專門橋接各種去中心化金融(DeFi)網路的加密貨幣平臺Wormhole,周四(2/3)對外證實遭到駭客入侵,被盜走12萬個包裝過的以太幣(wETH),市價約3.2億美元。開發Wormhole的Certus One則祭出了1,000萬美元的抓漏獎金,名義上是想要駭客提供攻擊細節,實際上卻是希望駭客歸還加密貨幣。
The secret currency platform of the DeFi network, Wormhole, Thursday/3 of the bridge was hacked into
The Worldhole, a universal message transfer agreement, integrates eight sector chains, including e-Tae, Solana, Money, Terra, Polygon, Avalanche and Oasis, allowing users to channel and transfer encrypted currency or NFTs on different sector chains.
Wormhole, who discovered that the contract had been opened on Wednesday evening, closed the gap six hours later, recovered the damage and re-routed the platform in the next day, and is still working on detailed attack reports.
《The Verge》則發現,駭客很可能是造訪了Wormhole的GitHub儲存庫,開採了一個已被揭露卻尚未被修補的安全漏洞。
專門提供區塊鏈分析服務的Elliptic指出,Wormhole事件成為加密貨幣史上遭竊案件第四慘重的,僅次於Polynetwork的6.11億美元、Coincheck的5.3億美元及Mt Gox的4.7億美元。
dedicated to the sector chain analysis service notes that the Wornhole incident became the fourth most serious case of theft in the history of encrypted currency, after $611 million in Polynetwork, $530 million in Coincheck and $470 million in Mt Gox.
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