平台币逆势大涨 矿机生产商上市忙|PANews Weekly

资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:22 评论:0
PANews Weekly 第五期(5.14-5.20)...



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PANews Weekly 第五期(5.14-5.20)

PANews Weekly Fifth (5.14-5.20)
Accountable Editor

上周召开的共识大会并未为加密货币涨势助威,相反市场却呈现普跌行情。上周全球数字货币市值下跌了123.11亿美元,市场呈普跌状态。Coinmarketcap数据表示,比特币价格一周内总体下降了259.445美元,并于5月18日跌破8000美元大关,为 7974.82美元。非小号数据显示,过去一周,涨幅最多的WSX涨幅高达895.48%,GCC涨幅达759.73%。ERC20涨幅704.48%;而跌幅最大的ETF几乎清零,跌幅为97.39%,行云币跌幅67.12%,CROP跌幅为63.81%。

Last week’s consensus conference did not boost the price of encrypted currencies, but the market showed a general decline. The market value of global digital currencies fell by $12.311 billion last week, and the market was in a state of general decline. Coinmarkcap data indicate that the price of bitcoin fell by an overall $259,445 within a week, and on May 18 fell by $8,000, to $7974.82. Non-small data show that the largest increase in WSX in the past week was 895.48%, and in GCC 759.73%. The ERC 20 increase was 704.48%; while the largest decline in ETF was almost nil, with a decline of 97.39%, a decline of 67.12% and a decline in CROP of 63.81%.


According to the world currency statistics, the last week was marked by a five-point fall in the market, with the platform's inverse rise, with the top four rankings: ZB (+52.68 per cent), OKB (+19.06 per cent), HT (+18.35 per cent), BNB (+5.38 per cent), and the top three rankings of the amplifiers remaining the platform currency.

1.北京区块链生态投资基金成立 专注无币区块链应用

1. Beijing Block Chain Eco-Investment Fund was established and focused on the application of the non-monetary block chain .


On the evening of 19 May, with the support of the Beijing Financial Authority, the Beijing block chain eco-investment fund was officially launched, with a size of RMB 1 billion. The fund was designed to create a pilot fund dedicated to investment in the use of the non-monetary block chain in Beijing. The investment area focused on the following areas: ecological education and training in the regional block chain in Beijing, the application of the block chain in the non-financial monetary sector, the development of technology infrastructure at the bottom of the block chain, traditional enterprises that supported the block chain technology, and the upgrading of the industry. Mr. Su Ning, Adviser to the China district block chain application research centre, and Mr. Wang Jing, Adviser to the fund.


2. The Polish Ministry of Finance decided to suspend the taxation of digital currency transactions


The Ministry of Finance of Poland has issued an updated tax requirement stating that there will be no tax on digital currency transactions. The Ministry of Finance has indicated that it is doing so in order to better regulate emerging industries, thereby justifying its tax decisions.


The Supreme Court of India upheld the Central Bank's digital currency ban .


The Supreme Court of India supported the Central Bank's digital currency ban by not filing a complaint with the Supreme Court against the notice of 6 April to terminate all transactions with digital currency. The Supreme Court is known to hold its next hearing on 20 July 2018. (Inc.42)


4. The first Global Public Chain Technical Assessment Index was released by the Ministry of Technology and Communications, ranking it first at .


On the morning of May 17, the first edition of the Global Public Chain Technical Assessment Index was released by the Institute of Technology and Communications, with the most extensive use of smart contracts currently ranked first in the Tails, with a total index of 129.4. The second to fifth rankings are Stem chains, application chains, NEO and Comodor, with the corresponding indices of 115.9, 104.8, 103.0, 101.5 and 100.7 respectively. The current assessment index for the largest global impact is 88.1 and only 13 (PANews).

5.国家互金专委会:已累计发现假虚拟货币421种 60%以上在境外

5. National interlocking commissions: 421 fake virtual currencies have been found cumulatively more than 60 per cent offshore


As of April 2018, the Commission monitored the cumulative discovery of 421 fake virtual currencies, more than 60% of which are located outside the country, and which are difficult to detect and trace. Virtual currencies have three characteristics: first, a business model with pyramid-type members, second, suspect funds, artificial splitting of coins, and third, institutional or personal controls, which make it impossible to trade freely. The main risks of counterfeit virtual money are: (1) suspected irregularities, such as illegal fund-raising. Virtual currency has no value in operating in a head-pull, high-value return model, which is essentially illegal fund-raising and distribution activities. (2) There is a high risk of running. Such platforms have no research and development capacity and technology and are highly likely to run. (3) Victim rights problems.


of strong>6. Central Bank of Libya: Virtual currency such as Bitcoin is illegal in Libya


On 15 May, the Libyan media reported that the Central Bank of Libya (CBL) claimed that virtual currency such as Bitcoin was illegal in Libya and that its users could not be protected by Libyan law. On Tuesday, CBL warned all Libyans of the security risks of using virtual currency and claimed that it could be used for criminal activities, triggering terrorism and money-laundering. It added that the use of virtual currency should be allowed by CBL.


