
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:24 评论:0
文/陈岩鹏Man/Lipan Chen本文首发于华夏百富(微信ID:bigwigsinchina)This post is originally published in Bafu, Washing...



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Man/Lipan Chen


This post is originally published in Bafu, Washington, D.C. (Web ID:bigwigsinchina).


The old garage coffee, called the “circle of Chinese currency”, is dissipating the colour of the “sacrifice of believers in the chain of blocks”.


On 7 August, Pee Fu (Web ID:bigwigsinchina) arrived at 48 Heinze Street, Beijing, where the garage coffee was located. Information about the “block chain” appeared sporadically on the second floor of the recruitment wall. In the café, he occasionally heard talk about block chains, bitcoin and even air currency, but it was colder than the heat of the currency ring five years ago.


A neighbor at the table invited him to “trade a bitcoin to join the club” and got a cold answer: “What's the point?”


In 2013, “China’s Best Rich” Lee laughed to convince the founder of the garage with three inch tongues to make garage coffee the country’s first real shop to be paid for by bitcoin. In March of that year, an American student named Jack went to the store to ask if he could use bitcoin for coffee, and after he said, “We had a partner who was studying bitcoin, and we had no place to look for it, so we agreed. But, before we got Bitcoin, we were replaced by a partner who studied bitco, and we finally took the cash.”


The Bitcoin payment incident also attracted interviews from central television, which resulted in a reputation for “café de la garage”, which attracted friends who had been in the same currency ring for many years.


The head of the garage coffee media, Totti, denied, however, when he referred to the reference to “entity shops where Bitcoin is paid”.


Indeed, unlike five years ago, the Bitcoin deal became grey and even illegal. Su-jung withdrew from garage coffee in March this year, and Li laughed a month ago into a “record door”.


It is rare to note that there are several pictures on the garage coffee billboards, with a tableboard on the table with a table with a table with a table with a table with a table with a table full of money. Once, Li Xiaolai, Zhao Dong, Bo, Li Lin, Zhao King Peak, Do Ping are always here in the open sky.


Now, the followers of the block chain are moving away, and the pilgrims are left unattended. Tody says there are very few coin-circles here now.



In 2011, a Winzhou businessman, Yang Linko, introduced bitco’s advanced ideas into China. When it was established in April, garage coffee was supposed to be the world’s first entrepreneurship issue in a café that initially had nothing to do with bitco.


Li laughter came to know the concept of “bitcoin” for the first time on the Internet in that year, and Zhao Dong did not know what bitcoin was, and Zhao's mind was all used on the ink weather.


Crossing the border is the character of the big coin ring. Before entering the ring, Li was once a famous teacher of the new East, and for eight years between 2001 and 2008, he served as a senior teacher in the new East, and was popular with students and friends of the Internet for speaking funny humor.


With a great mouth, Li laughs in the currency circles, and that's later. He was a man who sold, taught, wrote, started a company in the early years, and he was a man who used to act.


Bitcoin was hit by hackers at $30 in 2011, the market continued to fall sharply, and for a long time it was very low, with prices hovering around $1, when many thought it had collapsed, but Li laughed and some people kept buying it.


A copy of Debitcoin put him on the throne of “China’s richest bitcoin.” Li laughter once said he held six bitcoins. Even 100,000, he was worth more than 11 billion when he was the highest.


The exchange between Li laughter and Zhao Dong took place in garage coffee. In 2012, Zhao Tung sold the Ink Weather shares and joined the garage coffee as the CTO, when the new trend in garage coffee became the best greenhouse for the big coins.

多年后,赵东还清晰地记得2013年见到李笑来时的情景 ,“他的一句话对我影响最深:比特币是人类历史上第一次用技术手段保证私有财产神圣不可侵犯。”

Many years later, Zhao Dong clearly remembered what happened when he saw Li laugh in 2013, and “his words affected me the most: Bitcoin was the first time in human history that private property was sacrosanct by technical means”.


Among the people attracted by Li’s laughter, there was the “Son Bo Hung” who came to Beijing from Shanxi to study how to sell beef. Lord Bo wanted to come to Beijing to learn how to sell beef in electronic commerce, but he did not think of the opportunity to do so. He now bought 10,000 square metres of mansions and a Rolls vision, and told everyone, in almost the most treacherous way, that they could really make a fortune.


