
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:22 评论:0
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Source: Genesis


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Source : New Year's Eve


On 25 October, the Princess Lande, one of the most luxurious cruise ships on the Huang Pu River, welcomed a special guest.


On this cruise ship, known as “One of the brightest water scenes in the evenings of Shanghai”, more than 100 delegates from the multi-block chain start-up project gathered not to attract the wind from both sides of the Huang Pu River, but to a ceremony called “The Fashion Night of the Global Block Chain”.


The ceremony, hosted by three companies, including the Bo chain of finance, not only awarded “the most influential investment agency” to sector investment agencies such as distributed capital, creative capital, but also prizes such as “the Best Investment Value Exchange” for virtual currency trading platforms such as the Treasure Network, OKEx, Money Ann, BiKi, etc. FashionAfterParty, an art exhibition on the concept of the block chain, a waltz troupe, and an on-site assister of the Retrove Steam Wave Band.


In the words of the sponsor, “This is the first plentiful fashion feast in the block chain industry, where technology, fashion and art collide with sparks of glamour.” After nearly a year of cold, the currency ring finally has a long-feeding.


Just one day before the award ceremony, the block chain was declared by the State to be an important entry point for core technology-owned innovation, while at the same time defining the direction to be taken, intensifying the investment effort, focusing on key core technologies and accelerating technological and industrial innovation in the block-chain.


The topic of the collective learning was “The current state and trends of technological development of the block chain.” The news was then posted on the front page of the news broadcast Associated News and the next day's People's Daily News, which was considered to be the central policy tone for the future development and importance of the block chain.


As usual, capital markets have re-emerged, with more than 100 shares in the entire A-share chain.


But the difference is that listed companies are not the only players in this carnival. When the good news of the block chain came out, the currency-circle players ran out, as if they had a proper name, and the award ceremony followed.


After the award ceremony, Sun Woo Weibo said that he had started to promote block chain technology in 2013 as the country's first practitioner, and that he had even since been promoted as “the currency ring.” Moreover, the founder of OkCoin, Xu, had no fun in the circle of friends, “look who's going to say that the block chain is the bureau”.


Three days later, the People's Daily wrote again, “Technology innovation in block chains does not amount to virtual currency, but should prevent the use of block chains to distribute virtual currency, air currency, etc.”.


We see more of a naked, magnified human exposure field when a pot of cold water is poured down, with the exception of making it clear that the chain of blocks and the virtual currency are never the same thing.


"The Ring of Merit", "The Dealer Dudun" and the God-making movement.


The best option to choose one of the leading players in the currency circle is no doubt the giants who come to the altar of the currency. In just a few years, they call for rain in the currency ring and gain their reputation, seeming to be shattering the one-night-rich path of the country’s many money-earners and, at one time, becoming the investment god of the latter’s mind.


The beginning of the story also needs to start with the block chain. There is already a lot of terminological explanation for the block chain. There are recognized advantages in storing information data in terms of security, authenticity and immeasurability, as well as pains such as the need for big storage space, massive energy consumption expenditure and extremely low data recording rates.


The first product of block chain technology deployment was Bitcoin, born in 2008. In November 2013, the US government held a hearing to recognize Bitcoin’s legitimacy for the first time, and Bitcoin began to break small circles and move into broader investor horizons.


Bitcoin surged in 2017, rising from $997 at the beginning of the year to a peak of over $20,000, and by the end of the year, Bitcoin prices remained high at $135.81, an increase of almost 1400 per cent.


The reason for this surge in Bitcoin is still unclear, and the smell of bubbles and money in it attracts a large number of speculators, ambitionists and sons who come in under the banner of the chain of blocks, and the currency boils open.


That's the way it's gonna be.


The first players in the game created an ICO game, i.e., imitation of the company IPO's first public fund-raising campaign to attract social funds to heat up the virtual money it issues.


The ICO fund-raiser is usually a patchwork team, producing a website and publishing a so-called “white paper” to start financing.


Almost all of the virtual coins are the same as the air coins.


According to Coinmarkcap, there were only five national ICO projects prior to 2017 and only eight new ones in the first four months of 2017. In the first three months of 2018, 187 new virtual currencies were added to the ICO. Not only was 90% of the Bitcoins traded domestically, but the top 2, 3 and 4 platforms of the Global Virtual Currency Exchange were all Chinese platforms.


