
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:122 评论:0
meme 熱潮後緊跟著大盤普跌,市場情緒被迫稍微降溫。等待回調觸底中,可以搜尋一些熱門敘事裡有未來回報預期的項目。 AI 和鏈遊同為常出現在VC 研報中的關鍵字,是許多投資人關注的熱門版面。After the tide, the marke...



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meme 熱潮後緊跟著大盤普跌,市場情緒被迫稍微降溫。等待回調觸底中,可以搜尋一些熱門敘事裡有未來回報預期的項目。 AI 和鏈遊同為常出現在VC 研報中的關鍵字,是許多投資人關注的熱門版面。

After the tide, the market was forced to cool down a bit. Waiting for a return to the bottom, it was possible to search for items in some of the popular narratives that were expected to be returned in the future. AI, along with the links, is the key word that often appears in the VC Journal, and is a popular page of interest to many investors.

事實上,去年全球遊戲開發者大會(GDC 2023)中,就已將「AI 與遊戲的結合」推向傳統遊戲產業的關注中心。加密領域,近一年使用AI 技術賦能GameFi 的想像與實踐也在進行中。在近日行情轉跌之前,$PRIME、$GHX 等的專案代幣都因「AI+GameFi」的賣點走出了不錯的上漲曲線。本週,英偉達舉辦的Nvidia GTC2024 大會和全球遊戲開發者大會(GDC 2024)同時期舉行,這兩個大會也得到了Web3 社群的高度關注。可以預見,之後會有越來越多的融合AI 、Gamefi 兩個敘事的項目出現。

In fact, last year’s Global Game Developer Conference (GDC 2023) pushed “AI’s Convergence with Game” to the center of attention of the traditional game industry. Encryption domain, using AI’s technologist GameFi’s imagination and reality, is also under way for the past year. Prior to the recent downturn, the funds of the projects, such as $PRIME, $GHX, and others, were out of a good line of interest because of the sale of AI+GameFi. This week, the Nvidia GTC 2024 conference, organized by the United States of America, and the Global Game Developers Conference (GDC 2024), both of which received high-profile attention from the Web3 community.

「AI+GameFi」的碰撞如何發生?已出現的項目可以作為參考。總的來說可分為三類,透過AI 代理提升玩家體驗、引入AI 生成內容豐富遊戲生態、以及靠近DePIN、面向遊戲玩家的去中心化物理基礎設施項目,類別界限並不清晰。 BlockBeats 整理了11 個涉及AI 及GameFi 敘事的項目,內容如下。

How does the AI+GameFi collision occur? The items that have emerged can be considered. In general, there are three categories: upgrading the player experience through AI proxy, introducing AI to generate a lot of game life, and decentralizing the physical infrastructure project close to DePIN for game players. BlockBeats collated 11 items related to AI and GameFi, which are described below.

大部分遊戲將AI 代理技術引入其中,為玩家提供更豐富、多樣化的遊戲體驗。例如,動態NPC 可以讓遊戲中的非玩家角色表現更加真實和靈活,增加了遊戲的挑戰性和趣味性。此外,玩家還可以獲得根據自己的行為和偏好的個人化互動體驗。這方面的代表項目包括Ultiverse 和NIM Network。

Most games introduce AI proxy techniques to provide players with more rich and diverse experiences of the game. For example, dynamic NPCs can make non-player roles in the game more real and dynamic, increasing the challenge and fun of the game. In addition, players can get personalized interactive experiences based on their own behaviour and preferences. This representation includes Ultiverse and NIM Network.



3 月15 日,科幻主題NFT 卡牌遊戲Parallel 將在Solana 上推出新的人工智慧遊戲colony,在遊戲中,人工智慧代理(AI agent)將能夠在鏈上自主進行交易,將資產存入自己的錢包中。

On March 15, the science fiction theme NFT card game Parallel will launch a new AI game on Solana, in which AI agent will be able to trade independently on the chain and put assets in their wallets.

colony 還沒有開設獨立社交帳號,昨日,Parallel 官員推發布了colony 白皮書,據介紹,Colony 將作為Echelon Prime Foundation 在Web3 遊戲生態的重要部署。 Echelon Prime Foundation 致力於賦能新一代分散式Web3 遊戲,提供一個由社區治理的環境和圍繞Echelon 的$PRIME 代幣以及其智能合約和遊戲基礎設施構建的共享資源。

Colony has not yet set up an independent social account. Yesterday, Parallel officials released a corony white paper, which is described as an important deployment of the Echelon Prime Foundation in the Web3 game. Echelon Prime Foundation is dedicated to a new generation of decentralized Web3 games, providing a community-managed environment and a shared resource built around Echelon’s $PRIME currency, as well as its intellectual contract and game-based infrastructure.

