
资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:28 评论:0
  参考消息网3月10日报道 英媒称,互联网时代,一种电子加密货币把中国视为了“主战场”。英国《金融时报》引用bitcoinity.org的数据称,2016年,比特币在中国的价格上涨145%。2016下半年,人民币交易占全...



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  参考消息网3月10日报道 英媒称,互联网时代,一种电子加密货币把中国视为了“主战场”。英国《金融时报》引用bitcoinity.org的数据称,2016年,比特币在中国的价格上涨145%。2016下半年,人民币交易占全球比特币交易量的98%。

Reference News Network, 10 March, reported in English media that, in the Internet age, an electronic encrypted currency regarded China as the “primary battlefield.” The British Financial Times quoted data from that in 2016 Bitcoin increased its prices in China by 145%. In the second half of 2016, renminbi transactions accounted for 98% of global Bitcoin transactions.


According to the BBC website on 10 March, the price of each bitcoin surged to $1265 on 28 February, exceeding the price of $1233 per ounce of gold on that day, and it was analysed that the sharp increase in bitcoin was due to a rapid increase in demand from China.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Bitcoin is on the move.


In 2013, the Central Bank of China issued a circular prohibiting financial institutions from carrying out services such as bitcoin and renminbi and foreign currency exchange, which triggered a sharp fall in the Bitcoin market. In early January 2017, the Central Bank of China met with the principals of China’s three Bitcoin trading platforms, demanding that they strictly conduct self-censorship and clean up their operations against the relevant laws and regulations, but this severe regulatory action only led to a fall in bitcoin prices in the short term, which was followed by an all-time high in January this year, after which prices continued to rise.


Ruelin, from Northern Lincoln County, United Kingdom, claims that from 2011 to the present, he bought a bitcoin for up to US$ 1,100, down to US$ 18, and that the price of bitcoin fell sharply in 2013 and caused his own losses. What happened to Luelin is basically the same as it did in the Chinese market in Bitcoin.


The P2P website, LocalBitcoins, shows that in the last three years, the weekly amount of currency transactions settled in renminbi has never exceeded 6 million yuan. But during the week that began after Spring Day on February 11, Bitcoin’s currency transactions suddenly surged, and in the first week of March, the volume of transactions was over 60 million yuan.


Why is the main battleground in China?


It has been reported that Chinese financial writers are accustomed to describing countries' competitive monetary policies based on their economic interests as “currency wars.” The main subjects of “currency wars” are often Governments and central banks, so who are the “warring parties” in the mysterious empire of Bitcoin?

  香港比特币协会主席莱昂哈德称(Leonhard Weese),虽然近几个月来人民币交易占比特币交易总量的比例不再像过去那么高,但中国市场仍然对比特币影响很大。其原因是,比特币的“挖矿”过程要求配置大量电脑主机,用电量巨大,还需要大量技术人员,这些条件在中国都很容易得到满足。在供电一项上,中国的云南、西藏以及四川等地都可以提供低价的水电资源。

The Hong Kong President of the Bitcoin Association, Leonhard Weese, has said that, although in recent months the renminbi trade was no longer as high as in the past, the Chinese market still has a significant impact on the Bitcoin market. The reason is that Bitcoin’s “mining” process requires a large number of computer hosts, a huge amount of electricity, and a large number of technicians, all of which can easily be met in China. In terms of electricity supply, China’s Yunnan, Tibet, and Sichuan can provide low-cost hydropower resources.


The New York Times has also revealed in a survey that many Chinese have moved from trading bitcoin to building up computing capacity to dig bitcoin. They have set up data centres all over China, all of which are full of server shelves, interlocking wires and radiators for machines, and that bitcoin diggers in some data centres consume enough power to supply a small city.


In addition, Leonhard argues that Bitcoin can move freely around the world, free of individual and corporate control, a feature very similar to gold. For the assertion that 90% of the Bitcoin transactions take place in China, Leonhad believes that this is no longer a reality today, but that bitcoin, which can be used freely and globally, is still being pursued by Chinese investors.



According to Leonhad, the way in which bitcoin is used in China is broadly divided in terms of supply:


The first is to play games, using Bitcoin as a gambling game, in which about half of the “mining” takes place in China. In contrast, Leonhad noticed that China’s active “miners” would sell bitcoins in exchange for electricity bills, purchase of computer equipment, and hiring software and hardware engineers, which to some extent has increased Bitcoin’s payments.


The second is investment arbitrage. Some people sell bitcoins after buying bitcoins for a while, judging how weak they are or finding other more attractive investment channels.


The third is to pay for, for example, the purchase of goods on treasures and the online payment of tourism costs such as hotels, many of which are foreigners living in China.


The last is for out-of-country payments. Some people invest and use bitcoin abroad, fearing that the renminbi will depreciate, or want to hold an international currency free from the threat of inflation and currency printing.


According to Leonhad, it was these uses that allowed Bitcoin to find markets and users in China. He questioned the argument that money was laundered through bitcoin, “I used a premium to judge that bitcoin was worth about 5 per cent more in China for most of the time than it was abroad, so it was supposed to be more bitcoin flowing into China than flowing out of China.”




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