新兴稳定币挑战USDT成效微弱,公链或成稳定币新机遇 |链捕手

资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:19 评论:0
  稳定币市场一直是公众关注的焦点。去年,各大合规稳定币的集体诞生与上所可谓是打响了推翻USDT垄断的第一枪,但如今来看成效并不大,甚至可以宣告阶段性失败。 Stabilizing the currency market has bee...



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Stabilizing the currency market has been the focus of public attention. Last year, the collective birth of the major compliance-stabilizing currencies was described as the first shot at the overthrow of the USDT monopoly, but today it has not worked much, even to declare a gradual failure.


Why can’t a more compliant and secure stable currency defeat a crisis-ridden USDT? Where is the opportunity for a new stable currency? What will the future shape of a stable currency market?




Unauthorized, no reprints.


With the advent of this round of enthusiasm, the crisis of trust experienced by the USDT since May has almost dissipated.


In the case of transactions on 14 May, USDT's volume amounted to US$ 2157.7 billion, more than 30 times the volume of all other stable currency transactions, and the number of new USDTs issued over the past six months exceeded the sum of all other stable currencies. This suggests that, despite the well-known serious problems of the USDT, its dominance in the global crypto-currency industry remains strong and the real impact and impact of other stable currencies is minimal.


At the same time, initiatives such as TUSD, GUSD, USDC and others that seek to challenge the dominance of the USDT, despite some progress and results, have largely declared a gradual failure in terms of the overall industrial situation.



phased failure


The time was set back to October 15th, when new stabilizers, such as GUSD, had just obtained a licence from the New York regulatory authority to focus on the Coinbase, Co-Ann, and other exchanges, owing to a 13 per cent jump in the price of the market panic USDT.


As the chain catcher wrote in the article " Bringing down the Iron Throne ", , opened the door to emerging stable currencies, giving the new stable currency the opportunity to compete with the USDT at the same dimension as a major breakthrough in the history of stabilizing the currency.


Some mainstream stabilization of currency issuances and transactions (data in coinmarkcap)


These new stabilizers have indeed done a lot of good work for most of the past six months. Since the issue of USDT’s vulnerability has always been security, including whether there has been overhang on the USDT issuer, and whether the dollar reserves are fully available, the major new stabilizers are almost always working at the compliance and security levels, trying to convince users that they are safer and use their own steady currency.


These measures include the acquisition of regulatory licences, the regular issuance of audit reports, the launch of a real-time fund verification platform, etc., and data on all aspects attesting to the fact that these new stable currencies have full United States dollar reserves, do not have excesses and perform far better than the USDT, but the reality suggests that new stable currencies that are more compliant and secure still do not win user preferences.


Although these new stable currencies have been able to compete with the USDT on the same platform, their transactions have been quite limited in number, with only some of them in the mainstream currency, and they have not always had a trading area like the USDT, which may be due to the fact that the emerging stable currency does not meet the requirements of the exchange in terms of influence, liquidity and, on the other hand, to the fact that it may not be sufficient to stabilize the “lobbing” of the issuer against the exchange.


At the same time, major exchange users, as encoded money investors, are themselves more tolerant of risks, most of them tend to focus more on practical experiences such as ease, mobility, and more business habits, and only extreme group panic can cause them to give up on the USDT temporarily, and then continue to do so once the panic has dissipated. In such cases, only stakeholders, such as distributors, market traders, and so on, will be inclined to trade with new and stable currencies.


As a direct result of the above-mentioned reasons, the number of users, transactions and liquidity of the major emerging stabilizers are far lower than the USDT, and there is no significant indication that any stable currency has an opportunity to catch up with the USDT.


Thus, on the battlefield of the crypto-currency exchange, USDT has won a phased victory in the competition for a stable currency, but this does not mean that other emerging stable currencies have no chance.




Exchanges are now the most extensive applications of currency stabilization, but, on a broader scale, they are now at a very early stage as a special chain of cryptographic currency with a wider set of applications in the public chain, including pledge trusts, decentralized transactions, cross-border payments, and channels for French currency entry.


