煙草物流(Tobacco Logistics)
Tobacco Logistics (Tobacco Capitals)
Broad tobacco logistics means and its products, following the original material from , 狹義上的煙草是指煙草行業基於社會職能分工的不同,工業企業、商業企業及相互之間發生的煙草製品和相關物資實物的移動活動。
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The tobacco product belongs to the exclusive national product and requires a strong . The chimney is one of the most important sources of .
In parallel with the National Bureau of Tobacco Marketing, many local tobacco giants are also working on their own logistics information management .
Since the tobacco industry has for many years been a strictly protected cut-off industry in China, with relatively high profits, and with a monopoly system, the tobacco industry 中國煙草物流的主要特點
The main feature of China's tobacco logistics 我國煙草物流存在一些獨特的特點,這些特點使煙草物流的運作與其他行業物流運作區別開來。
There are unique features in our national tobacco logistics that distinguish the operation of tobacco logistics from that of other industries. (一)煙草物流具有明顯的區域性特征
(i) Tobacco logistics has clear regional characteristics 我國煙草的生產與銷售是分離的。煙草的生產必須由各省的中煙工業公司負責管理,按照國家計劃組織生產。而煙草的銷售由各省的煙草專賣局和煙草公司負責,廣大的零售網點都是持證經營者。在這種煙草專賣專營的垂直管理體制下,煙草的生產與銷售是按照國家計划進行組織的,這就決定了雖然全國卷煙品牌的集中度很低,但是區域市場的卷煙品牌集中度很高,呈現明顯的區域特征。
The production of tobacco in my country and by . The production of tobacco has to be managed by medium and medium tobacco companies in the provinces, organized in accordance with national plans. The sale of tobacco is carried out by provincial tobacco authorities and tobacco companies. (二)煙草零售戶多、訂單量小、品種分散
(ii) Lots of tobacco retailers, small orders and scattered variety 我國的煙草零售戶眾多,達到450萬戶,形成廣泛的分銷網路。全國卷煙銷售網路的建設是由國家煙草專賣局於1994年提出的,目前已經形成包括煙廠、省煙草公司、各地(縣、市)煙草公司、網點和零售戶在內的五級分銷網路,覆蓋全國各個城市和鄉鎮。在零售戶眾多的同時,每筆的訂單量偏小,品種有幾百種,因此造成配送頻次高。
We have a large number of tobacco retailers in our country, reaching 4.5 million . The nationwide cigarette was proposed by the National Bureau of Tobacco Marketing in 1994 and has now formed 物流量與倉儲量大
and 煙葉是農產品,其產量和質量受氣候與自然條件影響比較大,其簽訂的合同又屬於期貨性質,因此,合同執行時經常需要通過日常交易來變更、調節,造成日常交易量較大,每年各省煙葉流量總計約145萬噸,卷煙材料總流量約160萬噸。隨著煙草工業的集團化重組和兼併、煙草商業存儲配送功能向地市級集中,煙草的流動量增大。
My country is a smoke-consuming country, with tobacco logistics totalling about 5.5 million tons per year of of 此外,按照卷煙的工藝技術要求,煙葉在捲制前應進行1-2年的自然醇化,以提高煙葉的品質。復烤後的煙葉在卷煙廠的倉庫里按照卷煙的工藝技術要求存放1-2年後,投入生產。這種煙葉的採購和加工流程造成了巨大的煙葉庫存,占用了大量的倉庫和資金。
In addition, in accordance with the technical requirements of the rolling tobacco technology
(iv) High demand for auto-processing of tobacco products
A high level of autochemical production in tobacco-producing companies requires that tobacco logistics evolve towards high levels of informationization and self-regulation; that in sales forms, tobacco-producing enterprises are dominated by whole-sales, while tobacco-movement companies are dominated by contract-based shipments; that in the case of sales, there is a demand for autonomous conversion from piece to article; and that there is also a demand for a single, partial demand for off-situation.
(v) Requirements for temperature, humidity, pest control and fire protection in tobacco storage
Due to the natural properties of the tobacco itself and the concentration of tobacco storage, the pool mode affects the flow of the access warehouse by the need to separate fire-fighting zones, while Automotive 3D Repository has no need to separate fire-fighting compartments within the warehouse and has a large storage capacity, hence the high demand for tobacco storage for self-inflicted units.
