OT致力于发掘Crypto领域 具有长线投资价值、项目团队可靠、主流热门的一级优质项目份额。提供全方位的投研支持,同时对接早期额度为散户提供一个更低门槛参与早期一级市场的机会与平台。同时主营业于二级现货资管业务目前运营长达6年之久。对接海外各大机构项目方.近期案例有:IO、TIA,Ace,Ondo,Oort,Sei,Sui,Strk等...? 致力于打造一个优质的社区平台,让更多人了解一级的魅力!欢迎志同道合的朋友加入社群共同交流!
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 项目名称:Monad ?(公链)
, with full-scale support 赛道板块:ETH一层 公链,等效 EVM。 锁仓机制:锁仓1个月,12个月全额释放完毕 预计上线:24年4季度,首发币安,OKX 项目单价:+?飞机号: Cy188050 (少量额度) 推荐指数:★★★★★ 项目优质指数:★★★★★ 额度所剩不多,有意向的朋友赶快私信我 今年对加密货币投资者来说是积极的一年——除非你持有错误的硬币。虽然比特币飙升至73,000美元以上,以太坊创下两年新高,但其他主要山寨币却崩盘并烧毁。 This is a positive year for crypto-currency investors – unless you hold the wrong coins. While Bitcoins surged to over $73,000, and became two years taller in the courthouse, other major mountain coins collapsed and burned down. 有几个项目未能达到预期,从大肆宣传的 Layer-2 网络到比特币分叉。在本文中,我们将揭露 2024 年表现最差的 5 种加密货币,并分析出了什么问题。 Several projects have failed to meet expectations, ranging from the popular Layer-2 network to the Bitcoin split. In this paper, we will expose the worst five encrypted currencies in 2024 and analyse what the problem is. 虽然整个加密货币市场飙升,但这些是表现最差的——尽管看涨条件,但代币还是暴跌。从过去的热门到失败的首次亮相者,以下是今年迄今为止最糟糕的加密货币投资: Although the entire market for crypto-currency surges, these are the worst performers – though the conditions rise, the tokens fall sharply. From the hotspots of the past to the first appearance of failure, the following are the worst encoded money investments so far this year: 1. 多元宇宙 (EGLD) Multiple universes (EGLD) 我们的名单是 MultiversX(前身为 Elrond)。该项目旨在以高吞吐量和低费用解决区块链的可扩展性问题。但其原生代币 EGLD 今年暴跌了 60% 以上,这要归功于几次挫折。 Our list is 该团队此前曾错过关键的最后期限,例如推出Maiar DEX,从而削弱了投资者的信任。此外,尽管吹捧高性能,但与竞争对手相比,MultiversX 一直难以吸引大量采用和开发人员活动。 The team had previously missed critical deadlines, such as the roll-out of Maiar DEX, which weakened investors’ trust. Moreover, MultiversX has been difficult to attract a large number of adopters and developers compared to competitors, despite its high performance. 它从埃尔隆德(Elrond)的品牌重塑也招致了批评。然后,其质押模式的转变引发了对中心化的担忧。再加上MultiversX在拥挤的区块链空间中运作,很容易看出为什么EGLD是今年最糟糕的加密货币项目之一。 Then, the shift in its pledge model raised concerns about centralization. And MultiversX operates in crowded block-chain space, and it is easy to see why EGLD is one of the worst encrypt money projects this year. 但它能恢复吗?如果他们想扭转局面,MultiversX 的团队必须平息社区的不满并刺激更多的生态系统增长。虽然重建信任需要一段时间,但这将是一个积极的开始。 But can it recover? If they want to turn things around, MultiversX’s team must calm community grievances and stimulate more ecosystem growth. 硬币价格:?$29.48 Coin price:? $29.48. 年初至今变化:?-60% Change from the beginning of the year to the present: - 60% 历史最高:?$542.58 (十一月 2021) Highest in history: $542.58 (November 2021) 2. 比特币SV(BSV) 2. BitcoinSV(BSV) 比特币中本聪愿景,俗称比特币SV(BSV),旨在复兴最初的比特币协议。然而,其区块链在 2024 年表现不佳。因此,自今年年初以来,BSV的价值已经暴跌了56%以上。 