
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:25 评论:0
  导读:工行、农行、建行、邮储、兴业和支付宝表态,加强涉虚拟货币交易监测力度,一经发现将销户。 Guide: ˃ ˃ , to state the position of industria...



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Guide: > > , to state the position of industrial, agricultural, construction, postal, booming and payment treasures and to strengthen monitoring of virtual currency transactions. > .


A new round of regulatory storms is coming.


On the afternoon of 21 June, the Central Bank issued news that some banks and payment agencies had recently been interviewed in connection with virtual currency transactions, including business and industry banks (5.150,-0.03,-0.58 per cent), agricultural banks (3.030,-0.02,-0.66 per cent), construction banks (6.65,-0.03,-0.45 per cent), postal banks (5.060,-0.10,-1.94 per cent), boom banks (19.890,-0.27,-1.34 per cent) and payment treasures (China) Internet Technology Ltd.


As a result of the interviews, six institutions have issued circulars that strictly prohibit any institution or individual from using its services for virtual currency transactions and strongly refrain from conducting or participating in any business related to virtual currency. At the same time, the institution will continue to strengthen its surveillance efforts and, once identified, will immediately take measures such as suspension of account transactions, termination of financial services, and timely reporting to the relevant authorities.


Since 2021, bitcoin prices have remained a pattern of sharp increases and drops, with two-degree surges of $60,000 this year and a few fluctuations over $30,000. A virtual currency has also stagnated, and the campaign of virtual currency transactions seems to have rebounded.


On the plate, Bitcoin fell by $32,000 a day, about 10%. In 24 hours, more than 160,000 people exploded by 6.3 billion.


on virtual currency transactions


Central Bank interview industry, agriculture, payment of treasures, etc.


It is understood that the People's Bank once again stresses the need for banks and payment agencies to strictly implement regulatory provisions such as the Notice on Protection against Bitcoin Risk, the Proclamation on Protection against the Risk of Financing the Issue of Currency, and to fulfil effectively their customer identification obligations, and not to provide related activities with products or services such as accounts opening, registration, transactions, liquidation, settlement, etc.


At the same time, the Central Bank requires institutions to conduct comprehensive checks to identify the funds accounts of the Virtual Currency Exchange and off-site traders and to cut off the transactional funds payment chain in a timely manner; to analyse the characteristics of the financial transactions in which the virtual currency transactions are being carried out, to increase technical inputs, to improve the models for monitoring unusual transactions and to improve the detection capabilities for monitoring them; and to improve internal working mechanisms, to clarify the division of labour, to impose responsibilities and to guarantee that the relevant monitoring and disposal measures are in place.


The participating institutions indicated that they would attach great importance to this work and, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the People's Bank, refrain from carrying out or participating in business activities related to virtual currency, further intensify their scrutiny and disposal efforts, and take strict measures to resolutely cut off the payment chain of funds for virtual currency transactions. The institutions interviewed included some banks and payment agencies such as the Business Bank, the Agricultural Bank, the Construction Bank, the Postal Bank, the Employing Bank and the Payment of Treasures (China) Network Technology Ltd.


All the major banking institutions have responded.


In the bulletin, the five banks and payment treasures reaffirmed that no institution or individual should use the services of banks and payment agencies for the financing of currency issuance and & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & trading, and strongly refrain from conducting or participating in any business related to the virtual currency.


At the same time, five banks and payment bonds have expressed the view that monitoring of related activities, such as virtual currency transactions, will be strengthened and specific monitoring modalities have been proposed by some agencies.


More specifically:


Bank of Commerce and Industry


Among them, the Bank of Commerce and Industry stated that, in accordance with the recent interview guidance requirements of the relevant departments of the People's Bank, we reiterated that no institution or individual should use my bank accounts, products, services, channels for the financing of currency issuance and “ virtual currency & & rdquo; transactions. The Bank stated that, in accordance with the recent interview guidance requirements of the relevant departments of the People's Bank of China, no institution or individual should use my bank accounts, products, services, channels for the financing of money issuance and & & ldquo; virtual currency & & rdquo; transactions.


Agricultural Bank


Agricultural banks will strictly enforce national regulatory requirements, comply with industry self-regulation commitments, and resolutely combat virtual currency-related operations, and no institution or individual will be allowed to use my own accounts, products, services, etc. for the financing of currency issuance and virtual currency transactions.


Construction Bank


Building banks have stated that building banks strictly implement the relevant national regulatory requirements, adhere to industry self-regulation commitments, resolutely refrain from carrying out and participating in any business related to virtual currency, and are determined not to provide any financial products and services such as opening accounts, registering, trading, clearing, clearing, etc., for virtual currency. At the same time, no institution or individual may transfer funds related to virtual currency transactions through the opening of an account with a bank for the purpose of financing transactions in virtual currency, and for the purpose of cashing out, buying or selling transactions related to them, or transferring funds related to virtual currency transactions through the opening of an account with me.


Postal Bank


The Postal Savings Bank also emphasized in its bulletin that no institution or individual should use my bank accounts, products, services, channels for the financing of currency distribution and & ldquo; virtual currency & rdquo; transactions.


