Today's Oxford word brings us together to focus on bitcoin and related new words.
Bitcoin 比特币和其他新生词汇
bitcoinbitcoin and other new words
This symmetrical virtual currency jumped to an all-time high of $11,000 last Wednesday, and fell back below $10,000 before the deal was closed. The surge in monetary value in these numbers triggered a feverish investment and interest in the new world of the brave cryptic currency, and it is worth looking at the vocabulary bitcoin.
正如牛津辞典的定义,bitcoin是“一种数字货币,通过利用加密技术来管理货币单位的生成,并验证资金的转移,由一个中央银行独立运营”。这个很上口又短促的词汇是由一位神秘人物创造的,他就是中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)。大写形式的Bitcoin可有多种变化,但小写的bitcoin可作为可数名词使用,如10 bitcoins,这种用法日益增多。
As defined in the Oxford dictionary, bitcoin is “a digital currency, operated independently by a central bank by using encryption technology to manage the generation of monetary units and to verify the transfer of funds.” This very short term is created by a mysterious person, Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin, in the upper case, can be subject to many changes, but it is increasingly used as a number of terms, such as 10 bitcoins.
该词中的bit是计算机领域binary digit(二进制代码)的缩写形式,至少从1948年开始就在计算机科学家们中间使用。根据OED的引文记录,在1952年《科学美国人》杂志中就有这样的预言:“几乎可以肯定的是,bit将成为信息领域的通用说法,就如马力(horsepower)成为电机领域词汇一样”。
The word bit is an abbreviation of the computer field binary digit (binary code), which has been used among computer scientists since at least 1948. According to OED quotes, in 1952, there was a prophesy: “It is almost certain that bit will become a common word in the information field, as in the case of horsepower (horsepower) as a vocabulary in the electromechanical field”.
Bitcoin也启发了更广泛领域的数字货币,形成以-coin来结合新词的趋势。继bitcoin之后,很多数字货币出现,并以-coin一词来标识它们是一种数字货币,如:Dogecoin, Chinacoin, Litecoin, Peercoin,以及Primecoin,这里只列出这几个例子。
Bitcoin has also inspired a broader range of digital currencies, creating a tendency to combine new words with --coin. After bitcoin, many digital currencies have emerged and have been identified with the term -- coin as a digital currency, such as Dogecoin, Chinacoin, Litecoin, Peercoin, and Primecoin, to name just a few.
Do you know how linguists often talk about words from concrete examples to “the metaphorical extension” of abstract concepts? Well, we see right in front of us what little coins in our pockets turn into virtual spaces, or something we don't know.
The article was compiled from the following original English text:
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