Zhao Dong was dragged into a microblogging group called “The Hotel for Peace” and was asked, whenever a new person was added to the group, “Are you looking at the sky?”, and the “Star” here is Wu Kong, who was in a very high position at the time of the currency ring.


Wu began mining with company computers in 2009 and dug up about 8,000 more, and later lost the documents when he left the office... That year, Bitcoin, designed by Nakamoto, was just born.

币圈从不缺少“神人”,神一样的中本聪,到现在大家都还不知道他是谁,“V神”又冒了出来,1994年出生的“天才少年”Vitalik Buterin,他所创办的以太坊是仅次于比特币的第二大数字货币。

The currency circle is never short of the “gods”, like God, who no one knows until now, and the “V” comes back. Vitalik Buterin, a “genius” born in 1994, was the second-largest digital currency after Bitcoin.


In 2013, Bitcoin experienced a wave of surges, rising from $10 to more than $1,000, and more than a hundred times, which excites the ringers.


Zhao Dong tasted bitcoin's sweets this year. He sold the house, bought more than 2,000 bitcoins for more than 1 million, bought more than 2,000 bitcoins 10 times more, and threw 1 million shakes into it and turned into 10 million.


Li's laughtered Bitcoin Fund was established in 2013, and Wu Xiaoqian, the world's largest miner in 2013, sold more than 50% of the total net. The only cynic who made Lee laugh, was also a grad student in North Korea in 2012, when he bought bitcoins while eating bubble noodles.


At the University of Pennsylvania, Sun Woo bought his first bitcoin in the morning. He later issued the highest total market value of the Wavetron project, amounting to more than $20 billion, which was once the third largest in the world.



Zhao Tung, who became rich all night, began to expand and began to borrow money from his friends if he thought he had not had enough money. He became addictive, he played leverage, and he thought that Bitcoin would keep rising, rising to $1 million.


In 2014, Bitcoin suffered an unprecedented fall, and many investors lost their lives. On February 10, Zhao’s house exploded, losing 9,000 bitcoins a day, making up the US dollar worth $8 million at the time.


After that, Zhao Tung, through Li laughter, waited for the support of his friends to get through, but Zhao Tung, who was addicted to it, did not stop.


After the explosion, Zhao Tung thought of “mining”, but in 2014 it was in Bear City, and Zhao Tung blew up three times in a row on his own mine, at a loss of physical integrity. His mine reached the end of the day, digging out bitcoins without even paying for electricity. In 2014, Zhao Tung lost 150 million in bitcoin.


Zhao Dong sees 2013 as a “summer” of Bitcoin, so 2014 is “Autumn”, 2015 is “winter”, and freezing is winter.


At the beginning of 2015, after Bitcoin fell by 900 dollars, Zhao Tung sold all the mining equipment. At the time, he sold less than RMB 3 million of the original 50 million miner.


According to himself, “In the most difficult times, there is only 100,000 yuan + 60 million yuan in debt. Next month, the son goes to primary school and pays 50,000 yuan in sponsorship.”


In the “Autumn” and “winter” of Bitcoin’s lowest fascination, smelly capital began to be laid out. At Sun Woo’s suggestion, Baron Xue purchased Ripoon in 2014, when Ripoon’s unit price was about three cents, and in May 2017, Riponi’s unit price rose by more than a hundred times.


At the time Zhao Dongqin opened the mine, because of the investment of the Genuine Fund, the founder of the Genuine Fund, Seo Xiaoping, turned Zhao Dong into a “rich man.” Capital-drivenly, Bitcoin surged in 2016 and 2017.


It wasn't until July 9th, 2017 that Xue Mangang announced his entry into the currency. That night, he made a photo of him laughing at Li, “China’s richest bitcoin,” and he made a tweet: “At last, he found the path to freedom of wealth.”

与李笑来吃饭的那个晚上,薛蛮子说,在这个领域,“我见不着徐小平,见不着雷军,nobody there”,中国最有名的的一群投资人中,只有他进场了。

On the night Li laughed to eat, he said that in this area, “I can't see Xiaoping, I can't see Ray, nobody there”, he was the only one among China's most famous investors.


During the following month, Baron Xue cast 12 ICO projects, including the ink chain, the original chain, and the quantum chain. He also took a picture of him in microblogging of his handsomeness with the founder of the original chain and the founder of the quantum chain. He was also addicted to the ICO project himself and joined BEX in his capacity as Chief Strategic Officer.

