
资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:21 评论:0



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Open the imToken and switch to the ETH wallet. Use settings with my click. Find node settings, click on ETHERUM. Enter the ETH wallet node setting page. Click on the quick addition to jump to Chainlist. Fall down to the desired node, click on ADDTOMETAMAS, and choose to authorize the addition of the node.

imToken钱包怎么用?首先需要下载安装该软件 小伙伴们可以点击该页面上方的【imToken钱包】直接下载。

How does the imToken wallet work? The software needs to be downloaded and installed first. The little partners can download it directly by clicking on the [imToken wallet] above the page.

从官网下载安装。 备份好钱包,imToken 提供明文私钥、keystore 文件、助记词三种备份钱包方式。助记词是加密了的私钥,keystore+密码=私钥,不建议备份明文私钥。

Downloaded and installed from the website. backed up the wallet, imToken provides three forms of backup wallets: a private key, a keystore file, and a helpword. The helpword is an encrypted private key, a keystore+ password = a private key, which is not recommended for backup.


First, regarding transfers: the user needs to log in the application, select the transfer on the right side of the personal interface; enter the account address of the recipient or choose directly from the contact to determine the amount of the transfer; after the information is confirmed, submit the transfer request and enter the payment password to confirm the transfer.


When Imtoken Andre is installed, it is important to remember when the identity is created that the system will produce a word and a private key file. The letters and private key files are particularly important.


First, there may be a problem with the network connection of a mobile phone, which makes it impossible to download and install an imtoken application properly.


, which is registered to download the imToken wallet App. Opens the browser to enter the official website download, or searchs for "imtoken" for registered downloads in the software application city with its own phone. Note: imToken wallet Apple version and Andre version. Apple version can be downloaded only after IID logs into the cell phone.


The following are detailed steps to transfer using imToken: open the imToken application and log into your account. On the main screen, click on the Wallet tab and then select the digital asset wallet you want to transfer. Click on the Send button, and enter the number of digital currencies and the collection address you want to send.


Step 1: Open the imToken wallet application and make sure you are login. Step 2: Click the Asset tab on the application's main interface and select the digital currency you want to extract.


Click on the Create Wallet button, and then set the wallet password on the hint, back up your helpword (please note the order and correctness of the backup) and confirm the backup. Add a number currency: in the imToken wallet, you can add multiple numbers.

1、imToken钱包怎么用?首先需要下载安装该软件 小伙伴们可以点击该页面上方的【imToken钱包】直接下载。

How does the imToken wallet work? The software needs to be downloaded and installed first. The little partners can download it directly by clicking on the [imToken wallet] above the page.

2、从官网下载安装。 备份好钱包,imToken 提供明文私钥、keystore 文件、助记词三种备份钱包方式。助记词是加密了的私钥,keystore+密码=私钥,不建议备份明文私钥。

2- Download installation from the official network. backs up the wallet, imToken provides three forms of backup wallets: a private key, a keystore file, and a helpword. The helpword is an encrypted private key, a keystore+ password = a private key, which is not recommended for backup.


3. First, with regard to transfers: the user needs to log in the application, select the transfer on the right side of the personal interface; enter the account address of the recipient or choose directly from the contact to determine the amount of the transfer; after the information is confirmed correctly, submit the transfer request and enter the payment password to confirm the transfer.

4、转到中心化的交易所,将资产兑换成USDT,然后到OTC交易版块交易提现。imToken 是一款区块链数字资产管理工具,为用户提供安全、可信赖的数字资产管理服务。

4. Transfers to a centralized exchange, converts assets to USDT and then cashs them to the OTC trading block.


Five, how does the Imtoken wallet use anotherscan1: in the block chain world, there's an application of a courier query tool, that's Ethanscan, and you can do it on your own.


6. Register to download the imToken wallet App. Opens the browser into the official website Enter the download, or searchs for "imtoken" for registered downloads in the software application city with its own phone. Note: imToken wallet Apple and Andre.

从官网下载安装。 备份好钱包,imToken 提供明文私钥、keystore 文件、助记词三种备份钱包方式。助记词是加密了imtoken安卓版使用的私钥,keystore+密码=私钥,不建议备份明文私钥。

Downloaded and installed from the website. backed up the wallet, imToken provides three forms of backup wallets: private keys, keystore files, and helpwords. The helpword is to encrypt the private key of imtoken Andre using , keystore+ password = private key, which is not recommended for backup.

下载完成后,初次打开 APP 会显示如下页面,需要进行钱包的创建或导入(因为imtoken安卓版使用我自己之前没有以太坊钱包,这里就按“创建钱包”操作)。点击【创建钱包】,根据页面提示,填写钱包名称和密码,即可创建完成。

Once the download is finished, the initial opening of the APP will show the following pages, which require the creation or import of a wallet (because the imtoken Andre version did not use the my own wallet, and here it will be " Create the Wallet " ). Click [Create the Wallet], and fill in the wallet name and password based on the page hint.



How do Imtoken wallets experience the fantom chain method one: the first page switches into the ETH wallet's asset page, clicks on "EtheiumMainnet" below the wallet, and chooses "FantomOpera" on the window page to switch to the Fantom node for operation.


In the wallet interface, we add the currencies we need (as in the case of ETH), as shown by the red arrows. Then we see the amount and valuation of ETH in the wallet. If you need to transfer, you can enter the interface by clicking on the currency. When you enter the interface, there are two options for `transfer' and `receipt' below, with the top icon as a chart of the trend.


Or if you have been asked, the input box will automatically complete the address you want to query at imtoken Andre on .


The operation is as follows: first step: to find the exchange's money-filling entrance, corresponding to the specific currency. second step: to open the ETH wallet in the imtoken wallet and click on " Transfer ".


1. How to store your digital currency in an imtoken in an iToken is very simple, and only the following steps are required: download the imToken application: you can find the imToken application in the AppStore or GooglePlay store and download the installation.


Step 2: Add a public chain asset to the imToken wallet to open the imToken wallet and select " Add assets " in the " Assets " tab. Then find the public chain (XIN) and click " Add ". Step 3: Transfer assets to open the public chain wallet and enter the " Transfer " page in the public chain wallet.


In October 2021, Imtoke issued a circular to the effect that it would restrict access to and use of the following third-party financial applications in China and would not provide mobile mine applications such as coal mining, trading, lending, derivatives, etc.




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