Wrote: Deep TechFlow
如果出一個年終回顧,PoW 絕對是今年不可忽視的賽道之一。先是KAS 的持續上漲,吸引了不少投資者的注意。再到幣安上線KAS 合約交易對,將PoW 相關幣種的情緒徹底引爆。
If a year goes by, PoW is definitely one of the paths to be ignored this year. First, KAS continues to rise, attracting the attention of a lot of investors. Then, when the currency is on-line, KAS deals, they blow the mood of the currency-related Pow.
Where there's profit, there's business.
隨著KAS 價格水漲船高,人們相繼把視線移到了同為PoW 板塊的其他代幣,如DNX、SMH、QUBIC、ZEPH 等礦幣身上。在這樣的背景下,它們確實也有不小的漲幅,但這類型的礦幣都有一個共同特點,就是交易極為不便,前期只能依靠OTC 從礦工那裡交易。
As the price of KAS rises, people move their eyes to other coins of the same PoW plate, such as DNX, SMH, QUBIC, ZePH, etc. In this context, they do also have a significant upswing, but they all share a common feature, which is that it is extremely difficult to trade, relying on OTC to trade from the miners.
有一個專門的礦幣交易所這時候就成為了散戶的共同願望,而Txbit 和SafeTrade 便先後抓住了這次機會。
A special mineral exchange became the wish of the diaspora at that time, and Txbit and SafeTrade seized the opportunity.
Txbit 是首批上架KAS 的交易所之一,在發現PoW 代幣的火熱後,陸續上線了其他礦幣,如早期的DNX等,也成為當時礦工們的主要流動性退出場所。
Txbit was one of the first exchanges to take up KAS, and, after discovering the heat of the PoW coin, other mineral coins, such as the early DNX, became the main mobile exit site for the miners at the time.
但好景不長,8 月14 日, Txbit 宣布將於2023 年9 月14 日關閉,突然的消息讓所有人措手不及,但好在Txbit 並不是直接惡性跑路,用戶只需在9 月14 日之前提取資金即可。
But on August 14th, Txbit announced that it would close on September 14th, 2023, and suddenly the news caught everyone off guard, but at Txbit it was not a direct malign run, and the user would just need to collect the money before September 14th.
Despite this, it still casts a shadow on everyone's hearts: “What are we supposed to do when a sub-exchange doesn't declare itself closed, but runs straight?”
這種憂慮,也引出了本文的主角──SafeTrade 。
This concern has also led to Safetrade, the main actor in this paper.
SafeTrade 是近日大火的礦幣交易所,與Txbit 的KAS 不同,SafeTrade 的主要交易對集中在SMH、QUBIC 等。
Safetrade is a recent gas exchange of fires, unlike KAS in Txbit, where the main transactions are concentrated in SMH, QUBIC, etc.
目前,SafeTrade 共有53 個幣種和102 個交易對。以SMH代幣為例,其交易十分活躍,交易所中的日交易量超過了130萬美金。
At present, SafeTrade has 53 currencies and 102 transactions. In the case of SMH, for example, the transactions are very dynamic, and the daily transactions on the exchange exceed $1.3 million.
The dynamic nature of the transaction necessarily attracts more participants and increases the likelihood that the problem will arise.
昨天,一位加密KOL 發推文稱, SafeTrade 疑似有跑路風險,他們正悄悄將資金轉入抹茶,並且收集到了足夠的證據。
Yesterday, an encrypted KOL tweet stated that Safétrade had a suspected risk of running, that they were quietly diverting money into tea and collecting sufficient evidence.
而問題的導火線,在於該KOL 表示之前曾與SafeTrade友好溝通,但在群組中遭到踢出,且交易所本身只讓充不讓提,惹怒其發動資源做進一步的資金追查,並挖掘更多該交易所可能有問題的細節。
Instead, the lead for the problem, which KOL said had been friendly with SafeTrade before, was kicked out of the group, and the exchange itself allowed only for further financial tracking in order to provoke its dynamic resources, and to explore more details of the potential problems of the exchange.
隨後,KOL 疑似挖掘出Safetrade 相關責任人的具體訊息,並顯示其身在國內。抓到軟肋後KOL 持續施壓,要求Safetrade 恢復一些幣種的提現。
KOL then appears to have excavated specific information about the person responsible for Safitrade and showed that he was in the country. After catching the weakness, KOL continued to press for Safétrade to restore some of its currencies.
