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is a digital encrypted currency, also known as encrypted electronic currency, which was created in 2009 by China. Unlike traditional currencies, Bitcoin transactions do not require the involvement of third-party agencies and are anonymous. Bitcoins are limited in volume and can reach only 21 million. Bitcoin transaction records are recorded in a distributed database called block chains.


Bitcoin is traded in a point-to-point (P2P) way, with no central bank or government control. Dealers can deal anonymously, so Bitcoin has a high degree of privacy and security.

II. 比特币的发展历程

II. Developmental history of Bitcoin


Bitcoin experienced a number of fluctuations, and prices fluctuated many times in different historical periods. At the end of 2017, Bitcoin had the highest price of more than $20,000 per unit, but prices have fallen since then. At the beginning of 2021, Bitcoin prices began to rise, breaking the threshold of 40,000, 50,000, 60,000, 70,000, and so on over the next few months, bringing them up to an all-time high.


The rise in bitcoin prices is linked to rising global inflation and economic instability caused by the large number of United States banknotes. Moreover, many view bitcoins as a hedge asset, while risk investors and crypto-currency traders drive the price of bitcoins.


In general, the development of Bitcoin since its inception can be divided into three phases. The first phase was a “start-up period” from 2009 to 2013, during which the value of Bitcoin grew from a few cents to hundreds of dollars. The second phase was a “break-out period” from 2013 to 2017, with Bitcoin prices rising and historicly rising. The third phase was a “stability period” from 2017 to the present, during which Bitcoin prices experienced a swing, but the overall trend was upward.


In the future, while the price volatility of bitcoin will remain, its prospects remain full of opportunities and challenges. As more and more businesses and investors participate in bitcoin, bitcoin will continue to be a popular mode of investment.

III. 比特币的法律地位

III. Legal status of Bitcoin


Bitcoin is considered a legal digital currency in developed countries, such as the United States and Europe, and is subject to some degree of regulation. In many developing countries, such as Asia and Africa, bitcoin is currently not officially recognized and regulated.


The circular issued by the People’s Bank of China stressed that virtual currency does not have legal status, but does not explicitly prohibit the holding, trading, or excavation of bitcoin. El Salvador’s bill to formally include bitcoin in the legal tender is also a matter of widespread concern worldwide.


The legislative situation with respect to Bitcoin varies from country to country, reflecting also the complex realities and challenges faced by Bitcoin as an emerging digital currency.

IV. 比特币的未来前景

IV. Future prospects for Bitcoin


Bitcoin’s role in global economic and financial markets is receiving increasing attention. Because of its privacy and security features, many companies and financial institutions are beginning to accept bitcoin as a mode of payment, and more and more investors are beginning to include bitcoin in their portfolios.


At the same time, Bitcoin faces many risks and challenges. The liquidity and price volatility of Bitcoin transactions remain a problem, and there are some illegal transactions and frauds in the Bitcoin market, which also pose a risk to investors.


A growing number of institutions and investors are involved in the Bitcoin market, which will give further impetus to Bitcoin’s development. In the future, the trend in Bitcoin prices will also be influenced by global economic, policy, and technological factors, but the vast development history of Bitcoin has proved its value and potential.

V. 总结和结论

V. Summary and conclusions


As the digital currency market matures and regulates, the development prospects for Bitcoin remain very broad. Despite the risks and challenges that Bitcoin may face, we believe that, over time, Bitcoin will become a much more widely used digital currency, bringing more opportunities and changes to the global economy and financial markets.


Bitcoin is an encrypted digital currency based on block chain technology that, since its launch in 2009, has gradually become a new asset and payment modality of interest. The following is the trend in bitcoin:

1. 随着区块链技术的不断发,比特币在全球范围内得到了越来越广泛的应用。目前,全球已有许多商家、在线平台和机构开始接受比特币作为支付方式,也有越来越多的个人和机构将其作为投资标的。

1. Bitcoin has become increasingly widely used globally as block chain technology continues to develop. There are many businesses, online platforms and institutions across the globe that have begun to accept bitcoin as a means of payment, and an increasing number of individuals and institutions have used it as an investment target.

2. 受-19 疫情和全球经济形势的影响,各国央行和政府纷纷推出大规模财政和货币刺激计划,导致各国货币面临通胀和贬值的风险。而比特币则因其去中心化、稀缺性和防止通胀特点,成为了人们避险的重要选择,其价格也在近年来呈上涨趋势。

2. The impact of the 19-day epidemic and the global economic situation has led central banks and governments to launch large-scale fiscal and monetary stimulus packages, exposing their currencies to the risk of inflation and devaluation. Bitcoin, because of its decentralisation, scarcity, and anti-inflation features, has become an important risk-avoidance option, with prices rising in recent years.

