
资讯 2024-06-17 阅读:35 评论:0
好梦一日游,散装无限流。豪华剧本杀,肉身元宇宙。? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?——《甲方乙方》重温考古演员、副导演、道具师、编剧,合作开办了一项业务【好梦一日游】,利用片场的物料资...



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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?——《甲方乙方》重温考古


Actors, co-directors, props, writers, and screenwriters work together to open a business, using the material resources of the studio, to create an environment that allows a dream to become a real addict for only one day, according to the customer’s own will. The whole film is made up of six lines of business.


So, in a comedy of life, we saw General Patton, American soldiers, jeeps, Qing Dynasty Kings, officials, prison guards, cell blocks, landlords, long-term workers of the Chinese era, princesses of the Middle East, and poor and remote villages. The frequent misallocations and absurdities in comedys became the birthright of the Ace B. The United States Staff Room, which hit Germany on the map of Nanjing; the Middle East King's House, which was performing Chinese rituals; and the grace of the Qing Dynasty, which was knocked out by a flowerpot and said, “As soon as you go, save Lenin, Boharin is a traitor.”... These scenes, let's say, were very interesting for today's audience in 1997.


The premise of A-B is that it's kind of like Michael Clayton, the original author of Jurassic Park, who wrote the science fiction film West World in 1973, where a company runs a large park with a Western theme, with robots in it, where consumers can experience the burning and looting of the Western era, with HBO turning in 2015 as a popular beauty show.


The science-fiction world view and the citizen’s comedy seem to be out of touch, but it's all about the same thing. Local cinematography, which coincides with the marriage set by various fantasy elements, often gives rise to a strange sense of discomfort.


And since the theme park created by Good Dream Day is ad hoc, pro-poor, private custom-made, if one business unit is turned into a play set, and Detective Conan is added to the six-month time frame for thousands of cases, then A-B could actually turn into an endless story.


From the point of view of science fiction, the concept of the time assumes that this earth-based method of making steel provides consumers with a virtual experience of imitation of the environment, translating it using today's sub-cultural vocabulary, and the film A-B seems to be called strang > The precious video of the early development of the meta-cosm by humankind .


The six clients who walk into the meta-cosmos each experience can be divided into [self-positioning calibrations], [placebos] and [lessons learned for Versailles], and there is a certain evolutionary relationship.


Indha, a book seller, was asked by his customers to take a copy of the " Eternal Land ", and then became General Patton in a " Good Dream Day ", after an addiction to soldiers in the field, but when the time came, he was taken off his clothes and returned to the civilian population.


The first operation of the film, through physical contrasts, emphasizes the perception of ordinary people and also meets the placebo effect of being addicted in ordinary day-to-day life.


Li Qi played as a cook, hoping to be a silent, determined, hard-headed man, with the result that he became a classic black humor that made him realize that he could not be a hero. It was a sobering sense of self-determination from the heart, and it was accepted.


Fu Piao's husband, who became accustomed to his wife's recriminations, thought that he was being bullied, and then became aware of his wife's faults. He changed his position in a physical way, and he became sympathetic and reflective, and his husband repented and began to be kind to his wife.


In the thematic map of the owner of this unit, Goe has swayed his eyebrows and said, "There is no shortage of food for the owner" and has become a long-standing classic phrase and emoticons. The economic cycle of the times has given the hymn of life to this hymn. Beyond the film, the phenomenon of [the owner's lack of food] has taken a variety of different forms, and has occurred in the face of the real population.


Under the “landowner type” of oppression on the first side, B., an ordinary citizen, realizes that being nice to his own people is not supposed to be the oppressor within the family, pushing and bullying each other. This is a small story that, under the weight of years, is likely to feed on something else that was not originally thought of by the master.


Having played the role of a Versailles relative to the civilian population, A.B. was followed by two more elaborate Versailles operations.


The story of Yeking, a rich businessman who used to eat the mountain and sea and suffer in the countryside, starved to eat all the chickens in the village. The story of this unit will clearly lead many viewers today to enumerate several identification numbers in their hearts, to laugh in the back of their energy, and to laugh at the Beninese business level.


Xu Xu's starring star, Don Lijun, felt that the pressure to follow the stars was unbearable, wanted to be ordinary people, pretended to announce a shadow at the launch scheduled for the Good Dream Day, but the temperature of fame never came back, and was really cold in the business. In the face of A's request to be famous again, B's solution was to sue them for abuse, to fire news, and to be willing to pay the costs of litigation. A small preview of the operation, which will be known to the public, will come in the future.



During the Versailles action art of the two successful individuals, Liu Zhenun was presented as a single man, who, owing to his own condition, was repeatedly dumped and unable to find a target. So [a good night trip] shaped a “Middle East Princess” to date him, giving this desperate man a vision of his princess and a vision of his life.


To put it straight, it's a shot of morphine for dying patients that points to the placebo effect. When the problem of young people's singleness is becoming more intense, there are a lot of different kinds of powders coming in. /span >


And the stronger placebo is, in the end, a placebo, and there will be a day of immunization, and then more and more young people give themselves a bottle of BUG-grade medicine -- [Breathing flat].


Six clients, two civilians, [self-positioning calibrations], three games, [Leader to Versailles], one shot to the marginalized and lonely. Behind the eccentric dreams, some are forced to wake up from their dreams, others wake up to reality, others wake up from their sleep stings, some live on their dreams, some are taken away from their faces, some wake up from their dreams, but they can only stay in their dreams.