ICO(Initial Coin Offering,意为首次货币发行),成为了2017年最火爆的投资项目。没有门槛,没有监管,只要发白皮书,币价就会迎来十倍、百倍的增长。

The ICO (Initial Coin Offering, meaning the first currency release) became the hottest investment project in 2017. No threshold, no regulation, and the price of a single white paper will rise ten-fold and one-hundred-fold.


Lee laughs at the fact that he sold a six-month “air coin” for a well-known public-chain project. “I was the first to sell him a six-month gas coin, or where he had it today. Now, to look back, he's such a good-looking, handsome scoundrel.”


At the time of the ICO fire, Changbae also made his own ICO. His name is Liu Ji Peng, and he works with Wu Tsim as a currency-circle information website, Babbitt.


In June 2017, they went online, calling it a decentralised asset register, circulation network, connecting to the world of Bits and the world of atoms. At present, the total value of the original chain is as high as $900 million, standing at the top 30 in the global currency.


李笑来当时也发布了自己的项目:Press one和Big.one。但好景不长,由于监管这两个项目都进行了清退流程。

Lee laughter also released his own projects: Press one and Big. One. But the good news is not long, as both projects are subject to a clean-up process.


In September 2017, seven departments jointly issued the Proclamation on Protection against the Risk of Money Issue Financing, which refers directly to the brutal growth of money financing. Wu argued that the ICO had to be stopped in a single way because it posed a great threat to financial stability at the time, and that those who illegally collected P2P funds had been transferred to the tokens.


The Sun Woo morning launch of the TRON project was questioned as the world's largest “air currency.” The Xue baron also called for retrenchment.


By the end of last year, Bitcoin reached the top of the bull market, with a price of nearly $20,000, a sharp fallback from the boom-bust price in 2018. At the moment when the currency was retreating, Xiaoping was encouraging everyone to “ embrace the chain revolution.”


At the beginning of this year, the founder of the Genuine Foundation’s internal speech calling for “don’t pass it out.” From the screenshots of the micro-message, Xiaoping Xiaoping said in a micro-message called the Genuine Investment Portfolio (composed of the Genuine Fund investors and the CEOs of the companies in which it was invested), “This is a great technological revolution that is smooth and dead, and that will destabilize traditions more rapidly and thoroughly than the Internet and the mobile Internet.”

徐小平此番讲话被解读为真格基金卯足了劲准备all in 区块链,此前已经跑步入场的薛蛮子却觉得“老徐太亢奋了”。

Xu Xiaoping's speech was interpreted as an intense effort by the Genuine Foundation to prepare all in the block chain, and the former Xue Juni, who had already entered the field, felt “Old Xu is too excited”.


The exact words of Mr. Xue were that, from September last year until now, despite the apparent heat of the block chain, including my old friend, Xiaoping Xiaoping, who accidentally leaked the sound of the internal conversation, and who created a circle like chicken blood. To be honest, Xu was too excited.


After learning that his speech had been disclosed, Xiaoping responded on Twitter that “this was a "low profile" sharing between me and the selected company, which is now being circulated without permission.


Xue compares the block chain and the digital currency investment with the "foam beer." "No bubbles, no beer, but bubbles account for 90%. Real beer is very few, and most of the current project is air currency. It's bigger than the bubble that started at the beginning of the Internet, and it's extravagant."


“It is also because block chain technology is accompanied by ICO chaos and does not want its perception of the block chain to be misconstrued as a view of ICO.” Xiaoping also offered a bitcoin reward for “capturing” leakers.


After this reward was issued, a group of people from the “genuine portfolio” came forward and called themselves “rebels”, took the initiative and said, “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry”.


In May of this year, Zhao Tung took a photo of him and a Bentley in Weibo, and sent a tweet: “eight years ago, a programmer bought a pizza with 10,000 bitcoins, and today I bought a bintco with 10 bitcoins. Ten years later perhaps a bitcoin could buy a big house in two rings of Beijing.”


After all these years, Cho did this kind of “off-the-shelf” business, the big one, and the small one. Not only did he settle his debt slowly, but he turned back, and he created the DFUND Fund, which he now claims to be “never getting out of the car” – convinced that Bitcoin would rise to $1 million.


In July, a recording of Li's laughter came to light, and the entanglement in the currency ring, the cutting of vegetables, etc. were uncovered.


The infighting, the insider, the routing, the industry's fur since the block chain was blown up, seems to have moved away from what the block chain was meant to be.







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