3. 比特币技术本身也在不断进步和更新,包括闪电网络、隔离见证、扩容方案等技术的引入,使其能够更快、便宜地处理交易,并解决了原有的分叉问题。

3. Bitcoin technology itself is also being developed and updated, including the introduction of technologies such as lightning networks, witness isolation, maturation programmes, which enable it to handle transactions more quickly and cheaply and solve the old fork.

4. 未来,比特币可能会受到更多国家、机构和监管部门的重视和监管,同时,其参与者也需要付出更多的注意和努力,以保护其安全性、私性和合法性。

4. In the future, Bitcoin may be valued and regulated by more States, institutions and regulators, while its participants will also need to devote more attention and effort to protecting its security, privacy and legitimacy.


In sum, Bitcoin is in the process of development and change and its place in the global economic and financial system remains to be seen, but its status as a new asset has gradually been established.


Bottom-line technologies are block chains, and the future of Bitcoin is the future of block chains. Bitcoin creates point-to-point electronic cash technologies that aim to reduce transaction costs, shorten transaction times, and promote safer, easier, and more efficient payment systems.


Bitcoin, based on the Internet, can easily move around the world; cash can be exchanged; and quantity is constant; inflation will not happen. Currency theorist Friedman suggested that automated systems replace the Fed.

今年比特币的价格可能会下降70%到90%。在接下来的一年里,如果比特币的价格降到1000美元到3000美元,我也不会感到惊讶,因为比特币并不是这个价值19万亿美元的经济中真正相关的东西。任何报价呈抛物线上涨的商品,通常都将跌回起涨点。 - 安全的数字货币交易平台“币汇”

This year, the price of Bitcoin may drop by 70 to 90%. I wouldn't be surprised if the price of Bitcoin fell to $1,000 to $3,000 in the following year, because Bitcoin is not really relevant in this 19 trillion-dollar economy. Any commodity offerings with a parabolic rise would normally fall back and forth.


I'm not sure, however, whether Bitcoin is going to slow down, or whether it's going to crash.

联准会 - Fed等央行实施宽松货币政策,是人们对虚拟货币掀起狂热的主因,随着利率逐渐回归正轨,虚币也将跟着崩溃。一旦虚币市场出现裂痕,投资人对高风险资产的态度也会跟着改变,股市可能跟着受伤,这一切都看市场心理而定,跟经济基本面的好坏毫无关联。”

The loose monetary policy of central banks such as the United Nations Association-Fed is the main source of passion for virtual currency, which will collapse as interest rates get back on track. Once a crack in the currency market breaks, investors’ attitudes to high-risk assets will change, and the stock market may suffer as well, depending on the market’s mentality, and it has nothing to do with the economic fundamentals.”


Bitcoin, one of the most popular digital currencies in the market, is also the subject of much attention. Starting with Bitcoin’s future projections, this paper will look at trends and prospects for digital currency development.


Bitcoin is currently one of the most popular digital currencies in the market. Despite the rise of other digital currencies, bitcoin will continue to dominate the market. This is mainly because bitcoin has a strong brand profile and market share, while other digital currencies will take longer and more effort to catch up.


As cryptographic currency technology continues to develop, more companies and organizations are beginning to accept encrypted currency as a means of payment. In the future, encrypted currency will move to a wider range of applications, including real estate, finance, and medical care.


However, in the future, as markets mature and investment standards rise, encrypted currencies will become the preferred option for investors. Especially in times of economic downturn, investors may turn to digital currencies to preserve value and gain returns.


Trends and prospects in digital currencies

1. 去中心化将成为数字货币的核心理念

1. Decentralization will be the core concept of digital currency


Decentralizing is the core concept of digital money, which allows digital money to be freed from government and central agency control, free trade and value exchange. In the future, digital money will be more focused on decentralizing to meet users’ needs for freedom and privacy.

2. 数字货币将更加普及和广泛应用

2. Digital currency will become more widely available and widely used


As digital money technology continues to grow and markets mature, digital money will become increasingly widely used in various fields. For example, digital money can be used for cross-border payments, globalized transactions, and smart contracts.

3. 数字货币将更加注重安全性和隐私保护

3. Digital currency will focus more on security and privacy protection


Digital money security and privacy protection are the most important concerns of users. In the future, digital money will focus more on security and privacy protection to meet users’ needs.

4. 数字货币将成为金融创新的重要推动力量

4. Digital money will be an important driver of financial innovation


Digital money can promote innovation and development in financial markets and increase their efficiency and liquidity. In the future, digital money will become one of the core areas of financial innovation, giving new impetus to economic development.


In short, the future of digital money will be brighter as digital money technology continues to grow and markets mature. Despite market volatility and risk, digital money will be an important driver of future economic development.




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