In 1999, Shanghai Tobacco Company introduced the modern logistics of as a means of standardizing, , 第二,快速推進發展。2006年以來,煙草行業連續四次召開行業現代物流建設工作會議。2006年,現代物流被認為“是實現傳統商業向現代流通轉變的關鍵所在”;2007年和2008年分別在安徽和上海召開會議,對現代物流建設工作給予充分肯定;2010年會議上明確提出“煙草物流是煙草行業核心業務,是中國煙草面向未來提升核心競爭力的重要支撐”,現代物流建設已經成為中國煙草行業的重中之重。
Second, there has been rapid progress. Since 2006, the tobacco industry has been engaged in four consecutive conferences on the development of modern logistics. In 2006, modern logistics was considered to be “the key to the transformation of modern business into the modern world”; in 2007 and 2008, separate meetings were held in Anhui and Shanghai to give full recognition to the development of modern logistics; the 2010 conference explicitly stated that “smoking logistics is the core business of the tobacco industry and is the key pillar of the future upgrading of Chinese tobacco production >. 第三,建設成效明顯。全行業已經形成了覆蓋全國、分工明確、全程式控制制、面向500多萬卷煙零售戶的現代物流體系。
Third, construction works clearly. The industry has developed a nation-wide, clear division of labour, a full-scale control system, a modern logistics system for more than 5 million tobacco retailers. 第一,思維觀念落後。自“電話訪銷”實施之後,行業業務模式已基本穩定,行業從業人員、相關人員包括零售戶在內,對煙草物流的認識還只是停留在倉儲配送層面,認為是簡單的體力勞動,長期以來一直由所謂的“臨時工”負責。當“現代物流”的概念引入到煙草行業時,很多煙草從業人員認為是勞動力的解放和現代化機器設備的應用,不過是“配貨送貨”的代名詞,屬於“換湯不換藥”的範疇,依舊不會探究現代流通所代表的深層含義,對現代物流的認識比較片面。
First, after the adoption of the “Telephone Visit”, the industry model has been largely stable, with practitioners and related personnel, including retailers, working within the storage and distribution floor 第二,成本核算模糊,物流標準落後。在很長一段時間內,煙草行業物流成本沒有單獨核算,工業把這一部分費用納入到產品成本,而商業則納入商品流通。而在企業內部,物流系統的規劃設計、業務實施、信息系統建設與維護等分別由不同的部門完成,物流系統涉及成本方面的基礎數據很難進行完整有效的統計,因此無法真實反映物流成本的構成。另外,物流標準相對落後。雖然煙草行業已經制定了一些物流標識標準體系,但標準的應用推廣本身還需要進行實踐,而貨物運輸過程中基本設備的統一規範缺乏,物流標準化管理及商品信息標準化工作等都相對滯後,影響了現代物流的發展。
Second, cost accounting is vague. Over a long period of time, the logistics costs of the tobacco industry were not accounted for separately, cost accounting . 第三,物流人才匱乏。隨著煙草物流現代化建設腳步的加速,特別是物聯網的建設已經納入到煙草物流建設的範疇,原有物流人員的年齡結構和知識結構已經不能滿足現代化建設的要求,新近員工大多為院校應屆畢業生及轉業軍人,由於缺乏專業的知識及操作經驗,加之行業培訓機制等也不盡完善,導致物流現代化建設處於使用先進技術和設備階段,物流效率明顯低於預期水平。
Third, . With the acceleration of the contemporary construction of tobacco logistics
白沙物流煙草配送GIS及線路優化系統是基於集成了國際上發展成熟的網路資料庫、WEB/GIS中間件、GPS、GPRS通訊技術,採用金啟元科技發展(北京)有限公司的地圖引擎中間件(GS-GMS-MapEngine for Java)產品為核心開發技術平臺,結合白沙物流的實際,開發設計的集煙草配送線路優化、煙草配送和煙草稽查車輛安全監控、煙草業務(訪銷、CRM等)可視化分析、煙草電子地圖查詢為一體的物流WEB/GIS綜合管理信息系統。該系統利用WEB/GIS強大的地理數據功能來完善物流分析,及時獲取直觀可視化的第一手綜合管理信息,即可直接合理調配人力、運力資源,求得最佳的送貨路線,又能有效地為綜合管理決策提供依據。系統中使用的GPS技術可以實時監控車輛的位置,根據道路交通狀況向車輛發出實時調度指令,實現對車輛的遠程管理。
logistics tobacco distribution GIS and route optimization system based on the internationally developed logistics system based on the internationally developed , 白沙煙草物流開發使用GIS線路優化系統將實現以下六大應用功能:①煙草配送線路優化系統。選擇訂單日期和配送區域後自動完成訂單數據的抽取,根據送貨車輛的裝載量、客戶分佈、配送訂單、送貨線路交通狀況、司機對送貨區域的熟悉程度等因素設定計算條件,系統進行送貨線路的自動優化處理,形成最佳送貨路線,保證送貨成本及送貨效率最佳。②煙草綜合地圖查詢。通過使用圖形操作工具如放大、縮小、漫游、測距等,來具體查看每一客戶的詳細情況。③煙草業務地圖數據遠程維護。提供基於地圖方式的煙草業務地圖數據維護功能以及及時更新地圖。④煙草業務分析。實現選定區域,選定時間段的煙草訂單訪銷區域的分佈,進行複合條件查詢;在選定時間段內的各種品牌香煙的銷量統計和地理及煙草訪銷區域分佈;配送車組送貨區域的地圖分佈。通過在各種查詢統計、分析現有客戶分佈規律的基礎上,通過空間數據密度計算,挖掘潛在客戶通過對配送業務的互動分析,擴展配送業務(如第三方物流)。⑤煙草物流GPS車輛監控管理。通過對煙草送貨車輛的導航跟蹤,提高車輛運作效率,降低車輛管理費用,抵抗風險。⑥煙草配送車輛信息維護。根據車組和煙草配送人員的變動及時在這一模塊中進行車輛、司機、送貨員信息的維護操作包括添加車輛和對現有車輛信息的編輯。
The use of the GIS/CAL system for the development of white sand tobacco logistics will result in the following six applications: an EIS/EIS system for the self-approval of the system for the delivery of the route, which will provide the best delivery line for the delivery line, and the best delivery line for the delivery of the route. 2 SALAs = "B" ("B" ("B) ("B" ("B") ("B" ("B") ("B") ("B" ("B") ("B" ("B") ("B" ("B" ("T")" ("B" ("B" ("B") ("T" ("B" ("T")" ("B" ("B" ("T")") ("B" ("B" ("B") ("B") ("B" ("B" ("B")" ("B")") ("S" ("A"S") ("A"S"""S""""""S""""S"""""""""""""""""""S"S"S"S"S"S"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 經過GIS計算自動生成的優化配送線路圖,可指導煙草送貨員大大提高送貨效率,節約配送成本。
The automatic generation of an improved distribution road map, calculated by GIS, can guide tobacco couriers to significantly improve delivery efficiency at distribution costs.
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