
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:23 评论:0
文丨深燃(ID:shenrancaijing),作者丨李秋涵,编辑丨魏佳在元宇宙的金钱盛宴里,群魔在乱舞。At the money feast in the Woncosmos, the devils danced.3月,一家名为Roblo...



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At the money feast in the Woncosmos, the devils danced.


In March, a company called Roblox Game was listed, setting fire to the meta-cosm concept, followed by the high-level transfer of giant companies such as Facebook, tether and byte beats, which kept the meta-cosm heat high.


This opens the Pandora Box. The most direct impact is on the stock market. The Tom Cat, the Perfect World, the Thirty-Seven Games, and other VR and AR-related companies, such as Cong-Technology, Matsui shares, are also on the rise. The cumulative increase in the eight trading days was 142%, although it was established in 2003 and Q2 went down 72% in 2021.


Everything is a meta-cosmos, which gives you the opportunity to rub ideas. According to research data, as of 15 September 2021, there were 88 applications for trademark registration for the meta-cosmos, involving a variety of companies, with tea sales, for business, creative gifts... >/strong'.


The platform & & ldquao; the & & rdquao; the top five dollar universe-related events in the last 10 days, with a maximum fare of $1024. In addition, training camps, fairs, foundations , which use the concept of meta-cosm, have been set up.


Some individuals have also come up with the idea of a meta-cosm. Little Zhang advertises in the meta-cosm, &ldquao; he's going to find me for the meta-cosmos. He introduces the three-minute cosmopolitan project, with a charge of less than 1,000 dollars, and he can do it in a day.


This is not the most barbarous.


In the definition given by “ first share of the dollar universe & rdquao; Roblox, the metacosystem contains eight elements: identity, friends, immersion, low delay, pluralism, anywhere, economic system, and civilization. The economic system referred to in the concept of gives currency .

图源 / Pexels


In the stock market, companies say that if they want to play a meta-cosmos game, they can go up and down, &ldquao; but if they say they're a meta-cosmos game, someone buys & rdquao; only one web page is needed to increase the amount of money needed to play the game by 20 times.


Underneath the shell of the meta-cosm, currency circles seem to have found a pedagogic support point that is unusually active in microblogging, station B, micro-message, and the QQ-group to attract players to the game concept. Two months later, &ldquao; many games have not yet seen the finished product, but do not affect the price of the token & rdquao; Wang Qing said.


It turns the fire into a sharp & ldquao; sickle & rdquao; everywhere & & ldquao; harvest & rdquao; .


In the bubble, speculators play & & ldquo; drumming & & rdquao; this money game can only continue if more people join. You seem to forget the table, you always lose.


When the meta-cosm concept got hot, Li Wei wanted to paint a copy of the & & & & & & & & & & & & ; a & & & & & & & & & & & &, he noticed that he was interested in seeing the & & & & & & & & & & & & &, following the Q Q group below the video, he directly joined the & & & & & & & Qu; community.


& ldquo; I don't know what they're talking about & & rdquao; Li Wei states that it was by friends of the currency circle that he understood that it was the currency ring.


We can interpret & ldquo; the meta-cosmos & rdquao; simply understood as a virtual world out of the real world, including an independent economic system in which people can freely trade. And this concept is a set of & & ldquao; the secret to wealth & rdquao; in the mouth of currency players.


Li Wei introduced the group's strong claim that a game is a first dollar universe game and that


According to Li Wei’s instructions, Deep Burns has also joined two communities called “ Woncosmos & & rdquo; the community, whose master’s words are similar to Li Wei’s description. Every day, people publish news in the crowd to & & ldquao; the game is being measured for decisive entry & & rdquao; & & & & ldquao; buy to & earn & rdquao; and messages calling for money, including links and lessons on how to buy money on digital money trading platforms.


Zhao, the player in the group, told Deep Fire that now the RMB 1000 can buy 3 trillion yuan, which, to his knowledge, has been bought in close to 300,000 yuan.


People in the

某号称“元宇宙游戏“群里的超话动援 来源/QQ截图


And & & & & & & rdquao, a player who calls you to play in the crowd every day tells Deep Fire, & & & & & & & ; the theory is the same as the stock market, more people buy, more money, and more people sell. & & & & & & & ; so we keep promoting and getting more people into & & & quo; he says & & & & & & ; & & & & Idquao; it's like working for ourselves, so we're all very motivated & & & & another player says.


But they don't care about this & ldquao; the game & & rdquao; what it has to do with the meta-cosmos & & & & & & rdquao; exactly when they're on the line. All they have to do is drink every day and make sure there's new & & & rdquao; pickle & & rdquao; come in.


Some social media became propaganda positions.


There are a lot of & ldquao on site B; publicity & & rdquao; videos, most of which are vague, explain robotic reading, and explain how games are played. Below the video, there are comments that guide people into the community.


The same is true of microblogging superphones & & ldquo; finance & rdquao; plate, open topic, full of & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ;, XX is a leader in the metaspace & & & & & &.


Under the temptation of & ldquo; & & rdquao; & & & rdquao; lie-in & & rdquao; there is a steady influx of people. On average, more than 10 newcomers join each day in groups like those that soar.

