A friend asked me if it's too risky to buy a bitcoin today at a price of half a million dollars. What good is it for ordinary people to want to own a bitcoin?
There are three ways to have a bitcoin BTC:
1.直接购买 也就是炒币,类似于炒股,在各大交易所都可以参与,想要以小博大还可以选择高倍杠杆,往往这类玩家的富翁梦想变成了“负翁”。高风险高收益的合约炒币市场让大部分人血本无归。其实炒币类似于赌博买大买小,只要你赌下去,庄家就不怕你赢,币价的上下波动是没有上下限的,随时面临爆仓的可能!
Direct purchases, i.e., snobs, like stock snobs, can be involved in all major exchanges, with high leverage options, and often the rich people of such players dream of becoming “negative.” High-risk, high-yield contracts have left most people with nothing to lose. In fact, they are like gambling and buying small. The bankers are not afraid of winning, and there are no limits to the up and down of the price, and there is always the possibility of blowing up and down.
2.云算力挖矿 目前市场主流的云算力挖矿模式,选择云算力的原因就是:不用购买矿机,不用找运维,不用考虑场地和供电,只需要一部手机下载APP购买算力即可实现挖矿,每天都有比特币产出,不用担心矿机维修,网络故障等因素。影响收益的只有挖矿难度和币价。但是云算力平台的计算方式多样,稍有不慎连矿机的成本都挖不回来!况且云算力投入购买算力的费用都能买台矿机了!平摊到算力费,挖满一个周期后矿机产权还是平台的,只赚取产出和投入的差价。和买矿机一样需要支付电费,相当于买矿机的费用+电费。总体来说收益有限,适合小白。
2. The prevailing cloud-based mining model in the market, and the reason for choosing cloud-based power, is that it is not necessary to buy a mine machine, do not need to find a carrier, do not need a site or power supply, do not need a cell phone to download an APP purchasing power to make a mine, produce bitcoin every day, do not worry about the maintenance of a mine machine, network failure, etc. The benefits are affected only by the difficulty and price of mining. But cloud-based platforms are calculated in a variety of ways, with little care, and even the cost of a mine machine cannot be recovered.
3.买矿机挖矿 想要获得比特币成本最低的方法就是自己挖,如果你想要自己挖比特币,你需要购买矿机,找存放矿机的场地,找专业的运维人员,找供电部门,这个过程是比较麻烦,这个市场鱼龙混杂,套路太多,毕竟前期投入比较大,矿业公司太多参差不齐。买矿机的优点在于币价上涨的时候不仅赚了币的上涨价格还赚了币的数量,币价涨的时候矿机的价格也在上升,卖矿机还能赚一笔,一石二鸟何乐而不为?买矿机的缺点在于币价太高的时候不适合买,风险太大,矿机溢价的时候不适合入场,因为成本过高。矿机每天价格都在变动,价格低的机子风险更大,风险来自币价下跌所对应的产出价值与矿机产生的电费。毕竟产出的收益其中一部分还要扣除电费。矿机价格贵的机子风险就低,但是成本高,回本周期就会延长。迅牛科技-销售托管一条龙,48小时内上架开挖,等待收益到账,收益自己看的见并且可以看用户后台,真正赚到钱了才会继续复投比特币,而复利可以不断增加算力,源源不断的获得比特币。挖矿相当于用买1枚币价格的钱挖出4-6枚,等于购买了打折的币。
3. The least costly way to buy a mine is to dig for itself. If you want to dig for bitcoin yourself, you need to buy a miner, find a place to store the miner, find a professional operator, look for the power sector. The process is more cumbersome, the market is mixed, there are too many prior-period inputs, and mining companies are too diverse. The advantage of buying a miner is that the price increases not only in the amount of money, but also in the amount of money it earns when it rises, and the price of a miner when it rises.
Opportunities will always be left to those who dare to challenge themselves, or you will always be the remaining 80 per cent of the 28 principles.
It is not terrible to wonder, because it is possible to understand, to touch, to explore, to have an infinite possibility! What is terrible is ignorance, because ignorance leads to short-sightedness, ignorance and ignorance, which makes it easier to listen to some who live in closed circles for a lifetime.
You can't believe it, but you can't deny it, you can't succeed, but you can't not grow!
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