以比特幣買雲吞麵 實測 RedotPay 密碼貨幣 Visa 卡

资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:574 评论:0
先釐清一些基本概念。Let us first clarify some basic concepts. 大概由於 Visa 信用卡的形象太過深入民心,有些人誤會 Visa 卡就是信用卡,其實不然。Visa、Mastercard、Ameri...



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Let us first clarify some basic concepts.

大概由於 Visa 信用卡的形象太過深入民心,有些人誤會 Visa 卡就是信用卡,其實不然。Visa、Mastercard、American Express、Diners Club,還有中國的銀聯、日本的 JCB 等都是支付網絡,但不一定是信用卡;Visa 也可以是貸記卡,或稱預付卡,類似香港的 EPS 易辦事,裡頭有錢才能支付,不會也不能多花。不論線上線下,絕大部分接受 Visa 的商戶都同時支持信用卡和貸記卡,少數例外的通常是不定額而且月費可能很高的服務例如 Google Cloud,由於餘額不足扣款失敗的機率高,會要求用戶必須使用信用卡,把風險轉嫁給銀行。

Perhaps because Visa's credit card image is too deep for people, and some people misunderstand that Visa's card is a credit card, but it is not. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club, Chinese silver, Japanese JCB, etc. are all payment networks, but not necessarily credit cards; Visa can also be a loan card, or a prepaid card, like Hong Kong's EPS, which is easy to do, with money in it, and not too much to spend.


Credit cards that allow future money first to be easy, but I, the unemployed, the self-employed, and the slants, who have no proof of income, can only choose a loan card. I have some friends who prefer to use a credit card even if there is a condition to apply for it, so as not to be too expensive for a moment, to avoid the risks of losing a card, being stolen, etc., and some simply to be able to pay as much as they need to be and to measure the way they live.

使用密碼貨幣無需綁定法定身分,沒有信貸評級,跟傳統金融體系進一步整合前,暫時所有支付卡都是貸記卡,包括 Coinbase Card、Wirex、Ledger 的 CL Card、Gnosis Card?等,當中最為台港兩地熟悉的非 Crypto.com 莫屬,除了因為支援的國家比較多(Coinbase、CL、Gnosis Card 全都不支援台港),更因為牛市期間推廣非常進取,除了發行 CRO,提供大量補貼,更買下 NBA 洛杉磯湖人和快艇隊主場球場命名權,取名 Crypto.com Arena。

All payment cards are loan cards, including Coinbase Card, Wirex, Ledger's CL Card, 網頁表示「Built by the veteran hardware wallet – Kusen Wallet」,但我既未聽過 Kusen 硬體錢包,也沒法搜索到相關資訊。不排除我更努力的話可以找到相關資料,但其實我只重視產品與服務,對創辦人的背景並不好奇,只不過那是介紹產品的典型開場白而已。

The background of Redotpay gives me a mysterious feeling that, apart from the fact that it is a new company with Hong Kong as its head office, the website simply says that the team comes from famous universities in general terms, and does not "disappear" like usual startup, even Google and LinkedIn. Even the Google and LinkedIn pages indicate that are "Builtby the veterhardware & #8211; but I have not heard about Kusen's hard-to-finished money, there's no search for information.

雖然是新公司,但 RedotPay 完全沒有 lean startup 的感覺,資源似乎十分充裕,跟 Visa 合作發卡,而且可以在 Apple Pay、Google Pay、Alipay 使用,門檻相當高,並非幾個普通畢業生剛創業就能簽下來的合作。而且,才剛起步,RedotPay Visa 卡已經支援除美國、中國大陸等約 40 國外的所有國家,手機 app 一開始就支援 10 種語言,都不是一般 startup 的手法。我會假設,RedotPay 背後的股東在商業上有很強實力,但深明其背景並非賣點,故選擇「隱姓埋名」;以總部設於香港為形象,租用中環中心,算是香港暫時還能提供的剩餘價值吧。

Redotpay, although a new company, has no sense of lean startup, and the resources seem to be abundant, working with Visa to issue cards, and can be used at Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Alipay, which is very high, and not just a few regular graduates can sign on. And, just now, Redotpay Visa has been supporting all countries outside the United States, China, 40 other countries, and it is not the usual start-up method for start-up mobile phones.

