In the near future, Bitcoin’s market performance has been as impressive as that of a roller coaster. After touching the peak of $73798 in mid-March, it has experienced a two-month wave of volatility. Since April, Bitcoin has suffered a frequent “blitz crash” and has once slipped to $60,000. However, in May, the situation has reversed, and on 16 May, Bitcoin regained its strength, crossing the $66,000 threshold, and on 21 May, it was the first time in more than a month that market resilience was demonstrated.
With summer’s advance, the June Bitcoin warmed up, again close to $71,000 as of June 4, with a 24-hour rise of nearly 3% and a steady increase of $70,000 since June 3. The wave’s five-day surge not only refreshed the three-month chain record, with only a one-step rise from March’s history, up to 96%, and the global investor’s eyes again focused.
1. **加密货币雨后春笋般涌现**,据Finbold数据显示,从2020年的8000多种激增至2021年的超16000种,增长率接近翻倍,区块链技术的广泛应用催生了加密货币的繁荣景象。
1. ** ** In the wake of the explosion of encrypted currency** According to Finbold data, from more than 8,000 in 2020 to more than 16,000 in 2021, the growth rate has nearly doubled, and the widespread application of block-chain technology has given rise to the prosperity of encrypted currency.
2. **比特币市值一枝独秀**,在加密货币市值排行榜中,比特币以7833.3亿美元的市值傲视群雄,以太坊紧随其后,而新兴的LATOKEN也崭露头角,市场格局多姿多彩。
2. **The market value of Bitcoin is unique**. In the list of market value of encrypted currencies, Bitcoin is proud to follow with a market value of $783.33 billion, while the emerging LATOKEN also emerges with a variety of market patterns.
3. **美国挖矿业的异军突起**,根据剑桥大学的研究,美国已成为比特币挖矿的龙头老大,占据全球35.4%的算力,显示了美国在数字资产领域的强势崛起,哈萨克斯坦和俄罗斯紧随其后,全球矿业版图重塑。
3.** According to the University of Cambridge, the United States has become the leader of the Bitcoin mine, accounting for 35.4 per cent of the world's computing power, showing the strong rise of the United States in the area of digital assets, followed by the re-engineering of the global mining landscape in Kazakhstan and Russia.
业界巨头Michael Novogratz预测,得益于美国对数字资产的友好政策,比特币有望在年内冲刺10万美元的里程碑,为行业带来新的沸点。
Industry giant Michael Novogratz predicts that, thanks to the United States friendly policy on digital assets, Bitcoin is expected to hit a milestone of $100,000 in the year, bringing new boiling points to the industry.
This is a reminder that the content of the paper is intended to convey information and not to make an investment guide. To gain insight into the digital currency world and explore more industry insights, pay attention to forward-looking economists and cats, and provide you with authoritative data and in-depth analysis to make your decisions more robust.
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