PRIME 近一個月漲幅為118%,近幾日出現了12% 的回落跌幅,現報價為24.43 美元。

In recent months, PRIME has increased by 118 per cent, and in recent days has seen a fall of 12 per cent, with a current price of $24.43.


double-heavy-heavy mix of


White book: paper.parallel.life


Twitter page: @ParallelTCG


Twitter fan: 160.4K

NIM Network


NIM 是一個構建在Dymension 之上的高度可自訂的EVM 層,為Web3 和AI 交叉領域的遊戲探索和開發提供終極生態系統。 NIM 將利用AI 代理執行各種任務,玩家可以命令它們制定各種策略,在PVP 競速戰中與其他代理商對抗。

NIM is a highly self-defined EVM layer built on Dymension that provides the ultimate ecosystem for the exploration and development of games in the Web3 and AI cross fields. NIM will use AI proxy to perform various tasks, and players can order them to develop strategies to confront other agents in the PVP race.

據介紹,NIM Network 核心成員和貢獻者來自以太坊基金會、Polygon Labs、Uniswap 基金會、Starknet 基金會、AI Research 等組織。 NIM 正在推出一個「AI 遊戲聯盟」,截至撰稿時,聯盟成員有去中心化資料共享協議Ocean Protocol(OCEAN)、 鏈上競賽平台JokeRace 和社交模擬遊戲Today。

NIM is launching an "AI Game Alliance" that, at the time of writing, members of the NIM Network had a centralised data-sharing agreement Ocean Protocol (OCEAN), an online competition platform, JokeRace, and a social simulation game Today.



Twitter page: @nim_network


Twitter followers: 21.9K



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Futureverse 是由來自區塊鏈、人工智慧、元宇宙和遊戲等領域的11 家不同新創公司組成的。 Futureverse 專注於為元宇宙提供技術基礎設施,並利用區塊鏈增強對數位身分和數據的控制,使開發人員能夠創建富有想像力的世界,並為元宇宙中的內容和社群參與培育開放的生態系統。 Futureverse 基於元宇宙、遊戲玩家客製的L1 網路Root Network。

Futureverse is a group of 11 different start-up companies from various domains, such as sector chains, artificial intelligence, meta-cosm, and games. Futureverse focuses on providing technological infrastructure for the meta-cosmos, and uses sector chains to enhance digital identity and data control so that developers can create an imaginative world and engage content and communities in nurturing open ecosystems.


White paper: www.futureverse.com


Twitter page: @futureverse


Twitter followers: 47.6K



double-heavy mix with 11

Palio 是基於Xterio 的AI 引擎所推出的虛擬化身遊戲,將在4 月推出推出Palio Odyssey「遇見你的Palio」積分排名活動,所有參與者都將收到Xterio 生態系統空投,獎勵金額與所獲得的Palio 積分和「投票給Palio Star」活動中的選票成比例。

Palio, a virtual incarnation game launched by the AI engine based on Xterio, will launch in April the Palio Odyssey "See Your Palio" score ranking campaign, in which all participants will receive an Xterio input from the Xterio Biological System, which will be proportional to the share of Palio and the votes obtained in the "voting to Palio Star" campaign.

Palio 的開發商Xterio 曾在2022 年8 月獲得FTX Ventures、Animoca Brands 等參投的4000 萬美元融資,並在去年7 月獲得Binance Labs 投資的1500 萬美元,新資金將用於進一步推動遊戲和技術開發,包括AI 整合以及發布代幣XTER。

Xterio, the developer of Palio, received $40 million in contributions from FTX Ventures, Animoca Brands and others in August 2022, and $15 million from Binance Labs in July last year, and the new funds will be used to further the development of games and technologies, including AI integration and the distribution of currency XTER.



Twitter page: @PalioAI


Twitter fan: 45.7K




Ultiverse 是由人工智慧驅動的Web3 遊戲製作和發布一站式平台,促進了AI 增強型Web3 遊戲的大規模採用。 Ultiverse 基於Bodhi 協議,以生成式人工智慧的方式連接不同的遊戲世界。其核心團隊成員曾參與《上古之戒》、《波斯王子》、《刺客教條》等著名遊戲的開發。

Ultiverse is a one-stop platform for the production and distribution of the Web3 game driven by artificial intelligence, which promotes a wide range of AI-enhanced Web3 games. Ultiverse, based on the Bodhi agreement, connects different worlds of games in a manner that generates artificial intelligence. Its core team members were involved in the development of famous games such as the Old Ring, the Prince of Persia, the rules of the Assassins.

2022 年,Ultiverse 獲得了Binance Labs 和Defiance Capital 共同領投、三箭資本和SkyVision Capital 參投的450 萬美元種子輪融資,並在之後再次獲得了Binance Labs 追加的500 萬美元的股權投資。 Ultiverse 的代幣為$ULTC,即將進行空投。

In 2022, Ultiverse received a contribution of $4.5 million from Binance Labs and Defense Capital, three arrow capital and SkyVision Capital, and then a further $5 million from Bintivers Labs. Ultiverse’s token is $USULTC, which is about to drop.