7. The French Chancellor of Finance reversed the Bitcoin attitude in the hope that France would become the centre of block chains and encrypted currency .

法国财政部长Bruno Le Maire在与当地企业家举行会议时表达了自己对区块链和加密货币的支持,他希望银行能够为加密货币公司服务,同时完善征税和ICO的评估。而此前,法财长曾呼吁取缔比特币,称其存在巨大金融风险。

French finance minister Bruno Le Maire, in a meeting with local entrepreneurs, expressed his support for block chains and encrypted currency, hoping that banks could serve encryption money companies while improving tax collection and ICO assessments. Previously, the Chancellor of Justice had called for the banning of Bitcoin, claiming that it had significant financial risks.


8. Russian State Duma Commission supports the Digital Economy Act

俄罗斯国家杜马立法工作委员会将支持一项倡议,该倡议将把数字经济的基本准则添加到俄罗斯联邦民法中。这是俄罗斯监管数字货币的最新举措。俄罗斯联邦政党和立法工作委员会主席Pavel Krasheninnikov在接受采访时表示,该举措旨在将与数字货币相关的风险最小化,如恐怖主义非法集资,欺诈等方面。 这项计划将于下周进行审议,这并不意味着数字货币现在将成为合法的支付手段。相反,由中央银行、财政部和经济发展部制定的另一项法律将为数字货币设定条件,即数字货币可以作为支付手段,但是数量要受到控制。(俄罗斯消息报)

In an interview, Pavel Krasheninnikov, President of the Russian Federation’s Political Parties and Legislative Working Committee, stated that the initiative was aimed at minimizing the risks associated with digital currency, such as illegal terrorist fund-raising, fraud, etc. The plan would be considered next week, which did not mean that digital currency would now be a legitimate means of payment.


9. Ukraine or legalization of encrypted currency

乌克兰议会成员Alexei Mushak15日发布消息称,乌克兰正准备立法,使加密货币合法化,希望能够广泛征集公民的意见。Mushak同时附上一份立法文件草案副本,文件指出,该立法旨在乌克兰建立一个“自由、透明”的数字资产市场。概述了存储、使用和交换加密货币、数字代币和在国家、实体和个人层面上的智能合同的规则。并提出了防止洗钱、恐怖融资和其他犯罪活动使用加密火币的监管措施。该文件还提倡使用区块链技术在公共领域、公共关系、医疗保健和教育领域上进行应用。(cointelegraph)

Alexei Mushak, a member of the Ukrainian Parliament, released a message on 15 January that Ukraine was preparing legislation to legalize the encrypt currency in the hope that citizens would be widely consulted. Mushak also attached a copy of a draft legislative document stating that the aim of the legislation was to create a “free and transparent” digital asset market in Ukraine. The rules governing the storage, use and exchange of encrypted currency, digital tokens and smart contracts at the State, entity and individual levels were outlined. The document also proposed regulatory measures to prevent the use of encrypted military currency for money-laundering, terrorist financing and other criminal activities. It also promoted the use of block-link technology in the public sphere, public relations, health care and education.


10. Thailand: Digital currencies will be treated as digital assets and 7 per cent value added tax on private encrypted money investors will be waived


Thailand enacted a law on digital money on 13 May, which stipulates that digital currency will be considered a digital asset, and designated the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as the controlling and regulating party for official virtual asset activities. On 17 May, the Thai Revenue Authority announced that it would waive the 7% value added tax on personal encrypted money investors, but that individuals would still have to pay 15% of the capital gains tax, also known as withholding taxes. (Bitcoin.com)


11. The Ministry of Industry and Communications of China issued the White Paper on the Sector Chain Industry of China 2018
on 20 May, and the Information Centre of the Ministry of Trade and Communications officially launched the White Paper on the Development of the Block Chain Industry of China 2018, which is the first officially published White Paper on the Block Chain Industry of China. By the end of March 2018, the number of sector chain companies operating primarily in the sector chain had reached 456, ranging from upstream hardware manufacturing, platform services and security services to downstream industrial technology applications services, to investment in finance, media and talent services in industries that guarantee industrial development.