So, while the structure of A-B is looser, similar to the clustering of sections and a little bit like a film, the premise is that the film has a very unique mix style and even a little bit of the curt.


The business of ordinary people, the business world, the entertainment world [the day of good dreams] is conducted, deliberately and unwittingly, by focusing, deconstructing, developing, and simulating something that is emerging and is about to happen. The sleepwalks, the scenes that consumers experience, the illusions that they display, the weakness, the obscurity, the hypocrisy, the anxiety that can make viewers laugh and laugh at the moment, and then look at them as people.


As for the archaeologists who came later, in the face of the late last century's Tiger Year felicitations, the sense of retrospect is likely to be similar to the second Tiger Spring Festival of the new century before listening to the soccer Bible of the Fan Xing Yi.



The line of affection between the protagonists of the business units, along with the monologue of the mentally ill in Big wrists, has been used as a premonition. Yao has proposed for the house, and the geese have made fun of , , , , , and Yao has returned to , , , which, as we all know, has hit the hearts and knees of all human beings.


After six absurd operations, Yao Wan and the North Goose came together and met Yang's new performer during the hospital marriage examination, whose long-separated wife was dying of terminal illness. This time, Yao Wan and the North Goose offered to lend their matrimonial home to the technicians, so that they could have their own home before the end of the day, and eventually the wife of the technicians would die in peace.


As a result, this free-of-charge [neighborhood] initiative can be categorized as a placebo effect, but with a more human end-of-life care. It is also the only real dream that has been realized, the ridiculously funny dream business that ends up with a big story of life and death, and the film’s heart is back on the ground.


As with most excellent comedy films, A-B hides the heart of grief, the end of the film, and the business group, Good Dream Day, meet at night and drink. The four people who are drunk look back at their business and, in the face of business problems, can only comfort themselves with the words of strong and /strong >, and the crowd needs us so much .


Yao was wondering if the room he had borrowed would not come back, and he felt -- “The strong” as if it were someone else and pottery himself” --


The last scene, half-drinked, was quiet, sad, laughter, cynicism, obscurity, whirlwind, whirlwind, vibe. The end came, the technicians came to tell his wife that she had died without regret, returned the keys to the house and left, and the background sounded good:


"We were drunk that day, we cried, we said many things about each other, and it was an unforgettable night."


"A few days later, I was officially married to the North Goose, and her parents spoke to me alone and asked if I was hiding my age. I told the old man that I'd been older than other children since I was born." — (If it was Kang Man who played the North Goose father, perhaps the previous sentence: is this sweet eight years old?)


> < 1997 passed and I miss it. >


A decent voice, a tone of sadness and tone, and a sudden drop of gossip, and a phrase from “I miss it after 1997,” , , < /strong >, < < /strong >, < >, < >, >, < >, >, < >, < > >, > >, > >, >, >, > >, > >, > >, >...............................................................................................................................................................................


In 2022, on the spring and evening stage, a line with the Won cosmos would lift up the cargo flow.


Of the two rounds of the previous heated films, four marginalized people from the film industry built a virtual reality user platform using grass-top material; in the age of the mobile phone, microcomputers, smart machines, the Internet and big data, a hard-core, stacked meta-cosm port was created, a new and old concept that could be used, and a small demonstration of the unintentional plug-in function was made.


Why is a comedy movie becoming a science fiction film of the near future? At this point, we miss two poems: a movie about dreams that travels day after day, and the drawings look like shit.


In 1996, Von Xiaogang and Wang Sho's "Long Day" were killed (subsequently changed to "Sighings" ), in the middle of a slumber of disappointment, trying to make a special selection of "Bed A" for his birthday, and he was also afraid of the future of the film, until the film was successful, it was not possible to follow a path and open the courtyard scene of the Fung's Day.


Five days before the domestic launch of A.B., the Titanic began its work in North America, opening up a 22-year-old global ticket house record, with a song about the final glory of European industrial civilization, resounding the Hollywood film, which flourished in the world in the 1990s. It was also in 1997, when "The Black Man", both a science fiction film and a comedy film, landed on the silver screen, presenting a lighthouse of alien immigrants; when the storyline was finished, the film drew a super-scale long shot of the planet, the solar system, the entire galaxy of hundreds of billions of stars, and was nothing more than a small marble of a high-vicious creature


To the sea of stars and stars, to the universe of infinite illusions, to the two ultimates of the future of mankind, in the two comedy films of 1997, each played, one by one, one by one, by one, by an early vision, by accident. The attributes of both can also be theoretical, whether the red pill is wrapped in the blue pill or the blue pill is wrapped in the red pill.


Twenty-five years later, Yao-Yin-Gyo-Tung's brother-in-law followed " Let Bullets Fly", an old work of more than a decade's history that rose to the age's journey as a non-material cultural treasure to be claimed by the younger generations; Liangzi-Ho, with the reputation of Song and punishment, was kind enough to read after the waves; and Agent J-Wil Smith, in an Oscar award ceremony, had a big mouth, fanned the ratings peak, slammed the hotspots...


> “In 1997, I miss it.” > — when we miss this line, what is it that we miss?


After many years, for A, for B, for all of us, will we remember the night that Chankang-Von Xiaogang drank too much, saying with alcohol, strong < < we're just a bunch of people who love the truth and don't love the money. > > < < /slang > >




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