
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:18 评论:0



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Concept: The company's product, Animal Planet, is designed in a meta-cosm model with three dimensions: time, environment, ecology, and the introduction of NFT technology. The project is still in the research and development phase.


R & D capacity: In IP adaptation, MMORPG and RPG hands-on R & D, some of which use meta-cosm model design in the context of games, increase input into R & D teams, self-research teams, and create advantages for rapid commercialization.


Related concepts: Increased input of 5G cloud games technology and VR, AR virtual and realistic technology, focusing on the quality of games under meta-cosm technology, core play methods, interactivity, the development of new models of meta-cosmos based on user needs, and the enhancement of product competitiveness.


The advantages of the industrial chain: based on domestic R & D, operations, product storage capacity, domestic and international dual-line operations, comprehensive cloud games, new technologies in the meta-cosm, etc., sustainable ecological systems, rapid adaptation to the changing Internet and game industry.


Potential Sharing


As our friends in the circle know, both the previously mentioned Guangdong Hungtu (002101) and the Chinese passenger bus (000957), the recently taken Hunan Development (000722) and Huixuan Technology (002168) ate a wave of meat, the reverse market share, the Xiangyang axis six, and the Chinese electronics (002579), on the 11th of August, have been successful in taking four boards, and the friends in these circles have been able to eat literally, which is enough proof of the strength of my men.



The screening analysis resulted in the discovery of a strong potential indicator in August for the following five reasons:


(1) Ten times the size of the bone in the last round of cattle;


(2) Annual net profits are reported to have increased by more than 100 per cent, with a steady increase in net profits for three years;


(3) There has been a sustained influx of significant funds in the near future, which is consistent with the hotspots of the next round of market frenzy, including yesterday's release, which has broken past the pre-optimal platform pressure position!


(4) That's what I've been focusing on lately! The midline is expected to increase by at least 60%. Next week is the best time to build a low-sort warehouse! Early, low-cost!

  市场是千变万化的,不能一味地固执、守旧,顺势而为,跟对节奏是最重要的选择,目前已经有启动的信号出现,具体的就不在这里公布了,请在 ?“下图” ?自行查阅

Markets are so varied that they can't just be stubborn, old-fashioned, pro-active, and they're the most important choice for rhythm. There's already a startup signal, and it's not published here.



Concept: Actively expanding new business in the field of VR, AR and MR in new technologies, combining new models in the business of the meta-cosm innovation game, and promoting the application of the emerging technologies of the meta-cosm to the game scene.


The advantages of the industrial chain: Increased investment in the development of cloud games and VR/AR, the introduction of more innovative games and experiences of equipment related to the new meta-cosm model, and the combination of cloud games and meta-cosm technology depth will greatly enrich the content of the games and promise to become a new engine for digital economic development.


Concepts related to the development and integration of applications of meta-cosm technologies and services by Wieswig Technologies, building on existing network resources, hardware equipment, the naked viewing of VR video applications on television screens at smart terminals, the launch of a television three-dimensional museum where users roam freely through virtual three-dimensional scenes via remote control, building on the advantages of networks and platforms, building wide-wave VR/AR biosphere and industrial chains, and providing meta-cosm applications and information services.


Industrial chain advantages: The deep convergence of the Internet with the broadcast video field offers development opportunities, and joining the meta-cosm model brings about a shift in broadcasting from a business-wide, process-wide, network-wide approach to digitalization to intelligence-based, intelligent innovation.


Concept: The products of recreational equipment include meta-cosmology, mainly analogue experience-type products, the components of meta-cosm technology operated by companies that are mainly related functions, such as VR glasses wear equipment, and integrated development using technologies such as VR.


Industry chain advantages: Business covers the design, R & D, operation, etc. of recreational equipment, and some operations are beginning to incorporate the new meta-cosm model, which is structured in a complete industrial chain that allows rapid feedback on consumer information, promotes innovation and improvement in the design, R & D chain, achieves strategic synergies between the components and enhances market competitiveness.


Concepts: The company has made a comprehensive mapping of the meta-cosmos track, independently developing the two virtual digital figure images of the Transnistrian Virtual IP “Gonjo” and the Z Generation Virtual IP “Lan_Lan” through meta-cosm technology.


Industrial chain advantages: Supported by new business models such as meta-cosm and digital culture, the exploration of industrial chains and the integration of new meta-cosm technologies have led to a significant increase in traditional digital marketing in terms of creative performance and dissemination.


Concepts: A subsidiary Bluegull Technology is a mobile Internet hands-on training base, including meta-cosm technology, dedicated to iOS development, Andre development, Unitity 3D development, mobile game development, technical advice, project incubation and mobile APP outsourcing.


Industrial chain advantages: As IT and CT technologies become more deeply integrated, and ICT services can be accessed from mobile phones, television and computers at any time, the 13th Plan outline will build an efficient information network, develop a modern Internet industry system, and provide broad development space for operational management operations.


Concepts: the company builds the AI Digital Creative Research and Development Centre, invests externally in the country's 3D cloud platform, actively upgrades its capabilities in the area of innovation, continues to deepen digital creativity, continuously improves the layout of its operations in the fields of AR, VR and expands the field of digital creative meta-cosm.


Industrial chain advantages: Software products that have been developed autonomously and are available for sale amount to more than 100 per cent, consisting mainly of multimedia, cross-end data management and digital document types, which will then be extended to developments at the meta-cosm technical level and can be widely applied to different application terminals, such as personal computers, tablets and smartphones, and to modern and commonly used operating systems.


Related concepts: The company's extensive technology in the VR, AR and AI fields has created a good pre-eminence for the next generation of recreational breakthroughs, such as the meta-cosm.


The advantages of the industrial chain: taking advantage of diversification and globalization, the development model of “Global Production, Global Distribution, Global Partners” has been developed, with a steady and steady development of the television drama business in the company's visual business, a vigorous expansion of the film business, an active expansion of the art field, the development of artist brokerage in due course, and the gradual improvement of the company's industrial chain.


Concept: The 180-degree video system solution developed by the company, combined with the self-research media platform, will provide users with 12 K/30 and 8K/60 VR visual experiences, which comprise the core products of the VR cooperatively operating the content end of the ecological chain.


Industrial chain advantages: Business includes digital television system development, digital television system integration services, digital television terminals and mobile Internet content services, with products such as the OTT Business Clouds Platform, the MMSP System, the DBOSS System, the Portal Management Platform and the TVOS system.






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