(i) 本公司可藉普通決議案,將任何已繳足股款的股份轉換 為股額,以及藉由類似 的決議案將任何股額再轉換為任 何面額的已繳足股款的股份。 xingfa.com
(i) The Company may by Ordinary Resolution convert any fully paid shares into stock, and may from time to time by like resolution reconvert any stock into fully paid shares of any denomination. xingfa.com
我们期待着藉由今天 以协商一致方式通过该决 议草案,在所有这些十分重要的问题上达成一致。 daccess-ods.un.org
We look forward to agreement on all of these very important matters through the adoption of this draft resolution by consensus today. daccess-ods.un.org
您可以藉由 ISIS 驱动程序和 TWAIN 数据 源存取打印机的所有控制项和功能。 graphics.kodak.com
All printer controls and
functions are accessible via the ISIS Driver [...]
and TWAIN Datasource.
除藉由港鐵 公司或代表港鐵公司根據本條所發布的告示外,任何人不得在任何時 [...]
間通過鐵路處所或其任何部分,亦不得企圖在任何時間將任何汽車、單車、電單車或其 他類似的運輸工具,或任何手推車、獨輪、雙輪或多輪推車或類似的運輸工具,或任何 東西(包括動物)帶過、傳過、駛過或引領其橫過鐵路處所或其任何部分;任何人連同任
何運輸工具、動物或其他東西穿過任何閘、門、圍鏈或欄障後,須盡快將其關上或重新 拴緊。
No person shall pass or attempt to bring, pass, drive
or conduct any motor vehicle, bicycle, [...]
motorcycle or other similar conveyance
or any handcart, barrow or similar conveyance or any thing including animals across the railway premises or any part thereof at any time except by notice published by or on behalf of the Corporation under this by-law nor shall any such person omit to shut or refasten any gate, door, chain or barrier as soon as he and any conveyance, animal or other thing has passed through the same.
(2) 於個案之情形中,如關係密切之其他國家就職務所生之創作有規定,或規定
因當事人間之契約關係,該創作之所有經濟上權利視為已讓與或專屬授權者,此 等規定之法律效果之發生,得藉由依 第 1項所定應適用之法律,解釋當事人間之 [...]
法律關係,認其包含讓與該創作之所有經濟上權利或予以專屬授權之方式,而予 以承認。
(2) If the situation has a close connection with another State that has a work made for hire provision or deems a transfer or exclusive licence of all economic rights in the work to have taken place by virtue of the parties’
contractual relationship, effect may be given to
such rules by constructing the parties’ [...]
relationship under the law applicable according
to paragraph 1 as involving a transfer or exclusive licence of all economic rights in the work.
數位資訊的整合打破區域限制,亞洲及國際 的市場規模造就龐大商機,本公司也 將 藉由 策略 合作或投資方式,將自產業中所累積的 經驗及影響力延伸到大中華及其他區域,以 創造公司長期的利益。 corp.taiwanmobile.com
Through alliances and investments, the Company will extend its position and influence to tap into the Greater China and other markets in the region. english.taiwanmobile.com
我們會維護一個具有包容性的工作環境,並 且 藉由 吸 引 與留任所有背景的人才來追求卓越。 colgate.com
We maintain an inclusive work environment and achieve excellence by attracting and retaining people of all backgrounds in our workforce. colgate.com
使用本「網站」或提交任何構想及/或資料予 Seagate,即表示您同意下列事項:對於該等爭議及 / 或 藉由 本 「 網站」而取得或使用之任何產品與服務,或有關提交予 Seagate 之構想及/或相關資料之使用所生任何爭議,所致使或相關之任何種類或性質之一切求償、要求、債務、義務、損害 (實際或衍生)、成本及費用,不問其為已知或未知、有無發生之虞、已披露或未披露,您均同意免除免責方之責任。 seagate.com
By using this Site, or submitting any ideas and/or related materials to Seagate, you are hereby agreeing to release the Released Parties from any and all claims, demands, debts, obligations, damages (actual or consequential), costs and expenses of any kind or nature whatsoever, whether known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, disclosed or undisclosed, that you may have against them arising out of or in any way related to such disputes and/or to any products and services obtained or used through this Site or to any disputes regarding use of ideas and/or related materials submitted to Seagate. seagate.com
傳染病的控制和預防: 力求藉由疾病監測和推廣健康行為降低 危險因素。 paptestla.com
Communicable Disease Control and Prevention: Seeks to reduce risk factors through disease surveillance and promoting healthy behavior. paptestla.com
政府一方面採取 擴大財政政策,藉由擴大 公共建設刺激投資,如鐵路基建 投資與保障性住房建設。 htisec.com
On one hand, the government will adopt an expanding
fiscal policy to stimulate investment by the expansion [...]
of public construction, such as
investment in railway infrastructures and construction of affordable housing.