By the time of the release, the story had not been finished. Until more information was provided, the principles of trying to be true could not be characterized as true or true.
但無論如何,SafeTrade 這場疑似跑路的羅生門,也給礦幣狂熱的市場,罩上了一層疑雲。
But in any case, SafeTride, a suspicious run-off of the Romans, is also a hot market for the mineral coins, covering a suspicious cloud.
事實上,這也並非SafeTrade 首次觸犯用戶禁區。在此次事件之前, 也傳出QUBIC 儲值無法到帳的問題,還有社區成員反映交易所的錢包無法打開,並且無法充值和提現。
In fact, this is not the first Safetrade to touch a restricted user area. Prior to this incident, the problem of QUBIC’s value not being accounted for was also raised, as well as community members’ reaction that the exchange’s wallet could not be opened and could not be filled and presented.
This exchange in the name of &quat; Safe &quat; seems less secure.
儘管SafeTrade 及時發出了公告,恢復了QUBIC 和USDT 提取款通道,但也避免不了用戶的猜疑。資金問題是用戶關心的重中之重,畢竟大如FTX 也避免不了暗箱操作,更何況還有Txbit 的前車之鑑。
Although SafeTrade issued an announcement in time to restore access to the QUBIC and USDT withdrawals, it does not avoid suspicion on the part of users. The issue of money is a top priority for users, and it is not as big as the FTX operation, not to mention the front car of Txbit.
PoW 正如日中天,龐大的流量確實是一塊香餑餑,且看SafeTrade 是選擇頓頓飽還是一頓飽。在這個時刻,如何重新贏得客戶的信任是SafeTrade 最亟需解決的問題。
PoW, as in the middle of the day, the huge flow is indeed a chord, and it seems that SafeTrade chooses whether or not to be full. At this moment, regaining the trust of its clients is one of the most pressing issues that SafeTrade needs to solve.
對跑路的質疑是SafeTrade 的危機,卻是另一家礦幣交易所Xeggex 的機會。
Challenging the road is a crisis for SafeTrade, but an opportunity for another mineral exchange, Xeggex.
打開推特,也許根本不用你搜尋Xeggex 這個關鍵字,也會看到鋪天蓋地的宣傳推文。
If you turn on Twitter, perhaps you don't have to look for Xeggex at all, you'll see a punctuated tweet.
SafeTrade 的風波和以TAO、KAS 為首的礦幣暴漲,一大波天然流量湧入並擠爆了Xeggex 的伺服器,甚至連KYC 也因卡頓而成為了問題。
The winds of Safetrade and the steep rise in mineral coins headed by TAO, KAS, a wave of natural flows into Xeggex servers and crowding out even KYC has become a problem because of Carton.
確實,Xeggex 上也有著不少暴富機會,動不動便是十倍百倍,甚至連它們的平台幣$XPE 都是十倍起跳的漲幅,必然吸引著市場的眼球。
Indeed, Xeggex has a lot of rich opportunities, ten times as much as it does, and even their platform dollar XPE is a tenfold jump, which must attract the market eye.
是危機亦是機遇,這是礦幣市場的真實寫照。 Xeggex 上或許有著誘人的翻身機會,但其中的風險,也不可忽視。
It is a crisis or an opportunity, and it is a true picture of the mineral market. Xeggex may have a tempting opportunity to turn around, but the risks are not negligible.
與老牌交易所相比,這些新興交易所實際上交易風險更為突出。從下圖也不難看出,Xeggex 頁面UI 十分“簡單”,缺乏足夠的打磨和設計。
These new exchanges are actually more risky than the old ones. It is easy to see in the following graph that the Xeggex page UI is very “simple” and lacks sufficient grinding and design.
而粗糙UI 背後,則有可能是更多與資質、安全、審計和合規相關的問題。有時,界面簡單並不意味著簡潔,反而反映資源的缺乏、能力的缺失和責任感的缺位。
Behind the rough UI is likely to be more of a matter of quality, security, adjudication and compliance. Sometimes, the interface is not simple, but rather reflects a lack of resources, a lack of capacity and a lack of responsibility.
When a mineral exchange is at risk, another may be an opportunity, but it may also be a greater risk.
If you're a gold-digger who wants to get involved in the mineral market, be careful to participate in and protect the security of the principal, it's the most important principle.
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