The editorial time for the article is 2023.6.21 a.m. 11.05 a.m., and all views do not constitute an investment proposal!
The big cakes were high yesterday at 28,400 and low at 26650. The big cakes were fine-tuned yesterday, and started tremors at night, breaking through the 27,500 line of short-line pressure, starting to fall when they reached the 29100 line, and yesterday the maggot said that if they were to be effective, they could begin to reverse.
The solar-line level was opened yesterday, the Bullin belt opened, the MACD was lifted, the four-hour-grade Bremort was forcibly opened, KDJ was under pressure, and MCAD was scaled up. Operationally advised to step back 28350 without breaking the silo. Target 28800-29500, with 350 points lost.
Etheria, near its high of 1796 yesterday, near its low of 1714, and despite last night's lifting of the big pies, did not rise much, did not break the downward trend of the Japanese line, and is now effectively above 1780, with short lines in the middle.
The solar-line level was closed yesterday by the MA50 line, the Bullin strip is running down, the Bullin track is down by 1930, the four-hour-grade Brenn belt is opened by force, and the MCAD is lifted. Operationally advised to step back on 1780 to do more without breaking the hatch, targets 1810-1850. The 1900 attack is not light, targets 1880-1860 are down at 25 points.
Statement: The above is a personal point of view, and the strategy does not serve as a basis for investment, if there is a risk of follow-up. returned to search for more
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