除註冊及產品訂單之詳細資料外,您同意 您 藉由 本 網 站或其上所予任何電子郵件連結而提供予 Seagate 之任何資訊或資料,均不得視為機密或專利資訊或財產。 seagate.com
Except for the details of your registration and product orders, you agree that any information or materials that you submit to Seagate via this Site or any email links provided on this Site will not be considered confidential or proprietary. seagate.com
藉由自动 追踪天体或卫星来设定位置或方位的天文陀螺罗盘和其它装 置,以及为其专门设计的组件。 daccess-ods.un.org
Gyro-astro compasses and other devices which derive position or orientation by means of automatically tracking celestial bodies or satellites, and specially designed components therefor. daccess-ods.un.org
谈到审查,我们在 2006 年藉由第 6 0/288 号决议 通过该战略时,就没有想让它一成不变,所以才在决 议中增加了一项条款,旨在确保会员国每两年开展工 作,审查取得的进展情况,并考虑加以修订,以便应 对所出现的变化。 daccess-ods.un.org
Speaking of reviews, when we adopted the Strategy in 2006 through resolution 60/288, it was never meant to be cast in stone, which is why a clause was added in the resolution to ensure that every two years Member States would embark on a process of examining the progress made and consider updating it to respond to changes. daccess-ods.un.org
除了大大改善建築物的安全,現在更可 以 藉由 儲 存 在Synology NAS伺服器上的畫面去分析特殊事件。 synology.com
This is centrally accessed in any building the safety and monitoring of has been improved as well as now having the ability to analyse events using the footage stored on the Synology NAS server. synology.com
除非公司細則另行明確規定或法律規定或主管司法權區裁定,本公司概不會將 任何人士確認為藉由任何 信託持有股份,且本公司除登記持有人對股份的全部 絕對權利外,不會受約束於或以任何方式被迫確認(即使已收到相關通知)任 何股份的任何股權、或然、未來或部份權益,或任何零碎股份的任何權益,或 (該等公司細則或法律另有規定除外)任何股份的任何其他權利。 wuling.com.hk
Except as otherwise expressly provided by the Bye-Laws or required by law or ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction, no person shall be recognised by the Company as holding any share upon any trust and the Company shall not be bound by or be compelled in any way to recognise (even when having notice thereof) any equitable, contingent, future or partial interest in any share or any interest in any fractional part of a share or (except only as otherwise provided by these Bye-Laws or by law) any other rights in respect of any share except an absolute right to the entirety thereof in the registered holder. wuling.com.hk
藉由瞭解 人類在科學領域的成就,學生就可提高 科學知識,並能更充分地了解人類歷史。 sfusd.edu
By reading stories about the accomplishments of men and women in science, students enhance their scientific knowledge and gain a better understanding of human history. sfusd.edu
我們希望藉由此次 機會讓機械視覺研發者了解Basler最新系列的線掃描相機Racer如何可以在縮小空間和降低成本之下,同時也確保其高速率、可靠性及影像品質。 baslerweb.com
Mr. Marc Oliver Nehmke, Basler Product Manager will introduce Basler’s newest series of line scan cameras, the racer, and share with you how this camera can shrink the space required and the costs involved while securing its superior speed, reliability and image quality. baslerweb.com
在城市裡,民眾若參與都市花園與園藝活動,會在閒置土地栽種各種食材,讓更多人討論各種經濟模式,以及可能解決市場現有問題的道德解答;消費者團體與合作 社 藉由 購 買 永續食品,同時拒絕和大型供應鏈一同剝削小農。 thisbigcity.net
In a city, those who participate in?urban gardens and gardening collectives, growing various foods on unused pieces of land and lots, greatly promote critical discussion among people about the economic model to which they belong and possible ethical solutions to the current market. thisbigcity.net
今天,安全理事会藉由第 2 042(2012)号决议表 明,它将根据叙利亚政权的行动,而非言辞来对其进 行判断。 daccess-ods.un.org
Today, with resolution 2042 (2012), the Security Council has indicated that it will judge the Syrian regime by its actions, not its words. daccess-ods.un.org
CCDEH旨在提高加州的生活品質,藉由 規 畫 並執行有效的當地環境衛生計劃,以保護公眾健康、安全和環境。 ul.com
The California Conference of Directors of Environmental Health (CCDEH) seeks to enhance the quality of life in the state of California by encouraging the formulation and implementation of effective local environmental health programs to protect the public health, safety and the environment. ul.com
家長可以藉由鼓勵 學生利用參考書,協助學生建立尋找各種不同資訊的習慣。 sfusd.edu
By encouraging students to use reference [...]