Bitcoin’s vision, popularly known as BitcoinSV (BSV), was designed to revive the original Bitcoin agreement. However, its block chain performed poorly in 2024. So, since the beginning of the year, BSV’s value has fallen by more than 56 per cent. 尽管BSV从未声称自己是市场上最好的山寨币,但它仍然让投资者感到失望。目前,缺乏采用、开发人员活动和现实世界的实用性。 Although the BSV has never claimed to be the best bouncing currency in the market, it still discourages investors. At present, there is a lack of utility in adopting, developing people’s activities and the real world. 其自称“中本聪”的克雷格·赖特(Craig Wright)在英国法院裁定他提供虚假证据并作伪证后,对信誉造成了打击。围绕Wright的法律斗争(以及可疑的索赔)的持续戏剧性事件已经削弱了比特币SV的声誉。就像项目无法休息一样。 The continuing dramatic events surrounding Wright’s legal struggle (and suspicious claims) have weakened the reputation of Bitcoin’s SV. Just as the project cannot rest. 除非BSV找到一种方法来激发信心,增加去中心化,并激发开发者的使用,否则它可能会成为另一个被遗弃的分叉。因此,BSV成为今年表现最差的加密货币之一也就不足为奇了。 Unless the BSV finds a way to inspire confidence, increase decentralisation, and inspire developers to use it, it may become another abandoned split. So it is not surprising that the BSV became one of the worst encoded currencies this year. 硬币价格:?$44.19 Coin price:? $44.19 年初至今变化:?-56% Change since the beginning of the year: 56% 历史新高:?$491.64 (四月 2021) History: $491.64 (April 2021) 3. 乐观 (OP) 3. Optimization (OP) Optimism (OP) 承诺解决以太坊的扩容困境——但其原生 OP 代币已成为 Layer-2 炒作减少的另一个例子。自 2024 年初以来,OP 的价值暴跌了 52% 以上,因为人们对其长期实用性产生了怀疑。 Optimism (OP) is committed to solving the magnifying dilemma of the Taiwan - but its original OP token has become another example of a reduction in the Layer-2 campaign. Since the beginning of 2024, the value of OP has fallen sharply by more than 52% because of doubts about its long-term utility. 随着以太坊的升级有望提高基础层面的可扩展性,对像 Optimism 这样的 Layer-2 的需求受到了质疑。雪上加霜的是,OP 面临着来自 Arbitrum 等竞争对手的日益激烈的竞争,后者拥有更高的总锁定价值 (TVL)。 As Etheria’s upgrading is expected to increase the expansion of the base level, the demand for Layer-2 like Optimism is being questioned. Added to this is the increasing competition that OP faces from competitors such as Arbitrum, which has a higher total lock-in value (TVL). OP 的下滑遵循了经典的“买谣言,卖新闻”周期,此前 3 月份创下 4.85 美元的历史新高。如果没有有用的应用程序来推动真正的需求,OP的炒作就很明显了。 The decline of OP followed the classic "buy rumours, sell news" cycle, before the historic high of $4.85 in March. Without a useful application to drive real demand, OP's frenzy is obvious. 从长远来看,Optimism 需要证明其 Layer-2 解决方案仍将保持优势才能恢复。然而,随着 Base 等替代品获得牵引力,Optimism 可能会面临一场艰苦的战斗,以恢复投资者的信心。 In the long run, Optimism needs to prove that its Layer-2 solution will remain superior. However, with alternatives like Base gaining traction, Optimism may face a tough battle to restore investor confidence. 硬币价格:?$1.89 Coin price: $1.89 年初至今变化:?-52% Change from the beginning of the year to the present: -52 per cent 历史新高:?$4.85 (March 2024) History: $4.85 (March 2024) 4. 套利 (ARB) 4. arbitrage (ARB) 今年另一个最大的加密货币输家是 Arbitrum (ARB)。Arbitrum 本应成为以太坊的金童,但其 ARB 代币在 2024 年被压垮。ARB 现在下跌了 50% 以上,交易价格低于 1 美元。 