本周早些时候有一个神秘组织Team Rocket在 InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)匿名发布了一个白皮书,该白皮书介绍了一种新的共识协议。Team Rocket称,该共识协议能够用来构建一个互联网级别的金融支付系统核心,每秒能交易1300余次,确认交易延迟四秒。Team Rocket声称其协议是绿色、安静、高效的,不依赖工作证明,不处理交易时不消耗电力。康奈尔大学教授Emin Gun Sirer解释说该协议将“经典共识”和“中本聪共识”的最好部分结合,是巨大的进步。

1. Team Rocket, a mysterious organization, published an anonymous white paper in InterPlatetary File System (IPFS) earlier this week, which introduced a new consensus agreement. Team Rocket stated that the consensus agreement could be used to build the core of an Internet-level financial payment system, trading more than 1,300 times per second, confirming a four-second delay in transactions. Team Rocket claimed that its agreement was green, quiet, efficient, not relying on proof of work, and did not consume electricity when dealing. Emin Gun Sirer, Professor at Cornell University, explained that the agreement combined the best parts of the “classical consensus” with the “meditated consensus” and “meditated consensus” and was a great advance.

2. 入驻海南的中资国控实为央企控股

2. China-owned banks based in Hainan are effectively holding shares .


Business and industry information indicates that recent operations in Hainan involve the “digital currency” operations of the China-owned Internet Science and Technology Games Ltd., which have retrospectively and ultimately been owned by China-owned Internet Science and Technology Games Ltd., China-owned Internet-based Science and Technology Games Ltd., China-China State-controlled Industries Ltd., China-China-China-New Century Investment Ltd., and China-China-New Century Investments Ltd., which is controlled by the China Forest Group Corporation, which controls 51 per cent of the shares, while China-China Forestry Group Corporation holds 100 per cent of the shares of the State Treasury Committee.

3. CME正讨论是否开始以太坊期货交易

3. CME is discussing whether to start trading with Taipan futures .

芝加哥商品交易所(CME)高管Tim McCourt近日表示,CME正在讨论是否需要推出以太坊期货交易,不过目前并没有开始的计划。此前消息,CME已联合支持以太坊期货交易的英国加密交易平台Crypto Facilities推出了两项以太坊指数,这被视为是该所即将推出以太坊期货交易的一个信号。

The Chicago Commodity Exchange executive Tim McCourt recently stated that the CME was discussing the need to launch an Ether futures deal, but that there were no plans to do so. Earlier, CME had joined forces to support Crypto Faciliities, the British encryption trading platform for Ether futures, to launch two Ether indices, which was seen as a signal that the Institute was about to launch an Ether futures deal.

4. 比特大陆投资Circle并联合发币

4. Pitt continent invests in Circle and co-distributes

Circle官方转发Quartz消息,比特大陆将与Circle合作开发一种所谓的稳定币——与普通货币挂钩的加密通证,与美元挂钩的货币,称为USD Coin或者Circle USDC。吴忌寒称,这是比特大陆对“私人央行”愿景的第一步,这是一种基于区块链算法的货币,与政府没有联系。此前,比特大陆向Circle投资1.1亿美元。

Circle officially transmits the news of Quartz that Bitland will work with the Circle to develop a so-called stable currency – an encrypted pass linked to ordinary currency, and a dollar-linked currency called USD Coin or Circle USDC. Wu Xianxian claims that this is the first step in the Bit continent’s vision of a “private central bank” – a currency based on block-chain algorithms that is not linked to the government. Previously, Bitcontinent invested $110 million in Circle.

5. 惠普和诺基亚合作 将使用区块链标记数据

5. HP and Nokia will work together to use block chain marking data


Nokia and Hewlett-Packard have worked with a Swiss start-up company called Streamr, which will enable consumers to control and sell tag data collected by Internet devices and use block chain technology to empower consumers. Streamr will mark the data with a digital currency called DATAcoin, which raised over $30 million in ICO last year.

