“天生我材必有用”是李白《將進酒》中一句著名的詩句,把此句詩意來概括飾演唐代大詩人、大書法家的田伯平先生在合適不過了。李白一生有三大嗜好:舞劍、作詩、書法,而田伯平先生自小也是練武習字、吟詩作對。處於不同時代的李白與田伯平,隨不可同日而語,但其氣質、才氣、愛好可謂如出一轍。日前,各大媒體都在爭相報道即將開拍的電影《琴? 劍李白》,由北京中視翰林文化傳媒公司拍攝的電影《琴? 劍李白》,據電影《琴? 劍李白》的制片人楊煥琴在新聞發布會上介紹說,導演組曾緊鑼密鼓長時間在全國各地海選李白扮演者,最終確定由著名書法家、詩人田伯平先生出演電影中李白的角色。這是因為田伯平先生的書法可謂篆隸楷行草全能,吟誦詩詞張口就來,笙管笛簫樣樣精通,這是劇情所需要的,而且田伯平先生的年齡、身高、胖瘦與劇中的李白非常吻合。通過試鏡,導演一眼就看中,順口說出“這就是我要找的李白!”
& nbsp; & nbsp; “It's always useful for me to be born” is a famous poem from Li Bai's "I'm going to enter the wine," recapitulating the famous poem by Mr. Tian Boping of Tang's great poet and book-maker. Li's three favorites in his life are: Dance Swords, Poetry, Book Law, and Mr. Tian Bo Ping, since he was a child, and Li Bai and Tian Ping, who speak the same language at different times, but whose nature, talent, and love are so much more important than the same. Today, major media are fighting for a film that will open.
& nbsp; & nbsp; Mr. Tian Boping is currently Vice-President and Secretary-General of the Beijing Book Law Association. He is an important figure in my country’s book law. He is a book-writing writer who is well known and famous for his role as a culturalist in more than 20 countries and regions of China, and who has been a member of the Chinese cultural community.
& nbsp; & nbsp; "By the sword is white, but the stars are still glittering." This is Lee Bai's poem, which describes the sword as a choreographer, with two swords in it, which we come to the garden of the sky and begin the morning exercise of the day. In fact, it's Shaolin's work that my grandfather preached, but it's Bo's work, which is good, which is good, which is good, which is good, which is good, and he's deep in the land, which he learns. My grandfather's work is best at learning the song, it's not just the body, it's better at day's work, it's better at day's work, it's better at day's work, it's better at day's work, it's the hand to day's work, it's the hand to day's work, it's the hand to day's work, it's the hands, it's the hand to day's hands, it's the hands, it's hands, it's hands and the hands, it's hands, it's the hands, it's hands, it's the hands, it's the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands, the hands
“興酣落筆搖五岳,詩成笑傲凌滄洲。”出自李白《江上吟》,這充滿豪情的詩句,不僅表現了李白的酣暢恣意的情感,也是對田伯平先生詩書生活的寫照。歷史上有曹植七步成詩之說,而田伯平卻有分秒成聯之美談。記得那是參加收藏家馬未都愛人的生日聚會,馬先生提出請田伯平賜一幅墨寶。田先生覺得是馬先生的愛人生日,當然是以祝壽最為合適了。於是便問馬先生愛人的名字,馬先生的愛人隨即答到:“我叫紅偉。”田先生又問:“哪兩個字?”紅偉接著答到:“紅色的紅,偉大的偉。”田先生沉思片刻,也就是不到十秒的時間,對聯便脫口而出,隨即揮毫潑墨一蹴而就:“紅燭近開無疆壽,偉堂慈賦不老春。”聯中“紅燭”對“偉堂”,“無疆壽”對“不老春”,平仄對仗工整,而且藏頭“紅”“偉”,正是壽者之名,內容烘托祝壽氛圍,在場的人無不拍手稱絕。還有一次與朋友一起聚會,有一名叫張劍的朋友初次見面,也想驗証一下田先生的真功夫,大家正在觀賞田先生的揮毫潑墨之時,張劍說:“我叫張劍,弓長張,刀劍的劍,在法院工作,請田主席賜我一幅對聯吧。”