Another of the biggest encrypt money losers this year is Arbitrum (ARB). Arbitrum was supposed to be Ether's golden boy, but its ARB token was crushed in 2024. The ARB is now down by more than 50%, and the transaction price is less than $1. Arbitrum 似乎遇到了时机不佳的问题。4 月,超过 9200 万个既得 ARB 代币被解锁并涌入市场。这相当于超过 1 亿美元的供应量——事实证明,抛售压力太大,市场无法吸收。 Arbitrum seems to have had a bad timing. In April, more than 92 million acquired ARBs were unlocked and stormed into the market. This is equivalent to more than $100 billion in supplies – and it turns out that selling pressure is too high for the market to absorb. 由于 Arbitrum 承诺的扩容收益被以太坊的网络升级所掩盖,损失加剧。因此,面对以太坊自身的改进,ARB 不再是最好的 Layer-2 区块链代币之一,而是成为了 Lay-2 区块链代币。 As Arbitrum’s promised expansion gains are masked by ETA’s network upgrade, losses are exacerbated. Thus, in the face of Ether’s own improvements, ARB is no longer one of the best Layer-2 sector chain tokens, but rather becomes a Lay-2 block chain token. 然而,链上数据显示,“鲸鱼活动”一直在增加,这意味着大型买家可能正在购买代币,以期反弹。然而,要做到这一点,Arbitrum 必须通过提供吸引开发人员和用户的价值主张来将自己与其他 Layer-2 网络区分开来。 However, the data on the chain show that “whal activity” has been increasing, which means that large buyers may be buying tokens to bounce back. To do so, however, Arbitrum must distinguish itself from other Layer-2 networks by providing value propositions that attract developers and users. 硬币价格:?$0.814 Coin price: 0.814 年初至今变化:?-50% Change from the beginning of the year to the present: -50% 历史新高:?$2.40 (January 2024) History: $2.40 (January 2024) 5. 塞拉斯蒂亚 (TIA) 5. Celestia (TIA) 在我们最大的加密货币失败列表中,最后是 Celestia (TIA)。这个模块化区块链有望彻底改变可扩展性,但其原生 TIA 代币陷入了看跌螺旋。在撰写本文时,TIA 自今年年初以来下跌了 46%。 In our biggest encrypted currency failure list, the end is Celestia (TIA). This modular block chain is expected to completely change scalability, but its original TIA token is in a downward spiral. At the time of writing, TIA has fallen 46% since the beginning of this year. 虽然Celestia的技术受到称赞,但崇高的开发者承诺无法克服宏观压力。此外,TIA 与比特币的高度相关性意味着,最近几周,该代币的价格一直处于下跌趋势中。 Although Celestia's technology has been praised, the noble developers promise that they will not be able to overcome macro-level pressures. Moreover, the high correlation of TIA with Bitcoin means that the price of the coin has been on a downward trend in recent weeks. 雪上加霜的是,Celestia最初发行的一致代币解锁增加了稳定的抛售压力。即使是TIA期货的未平仓合约也比3月份大幅下降。 Added to this is the steady sales pressure caused by the initial unlocking of Celestia’s undistributed currency. Even TIA’s open contracts for futures are significantly lower than in March. 为了使 TIA 反弹,开发人员必须发布能够证明其设计优势的工作产品。此外,整个加密市场的情绪将需要大幅改善。 In order for TIA to rebound, developers must publish work products that demonstrate their design advantages. In addition, the mood in the entire encryption market will need to be significantly improved. 硬币价格:?$6.45 Coin price:? $6.45 年初至今变化:?-46% Change since the beginning of the year: 46% 历史最高:?