6. Bithumb推迟Pop Chain上市,因被质疑涉及“庞氏骗局”

6. Bithumb postponed Pop Chain from the market because he was questioned about the Ponzi scheme

虚拟货币交易所Bithumb在16日的上市日程变更公告中表示,将推迟原定于17日上市的“Pop Chain”,因市场质疑其涉及“庞氏骗局”,对此,Bithumb解释称:“有很多未经证实的虚假事实传播到市场,对加密货币的交易非常担忧,而按计划推进Pop Chain可能会在市场上引起不必要的争议。” 16日韩国区块链协会旗下的自律规定委员会经过内部讨论,劝告虚拟货币交易所Bithumb对中断PCH上市进行再次检讨,并称把市场的不安因素慢慢减少,政府才能积极检讨包括注册新账户等问题的方案。(韩联社)

In response to Vithumba's 16-day notice of scheduling changes, stating that the “Pop Chain”, originally scheduled to be listed on 17 days, would be postponed because the market questioned its involvement in the “Ponzi scheme”, Bithumba explained that “there are many unsubstantiated false facts that have spread to the market and are very concerned about transactions involving encrypted currencies, and that the planned advancement of Pop Chain may cause unnecessary controversy in the market.” The Commission on Self-Regulations under the banner of the Korean District Chain Association, after internal discussions, advised Bittumb of the Virtual Currency Exchange to conduct a further review of the interruption of the listing of the PCH, and stated that reducing market uncertainty would enable the Government to actively examine options, including the registration of new accounts.

7. Coinbase:推出4款产品 可解放100亿美金机构资金进场

7. Coinbase: Launching four products that free $10 billion of agency funds

Coinbase计划推出四款新产品,来吸引机构投资者加入数字货币市场。四款产品分别为Coinbase Custody(托管),Coinbase Markets(市场),The Coinbase Institutional Coverage Group(机构覆盖组)和Coinbase Prime(子交易平台)。其副总裁兼总经理Adam White 表示这一系列产品将可以解放100亿美元的机构投资者资金到数字货币市场中来。(newsbtc)

Coinbase plans to introduce four new products to attract institutional investors to the digital money market. Four products, Coinbase Custery (custody), Coinbase Markets (market), The Coinbase Industrial Corporation Group (Agency Coverage Group) and Coinbase Prime (sub-trade platform). Adam White, its Vice-President and Managing Director, said that the series would free $10 billion in corporate investor funds into the digital money market.

8. 数字货币交易所Kraken称其或将在美国SEC注册

8. Kraken, a digital currency exchange, claims that it will or will be registered with SEC in the United States .

美国数字货币交易所Kraken态度有所松动,其CEO Jesse Powell表示,因为监管机构持续打击数字货币,他们可能会在美国证券交易委员会SEC先注册为经纪商,然后再是ATS(另类交易系统)。

Kraken of the United States Digital Currency Exchange, whose CEO Jesse Powell states that, as regulators continue to fight digital money, they may be registered as brokers by the SEC of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, followed by ATS.
ATS or other trading systems are trading places outside traditional public stock exchanges. Any new US ATS must be approved by and authorized by the highest regulatory structure on Wall Street.

据bitcoinist报道,ICON宣布与全球社交平台LINE PLUS建立大规模合作关系,两家公司共同创立了Unchain,构建LINE的区块链网络。LINE PLUS平台月平均用户数超过2亿。(bitcoinist)

9. ICON announced the establishment of UNCHAIN
with LINE. According to Bitcoinist, ICON announced a large-scale partnership with the global social platform LINE PLUS, which jointly created Unchain to build the LINE block chain network. The LINE PLUS platform has an average of more than 200 million users per month. (bitcoinist)

10. 比特币矿机商嘉楠耘智申请赴港IPO



According to a quote from Reuters, KANO raised $1 billion for Hong Kong. In addition to KANO, another Bitcoin miner from the Mainland, Zhejiang Wing Bit, also plans to be listed in Hong Kong. Beete is the brand of another large Bitcoin miner in the interior, which is a multi-million-dollar miner (PANews).

11.“普银币” 非法集资涉案金额达3.07亿元,创始人跑路

11. Illegal collection of funds in the amount of $307 million, with the founder running away


According to Shenzhen Police, on 15 June 2017, Shenzhen Hill Police received a report of illegal financing offences under the cover of the virtual currency “Golden Money” by Shenzhen’s Silver District Chain Group Limited. According to the report, Shenzhen’s Silver District Chain Group Limited, through its official network and acquired P2P platform, is suspected of illegally absorbing public funds and of collecting funds. On 28 March 2018, the South Mount Police successfully captured six suspects and seized about 100,000 tea cakes.

