
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:23 评论:0



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In recent days, national standards in the technical area of the first block chain have been published. The block chain is being used extensively in such contexts as protection against fraudulent traceability, supply chain management, judicial documentation, sharing of government data, and human services.


Agricultural products “whole chain retroactive”


In the gardening base of the professional cooperative of Yu Qui Quan, a village of Yu Qui, in the village of Yuli, in the province of Kano, Kano, the province of Shandong, the sensors are all over the corner of the field, the cameras are running 24 hours a day, and the vegetable data are transmitted in real time to the “uplinks.” According to the report, the “block chain plus the vegetable” is an innovative application that has been explored by the Information Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the China Telecommunications Group Ltd., the entire process is traceable due to the inexorable and non-falseable characteristics of the block chain, and every step of the operation data for the production, harvesting, logistics and sale of vegetables is retained on the block platform.


The application of block chain technology has also added a quality “safe lock” to special agricultural products such as An Xi Xiao Pei. It has been reported that the electrician has opened up the sale of pear, but there have been cases of counterfeiting of pear because of the difficulty of identifying the specific origin of such products. Block chain technology offers solutions to this problem by providing each pear with a special “electronic identity card” that can be traced back to the full chain information that grows, processes, packs, transports, and distributes. > < > > < /table > >


The technological empowerment of block chains in modern agriculture is already on the rise because of the unique advantages of block chain technology: “No tampering” that solves the problem of documentation in social credit, “distribution” that solves the problem of information sharing, and “consensus mechanisms” that resolve the barriers to information asymmetry. The Director of the College of Emergency Management Science and Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Li Ying, said that the rapid expansion of block chain technology and its application had enhanced the efficiency of traditional industries that gave the digital economy access.


It's a citizen's job to run at most once.


In Shenzhen, 24 types of electronic certificates, such as resident identification cards, and more than 100 high-frequency government services, have been integrated into a unified block chain electronic licensing application platform. More than 100 government services in Beijing use block chains, reducing the number of people running from the previous five or six to “up to one run”.


In Beijing, Ms. Zhang recently registered for real estate, “with at least five days to run the business, a large amount of paper material has to be supplied, and now only needs to be made available at once.” Behind this, the chain of blocks in the Beijing municipal catalogue is underpinned by a “chain” of real-time data on the household population and social organizations in various sectors, such as public security, civil affairs, etc.


The Yuan New Zone Industry Internet platform, the country's first block-chain-based industrial platform, uses a variety of encryption to protect data security privacy and creates “business data accounts” for home-based enterprises, becoming a bright spot project.


“Standardized” crack puzzle


China’s Institute of Information and Communications Research’s Institute of Cloud Computation and Big Data, Ho Bao-Hung, argues that its applications are expanding as the sector’s chain becomes more functional, larger, and more secure. Whether it be commodity traceability, judicial evidence, government, finance, social goods, or industrial management, energy power, data trading, public resource transactions, health care, etc., industry is accelerating the use of the block chain.


China’s mobile Internet development report (2023), recently published by the People’s Research Institute, shows that in recent years, China’s block chain industry has reached maturity, with a better structure and a more mature and competitive number of block chain enterprises. But there are challenges in applying eco-extension and institutionalizing the application of standards, combining market demand with quality products and services, and accelerating the upgrading of application technologies.

  为加快区块链标准化进程,《区块链和分布式记账技术 参考架构》国家标准近日正式发布,这是中国首个获批发布的区块链技术领域国家标准。专家认为,该标准是指导中国区块链技术应用和产业发展的基础性、通用性标准,规范了区块链系统的功能架构、关键要素等,为区块链产业高质量发展奠定了基础。工信部相关负责人表示,下一步将在全国范围内开展标准宣贯行动,强化标准应用深度,不断提升区块链产业服务水平。

In order to speed up the process of standardization of the block chain, the National Standard on Block Chains and Distributed Accounting Technical Reference Frame, the first approved Chinese national standard in the area of block chain technology, has been officially published in recent days. In the view of the experts, the standard is the basic, generic standard that guides the technical application and industrial development of the block chain in China and regulates the functional structure, key elements, etc. of the block chain system, laying the foundation for the high-quality development of the block chain industry.


Experts believe that, with strong policy support, continued technological optimization, sustained outreach and improved governance, the sector chains will further contribute to the development of the digital economy and the real economy.


Wu Huimin (source: People's Daily Overseas edition)





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