事实上,在币圈,的确有游戏火了。据媒体报道,7月28日,一款基于以太坊的名为Axie Infinity的游戏,单日收入已超腾讯手游《王者荣耀》两倍,达到1848万美元。

In fact, in the currency circles, there is a fire of games. According to media reports, on July 28, a game called Axie Infinity, based on the Etherms, earned twice as much money on a single day as the King's Glory, amounting to $1.848 million.


Wang Xiang introduced this as a way of making money while playing & ldquo; playing games makes money and can be used to buy equipment or sell for money & & rdquao; he said that in June/July, playing such games would make more than $600 a week & & ldquao; but it is not long because the so-called gains are later people's money & rdquao;


It's at least a real game, “ very few projects are available, mostly in the air & rdquo; Wang Jian said.


However, it is not that easy to lie down. In the community of deep-burned entrants, a late-coming player cried out, no newcomers entered, and he spent $50,000 on &ldquao, asking other friends if he could find a way to stabilize (price) & & rdquao; & & & & ldquao; give some faith & & rdquao; another player said that the value of the evaporation of the & & & & ldquao, which he bought for $10,000, was now only 1300; 1600 yesterday, 300 & & dquao less a day;


& ldquo; in the currency circle, you're right, you're a rich man, you're wrong, you're poor for three days & rdquao; the senior player, He Steel, says.

除了游戏,在深燃加入的元宇宙相关群里,还有不少人借NFT(Non-Fungible Token,非同质化代币)之名进行“收割”。

In addition to the games, there are a number of people who use NFT (Non-Fungible Token, non-homogenous tokens) for &ldquao; harvest & rdquao;


It's really a concept that understands the threshold, and before the & ldquo; the meta-cosmos & & rdquao; and the three words, it's already growing. And the meta-cosm concept, it's accelerating the NFT festivities.

什么是NFT?这得结合FT(Fungible Token,同质化代币)来解释,以最知名的同质化代币“比特币”为例,人们手中的每一枚比特币之间,没有区别。但非同质化代币NFT,具备独一性。世界上没有完全相同的树叶,也没有两个完全相同的NFT。

What is a NFT? This has to be interpreted in conjunction with the FT (Fungible Token, Homogenous Monet), with the most well-known homogenous tokens & ldquo; Bitcoin & rdquo; for example, there is no difference between each of the bitcoins in hand. But non-assimilated monetics, NFT, is unique. There are no identical leaves in the world, nor are there two identical NFTs.


Using an explanation from a technology-type UP master, NFT can be understood as a & ldquao; digital property rights & & rdquao; and, based on the irreversible and open transparency of the block chain, digital works are truly unique.


Technically, NFT does solve the problems of digital copyright recognition and circulation that have plagued the Internet for many years, a technology that has been favoured by a number of large factories. For example, payment for ants' ants' chain of fan grains, tungstens have introduced a hallucinogenetic APP, and “ other major plants have started the project team & rdquo; a major factory that is running the NFT business has told Deep Fire.

图源 / Pexels


Three of the most well-known cases are, in March, pictures entitled " Every Day: The Initial 5,000 Days ", taken at $69.3 million; Twitter founder Jack & Middot; Dosi's first tweet, auctioned as NFT, with a value of up to $2.9 million; “ King of Currency Circles & rdquao; and Mask and girlfriends, auctioning songs in the form of NFTs at a price of nearly $6 million.

这带来了NFT的第一次起飞,元宇宙则起到了第二次推波助澜的作用。专注于NFT的世界资产交易所(Worldwide Asset eXchange)联合创始人奎格利接受彭博社采访时表示,NFT将成为元宇宙的创收模式。

This led to the first take-off of the NFT, and the second boost of the dollar universe. The co-founder of the World Assets Exchange (Worldwide Asset eXchange) focused on NFT, Quigli, in an interview with Bloomberg, said that the NFT would become an income-generating model for the metacoco.


An engineer working in the US Silicon Valley Research Block Chain explained deep combustion that, in reality, buildings, houses, money are physical things that are not directly meant to be fully replicated, but in the meta-cosmos they are digital, and how to ensure that the buildings and houses in these meta-cosmos are not copied? NFT is the only solution, because “ NFT is indivisible, cannot be duplicated, ownership is directly certified by the system, which avoids widespread inflation and numbers being copied. If a meta-cosm occurs, NFT and block chains are one of the bottom structures & rdquao; he said.


Despite the distant universe, the NFT market is a gold-throwing story for a JPG picture.

王锵向深燃举了一个亲身经历的例子,来展示当下NFT的荒诞。在朋友的怂恿下,他上周买了叫Loot project的NFT。他对深燃回忆,“我当时是用差不多快20万人民币买的,第二天一起床,加上项目方赠送的代币,前后涨到了40万人民币。我甚至不知道这个画为啥涨价,也不知道能用来干嘛,就这样买进卖出赚了一笔”。

Wang Ying offered an example of his own experience to show the absurdity of the current NFT. At the instigation of a friend, he bought a NFT called Loot Project last week. He had a deep recollection, “ I was buying it in almost 200,000 yuan in bed the next day, plus a token from the project partner, and raised it to 400,000 yuan. I don’t even know what the painting was worth or what it could be used to buy and sell.


