The ethtool command is used to query and control network device drivers and hardware settings, especially cable-to-team devices, the name of the devname web card. The net card is like an interface port where we normally use information such as the IP address of the net card, which we don't care about. Through the ethtool command, we can configure these parameters like the switchnet card, which is the charm of the command.
[root@s211 ~]# ethtool -h
[root@s211 ~]# ethtool --version
ethtool version 5.8
[root@s211 ~]# yum install -y ethtool
显示yes表示端口为up状态,使用命令ethtool devicename查看。
Displays yes for port status, using the command ethtool devicename.
Remote modification of gateway rates, double-working and consultation patterns should be careful, and if inconsistent with the switchboard or failure of the consultation could lead to a break in the netcard and a break in the remote.
The webcard awakens the functionality of the operating system and also requires a co-ordinated configuration of the bios parameters to support it.
The actual tests did not have much effect, and the supporting port types included tp, mii, but were set to tp without error, and the search results were still mii.
用法:ethtool [参数] [参数值] 网卡名称
Usage: ethtool [parameter] [parameter value] netcard name
There are a number of parameters for ethtool, and only the main and commonly used presentations are listed below, and more details can be obtained through the help of –help. And although the ethtool command supports a lot of functions, some of the parameter commands need to be supported by a webcard.
Original author: Everyone's Expedition Community
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