$20.91 (二月 2024) Highest in history: $20.91 (February 2024) 即使是最炙手可热的表演者也可能在一夜之间变成加密货币的输家。考虑到这一点,以下是可能导致硬币价格暴跌的潜在因素: Even the hottest performers may become the losers of encrypted money overnight. Taking this into account, the following are the underlying factors that could lead to a sharp fall in coin prices: 安全漏洞和黑客攻击:?没有什么比重大漏洞利用或黑客攻击更能摧毁信心(和价格)了。一个典型的例子是 Mt. Gox 在 2014?年遭到黑客攻击,导致比特币价格暴跌。 Security gaps and hacking: Nothing can destroy confidence (and prices) more than a major hacking hole or hacking. A typical example is Mt. Gox, who was hacked in 2014 and suffered a sharp fall in bitcoin prices. 负面媒体报道:?围绕代币团队、产品或采用的不利宣传可能会吓到投资者。即使未经证实,负面叙述也会迅速传播,严重影响情绪。 Negative media coverage: Is it possible to scare investors around a money team, products, or negative publicity? Even if it is not confirmed, negative narratives spread quickly and seriously affect emotions. 鲸鱼倾销控股公司:?当大型投资者(也称为鲸鱼)开始抛售其持有的资产时,价格可能会下跌。当多头鲸鱼同时抛售时,这种影响会被放大。 Whale Dumping Holdings: Is the price likely to fall when large investors (also known as whales) begin to sell their holdings? The effect is magnified when multi-head whales are dumped at the same time. 宏观经济因素:?更广泛的经济因素,如经济衰退、加息和监管打击,甚至会影响最好的加密项目的价格。 Macroeconomic factors: Are broader economic factors, such as economic recession, interest hikes and regulatory shocks, even affecting the prices of the best encryption items? 技术问题:?错误、可扩展性问题、网络中断——任何重大技术故障都会削弱对加密项目及其原生代币的信任。如果一个项目不能实现其效用,投资者将把目光投向其他地方。 Technical issues: Errors, scalability issues, network disruptions – any major technical failure will weaken confidence in the encryption project and its original intergenerational currency. If a project fails to achieve its utility, investors will look elsewhere. 竞争:?当像 DeFi 这样竞争激烈的行业出现更好、更快或更便宜的替代品时,投资者可能会集体退出,迎接“下一件大事”。这就是为什么保持领先地位至关重要的原因。 Competition: Are you sure that when more competitive industries like DeFi come up with better, faster or cheaper alternatives, investors may withdraw collectively to meet “the next big deal.” That is why it is essential to remain ahead. 监管打击:?违反证券法的加密货币经常面临大规模抛售。一个典型的例子是 FTX 代币 (FTT),在?FTX 交易所因被指控处理客户资金不当而倒闭后,该代币暴跌超过 80%。 Regulation strikes:? Encrypted currencies that violate securities laws are often sold on a large scale. A typical example is 反对在崩盘后购买加密货币的论点
逢低买入可能很诱人,但投资者应仔细权衡投资最大加密货币输家的风险: Low purchases may be tempting, but investors should carefully weigh the risks of the biggest encrypt money loser in the investment: 不保证恢复:?仅仅因为加密货币暴跌并不意味着它会反弹。许多被抛售的代币成为永久的输家,看不到复苏的迹象。 There is no guarantee of recovery: because the encoded currency collapses does not mean that it will rebound. Many of the coins sold become permanent losers without any signs of recovery. 不要接住掉落的刀:?试图在崩盘期间把握底部的时机是具有挑战性的——即使对于经验丰富的交易者也是如此。加密货币可能会在很长一段时间内继续螺旋式下跌,给逢低买入者带来进一步的痛苦。 