In deep-burned meta-cosmies, group managers repeated the way the NFT was purchased and the NFT & & ldquo; planning & rdquo; and involved derivative development, virtual icons, short video development, etc.


The group consulted what the company was doing. What's the content? The group manager said that &ldquao; that the meta-cosm project was moving forward without easily emitting important relevant information & rdquao; and that once the information was published, there was a chance that prices would skyrocket in the future.


There were persistent questions, saying & & ldquao; what's the use of this thing & & rdquao;


& & ldquo; actually many of the current NFTs have no collection value, and


Now, as in currency circles, NFT is more like a game of drumming, “ more people just burst into it after seeing the prices of NFT skyrocket, and in a few days the prices plunged & rdquao; and, without a handler, they rot in their hands.


The story of coins and NFTs with coins under the flag of the Woncosmos is strange and magical. Back in a society that has no currency, most people are willing to join this & ldquo; the Emperor's new suit & rdquao; and it also adds magic to the three words of the Woncosmos.


The stockholders are making the tides.


Recently, the shareholders in the concept of the meta-cosmos told Deep Fire that he had intended to buy a huge Tom cat, but that the recent turmoil in the game industry had led him to believe that the technology company was more reliable, and that it had only made a few dollars, &ldquao; whether it was the gamer & rdquo; or, in the words, remorse.

近期元宇宙概念股状况,已有退潮迹象 来源/富途牛牛


He's been focusing on the contours of the meta-cosm, “ in fact, we're pretty sure that the big companies that were born out of the meta-cosmos were probably not stock companies, but that's not going to prevent us from faking it. Because everyone knows that it's a stupid game, a game of drums and flowers, and it doesn't matter if the wave makes any money. ” he explains. The stockholders who are small households tell them to burn, because they're starting to make the perfect world, and they're having fun, and he's recently made 20%.


The Yuan cosmopolitan business start-up project has come to the fore.


Although Roblox appeared on the market in March with only three characters, according to the data examined by the company, 88 trademark applications had been registered in 2021, up to 23 in August. At the same time, the company's name and trademark, which appeared in 2021, were & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & ; & & & ; & & & & & ; & 113.


Entrepreneurs follow the wind. The spring mud capital partner who is concerned about the races in the Woncosmos showed deep fire and received, on average, less than half a week of a meta-cosm project, &ldquao; a lot of it was hard-painting, and caught companies abroad blinding & rdquao; , which at the same time made her feel helpless, & ldquao; many of the background students in the industry, product managers from large factories, who actually got $1 or 2 million in start-up money on PPT.


Based on the investor's experience, she feels that the concept of meta-cosm has now been upgraded, “ many Case have finished with the capital story, but not the word meta-cosm, and let the investor hear it himself, say it: 'This is the meta-cosmos!' & rdquao;


Investors are also involved in this festivities. & ldquo; the meta-cosmos integrates online virtual and reality, carrying more things than mobile Internet, and if it really works, it's a super-imaginable thing to do in it, to do all the things that have been done on the Internet, business patterns & & & rdquao;, Lin sprinkled, but she also admits that ; it's just that it must be the future, so all investors will cover as much as possible and fear missing the project. & & rdquao;


Investor Von Qiang explains to deep fire, & ldquo; first-level markets do not want to win, they pursue odds, 100 projects with a 10,000-fold return, and they can also vote & & & & & & & & & & & dqua; this is the opportunity to watch the next tip, the next byte & & & & &, which, by the way, exceeds the size and importance of the other projects.


Both investors, practitioners and ordinary stockholders tell Deep Fire that they are aware of the & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &. & & & & & & &... & &. & & & & & & & & & & & & & &.. & &. & & & & & & & &. & & & & & & & & &. & & & & & & & & & & &


The bubbles in the Woncosmos are getting bigger, and Zhou's quiet is getting weird, and she tweaks, &ldquao; & rdquao is good for beer with foam; & rdquao;


This story, before the advent of the Internet industry, was played. At the end of the 1990s, the NASDAQ market in the United States set in motion an investment boom led by the Internet industry, triggering a huge & ldquao; the Internet bubble & rdquao;


Earlier, an investor mentioned the situation before the breakdown of the media memory when &ldquo, regardless of whether the business was related or not; in 1999 alone, more than 60 companies that had no connection to the Internet changed their names to.com. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; building a good product & & rdquo; no longer being an entrepreneur and VC target & & ldquao; doing a company to blow bubbles up & & rdquao; became a silent thread for the whole industry.


The capital story of the current meta-cosmos is far from exaggerating. It's just that the bubbles are always bursting, and no one cares how the chicken hair left behind after the party ends. This game of beating and spreading flowers, people think they're not the last ones.


Note: At the request of the audience, Wang Jing, Feng Qiang, Zhao, Fei-chan, Lin Rui, Li Wei, Zhang and He are all aliases.




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