of coming online. Bakkt, which was on line on 23 September, traded 754 bitcoins.


According to a new report by data company Messari, however, Bitcoin was still the best-performing asset in 2019. Since the beginning of this year, Bitcoin’s prices have more than doubled, far exceeding that of the Science and Technology Unit, which has risen by only about 31% since the beginning of 2019.


Deep chain review: Thin camels are bigger than horses, and Bitcoin has always maintained high volatility, but from a long cycle, it's always up, so it's better to think, not to look at a lot of money.


is a deep chain of Deepchain (ID:deepchainvip).


The article is based on the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the network’s position.

(责任编辑:李显杰 )



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