White book: https://docs.multiverse.io/


Twitter page: @UltiverseDAO


Twitter followers: 787.7K



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Today 是一款社交模擬遊戲,使用先進的AI 技術將互動NPC 引入遊戲,透過獨特且引人入勝的互動來增強玩家體驗。目前,TODAY 的玩法和遊戲細節尚未公佈,但值得注意的是,TODAY 由奧斯卡獲獎團隊以及任天堂、SEGA、Epic Games 和Unity 的前領導者打造,因此可以期待其畫風、玩家體驗上的創新。

Today is a social simulation game that uses advanced AI techniques to introduce interactive NPCs to enhance player experience through unique and competitive interactions. ToDAY’s games and games details have not yet been made public, but it is worth noting that TODAY was created by Oscar’s winning team and former leaders of Nintendo, SEGA, Epic Games and Unity, and can therefore be expected to create innovations in its painting style and player experience.

Today 的創世系列The ANCIENT SEED 的發布正在進行中,玩家以Freemint 的形式獲得,總量為777 枚,持有者將享有遊戲內外的權益。

Today's launch of The ANCIENT SEED is under way, and the player has a total of 777 items in the form of Freemint, and the holder will have both inside and outside the game.


URL: Today


Twitter homepage: @todaythegame


Twitter followers: 193.4K

Sekuya Multiverse


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Sekuya Multiverse 提供以Novae Terrae(10 個世界的元宇宙)為背景的身臨其境的MMORPG 體驗。被稱為「Jumpers」的玩家可以利用AI 技術自訂自己的角色,與AI NPC 互動,並參加戰鬥來收集400 多個Sekumon 靈魂並贏得豐厚獎勵。

Sekuya Multiverse offers an MMORPG experience in the context of Novae Terrae (a meta-cosmos of 10 worlds). A player called Jumpers can use AI technology to customize his role, interact with AI NPC, and fight to collect more than 400 Sekumon souls and win a lot of prizes.

Sekuya Multiverse 由SingularityDAO 孵化,其團隊成員均來自東南亞。 Sekuya Multiverse 希望引入AI 共同創作工具,以吸引數百萬遊戲玩家和創作者。

Sekuya Multiverse is hatched by SingularityDAO, whose team members are from South East Asia. Sekuya Multiverse hopes to introduce AI co-authors to attract millions of game players and creators.

白皮書:Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.

– The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.


Twitter page: @sekuyaoffiial


Twitter followers: 44.2K

這個類別與AI 代理有重合之處,引入AI 技術可以幫助遊戲開發者快速生成大量的遊戲內容,包括對話、任務、故事情節等,為玩家提供更多的遊戲選擇和挑戰,延長遊戲的可玩性和壽命。

This category coincides with the AI proxy, and the introduction of AI technology can help game developers quickly generate a large number of game content, including conversations, missions, events, etc., provide more game choices and challenges for players, prolonging the playability and longevity of the game.

Sleepless AI


double-hot door overlaps with 11 items of interest to you

Sleepless AI 是一款開創性的Web3+AI 虛擬伴侶遊戲,利用AIGC 和LLM 創建豐富的基於故事的遊戲玩法以及與角色不斷發展的互動,為玩家提供情感支持和身臨其境的遊戲體驗。 Sleepless AI 投資者包括Binance Labs、Foresight Ventures 和Folius Ventures。

Sleepless AI is a creative Web3+AI virtual companion game that uses AIGC and LLM to create story-based games and interactions with role development to provide emotional support and experience to players. Sleepless AI investors include Binance Labs, Foresight Ventures, and Folius Ventures.

Sleepless AI 曾上線Binance 新幣挖礦現第42 期項目,其代幣$AI 在上線後價格在1-1.5 美元之間,最高觸及2.38 美元,但近一周跌幅24%。

Sleepless AI, who had been on the line of Binance's new currency to dig for project 42, at a cost of US$ 1-1.5 on the back line, reached a maximum of US$ 2.38, but dropped by 24 per cent in the last week.

