CoinEx 2021年最强新手攻略:如何购买比特币 随着世界首富马斯克带货,比特币在一路疯狂飙涨的同时也走进了全世界更多搞钱人的视线里。他们像马斯克一样直呼:比特币是好东西...
资讯 2024-06-17 阅读:120 评论:0随着世界首富马斯克带货,比特币在一路疯狂飙涨的同时也走进了全世界更多搞钱人的视线里。他们像马斯克一样直呼:比特币是好东西,我来晚了。
With the world’s first Fumasque carrying goods, Bitcoin went crazy and went into the sight of more moneymakers around the world. They called out like Musketeers: Bitcoin was good, and I was late.
拥有比特币的最佳时间是10年前,其次是现在。不晚不晚。2008年11月,一个自称中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的人在一个P2P foundation网站上发布了比特币的白皮书《BTC:一种点对点的电子现金系统》,比特币由此诞生,它使用分布式账本摆脱了第三方机构的制约,也就此打开了区块链世界的大门。
The best time to have bitcoin is 10 years ago, followed by now. It is not too late. In November 2008, a self-proclaimed Satoshi Nakamoto published the White Paper Bitcoin, BTC: an electronic cash-to-point system on a P2P foundation, which led to the birth of Bitcoin, which used distributed books to escape the constraints of third-party institutions and opened the door to the world of block chains.
比特币发展至今10余年,从当初【1万BTC=2个披萨】,到如今【1个BTC=5万美金】,实现了翻天覆地的变化。比特币的成功蜕变并不少人跃跃欲试,奈何炒币不同于炒股基金,对于小白们来说门槛确实有那么一丢丢高。最近有不少人蜂拥而至来到CoinEx,留下了路人的脚印并发出了统一的灵魂追问:我要怎么买比特币?CoinEx 2021年最强新手攻略,教你如何成功购买比特币。干货满满,童叟无欺!
Bitcoin has evolved for more than 10 years now, from the beginning of the year to the present. It's changed dramatically. Bitcoin's success has changed a lot of people, and it's different from the stock-breeding fund, and the threshold has been so high for whites. Recently, a lot of people have come to CoinEx, left footprints and sent a single soul after him: How am I going to buy bitcoin? CoinEx's best new hand attack in 2021 to teach you how to buy bitcoins.
Before buying bitcoin, you have to identify and do a number of things:
1, investments in reasonably configured assets in hand
Some people say Bitcoin is a fraud, but often those who say it either never enter the field at all, or invest in it with a gambling madness. Some people spend it all, others free it because it's a bitcoin.
Before investing, the assets in hand were reasonably configured, and it was suggested that a small portion of the money should be used to test the water and that the money should not be thrown into its head.
2, select a professional trading platform
This is so important, my friends. In recent years, there have been so many news stories about the collapse of various exchanges and the running of the streets that I've seen in one house and another. My money's so heavy that you choose a platform that you can play back. How does the exchange choose? Three points: safety, professionalism, and service.
CoinEx is perfect for these three points.
(b) CoinEx technical teams are top-level, autonomous in the development of a core trading-match system that can operate safely and securely with volume trading;
Professional compliance : Operating teams with multi-year block chains and financial experience, holding compliant digital asset licence plates and a 100 per cent guarantee!
Services in place: for global markets, supporting multi-country languages such as C/E/D/KR/R, providing 7* 24-hour running services to more than 100 countries and territories around the world, and strong community support.
In addition, CoinEx gathers up innovative digital assets, and old-timers interested in innovative digital assets can pay more attention. It's not really me advertising, who knows.
3, keep your eyes open and watch and do it again.
If you put bitcoin in your wallet, don't give anyone your private keys or helpwords. Bitcoin doesn't recognize anyone, just take a private key/association.
With these preparations in place, we're starting to be bold in the field of digital assets. In the CoinEx Exchange, for example, we're going to show you how to buy bitcoins:
i. Registration and landing on CoinEx
1. Access to (Friends without access to science can visit 2、进入注册页面后,输入【邮箱】,获取并输入【邮箱验证码】,设置【密码】,选填【邀请码】(无邀请码可直接省略),阅读并勾选【我已阅读《CoinEx用户服务协议》】,最后点击【注册】。 After entering the registration page, enter [mailbox], get and enter [mailbox authentication code], set [password], select [invite code] (no invitation code can be omitted directly), read and tick [I have read CoinEx User Service Agreement], and then click [registration]. 说一句,邮箱非常重要!所以一定一定要确保注册邮箱的安全,设置安全等级高的复杂密码(大小写字母、数字和符号的组合),牢记密码!就像牢记你的银行卡支付宝密码一样! To say the word, the mailbox is very important! So it is important to make sure that the registered mailbox is secure, with a high-security, complex password (a combination of letters, numbers and symbols), bearing in mind the password! Just like bearing in mind your bank card password! 3、完成注册并登录 3, registered and registered 完成以上步骤后,回到首页点击【登录】,输入【手机号/邮箱】和【密码】,确认无误后点击【登录】。根据绑定情况,输入【手机验证码】或【Google验证码】即可登录成功。 After completion of the above steps, go back to the first page and click on the " login ", enter the " cell phone number/mail box " and the " password ", confirm the " login ". Depending on the binding, enter the " cell phone authentication code " or " From=status_stock_match" catch="xq_stock" Google
(Complete secondary authentication of CoinEx accounts: download and bind 二、买币 II, coins 目前CoinEx支持三种渠道的法币购买数字货币:Simplex、Moonpay、Mercuryo。 CoinEx currently supports the purchase of digital currency in French through three channels: Simplex, Moonpay, Mercuryo. 下面我们以Simplex服务商为例: Here's the example of Simplex service providers: (1)点击首页【买币】 (1) Click on the front page (2)点击下拉按钮选择比特币并输入购买金额(以购买1000USD的比特币为例); (2) Clicking on the pull-down button to select bitcoin and enter the purchase amount (in the case of the purchase of a bitcoin of 1000 USDD); (3)选择服务商(以Simplex为例),点击【去购买】; (3) Select a service provider (in the case of Simplex), click [to purchase]; (4)确认订单无误后,点击订单页面的【去购买】进入Simplex付款界面,依据提示填写付款方式,确认无误后点击【现在付款】进入验证步骤 (4) Upon confirmation that the order is correct, the person who clicked on the purchase order page [to purchase] enters the Simplex payment interface and fills in the payment method according to the reminder, and then clicks [now paying] to enter the validation step (5)进入Simplex验证界面后,依照提示填写身份信息,确认无误后点击【上传文件】 (5) After entering the Simplex authentication interface, fill in the identification information as per the reminder, confirm and click [uploading file] (6)完成验证步骤后进入付款验证界面,获取并输入【短信验证码】,确认无误后点击确认,完成购买操作 (6) Enter the payment authentication interface upon completion of validation steps, get and enter [SMS authentication code], confirm correct and click to confirm and complete the purchase (7)在【资产】-【现货账户】-【充值历史】中查看购买记录。 (7) Check the purchase record in . 如此这般操作下来,你的比特币已经购买成功,接下来就是进入到乘风破浪的交易环节啦~最后再说一句,投资有风险,交易须谨慎!预祝在这个神奇且拥有无限可能的数字货币世界里,你能一路乘风破浪、收获财富自由! So, your bitcoin has been bought, and then it's in the middle of a windstorm. Last but not least, investment is risky, and the deal must be careful. May you be free to ride the waves and harvest your wealth in this magical and infinite digital currency world!
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