12. 迅雷发布星域云和迅雷链开放平台

12. Open Platform to Release Nebula and Thunderlinks


Thunder released a platform for the opening of nebula and quick-links, and ThunderCeo Chen announced that it would use 300 million operational chain grams set aside to support developers on the open platform for rapid-links to promote the location of local block-chain technologies in the real business scene.

13. EOS众筹账户5月14 日再次转出21万个ETH总价值超过10亿元人民币

13. The EOS public fund-raising account transferred 210,000 ETHs with a total value of more than RMB 1 billion on May 14th.

EOS项目进展消息不断,除去白热化的超级节点竞选之外,5月11日 BM 宣布 Dawn 4.0 发布,更新了更多的特性。IMEOS 观察到,今日(5月14日)11时33分21秒EOS众筹账户再次转出21.185万个ETH。截稿时,EOS众筹账户先后进行过6大数额的提币操作,分别是2018年2月23日转出41.750484万个ETH,3月27日转出61.840371万ETH,4月9日转出41.114616万个ETH,4月23日转出47.187393万个,5月7日转出69.777823万个ETH。同时以往经历,提币之后EOS价格应该会有较大的波动。(IMEOS)

According to IMEOS, 11.33 minutes and 21 seconds today (14 May) EOS public accounts transferred 21,185 million ETHs. At the time of the deadline, EOS publicly raised accounts with six large amounts of coins, 41,754.84 million ETHs were transferred on 23 February 2018, 61.04.71 million ETHs were transferred on 27 March, 411.146 million ETHs were transferred on 9 April, 47,187.93 million on 23 April and 69,777.82 million on 7 May, respectively.

14. OKEX CEO李书沸朋友圈宣布离职

14. OKEX CEO Lee Breathing's circle of friends has been declared out of service

5月14日,李书沸(Chris Lee)在朋友圈里表示“今日正式辞去 OKEX的CEO、OKC 集团的CFO、所有集团各分公司董事席位以及任何职能,即时生效。感谢徐明星、OK集团给我一个平台,去施展我一部分的抱负”,并称作为职业经理人,我尽了最大的努力。李书沸于2016年10月至今年5月在OKCoin担任首席财务官,随后在2017年5月起今年5月担任OKEx的CEO。(PANews)

On May 14, Chris Lee, in his circle of friends, said, “Today, he officially resigned from the CEO of OKEX, the CEO of the COC Group, the directors of all the branches of the group, and any functions, immediately came into effect. Thanks to Xu Sing, the KO Group, for giving me a platform to carry out some of my ambitions”, and called me a career manager, and I did my best. Li was appointed Chief Financial Officer of OKCoin from October 2016 to May of this year, and then became the CEO of OKEx in May of this year.


At the Third China Financial Enlightenment, held in Kyoto on 19 May, the director of the Beijing City Financial Work Bureau, Huo, said that today Xu is not talking about coins, but about the depth of the block chain. I hope that he will be able to change his body. I also hope that he will be able to make a complete break with his previous currency, Token, and the exchange he made. Today is no longer the time for counterfeiting.


1. President of the Beijing Finance Board, Huo Xuwen: Seller due diligence, buyer self-inflicted


On May 19, at the Third China Financial Enlightenment Conference, the Party Secretary and Director-General of the Beijing City Financial Work Bureau, Huo Xuwen, said that I was in favour of a non-monetary block chain, particularly in support of a credible block chain. Whoever wants to issue all kinds of coins in Beijing, I don’t care if you are welcome in Beijing. In Beijing, our attitude is that ‘sellers do what they want, buyers do what they want’.

2. 何一5月18日在媒体问答会上全面回应币安种种“问题”:

2. Why does the media question-and-answer session on 18 May provide a comprehensive response to the “questions” of the currency:


(1) The question of a French currency transaction is a question of French currency transactions, but the precondition must be legal compliance and compliance with the regulatory policy of the corresponding country.
(2) The currency will not run for any node because it is equivalent to becoming a proxy for a currency, to the detriment of the user.
(3) Whether the coin is prepared to buy the island, or whether the coin is not intended to buy the island, but is willing to cooperate with a small country.
(4) The currency is raised to the point where the upper currency is the most stringent currency trading platform for the upper currency, because “the more you look at the project, the higher it will be, the higher it will be, we will not be able to guarantee that each currency on the line will be able to make money for the user, but we will use the current upper currency model to validate the project to ensure its fairness.”