專案白皮書:Welcome to Sleepless AI

Project White Book: Welcome to Sleepless AI


Twitter page: @SleeplessAI_Lab


Twitter followers: 127.7K

Ai Hero


double-heavy-heavy-heavy mix of

AI Hero 是一款結合了「RPG + 大逃殺+ DND」、由AI 參與生成的Web3 遊戲,玩家需要根據喜好選擇自己的種族與職業,並在比賽中透過AI 隨機生成的劇情結合自身屬性,探索不同的劇情選項,從而獲得裝備獎勵,提升自己的角色屬性。同時在比賽中會遇到其他的對手玩家,與其他12 名玩家互相戰鬥,存活下來的玩家將獲得最終勝利,贏得獎勵。

AI Hero is a web3 game that combines "RPG + Fugitive Killing + DND" with AI participation. Players need to choose their own races and professions according to their preferences, and to combine their own affiliations through the randomly generated stories of AI, explore different scenarios, get gear rewards, and enhance their role attributes. In the same time, they will meet other rivals, fight with 12 other players, and those who survive will win the ultimate victory and win the prize.

Ai Hero 是元宇宙鏈遊平台Binaryx 旗下首款AI 鏈遊,Binaryx 代幣$BNX 在3 月以來曾有超110% 的漲幅,但近一周已跌去24%。

Ai Hero is the first AI tour under the Binaryx flag of the Yuan Cosmos Linking Platform, where Binaryx dollar BNX increased by more than 110 percent in March, but has fallen by 24 percent in the last week.



Game entrance: aihero.binaryx.pro


Twitter page: @binary_x


Twitter followers: 398.9K



double-heated-door overlaps with 11 items of interest to you

據介紹,GameGPT 是由人工智慧驅動的遊戲引擎,為下一代區塊鏈遊戲提供動力。 GameGPT v1 開發於2020 年,可實現遊戲的程式碼庫、視覺效果和遊戲內經濟的自動化。 GameGPT 將在近期內推出Genesis NFT 的發布活動。其代幣$DUEL 近一月漲幅90%,一週跌幅45%。

The GameGPT is described as an artificial intelligence-driven engine that provides momentum for the next generation of sector chain games. The GameGPT v1 was launched in 2020, with a code library, visual effects, and automaticization of the game’s economy. The GameGPT will launch the Genesis NFT launch in the near future. Its intergenerational dollar DUEL has increased by 90% in recent months, falling by 45% in one week.

白皮書:PRISM - Whitepaper | PRISM - Whitepaper

White paper: PRISM - Whitepaper PRISM - Whitepaper


Twitter page: @Gamegptofficial


Twitter followers: 272.2K

GamerHash Al


double-heated-door overlaps with 11 items of interest to you

GamerHash 是BNB Chain 上針對遊戲玩家的分散式運算基礎架構平台。根據團隊介紹,GamerHash 擁有超過76 萬名用戶,擁有支援大量玩家需求的分散式運算基礎設施。 GamerHash AI 還將支援在玩家個人自己的PC 上以完全私密的方式使用AI 且無需技術知識。

GamerHash is a decentralized infrastructure platform of BNB Chain for game players. According to the team, GamerHash has more than 760,000 users and has decentralized infrastructure to support a large number of players’ needs. GamerHash AI will also support the use of AI in a completely private manner and without technical knowledge on the player’s own PC.

3 月19 日,GamerHash AI 宣布與去中心化運算平台Golem Network 建立合作關係。 GamerHash Al 代幣$GHX 近一個月漲幅超500%,但近幾日出現了近40% 的回落,截至撰稿時報價0.22 美元。

On March 19, GamerHash AI announced a cooperative relationship with Golem Network, decentralised platform. GamerHash Al pro rata $ GHX has risen by more than 500% a month, but in recent days almost 40% of the downfall, at a cost of $0.22 as of the time of writing.


double-heavy focus on the 11 items




Twitter page: @GamerHashCom


Twitter followers: 88K



double-heavy-hot-door overlap with 11 items of interest to you

GAIMIN 的定位與GamerHash Al 相似。其產品包括GAIMIN 平台、GAIMCRAFT 開發者工具、GAIMIN’s 雲端和Gaimin Gladiators。 GAIMIN 平台讓遊戲玩家透過GAIMIN 雲端將其閒置運算資源貨幣化。透過貢獻自己的運算能力,遊戲玩家可以為企業和組織提供人工智慧、渲染和區塊鏈技術的支持,同時獲得回報。

GAIMIN’s location is similar to that of GamerHash Al. Its products include GAIMIN platform, GAIMIN’s GAMCRAFT Developer Tool, GAIMIN’s Clouds and Gaimin Gladiators. GAIMIN platform allows game players to monetize their idle computing resources through GAIMIN cloud. By contributing their own computing capabilities, game players can provide artificial intelligence, rendering, and block-link technology support to businesses and organizations in the same time.

據介紹,GAIMIN 的代幣為GMRX,其IDO 將於3 月23 日至24 日在Seedify 上進行。

The GAIMIN currency is known as GMRX, and its IDO will take place from 23 to 24 March on Seedify.

白皮書:GAIMIN Project Whitepaper

White Book: GAIMIN Project Whitepaper


Twitter page: @GaminIo


Twitter followers: 273.3K




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