
资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:20 评论:0
区块链大师兄 block chain master 用最少的时间学最多的数字货币投资干货I invest in dry goods in the most digital currency in the minimum amount of...



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block chain master


I invest in dry goods in the most digital currency in the minimum amount of time I've learned.




Bro Financial Information on Block Chains


Big Bro Block Chain, latest and full news, updates every night:


1. Summary analysis of trends


2. Key news messages


I: Brief Line Analysis




On the Kline, instead of saving upwards, there has been a contraction, which means that the Big Brother has recently reminded everyone to be steady and not to enter blindly.


At the level of the solar line, there was a small rebound in the 120-day line today, but the traffic is still in a state of release, a slight reduction from yesterday's, the overall trend of empty headlines is still in place, and the 120-day line is a short-term support, but it may be only a matter of time before it hits 7,500 and 120-day support positions, and it is expected that there will be room for further decline in the 5-day line under double support in the near future.



There is strong support in the vicinity of the medium-term damage position 420, and the traffic is rapidly magnified from the sunline map, indicating that a large number of investors are watching the support of the position, thus forming a daily shadow of the line level. Since the 420 support position is so strong, a short-term rebound is inevitable, and we can see clearly that both Bitcoin and Ether have reached a support position in the short term, and while there is a trend of empty head, we still have to wait for the rebound to come to terms with a reduction.


II. Key news messages


1: eToro Encrypted Currency Analyst: Latco's price could be seriously underestimated

eToro加密货币分析师Mati Greenspan在今天发布的报告中称,莱特币的价格可能被严重低估。最近莱特币与TokenPay合作并获得德国银行WEG 10%的股份。此举可能对于莱特币最终能够与信用卡和借记卡支付整合具有重要意义。Greenspan称,这是传统金融世界中加密公司首次重大的公开收购。

In a report released today, eToro encoded money analyst Mati Greenspan claims that the price of Lightcoin could be seriously underestimated. Recently, Leitco worked with Tokenpay and won 10% of the share in the German bank WEG. This may be important for Leitco’s eventual integration with credit cards and debit cards. Greenspan claims that this was the first major public acquisition by encryption companies in the traditional financial world.


In addition, Greenspan compares Bitcoin and Lightcoin to gold and silver. The report notes that Bitcoin has become a value deposit rather than a technology that can be used as the basis of a payment system on a large scale (mainly because of its relatively high cost) and that Lightcoin should more appropriately be regarded as a supplement to Bitcoin than its counterpart. Leitco has a higher rate of adoption than some other encrypted currencies, in terms of total address, transaction and volume. By contrast, the total value of the network is lagging. He also concludes, however, that the risk of Lightcoin is not lower than that of any other encrypted currency.


2: Asta's co-founder: Ether's function in India goes far beyond the crypto-currency function

以太坊联合创始人Joseph Lubin7月23日在访问印度期间表示,尽管存在加密禁令,以太坊仍然能在印度存在。 Lubin称,以太坊提供的不仅仅是通过加密货币进行价值转移,以太坊在印度的功能远远超出了加密货币的功能,是构建分散的全球IT基础设施所需的元素之一。除了比特币之外,以太坊是唯一真正多中心化的网络,在印度提供了一个可能的世界,包括云计算,政府服务提供和数据库管理。

During his visit to India on 23 July, Joseph Lubin, the founder of the Associazione del Taiga, stated that, despite a ban on encryption, the Assemblée could still exist in India. Lubin argued that the assemblage provided was not merely a transfer of value through encrypted currency, that its function in India far exceeded that of encrypted currency, and was one of the elements needed to build a fragmented global IT infrastructure. In addition to Bitcoin, the Assent was the only truly multi-centric network that provided a possible world in India, including cloud computing, government service delivery, and database management.


3: The largest cinema chain in Thailand will accept encrypted currency

根据泰国当地媒体报道,个人很快就可以在泰国最大的电影院连锁店 Cineplex Group 购买带有加密货币的爆米花和电影票。Cineplex集团主要与移动应用程序RapidzPay合作,允许其用户使用加密货币在电影院的众多地点支付各种服务费用。

According to local Thai media reports, individuals will soon be able to buy popcorn and film tickets with encrypted currency from Cineplex, Thailand’s largest cinema chain. The Cineplex group works mainly with mobile applications, Rapidzpay, allowing its users to use encrypted currency to pay for various services in many locations in the cinema.