田先生沒有片刻的停頓,拿起毛筆蘸蘸墨,筆走龍蛇,一幅工整的對聯隨筆而出,“張弛有度紛爭事,劍舞無形法自多。”“張弛有度”對“劍舞無形”,法院方面的“紛爭事”用“法自多”來解決,並以“張劍”藏頭。僅僅這些還不足以展現田伯平先生的詩意生活,似乎詩已經成為了田先生生命中的一部分,或者說身體裡除了有紅細胞和白細胞以外,還活躍著一種“詩細胞”,不知道什麼時候撥動了心弦,便能流淌出詩行篇篇。《我回來了,夢中的故鄉》,那是對故鄉魂牽夢繞的眷戀﹔《傍晚,我走進布裡斯班河》,那是身處異鄉對祖國的思念﹔《憶江南? 慶十六大召開》,那是對太平盛世謳歌﹔《又見月半灣》,那是詩人對生活的憧憬與浪漫……一首首,一篇篇,是生活的積累,是文化的積澱。田先生說:“這些都得益於我兒時的歷練和職業的要求,在我很小的時候,外祖父在教授書法之外,還教我‘天對地,雨對風,大路對長空,山花對海樹,赤日對蒼穹……’要求我掌握平仄韻,要求我背唐詩誦宋詞,要求我對一事一物用詩來描繪,漸漸地詩詞就成了我生活中不可分割的部分了。后來又走上了專業書法之路,詩詞也就自然而然的成了我的專業,因為書法的內容就是靠詩詞來支撐的。”當我們翻開田先生的書法作品集,大部分內容都是田先生自己創作的。也正是詩的涵養,才使得田先生的書法作品充滿韻律,清新飄逸,酣暢渾厚,變幻靈動,藏鋒處微露鋒芒,露峰處亦顯含蓄,帶給人們以美的享受。
& nbsp; & & nbsp; "It's the birthday party where the collectors love each other, and Mr. Ma has asked Mr. Tanbae to give a motif. The hymn of the hymn is not merely a reflection of Mr. Li's hymn, but also of Mr. Tamberping's poetry life. History says Cao Seng, while Tian Ping has a second chance to talk. Remember, it's the birthday party where the collector does not love each other, Mr. Ma has a hand to give a motif, Mr. Ma has a hand to give a motif, and Mr. Ma's hand to a hand, and Mr. Ma's love, and Mr. Ma's love, and Mr. Ma's hand to a hand to a hand to a hand.
& nbsp; & & nbsp; “Francial horses, gold chords, bellicose bellies, bellicose bellicoses.” Li & Bai celebrates the world with his wine companions, and has made love to his beloved friends. Mr. Tan is also a man of love, a man of passion, a friend of friends, a friend of a tea club, who seems to be even more fashionable and healthy. In the rest of the time, three good friends gather together, a friend of a woman and a friend of a woman, a woman of a child of a heart, a woman of a hand of a skin, a woman of a hand of a hand of a hand, a woman of a hand of a hand of a hand, a woman of a hand of a hand of a hand of a hand, a woman of a hand of a hand of a hand of a hand of a hand, a sight of a hand of a hand of a hand of a hand, a sight of a hand of a hand of a hand of a hand of a hand of a hand of a man of a man.
& nbsp; & nbsp; “I have no regrets for the millennium.” This song, which we sing in the heart of the Chinese people, is to be sung by Li Bai or Tian Boping, or both, from singers to singers to singers to singers. Is it to be better for Li Bai or Tian Bing to wait until the millennium? Or is it to be a chance for him to play Li Ping on an equal footing? I would like to say that Beijing’s Human Rights Watch, the Media for the Chinese people’s Cultures Ltd, has achieved the aspirations of the Chinese people in the millennium, and has spread the popular culture of the show to the Quartet.
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