In the case of cross-border payments or forecasting markets, where users use mainstream encrypted currencies such as bitcoin, ripoon, etc., for this type of activity, the user's entitlements can easily shrink because of the high daily price volatility of the type of encrypted currency, so that users need a currency with less volatile values over a period of time to avoid risk, and a stable currency is the best medium.


This means that, as the ecology of the public chain deepens, stabilizing the currency is likely to open up opportunities for development in the public chain. For objective reasons, such as the slow pace of operations in the chain, USDT has gradually expanded from the OMNI layer, which is built on the Bitcoin block chain, to the Taiyea and the Band, but its market share in the public chain is still low.


At the same time, a large number of public chains have begun to accelerate their deployment in the direction of currency stabilization. But, because the issuance of stable currencies requires complex processes such as compliance plates, funds hosting, etc., they require greater financial integration on the part of the issuer.


For example, IOST recently introduced iUSD, a stable currency solution based mainly on USDC and TUSD to facilitate the transfer of digital assets on the IOST block chain and other networks; at the end of April, the body announced that Paxos would be using $100 million Pax in its network to enhance user experience with block chain technology and to enable DAPP to provide more landingable services. In addition, many public chains, such as CyberMilles and OKChain, have published their stabilization plans.


shows that the major public chains are actively seeking compliance to stabilize the currency into their ecology and to improve their ecological systems. In the future, stabilizing the currency may also become the necessary infrastructure for every public chain, and the market is wide and visible.

  但由于金融业务与公链本身的分散性,可能很难有某个稳定币在公链行业具有如同USDT在交易所那般龙头地位 ,但大概率会形成三五个不等的稳定币组成第一梯队,在推动公链业务的普及落地的同时,大幅变革稳定币现有格局。

However, because of the fragmentation of financial operations and the public chain itself, it may be difficult to have a stable currency in the public chain industry that is as prominent as the USDT in the exchange, but it is likely that three or five stable currencies will form the first echelon, significantly changing the current pattern of stabilizing the public chain while promoting its spread.



giants entering


In recent months, the highest weight of information in the area of currency stabilization has come from prominent companies such as Facebook, Morgan Chase and Samsung, which seem to be at the same time the focus of attention on technology giants and financial giants.


As an important hub linking the world of crypto-currencys to the world of French-currencys, the stabilization of currencies is one of the most likely compliance directions in the area of crypto-currency and one of the most likely landings.


In the case of Facebook, where the issuance of stable currency will be used mainly in online payments, cross-border transfers, advertising etc., given that Facebook has up to 2.7 billion users worldwide, the initiative will certainly promote the diffusion of encryption money and block chain technology among the aforementioned population and accelerate the development of the industry as a whole.


Such stable currency landings and giant endorsements can cause huge disruptions to the existing stable currency market, but there is considerable uncertainty about such disruptions. If Facebook issues stable currency exchange rates in the same way as stable currencies such as USDT, TUSD, etc., it is inevitable that major exchanges will race to the line and bring about a series of regulatory problems, which Facebook apparently does not want to see, and which is likely to be limited by specific technical means.


As a result, the giants’ steady currency will bring more dynamism and variables to the stable currency market, but in the short and medium term it will be difficult to make a greater impact on the current mainstream stable currency, more like a parallel market, which will contribute in different ways to the stabilization of the currency and even of the crypto-currency industry.


In addition, it should be noted that a large number of non-United States dollar stabilizers are also expanding at an accelerated global scale, and, as the recent report of the Institute of Monetary Studies, Evolution of the Stability Currency Analysis, suggests, for example, that stable currencies based on the pound sterling, the euro and the Australian dollar can increase global remittance channels for investors in non-United States dollar countries and hedge currency risks, thus becoming somewhat more popular with some local users.


Generally speaking, the battles of stable currencies in the area of exchanges are beginning to bear fruit, but the exchange is, after all, one of the vertical directions in the area of crypto-currency, and there is much room for development outside the exchange, which is where the emerging stability currency challenge USDT and the existing market pattern of .


Backstage responded to the ‘community’ and joined the knowledge planet of chain catchers free of charge to learn more about the details of business development, gossip, and so on.


The article is written in the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the network’s position.

(责任编辑: HN666)



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