使用預付卡,潛在風險主要是裡頭的充值會不會被挪用,然後公司倒閉,導致用戶失去資產。這方面,RedotPay 的官網交代了註冊於香港的信託公司牌照號碼,並由 Lloyds of London 受保 5000 萬美元,另外客戶的私鑰存放於 HSM(hardware security module),為香港證監會建議的託管方案,算是提供到一定信心。

Using prepaid cards, the potential risk is that the value of the stock will not be embezzled, and then the company will collapse, causing the user to lose its assets. In this regard, Redotpay’s official network has submitted the registration number of the trust company registered in Hong Kong, which is insured by Lloyds of London at US$ 50 million, while the client’s private key is stored in HSM (hardware security mode), which provides some confidence in the scheme proposed by the Hong Kong SEC.


However, as with the logic of the exchange, it is good to have a secure seat, but the most important thing is that users have a good habit of establishing self-management of their assets, keeping only small amounts of them to pay for their daily expenses in advance cards; if this were to be done, the losses would be very limited even if the company were to fail.

RedotPay 的體驗相當流暢,我 5 分鐘左右能跑完下載 app、註冊帳號、認證身分、申請開卡、加入到 Google Wallet 整個流程,即使生手估計也能在 15 分鐘內完成,除非是卡關,比如手上沒有密碼貨幣充入 RedotPay 錢包地址等。

Redotpay has a very fluid experience, and I can run downloads, register accounts, IDs, application cards, and add to Google Wallet's entire process, and even a raw estimate can be done within 15 minutes, except at a cut, for example, where there is no password in my hand to fill a Redotpay wallet address.

RedotPay app 的介面十分簡約,跟包山包海、功能眾多的 Crypto.com app 截然不同,功能一看就懂,幾乎沒有多餘的元素,是我杯茶——除了獎勵計畫的介面和文案帶著那份濃濃的「鄉土氣息」以外。

Redotpay app has a very short interface, which is quite different from the vastly functional Crystal.com app, whose function is to understand at first glance that there are almost no extra elements, and my cup of tea — apart from the reward program's interface and the paperwork with the "country breath" of the snare.

申請開卡的部分,我很喜歡虛擬卡的選項,既省下不必要的物品,又可以即時使用。如果申請實體卡,則可以在接受 Visa 但不支持 payWave 的商戶支付,又能在 ATM 提款,就算去到只接受現金的地方都能應付,而且除了提款那宗交易,消費可以保有個人私隱。跟很多支付卡進取的推廣相反,RedotPay 除了註冊帳號後附送可憐兮兮的 5 鎂,並不提供消費回贈等優惠,開卡更要收費,虛擬卡 10 鎂(優惠碼 trendhkvc 抵 2 鎂),實體卡 100 鎂(優惠碼 trendhkpc 抵 20 鎂),而且不能用附送的 5 鎂支付。少了優惠又要付費開卡當然沒那麼開心,但希望會是個更健康而可持續的商業模式。

If you apply for a real card, you can accept Visa, but you do not support PayWave, and you can make a withdrawal at ATM, even if you go to a cash-only place, and you can have personal privacy in addition to the transaction. Contrary to a lot of advances in the payment card, Redotpay can save unnecessary items and be used instantaneously.

RedotPay 支持 USDT、USDC、BTC、ETH 共 4 種密碼貨幣,USDT 支援 Ethereum、Tron、Binance Smart Chain 和 Arbitrum 充值,USDC 則再加上 Polygon。我在 Arbitrum 兩度存入 USDT 到 RedotPay 的專屬錢包地址,都是 1 分鐘內到帳。後來,我再於 Etherum 存入 ETH,則花了 14 分鐘才確認到帳,有點慢,但還算可以接受。千萬注意 ETH 充值只支持 Ethereum 和 Binance Smart Chain,不要像我這個先烈,開始時誤以為幾種幣支援的網絡相同,一時手殘在 Arbitrum 存入 0.005 ETH,從客服取回的機會大概「凍過水」。

RedotPay supports USDT, USDC, BTC, ETH, 4 codes, USDT support Etheium, Tron, Binance Smart Chain and Arbitrum, USDC plus Polygon. I deposited USDT to Redotpay two times in Arbitrum, and I got paid within one minute. Then it took me another 14 minutes to find out, but it was still a little slow.