Bank of Entertainment >/strong


The Bank of Enghing announcement states that it will firmly implement regulatory requirements to prohibit the direct or indirect provision of services related to virtual currency to clients.


The payment bond states that it is determined not to engage in, or participate in, any operations related to virtual money, nor to provide any supporting technical services and capabilities.


is not a real currency. Virtual currency has no real value.


Virtual currency is a specific virtual commodity that is not issued by a monetary authority, has no monetary attributes, such as legality and compulsoryity, is not a real currency and should not and cannot be used as a currency in the market.


According to the communiqué issued jointly by the Internet Finance Association of China, the Bank of China (3.070, 0.010,33%) and the China Payment Settlement Association (hereinafter referred to as the Third Association Proclamation), virtual currency is not supported by real value, prices are easily manipulated, and there are multiple risks associated with speculative transactions, such as false asset risk, risk of failure to operate, and risk of investment speculation. According to our current judicial practice, virtual currency exchange contracts are not protected by law, and the consequences of investment transactions and the resulting losses are borne by the parties themselves.


Price volatility in encrypted currencies, such as bitcoins, has been visible for some time, with tens of thousands of people banging overnight.


After falling around $50,000 in mid-March, when Bitcoin first broke out of $60,000, it hit another $60,000 high in mid-April, falling sharply to around $370 million in mid-May. The most exciting thing was that, on 18 and 19 May, Bitcoin fell all the way to the 40,000-dollar gate, a drop of 30% in a 24-hour period.


Meanwhile, Coinbase, the largest digitally encrypted currency exchange in the United States, appeared on 19th, and another trading platform & ldquo; currency & rdquo; (Binance) announced in the morning that it would suspend some of the encrypted digital money withdrawals. A number of users missed trading opportunities as a result.


This time, five banks and payment treasures also provided exposures to virtual currency.


Payments treasures indicate that virtual money and financial products such as Bitcoins are fundamentally different, not supported by real value, but also without sovereign and commercial credit, easily manipulated and subject to sharp price booms and falls, thereby seriously undermining consumer property security and disrupting economic and financial order. Meanwhile, traders and users are reminded of the risks associated with virtual currency-related operations, raising awareness of risk prevention and recognition capabilities, and protecting themselves from fraud.


In this regard, the Bank of Commerce and Industry, the Agricultural Bank and the Postal Bank state that the public should be very vigilant about the issue of funds and “ the virtual currency & & rdquo; the risk of transactions, raising awareness and awareness of risk prevention, and preventing fraud. If the above-mentioned actions are detected, they can be reported to the Bank. Build Bank Alert, “ ask a wide range of customers to raise awareness of the risks and value personal bank accounts, not for virtual money-related transactions, not to participate in virtual currency transactions, and to protect themselves from damage to property and interests. & rdquao;


Supervising heavy punches


It is worth noting that prior to that time, the regulatory authorities had issued too many documents on protection against virtual currency risks.


In December 2013, the Central Bank and five other ministries, the Notice on Protection against Bitcoin Risk, clarified the nature of bitcoin, arguing that bitcoin was not issued by the monetary authorities, had no monetary attributes such as compensation and mandatory, and was not a currency in the real sense.


In September of that year, the Central Bank of China, the Central Networked Information Agency, the Ministry of Industry and Informatics, the Directorate-General of Commerce and Industry, the former Banking Supervisory Board, the Securities Commission, and the former Insurance Commission jointly issued a bulletin on protection against the risk of financing the issuance of tokens, calling for the suspension of the ICO (first issue of tokens) and requiring that any so-called money-for-money financing platform should not engage in legal currency and currency, &ldquao; virtual currency & & rdquao; exchange operations between them, not buying, selling or selling tokens or & & & ldquao as a central counterpart; virtual currency & & & & & & ldquao; virtual currency & & & edquao; provision of services such as pricing, information intermediaries.


The Chinese Internet Finance Association (CIFA) immediately followed up on its publication “On Protection against so-called & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ) & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ) & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ) & & & & & & ) & & & & & & & & & & & & ) & & & & & & & & & & )


On May 18 this year, the three associations’ bulletin explicitly requested that the institutions concerned should not conduct business related to virtual currency. In addition to prohibiting settlement of payments, virtual currency exchange, storage, distribution of products, provision of a place to operate, marketing and the like.


The III Association's Bulletin requires that business members of Internet platforms should not provide services such as web-sites, business displays, marketing promotions, fee streaming, etc. for virtual currency-related operations, that relevant leads should be reported to the relevant authorities in a timely manner, and that technical support and assistance in related investigations and investigations should be provided.


The three associations say that consumers at large need to be more risk-aware, develop a sound investment concept, do not engage in virtual currency trading campaigns, and guard against the erosion of personal property and interests.

来源:21世纪经济报道    | 撰稿:边万莉    | 责编:李斌    审核:张渊

新闻投稿:184042016@qq.com    新闻热线:13157110107    

来源:21世纪经济报道    | 撰稿:边万莉    | 责编:李斌    审核:张渊




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