4: Introduction of an encrypted currency guarantee loan service by Japanese listed companies

据news.bitcoin消息,日本上市公司Samurai&J Partners的子公司推出了一项名为Samurai Crypto Loan的贷款计划,贷款由BTC,BCH和ETH作为抵押品担保。客户可通过抵押这些加密资产获得日元,而无需清算其加密资产。客户可以以不同的利率借入高达3亿日元(约270万美元)的贷款。该公司还为其加密业务在海外设立了子公司。

According to news.bitcoin, the subsidiaries of Japanese listed companies Samurai & J Partners launched a loan scheme called Samurai Crypto Loan, with BTC, BCH, and ETH as collateral. Clients can obtain yen by mortgageing these encrypted assets without having to liquidate their encrypted assets. Clients can borrow up to 300 million yen (approximately $2.7 million) at different interest rates.


5: The Mongolian National Block Chain Digital Asset Exchange will be on line in the near future

据萨纳杜矿业公司(XANADU Mines)日前发布的消息,其在蒙古南戈壁省发现的扎拉(Zarra)铜矿或成为世界级矿床。蒙古国依托于其资源价值体系支持成立的蒙古国国家区块链数字资产交易所(MDEX)也将于近日上线。国际大宗商品价格持续上涨,蒙古国大举投入区块链产业或为整合基础资源谋求促进经济加快复苏。

According to a recent release from Sanadu Mining Corporation (XANADU Mines), the Zarra copper mine found in the province of Nangobi, Mongolia, or became a world-class mine. Mongolia’s digital asset exchange of the Mongolian national block chain (MDEX), which is supported by its resource value system, will also be on the line in the near future.


6: Nobel Laureate Joins Founder of Block Chains as Advisor to the High Council

据coindesk消息,诺贝尔奖获得者Oliver Hart和前微软首席经济学家Preston McAfee加入了区块链初创公司Prysm Group,并担任高级委员会顾问,对区块链相关技术提供一定的建议。

According to Coindesk, Nobel laureate Oliver Hart and former Microsoft chief economist Preston McAfee joined Prysm Group, the start-up company of the block chain, and served as advisers to the High Council, providing some advice on technology related to the block chain.


McAfe stated that he was “pleased” to join the organization, adding that “block chains allow for fragmentation and digital record-keeping, thereby supporting new business models”.

Oliver Hart称对区块链技术能够让开发者“设计更好的激励和合同”的方式“感兴趣”。

Oliver Hart described as “interested” the way in which block chain technology allows developers to “design better incentives and contracts”.


7: The exchange is in a public chain to completely destabilize the central exchange?


At the beginning of July, the founder of the Tai family, V., said to Sharon on the subject of the TechCrunch block chain, “I want the centralized exchange to die. Recently, the wallet software Kcash, CyberMilles and the project suddenly came together. They announced that they would launch a “decentralized” exchange for tens of millions of users under the flag and challenge the traditional centralized exchange.


8: Kanaji launched the first bitcoin mining television

据SCMP报道,采矿设备制造商嘉楠耘智(Canaan)推出名为AvalonMiner Inside比特币采矿电视机,它与最强大的采矿机成本大致相同,每秒可处理2.8万亿次哈希。

According to SCMP, the manufacturer of mining equipment, Canaan, introduced the Avalonminer Insidebitco mine television, which is roughly the same cost as the most powerful mining machine and can handle 2.8 trillion Hashis per second.


KANI stated that the equipment had real-time profitability to calculate Bitcoin mining and that the digital currency earned could be used to purchase entertainment content or in-kind gifts through KANI.


9: Fomo3D study: huge cumulative risk of 20,000 ETH bonuses but significant contraction in turnover


Recently, Fomo3D was popular and ranked fourth in the DApp ranking, rapidly surpassing other DApps and generating a backlash in the block chain market.


Fomo3D is more controversial in that, on the one hand, developers have made it clear that the project has a range of risks, such as a security gap, the possibility of running, not going back, etc., while, on the other hand, it is widely recognized in the market as a negative energy application for which many names are given, such as the “human testing field”, the “protocol game”, the “Ponzi scheme” and so on.


A study and analysis of Fomo3D conducted by BlockData, the chain tower think tank, revealed the true situation of Fomo3D and provided risk alerts from the point of view of the rules of the game, the allocation of incentives, the trade situation and potential risks.

截止发稿前:BTC—7620美金 ETH—417美金 EOS—6.99美金

deadline: BTC - $7620 ETH - $417 EOS - $6.99




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