3. 郭台铭:富士康正发展区块链金融

3. Guo Tae-jung: Fujikang Development Block Chain Finance


At the Second World Smart Congress, the President of the Fujikang Group for Technology revealed that in order to bridge all the links in the future, Fujikang is developing block-chain finance. The cryptology, consensus mechanisms, etc. in the block chain will provide technical support for supply chain finance.

4. 陈伟钢:区块链行业应用加速推进向非金融领域渗透扩散

4. Chen Wei Gang: At the 18 May summit on the global SME block chain industry in Hangzhou, the Supervisor of the Supervisory Board of the National Key Financial Institutions of the China Silver Insurance Supervisory Board pointed to ten major trends in the sector chain:
(1) sector application accelerated and spread from digital currency to non-financial areas;
(2) enterprise application was the main battleground in the sector chain, with alliances and private chains becoming the mainstream direction;
(3) technology programme to promote diversification, with the sector chain performance being continuously optimized;
(4) sector chain alignment with cloud computing would become more intense;
block chain security issues were increasingly highlighted and security protection required full-scale consideration;
enterprise applications were the main battleground in the sector chain and the importance of multi-connectivity was highlighted;
sector chains were increasingly competitive, and competition was increasingly important in the area of competition;
district grids were increasingly important in the area of competition;
were important in the need of the chain chain;

5. 中国社科院尹振涛:数字形式的货币是一种趋势

YOON Jintao, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: The digital currency is a trend
of the Deputy Director of the Legal and Financial Research Unit of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Yoon Zhentao said that the People's Bank of China had always been very positive about the statutory digital currency, and that the Digital Monetary Institute, set up by the former Director-General of Yao, had been set up for almost two years. And the digital currency is a trend that responds to the current reform of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) or the international monetary system, as well as to developments in market access, and provides a more convenient means of payment.

6. Twitter CEO:转向提供比特币有争议
Twitter CEO兼移动支付公司Square董事会主席Jack Dorsey在比特币共识大会上表示,转向提供比特币是有争议的,我们想确保每个人都能接触到比特币。Square Captial没有与任何银行竞争。

6. Twitter CEO: Redirecting to provide Bitcoin is controversial
Twitter CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Mobile Payments Company, Square, stated at the Bitcoin Consensus that the shift to Bitcoin was controversial and that we wanted to ensure that everyone had access to Bitcoin. Square Captial did not compete with any bank.

7. 马云:区块链不是泡沫,比特币是

7. Maun: Block chains are not foams, Bitcoin is


On May 16, Maun addressed the Second World Smart Congress and said, "I don't think the block chain is a bubble. Bitcoin is. We don't have a deep understanding of block chain technology. Today's block chain is not a huge gold mine, but a solution to solve the problem of data and privacy security and create value for society. Now many people think of it as something to make money, and that's over. I personally think of block chain technology, which I haven't understood at all for a few years, but when I hear it solves privacy issues, Ali Baba does it, and we have the most chain technology patent. We have a trillion deals, and there's no security guarantees.

8. Bitmex首席执行官:比特币年底目标价格是5万美元
Bitmex首席执行官Arthur Hayes 在接受CNBC采访时称,预测全球领先的加密货币比特币将在年底前达到5万美元。

8. Bitmex CEO: At the end of the year, the target price for Bitcoin was $50,000
Bitmex CEO Arthur Hayes, in an interview with CNBC, stated that it was projected that the world's leading encoded currency, Bitcoin, would reach $50,000 by the end of the year.

9. 李笑来:百亿规模基金在币圈里不算大基金

In an interview with the media on 13 May, Li laughter said that there were a lot of very young people with billions of dollars in their hands, so the Yon An Fund was not a big fund, it was a misunderstanding, it was a small fund.


10. Shawn: Digital technologies, such as block chains, affect asset values and change asset configuration


On May 20, the Chairman of the Specialized Committee on Financial Science and Technology of the Chinese Securities and Investment Association and Mr. Wan, Vice-Chairman of the Group, stated at the fourth (2018) Global Private Fund West Lake Summit that the impact of digital technology on asset values was reflected in the devaluation of many traditional assets, the addition of existing knowledge assets, and the addition of new encrypted digital assets based on block-chain-based accounting techniques.
, “The so-called value-exchange Internet from block chains, further changes in the way values are exchanged.




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