來到最核心的支付功能測試。首先試網上交易,我在?https://liker.land?購買定價 0.99 鎂的?Brave New World?NFT 書並以 RedotPay Visa 支付,交易成功,註冊時附送的 5 鎂消費額被扣除 1.0302 鎂,手續費約 4%。RedotPay 另一個比 Crypto.com 優勝的設計,是消費前不需要先把密碼貨幣兌換成法定貨幣(Crypto.com 使用的是 SGD,對於台港又再多了一層),而是消費時實時兌換,並直接扣除對應的密碼貨幣。其實,這種交易時即時兌換的貸記卡早就有,我 2019 年也曾分享過在 IKEA 用現已關門大吉的?Ten-X 貸記卡購買 130 港元的晚餐,扣除 0.00352481 BTC(十分巧合,當前的市值也是 130… 鎂),2023 年面世的 RedotPay,可說是業界在更成熟的基建和更規範的法規中捲土重來。

To the core payment function test. First, to the web transaction, I'm at to purchase

可能是史上首次以 ETH 購買的樂天熊仔餅

假設美元對港元為 7.8,換算下來,RedotPay 以 1972 鎂把我的 ETH 兌換成 9.9 港元用於支付,而當時 Coingecko 對 ETH 的報價為 2011 鎂,比 RedotPay 的兌換價高 2%,如果我沒有理解錯,當中 1% 是服務費,另 1% 是匯率的差異,但反正我會理解為 2% 的成本,考慮到使用便捷,又能拖到最後一刻才兌換,算是可以接受。在此特別表揚 OK 便利店的店員,遇上一個不斷買零食,每次卻只買小量,一次又一次要求用 Google Pay,以信用卡支付小額交易的怪咖,依然一直笑容可掬,用心地提供服務。

Assuming that the dollar is 7.8 for Hong Kong dollars, and that Redotpay is used to pay for my ETH in 1972 to replace my ETH with TH$9.9 for which Coingecko paid ETH at the time, 2% higher than Redotpay's price , and if I did not misunderstand it, 1% for /a>, and 1% for which I understand the cost of , I would like to ask Goigle to pay a small amount of service at one time, taking into account the use of easy access and last-minute, which is acceptable.

我沒找到報 bug 的渠道,希望 RedotPay 的同事能夠讀到本文,盡快修正錯誤。另外,幾種幣都剩下零錢沒法清零,讓強迫症的我很鬱悶,如果可以把零錢花掉,或者轉換成另一幣種,會更加理想。

I didn't find a source for the bug, hoping that Redotpay's colleagues could read the paper and fix the errors as soon as possible. Moreover, the fact that there's only a few coins left left and I'm depressed about the stress disorder would be much more desirable if I could spend the change or convert it to another currency.

總的來說,RedotPay 的功能暫時有點簡陋也有點小 bugs,但瑕不掩瑜,整個體驗相當不俗。

In general, the Redotpay function is a little thin and a little bugs for the time being, but it's not a good thing, and the whole experience is pretty good.

RedotPay 付款優先順序的設計很好,但系統有 bug


It is important and practical to determine whether bitcoins are worth or not, but it is stupid to use them wrongly. Go to a small noodle shop and ask its owners whether they can buy or not dollars, Euros, and be kicked out immediately, but obviously we cannot determine that dollars, Euros, are worthless, and it is not a big deal to say that these two assets are not used as payment carriers in Hong Kong.

無論如何,最適宜用作價值載體的比特幣,現在也能輕鬆用作交易的媒介,買雲吞麵了。雖然我很懷疑短期內除了我還有多少人會這樣做(嚴格來說我也不太會,因為我要吃雲吞麵總會選在不接受 Visa 卡的街頭小店),但 RedotPay Visa 這種消費的同時出金,出金的同時兌換,簡便使用密碼貨幣於物理生活的服務,對密碼貨幣的廣泛採用,定必帶來莫大的推動力。

In any case, the best fit to be used as a value-bearing bitcoin can now be easily used as a medium for trading, buying cloud noodles. Although I doubt how many more people besides me will do this in the short term (and technically I am not sure, because I am going to eat cloud noodles because I am going to choose a street shop that doesn’t accept Visaca), Redotpay Visa’s kind of spending money at the same time, cash at the same time, and simply using the code currency for services of physical life must be a huge boost to the general use of the code currency.

p.s. 這不是業配,我從沒寫過業配。如果有興趣申請 RedotPay,可使用我的邀請碼 67z70,獲取 5 鎂迎新禮金,開卡後用來消費。

If you are interested in applying for RedotPay, you can use my invitation at 美化布局示例



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