分析 | 比特币在美国合法吗?(2021更新)

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分析 | 比特币在美国合法吗?(2021更新)


The fragmented legal system of the United States means no simple answer. This depends to a large extent on who you are and which state.
is briefly summarized as follows:
1, according to federal law, is defined as a commodity.
2, but the complexity of state laws means that the legal status of the activity in question varies within the United States.
3, in the United States and elsewhere,


The familiarity with has reached unprecedented levels, but trust remains a problem and the legal status of the most popular encrypted currency in the world remains much uncertain. In many jurisdictions, even in legislation on has remained fragmented.


The United States of America is no exception, especially since it is made up of many states, each of which has its own laws. For example, in some places, the Bitcoin deal is legal, and in others it is questionable.


Here, let us look at the legitimacy of Bitcoin in the United States, as well as the various activities and recent developments associated with it.


Under federal law, the two institutions most relevant to Bitcoin's legal status in the United States at the federal level are the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) , which regulates the United States derivatives market - including futures, swaps and certain options.


Crucially, the SEC says that bitcoin is not a security. Meanwhile, in 2015, the CFTC declared it a commodity, such as gold, and is therefore bound by its laws and regulations.


under state law, Bitcoin’s legal status in the United States
is largely due to the fragmentation of the United States legal system, and the situation with respect to bitcoin is uneven. There are numerous laws, and the laws of the states are different.


Hawaii, for example, banned all encryption operations in 2014, but eased restrictions in 2018, requiring any person involved in business related to bitcoin and encrypted currency to apply for a currency exchange permit. New York, Delaware, Florida, and Kansas have also adopted regulations, but most states have yet to legislate on encryption currency.


Wyoming has passed more than a dozen laws to facilitate the commercial activities of encrypted money enterprises and wider acceptance of encrypted money, including granting countries, granting digital money the same legal status as money and authorizing banks to keep digital assets.


While the California Digital Assets Regulation Bill will not expire in the near future, its purpose is to provide the state with similar regulatory clarity and (hope to) position it as a potential hotspot for encryption. passed the Bill by an overwhelming majority in August this year, and the Bill is now being reported.

Q1: 在美国买卖比特币合法吗?

Q1: Is it legal to buy and sell bitcoin in the United States?
in many states, the purchase of bitcoin is perfectly legal. 2013, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FINCEN) guide of the United States Department of the Treasury states that it is legal for sellers of goods or services to accept bitcoin and use it as a payment method.


In fact, many states in the United States do not have a clear law prohibiting the purchase or sale of Bitcoin. California is a good example where the status of Bitcoin has not been determined and therefore is not regulated. This flexibility has attracted the State’s encrypted exchange and other businesses.


Texas is the first state to issue a currency transmitter licence to sell bitcoin or other digital currency. (The state also almost passed a bill prohibiting the use of encrypted currency by unidentified parties.) In Colorado, legislation passed in 2019 exempts crypto-money brokers from state licensing requirements in certain cases.


However, some states, including New York, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Florida, and Connecticut, are even more hostile, requiring an encrypted currency operator to provide a currency dealer’s licence. But, in September 2020, 48 states agreed to follow a set of licensing rules.

Q2 : 在美国经营比特币ATM是否合法?

Q2: Is it legal to operate Bitcoin ATM in the United States?
similarly, the laws of the states differ in Bitcoin ATM. New York, for example, requires the adoption of a BitLicense Virtual Monetary Financial Intermediary. Others have ruled that transfers do not affect encrypted money, and some have a more subtle strategy. In Texas, for example, licences are required only when ATM is connected to an encrypted currency exchange that buys bitcoin.


National guidelines for are changing. , for example, last year, Nevada published new requirements for encrypted ATM owners, forcing them to obtain transmission permits.

Q3 : 在美国推广比特币合法吗?

Q3: Is it legal to promote bitcoin in the United States?
may be illegal to promote an encrypted currency market if the activity is interpreted as a “increment and dump” scheme. CFTC defines it as creating false demand (notes) through concerted efforts and then profiting by using traders who do not know the scheme to sell (distribute) quickly.

去中心化金融初创公司Compound的律师兼总顾问Jake Chervinsky最近警告说,加密货币的此类活动与股票的风险一样大。

Jake Chervinsky, a lawyer and general adviser to Compound, a financial start-up firm, recently warned that such activities in encrypted currency were as risky as stocks.

总部位于纽约的莫里森·科恩(Morrison Cohen)律师事务所合伙人杰森·戈特利布(Jason Gottlieb)表示,内幕交易也是如此,SEC或CFTC可能会寻求加密交易者提供小费或小费行径。

Jason Gottlieb, a partner in Morrison Cohen's law firm based in New York, stated that the same was true of insider transactions and that SEC or CFTC might seek tips or tips from encrypted traders.

Q4 : 在美国挖矿比特币合法吗?

Q4: Is it legal to dig bitcoin in the United States?
>. The mining of bitcoin in the United States is perfectly legal.

Q5 : 在美国用比特币赌博合法吗?

Q5: Is it legal to gamble with bitcoin in the United States?
Similarly, in most states, the current legal framework provides little clear guidance on the use of bitcoin to gamble in online casinos — many of which now accept bitcoin.


Thus, in those casinos that accept Bitcoin,

Q6 : 在美国用比特币交易合法吗?

Q6: Is it legal to trade in bitcoin in the United States?
has various definitions of the composition of “transactions” and the answer is therefore complicated here. And, in the absence of a uniform law regulating encrypted currencies, usually depends on the states that require a currency changer's license.

