== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man
By crossing the pressure peak again yesterday afternoon, Bitcoin reached 65,000 punctures, walked out of many washing dishes in the morning, and the data appears to have exploded a lot, which shows that there is a great deal of intent on the silos, that there is no hesitation on the part of the house, and that there is still a large number of swarms around 62,000, according to individuals, so that there may be another day of needles or blunt blades to harvest.
The price of the big pies has returned to the area of 61,000 in the morning and has returned to the position of 63,000. The price has now hovered around 62,500. The short line runs in the direction of a shock.
The solar map shows that, after two days of intense pull-up, the crowds have become weak, and that the mood has now fallen through the 62,000th gate, and has repeatedly stepped down and stomped on the sub-line to support it. The line is finally convulsed near 62,500, and the current multi-hour pattern is weak, with the Brim belt running upwards and the MA5 running down through the MA10 mean line, with graphic indicators showing that the MACD is running through the gold fork, the current trend downwards of the DIF is that the multi-empty energy column is gradually picking up and the KDJ three-line is dispersing.
Technically speaking, the four-hour line with the MASD is currently a dead-end indicator, the Bryn belt is starting to shrink, the MA5 average is off weak and the 10-day average is glued, the MA5 is out of all the mean lines, and the technical indicators need to be corrected, so in the short term they can be retrieved, and there is no clear stop sign to follow.
== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man
Empty list strategy:
(It is recommended for information only that investments are risky and market entry is prudent!)
Multiple strategies:
(It is recommended for information only that investments are risky and market entry is prudent!)
Multiple strategies:
(It is recommended for information only that investments are risky and market entry is prudent!)
本周操作的朋友记住严格带好止损。近期突发消息众多,行情延续性差,多空反复,投资者切勿盲目追涨杀跌,做单切勿重仓,控制风险。 对行情把握不准的可以来问我,不要自己盲目操作以防被套。想跟上操作的朋友请以彭光哲实时指导为主!
Friends who operate this week remember to be strict enough to stop damage. There's a lot of breaking news, bad continuity, and a lot of red tape.
== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man
In the early hours of this morning, after continuing to hit 2440 at the 2400 gate, it is expected that it will be able to get out of the middle of the day. As a result of the failure of the White Disk to break out of its 2400 position, prices have begun to bounce back yesterday, the 2280 line has not been broken, prices are now rebounding again in the vicinity of the upper 2400 position, the overall trend remains high, the short-term movement has not changed much, and shocks are expected to continue for some time in a short period of time, and operations are low.
The hour map shows that there have been several signs of deviations, that there is a need for feedback, that there is limited multi-purpose power in the large cycle, that technical indicators are up, that the MACD red kinetic column continues to grow, that the slow line gold fork is up, that the KDJ indicator, though also upwards, has begun to pass, that the three-lines are showing signs of turning downwards, and that short-term attention is focused on the upper and lower-pressure support positions.
== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man
Empty list strategy:
One-tenth of the 10th (buy-down) storage space with a 2440-2450 puncture rebound in Taiwan, with a cut-off of $2420, near target 2,300, on line 2280; (Recommends only for information, investments are risky, and market entry is prudent!)
Multiple strategies:
More than (up) ten-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thy-thousand-thirty-thousand-thy-thousand-thirty-thousand-thirty-thousand-thirty-thousand-thirty-thousand-thirty-thirty-thirty-thirty.
投资市场博大精深,行情瞬息万变,行情改变操作策略也会随之改变,尤其是在最近的局势下,此建议仅供参考,想跟上操作的朋友请以彭光哲实时指导为主! 返回搜狐,查看更多
The investment market is very sophisticated and dynamic, and changes in business strategies can occur, especially in recent situations. This proposal is for information only. Friends who want to keep up with the operation are guided in real time by Peng Gwang-chul! returned to see more
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