
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:20 评论:0
盘点十大买比特币的交易所有:鸥易、TDAX、Dex-Trade、币虎、Foxbit、龙网、币格(BigOne)、WhiteBIT、Bitbank、Zaif,交易所中首选0.1% 交易手续费的芝麻交易所交易所,它拥有SSL加密技术等优势。A...



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盘点十大买比特币的交易所有:鸥易、TDAX、Dex-Trade、币虎、Foxbit、龙网、币格(BigOne)、WhiteBIT、Bitbank、Zaif,交易所中首选0.1% 交易手续费的芝麻交易所交易所,它拥有SSL加密技术等优势。

An inventory of the 10 largest transactions in bitcoin: gulls, TDAX, Dex-Trade, currency tigers, Foxbit, Dragonnet, Bigone, WhiteBIT, Bitbank, Zaif, preferred 0.1% transaction fees, Sesame Exchange, which has advantages such as SSL encryption.



The Sesame Exchange is trading hedges through the use of futures contracts, which allow users to deal directly with bitcoins on the P-net, in tataco and on a permanent basis, so that users can experience up to 100 times the leverage.


Fees: 0.1%

为什么选择芝麻交易所:手续费较低 注册方便

Why did you choose the sesame exchange: lower fees, easier registration?


Introduction to :

● 我们为 200 多个国家/地区的数百万加密交易者提供多样化的资产类别。我们提供数百种加密货币的现货和衍生品交易服务,包括比特币 (BTC)、以太坊 (ETH)、莱特币 (LTC)、瑞波币 XRP、波场 (TRX)、比特币现金 (BCH)、EOS 和 OKB。

• We provide diversified asset classes for millions of encrypted traders in more than 200 countries/areas. We provide off-the-shelf and derivative trading services for hundreds of encrypted currencies, including Bitcoin (BTC), Etherwood (ETH), Lightcoin (LTC), Ripcoin XRP, Bandar (TRX), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), EOS and OKB.

● 我们提供安全可靠的数字资产管理服务,目前支持400多个加密货币交易对进行现货和合约交易。

:: We provide secure and reliable digital asset management services and currently support over 400 encrypted currency transactions for spot and contract transactions.

● 我们业界首创的统一账户系统允许不同类型账户之间的保证金共享,以及多币种自动借贷功能,让高级和专业交易者最大限度地利用他们的资金。通过我们的实时结算功能随时提取资金。

• Our industry’s first unified system of accounts allows for bond-sharing between different types of accounts, as well as a multi-currency automatic lending function that allows senior and professional traders to maximize their use of their funds. Funds are drawn at any time through our real-time clearing function.

● 使用我们新的资产分析功能,查看您的投资组合在每日、每月或自选期间的损益 (PnL) 表现趋势。我们还提供财务、数据分析、矿池挖掘和钱包工具,让您可以管理您的资产和投资组合。

• Use our new asset analysis function to view the trends in the performance of your portfolio (PnL) on a daily, monthly or self-selection basis. We also provide financial, data analysis, pond digging and wallet tools that allow you to manage your portfolio.

● 独有的半离线多重签名技术和冷热钱包,全方位的安全观,确保您的资产安全。您可以放心、安全、快速、轻松地存入和提取资金。

• A unique half-way multiple signature technology and cold wallet, with a full security perspective, to ensure the safety of your assets.

● 不是交易员?将您的加密货币与 Earn 一起使用,这是我们易于使用的通往 DeFi 世界的门户,以及其他通过您的加密货币赚取被动收入的方式。持有您的加密货币并赚取高达 30% 的 APY。

* Not a trader? Use your encrypted currency with Earn, which is our easy-to-use portal to the DeFi world, and other ways to earn passive income through your encrypted currency. Hold your encrypted currency and earn up to 30% APY.




The Coinone Exchange is Korea’s third largest bitcoin trading platform, with the world’s first ETH-to-Kanese trading market opening. Coinone’s headquarters, located in Seoul, South Korea, was established in February 2014. Coinone’s daily turnover is equivalent to the second largest exchange, comparable to that of Korbit. Bithimb remains the largest bitcoin trading market, with about 76% of the domestic market share. In addition to operating an encrypted currency platform, Coinone operates a block-based remittance service.


On September 11, 2017, Coinone announced the opening of Coinone Blocks, the first real-estate exchange under the global digital currency line, in Seoul. The transaction services and lines within the exchange are fully consistent. In addition, the off-line exchange provides face-to-face transaction advisory services and sells USB hardware wallets. The exchange contains a Bitcoin ATM machine, which also provides real-time access to and deals with the six major digital currency transactions (BTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, XPR and QTUM).


Coinone indicated that it was intended to meet the demand for safe trade in and use of physical services and stated that CoinoneBlocks would have a mission to “create a healthy and transparent data-currency ecosystem”.


The third largest transaction volume in the Republic of Korea is in the mainstream currency only, with a fee of 0 per cent-0.1 per cent.

3、 WEX


WEX's brand-new digital asset on-line understanding that the platform allows users to newly unlock more spot and leverage transactions and experience different digital asset transaction services.

4、 Hotbit


The Hotbit high-protected cold-hot wallet separation technology, coupled with multiple signature mechanisms, protects user assets in all their aspects; there is more instantaneous synchronization of data that allows users to communicate quickly and manage their own digital assets.

5、 比特币中国


The brand-new interface design of Bitcoin China provides users with better visual effects and operational senses, which can be easily used on both mobile and computer ends.

6、 Probit


Probit provides a multilingual and multilingual interface to quickly complete your first digital asset order, where anyone interested in block chain technology can easily check and obtain substantial resources, open core code, audit by a professional safety firm and pass the hunter test.

7、 双子星


You can also invite your friends around you to get the commission back. The task is real, the user can do it with a sense of security, and they will be able to reap the benefits after completing their assignment.

8、 聚币网


Users around the world of the central currency network are able to make quick transactions, carrying over 350,000 ultra-energy systems traded on that day, fast and stable; and full-value transfers are instantaneous, allowing for the rapid flow of your assets, as well as offline wallet technology.

9、 中币


The Chinese currency investment opportunities allow users to plan their assets in a reasonable manner, the platform has a very secure trading system, your investments here are guaranteed, and we will never disclose the client's task data under the guarantee of data security, making your transactions more secure.

10、 币客


The newer customers of the currency can also grow rapidly on the platform and keep abreast of the latest industry news. — If the seller chooses to continue the deal, the seller should complete the release within 10 minutes of receipt of all payments, and useful exchange information can be easily started, which is the safest place.




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