分析 | 比特币在美国合法吗?(2021更新)1


The State of Pennsylvania, for example, issued a guide on the Virtual Currency Exchange Platform in January 2019. The State clarified that, under state law, they are generally not money transmitters. The federal law provides some clarification. It defines a business as a money service operation involving any type of transfer service, such as currency transactions or conversions, if the business is doing more than $1,000 in one or more transactions with a person. In this case, a licence is required.

Q7 : 关于比特币是否合法?美国与世界其他地区相比

Q7: Is Bitcoin legal? The United States is considered to be one of the leading countries in the regulation of cryptographic money compared to the rest of the world, thus setting the pace for most parts of the world.


However, its neighbor, Canada, was one of the first countries to enact legislation covering Bitcoin in 2014. In Canada, encrypted currency is not a legal currency, and digital money traders are regulated and licensed to do money services.


To date, Japan is the only country to have declared Bitcoin a legal currency. But the authorities there recently attacked the encrypted currency exchange and asked them to take better security measures.

大多数国家仍在辩论比特币的地位。例如,英国似乎并不急于进行监管,而俄罗斯尚未发布其关于加密货币的法律草案。 一些国家,例如印度,玻利维亚和厄瓜多尔,已经完全禁止比特币。在2018年,中国将比特币仅限于私人使用,禁止所有金融机构处理数字货币交易。

Most countries are still debating the status of Bitcoin. For example, the United Kingdom does not seem to be in a hurry to regulate, while Russia has yet to issue its draft law on encrypted currency.

Q8 : 比特币在美国的未来法律地位
2020年10月,美国总检察长发布了“加密货币执行框架”,该框架指出,比特币等加密货币对美国及其盟国“至关重要”,只要它“不会危害”公共安全即可。它还指出,私营行业,监管机构和民选官员将“需要采取措施,确保不会将加密货币用作非法平台。” 这些步骤到底是什么还不清楚。尽管如此,该报告突出了加密货币的“变革潜力”这一事止实表明,彻底禁比特币的做法已成定局。

Q8: In October 2020, Bitcoin's future legal status in the United States
, the US Attorney General issued an “encrypted currency enforcement framework”, which states that encrypted currencies such as bitcoin are “essential” to the United States and its allies, provided that it “does not jeopardize” public safety. It also notes that private industry, regulators and elected officials “need to take measures to ensure that encrypted currencies are not used as illegal platforms.” It is unclear what these steps are. Nevertheless, the report highlights the “change potential” of encrypted currencies, which suggests that a complete ban on bitcoins has come to an end.

该评估似乎得到了美国货币首席审计官布莱恩·布鲁克斯(Brian Brooks)的支持。布鲁克斯在2020年12月的CNBC广播节目中说,他的职责包括监管联邦银行业务。他说,美国监管机构没有计划禁止比特币。布鲁克斯还承诺在唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)任期届满之前“对加密货币来说是个好消息”。

The assessment appears to have the support of the United States Currency Chief Auditor, Brian Brooks. In December 2020, in a CNNBC radio programme, Brooks said that his duties included supervising federal banking. said that US regulators had no plans to ban Bitcoin. Brooks also promised “good news for encrypted money” before Donald Trump ended his term of office.

这种对比特币友好的方法是否会延续到乔·拜登的总统职位中,尚待商榷。当然,在拜登政府中,比特币有一位倡导者。他的金融政策过渡团队由前CFTC主席加里·根斯勒(Gary Gensler)领导,他此前曾在麻省理工学院教授有关在金融领域使用比特币和区块链的课程,并在2018年国会听证会上将比特币描述为“现代形式的数字黄金” 。

Whether this bitcoin-friendly approach will be extended to Joe Biden's presidency remains to be debated. Of course, Bitcoin has an advocate in the Biden government. His Financial Policy Transition Team, led by former CFTC President Gary Gensler, previously taught about the use of bitcoin and at the MIT hearing in 2018, described Bitcoin as “digital gold in modern form”.


In the same year, Gensler, in an interview with the New York Times, stressed that Bitcoin should remain exempt from securities regulations, while arguing that there was a “strong case” that Ripple and ETHereum was not compliant with securities. In a column article in Coindisk in December 2019, Gensler described Bitcon as “a catalyst for change”, although he also stressed that the encrypted market had been “filled with fraud, hacking and manipulation”.

CFTC于2020年7月表示,其目标是在2020-2024年战略计划中“建立整体框架,促进负责任的数字资产创新” 。 该计划承认,衍生品市场多年来经历了重大的数字化转,从而为交易者带来了许多新的机遇和风险。

In July 2020, CFC stated that its goal was to “establish a holistic framework for responsible digital asset innovation” in the 2020-2024 strategic plan. recognizes that derivatives markets have undergone significant digital transformations over the years, thus creating many new opportunities and risks for traders.


CFTC has also recently played a regulatory role. In October 2020, it initiated enforcement action against the owners of the BitMEX Exchange to operate unregistered trading platforms, as well as other charges.

“我的猜测是,除非进行了这些调查,否则法律方面不会有任何改变,前提是现有的法律框架足以对目前的领域进行适当的监管,”大学知识产权法高级讲师安德列斯·瓜达穆兹(Andres Guadamuz)英国萨塞克斯郡(Sussex)说道。但是,不管围绕比特币的法律存在不确定性,许多爱好者都会告诉您,无论谁说您不能使用比特币,它的去中心化本质确保了没有人能真正阻止你。

“My guess is that there will be no change in the law unless these investigations are carried out, provided that the existing legal framework is sufficient to properly regulate the current area.” Andres Guadamuz in Sussex, England. But, regardless of the uncertainty surrounding the law around Bitcoin, many fans will tell you that whoever says you can't use Bitcoin, the central nature of ensures that no one can really stop you. downloads this station and continues to read more: https://www.sob.com/app




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