books, parents help establish the habit of seeking information in a variety of printed materials.
它所提供的影片導覽控制 介面,讓使用者與電腦的距離更近, 並 藉由 各 種 量身訂做的功能,盡情享受 高科技的 DVD 影音娛樂。 btc.com.tw
Meanwhile, it offers feature-rich navigation controls for an interactive and tailored DVD movie viewing experience. btc.com.tw
外接的 BeoSystem 3 模組則藉由智慧 型科技,不僅能讓電視螢幕呈現完美影像,更可整合家中所有高解析度娛樂設備訊源與提供數位環繞音效。 bang-olufsen.com
The external BeoSystem 3 module provides the intelligent technology behind the perfect picture and integrates all your high definition entertainment sources with complete digital sound. bang-olufsen.com
BSA藉由它在 全球大約90個市場的政府關係、智 慧財產執法與教育活動,來保護智慧財產並鼓 勵創新;努力開放市場並確保公平競爭;建立 消費者、企業與政府對於資訊科技的信賴與信 心。 globalstudy.bsa.org
Through government relations, intellectual
property enforcement and educational activities in approximately 90 markets around the world, BSA [...]
protects intellectual
property and fosters innovation; works to open markets and ensure fair competition; and builds trust and confidence in information technology for consumers, businesses and governments alike.
因此,你不應該藉由承諾 贈送贈禮或其他利益,或者任何其他非法誘惑,設法影響你有 可能與之開展公司業務的任何外部方的判斷或行為。 colgate.com
Therefore, you should not seek to influence the judgment or conduct of any external party with whom you might be conducting Company business by promises of gifts or other benefits, or by any other unlawful inducement. colgate.com
(2) 每名股東同意放棄其原可因任何董事在履行本公司職責時採取的任何行動或未 有採取任何行動而針對董事提出申索或起訴的權利(不論個別 或 藉由 或 憑 借本公司的權利), 惟該權利的放棄不延伸至任何與該董事欺詐或不忠誠有關的事宜。 taicheongbakery.com
(2) Each Member agrees to waive any claim or right of action he might have, whether individually or by or in the right of the Company, against any Director on account of any
action taken by such
Director, or the failure of such Director to take any action in the performance of his duties with or for the Company; PROVIDED THAT such [...]
waiver shall not extend
to any matter in respect of any fraud or dishonesty which may attach to such Director.
限制权利标识 未经莱特波特(LitePoint)公司事先书面 许可,本文件的任何部分不得复制、传
播、转录、存储检索系统,或翻译成任 何语言或电脑语言,或以任何形式或藉 由电子、机械、磁性、光学、化学、说 明书等等其他方式使用。 litepoint.com
RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in any
form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, [...]
without the prior written
permission of LitePoint Corporation.
之友小组支持了在这方面采取渐进做 法,所以赞扬安全理事会藉由今天 通过的第 1998(2011)号决议,将袭击学校和医院列为最新触发 [...]
The Friends Group has supported a progressive approach in
this regard and therefore commends the
Security Council for filling an important [...]
gap in the child protection framework by including
attacks on schools and hospitals as the latest trigger through resolution 1998 (2011), adopted today.
雖然是藉由彈性 與臨時的概念,支持創意產業,但這些原則主要是為吸引外來開發商長期進駐特定地點,而非為照顧增添地方特色的藝術家與文化製造者。 thisbigcity.net
Although providing support for the creative sector through flexible, mostly temporary concepts,? these imperatives are aimed at activating the long-term relevance of specific sites for external developers, not for the artists and cultural producers who added distinct character to the area. thisbigcity.net
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