以太坊合并(The Merge)是指将以太坊网络从基于工作量证明(Proof-of-Work)的共识机制转变为基于权益证明(Proof-of-Stake)的共识机制的过程。在合并之后,以太坊将不再依赖矿工通过解决复杂的数学问题来创建新的区块,而是依赖持有和抵押以太币的验证者来创建新的区块。
The Merge refers to the process of moving from a proof-of-Work-based consensus-based mechanism to a pro-equity-based consensus-based mechanism. After the merger, the Taipan will no longer rely on miners to create new blocks by solving complex mathematical problems, but rather on holders and mortgages to create new blocks in the form of a proof-of-stock-based consensus-based mechanism.
The purpose of the merger has several considerations. First, it aims to increase the expansion and efficiency of the network. A consensus-based evidence-of-interest mechanism can handle transactions and validate blocks more efficiently, allowing the network to handle more transactions and greater throughput. Second, it also aims to reduce the energy consumption and environmental impact of the network.
In addition, the Etherworld merger provides an incentive mechanism for those who hold and encumber it. Certifying officers can get incentives in the TT by participating in network security and certification activities, and no longer by mining.
In sum, the merger of the eBay aims to increase the expansion, efficiency and security of the network, reduce energy consumption and environmental impact, and provide incentives for holders and mortgagers of the eBay to lay the foundation for its future development.
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