Do not take down the knife: The timing of trying to capture the bottom during the crash is challenging – even for experienced traders. Encrypted money may continue to spiral down for a long time, causing further suffering to low-buyers. 进一步的下行空间可能:?即使是最好的长期加密货币也可能面临价格下跌。这种抛售压力通常会导致供应充裕,从而阻止了急需的救济反弹。 Further downscaling is possible: even the best long-term encrypted currency may face price declines. Such selling pressures usually lead to sufficient supply, thus preventing much-needed relief rebounds. 虽然即使是上行空间最大的加密货币也有风险,但一些项目也有明显的危险信号,大大增加了失去投资的机会。从不可持续的代币经济学到缺乏现实世界的效用,以下是评估加密机会时需要注意的一些常见特征: While there are risks to even the largest encoded currency in the upper space, there are clearly dangerous signals for some projects that significantly increase the chances of losing investment. From unsustainable monetic economics to a lack of real world utility, the following are some of the common features that need to be noted when assessing encryption opportunities: 通货膨胀的代币经济学 The economics of inflation 无穷无尽的代币被印刷成流通(没有上限)是价格贬值的秘诀。像这样的通货膨胀代币经济学设置使 HODLing 变得徒劳无功,因为资产不断被稀释。 The printing of endless tokens into circulation (without ceilings) is the secret to price depreciation. The economics of inflation, like this, makes HODLing useless because assets are being diluted. 主要罪犯包括模因币,狗狗币就是一个突出的例子。然而,许多顶级模因币实施了通货紧缩机制,如代币销毁,以保持体面的稀缺性。 Major criminals include memes, a prominent example of which is dog coins. However, a number of top-level mounds implement deflationary mechanisms, such as the destruction of tokens, in order to maintain decent scarcity. 监管审查 Regulatory Review 面临严格监管审查和打击的加密货币是风险极高的投资。看看 Ripple 与美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 就 XRP 是否是一种证券进行的多年斗争。这场战斗已经对投资者和 XRP 的价格造成了损失。 The encoded currency that is subject to strict regulatory scrutiny and repression is a very risky investment. Look at 缺乏明确的用例 没有明显效用或价值主张的加密货币往往难以随着时间的推移而上涨价格。一旦炒作消退,这些加密货币很快就会成为废弃的项目。在DeFi、NFT和加密游戏等曾经热门的领域中,有无数的例子。 Encrypted currencies that do not have obvious utility or value propositions tend to be difficult to raise prices over time. Once they are fired off, they will soon become obsolete. 治理与决策不善 最后,即使是最好的 web3 代币也可能受到无能的领导、治理不善和短视决策的阻碍。这可能以不同的方式表现出来,例如缺乏明确的方向或技术事故。 Finally, even the best web3 tokens may be hampered by incompetent leadership, poor governance, and short-sighted decision-making. This may manifest itself in different ways, such as a lack of clear direction or technical accidents. Terra 的内爆是决策失误的一个典型例子。Terraform Labs 的可疑做法导致其稳定币 UST 脱钩,以及随后其姊妹代币 LUNA 的崩溃。 The implosion of Terra is a typical example of a policy error. 从伪证裁决到关于比特币起源的争论,BSV已经陷入了与Wright有关的分散注意力的杂技表演中。因此,很少有人关注效用和采用。 From perjury decisions to the debate about the origins of Bitcoin, the BSV has been caught in a distraction with Wright. As a result, little attention has been paid to utility and adoption. 更糟糕的是,在已经拥挤的市场中,它的大块和企业业务几乎没有提供差异化。因此,它甚至不能被认为是争夺比特币生态系统份额的最佳工作量证明硬币之一。 