文章来源:互联网作者:币安app官方下载最新版发布时间:2023-08-11 08:01:00
Source of articles: Internet : Date of publication: 2023-08-11:01
Today's price: $29.917.5
24H最高: 29.524.624H最低: 29.121.8历史最高: 69.273.1历史最低: 0.049524H成交量: 23.17万24H成交额: 68.58亿发行总量: 2100万市值: 5669亿24H换手率: 1.21%24H波幅: 1.38%流通数量: 1936万市值占比: 48.37%昨开: 29.370.4昨收: --流通率: 92.20%完全稀释后市值 6148亿
29,524,624H highest: 29,524,624H highest: 29,12,128, highest: 69.27,731 history: lowest: 0.049,524H turnover: 0.017,24H total issuance: 6,858 million market value: 56,669 million market value:,24H exchange rate: 1,21,24H wave size: 1.38 per cent market value: 19.36 million market value: 48.37 per cent yesterday: 29,370.4 per cent: circulation rate: 92.20 per cent market value after complete dilution: 61,4.8 billion
BTC当前价格是$29.649.今日涨幅为+2.54%,24h成价额是$237.35亿。 BTC当前流通市值为$5.760.06亿, 在加密货币市场排名 #1 ; BTC的总供应量为 2.100万BTC,当前市场流通量为1.943.95万BTC。
BTC’s current price is $29.649. Today’s increase is +2.54% and 24h is $23.735 billion.BTC’s current market value in circulation is $576.006 billion, ranking #1 in the crypto-currency market; BTC’s total supply is 2.1 million BTC, and its current market flow is 19.4395 million BTC.
1.比特币对人民币汇率 今日比特币兑换人民币最新价格
The currency exchange rate of the bitcoin to the renminbi is today's latest currency exchange rate.
1 bitcoin = 211064.705882 yuan
The current Bitcoin exchange rate against the renminbi is 211064.705882.
At current exchange rate, 1 bitcoin is convertible by 211064.705882 yuan
汇率更新时间:2023-08-02 09:00
Exchange rate update: 2023-08-0209
2.人民币对比特币汇率 今日人民币兑换比特币最新价格
The currency exchange rate of the renminbi is the latest currency exchange rate of the renminbi to the currency today.
RMB 1 = 0.00004 bits
The current RMB exchange rate is 0.00004.
1 yuan convertible 0.00004 bits at current exchange rate
汇率更新时间:2023-08-02 09:00
Exchange rate update: 2023-08-0209
1. How does Bitcoin operate?
比特币使用了公开密钥系统。每一个钱币都包括了其拥有者的公开密匙。当钱币从用户A支付给用户B时, A将B的公开密匙添加到钱币中, 然后这个钱币又被A用私人密码匙来签封。B现在即拥有了这个钱币并且可以将来使用,而A就不可能再次使用这个钱币,因为以前的交易记录以被全体网络计算机收录维护。在每笔交易前,钱币的有效性都必须经过检验确认。
Bitcoin uses a public key system. Each currency includes the public key of its owner. When the currency is paid from user A to user B, A adds the public key of B to the currency, which is then signed by A with a private key. B now owns the coin and can be used in the future, and A cannot use it again because the record of the previous transaction is maintained by the entire network computer.
2. How much is the bitcoin worth?
At the time of the birth of Bitcoin, almost nothing was worth, with an average of 1309.03 bitcoins being purchased by $1, but the price of bitcoins had soared to $15,000 at a time.
3. Is Bitcoin convertible in cash?
The answer is yes. All you have to do is get in touch with the Bitcoin trading agency, where the money network, binance, is the most popular bitcoin trading platform.
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