Worse still, in an already crowded market, its bulk and business operations provide little variation. Thus, it cannot even be considered one of the best workloads to compete for Bitcoin’s share of the ecosystem to prove a coin. 比特币SV可以恢复吗?目前,很难看到一条清晰的前进道路。如果没有明确的技术愿景或支持来克服赖特的包袱,比特币SV似乎注定要成为一个边缘加密货币。 So far, it is hard to see a clear way forward. Without a clear technological vision or support to overcome Wright’s burden, BitcoinSV seems destined to become a borderline encrypted currency. 虽然 2024 年最大的加密货币输家已经证明了追逐炒作和叙事的风险,但几个新项目可能具有更大的潜力: PlayDoge (PLAY):该项目通过其 P2E 生态系统将模因吸引力与实际效用相结合。玩家可以通过玩 Tamagotchi 风格的游戏来赚取 PLAY 代币——并质押它们以赚取更多收入。 WienerAI (WAI):该项目提供了一个具有模因主题的 AI 交易机器人。如果被广泛采用,其人工智能功能可以简化投资流程并颠覆传统交易。 Sealana (SEAL):最后,Sealana 的目标是成为 Solana 区块链上推出的最好的模因币之一。虽然它没有用例,但其懒惰的海豹吉祥物引起了“degen”加密人群的共鸣。 虽然这三个项目都没有被证明是成功的,但它们已经显示出比我们之前讨论过的项目更大的潜力。要了解有关它们的更多信息,请查看我们关于 2024 年最具潜力的加密货币的指南。 总而言之,本文回顾了迄今为止 2024 年表现最差的 5 种加密货币。从执行不力的策略到与争议的斗争,我们分析了这些硬币壮观垮台背后的因素。 To sum up, the paper reviews the five worst-performing encrypted currencies so far in 2024. From poorly implemented strategies to the fight against controversy, we analyse the factors behind the collapse of these coins. 虽然比特币、以太坊和 Solana 等当前的赢家抢走了聚光灯,但了解输家提供了关于投资时应避免什么的宝贵经验教训。所以,让这成为一个警示故事——即使在牛市中,错误的投资也会让你陷入困境。 While the current winners, such as Bitcoin, Etheria and Solana, have taken the spotlight, learning about the valuable lessons that losers should avoid when offering investments is valuable. So let it be a warning story – even in the cattle market, the wrong investment would put you in a difficult position. ? 哪种加密货币处于最低水平? What kind of encrypted currency is the lowest? 在我们名单上的主要加密货币中,MultiversX(EGLD)处于今年的最低水平,年初至今下跌了惊人的60%。 Of the major encrypted currencies on our list, MultiversX (EGLD) is at its lowest level this year and has fallen by an alarming 60 per cent since the beginning of the year. 哪种加密货币跌幅最大? What kind of encrypted currency drops the most? MultiversX、Bitcoin SV 和 Optimism 在 2024 年跌幅最大,尽管加密市场看涨,但所有股票都大幅下跌。 Multivers X, Bitcoin SV and Optim were the largest drops in 2024, with all stocks falling sharply despite the increase in the encryption market. 我应该避免使用哪种加密货币? What kind of encrypted currency should I avoid? 基于其今年迄今为止的惨淡表现,投资者可能希望避开MultiversX。在撰写本文时,自 2024 年初以来,这种加密货币下跌了 60% 以上。 Based on its bleak performance so far this year, investors may wish to avoid MultiversX. At the time of writing, this encrypted currency has fallen by more than 60% since the beginning of 2024. 加密货币最大的失败是什么? What's the biggest failure of an encrypted currency? 2022 年 5 月,TerraUSD (UST) 和 LUNA 的灾难性脱钩被广泛认为是加密行业有史以来最大的失败之一。LUNA的崩溃抹去了数十亿美元的市值,并给投资者带来了巨大的损失。 In May 2022, the catastrophic decoupling of TerraUSD (UST) and LUNA was widely recognized as one of the greatest failures ever in the encryption industry. The collapse of LUNA wiped out billions of dollars in market value and caused huge losses to investors. ? 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