With the emergence of all kinds of virtual coins, many of those who had previously been silent have turned into so-called giants of currency and have embarked on a powerful God-making campaign.


In the most insane times, some projects do not even have to write white papers, promote and find platforms through a variety of channels, and as long as there is a profit-making effect from the surge in the new currency on the market, they can attract the wind and the wind to join, thus empty-handed white wolves.


There was no white paper on the PressOne project, launched by the first Rich Lee of Bitcoin, and it took only 20 minutes to raise hundreds of millions of dollars.


In 2013, the foreign media published a report on the Chinese market in Bitcoin, stating that Li laughter was one of China’s largest holders of bitcoin.


The same year, Li laughter founded the Bit Foundation and, a few years later, became a godfather and pioneer of wealth freedom, from books, lectures, investments and frequent participation in the ICO project, by gaining the support of a hundred thousand audiences through the opening of a column entitled " Path to Wealth and Freedom ".


In contrast to Li’s high profile and fame, the visibility of the founder of the Golden Book, the founding partner of Node Capital, and the co-founder of the Currency Network, Doudu, does not match his position in the currency circles.


During the early years of Dou's experience, he was also more confused, with little media coverage of him, and it can be confirmed that he was a no-seller and was thus exposed to the Internet and Bitcoin, thus becoming one of the early entrants to the virtual currency.


Similarly, unlike Li's laughter, Duan's journey to the top is more subtle, nodal capital investment and the promotion of the ICO, gold finance and advocacy, the sale of coins at a high price on the Internet or the destruction of a plate — a whole chain of coins in which Dou does not even need to be hand-in-hand in order to be able to reap the enormous benefits of the entire chain as a shareholder.


Sun Woo-moo may be the youngest “bigg in the currency.” In 2013, Sun Woo-moo contacted Ripple, the publisher of Rippoon, and became the chief representative of the Grand Central China District of Ripple. After moving around, he gained many titles of honour, followed by big business people such as “touch on the china” and the Maun, whose reputation, whether well-known or not, is at the end of the day in the circle.


In 2017, Sun Woo issued the Bounty Billion in mid-December 2017, which took about half a month to raise the price from 1 and 2 cents to 2 dollar bills, with a 100-fold increase in the total market value of $14 billion and the world’s top ten in the chain of blocks. Sun Woo sold 6 billion bounties in the morning and $300 million in a single wave.


Lee made this assessment in private: “Look at Sun Woo's morning, with a market of up to $14 billion, who's looking at who and to what extent? Knowing that he's a son, you're ashamed to scold him and fear that others will call yourself a fool.”


When Sun Woo learned of the incident, not only did he not have a scratch of embarrassment, but he tweeted, “I heard I was in the middle of it again”.


At the end of the day, under the influence of these great gods, the snobs get so mad that whatever white papers, whatever the coins, they break down the money and rob the exchange website of the cards. Those who have snobs invest in 5,000 over a million dollars and then go back to zero overnight.


On 4 September 2017, seven ministries, including a triad, a web-based information office, the Ministry of Trade and Communications and the Directorate-General of Commerce and Industry, jointly issued a bulletin on protection against the risk of financing the issuance of currency in exchange for the suspension of ICO financing.


But it did nothing, one foot tall and one foot tall, and one player pushed the servers out of the country, and the tide of profit in the air currency did not stop and remained dark.


Tulip bubbles. They're gone after they're crazy.


At the beginning of the 17th century, tulips flowed into the Netherlands as an adornment, and speculators began to hoard their tulip runners in large quantities, waiting for price increases. At the instigation of public opinion, people quickly showed a pathological appetite and enthusiasm for tulips and began to compete for tulip runners.


During a year, the price of tulips rose by 59 times, and the seller began to sell them in large quantities, with the price of tulips a thousand miles and tens of thousands of people bankrupted by investment in tulips. It was ultimately the Dutch government that ended all the contracts that banned the transactions in question that resolved the economic bubble.


Such a record of the earliest financial speculation in the history of humankind has also become an economic term for all subsequent speculation in human society.


Isn't that the re-emergence of tulip bubbles?


It is quickly proven that virtual coins that are not supported by physical projects, that lack the credibility of authoritative institutions, and that have no real technical foundation have only a little “value”, that is, they constitute a new financial set-up:


The dealer issues air currency in the name of the block chain, manipulates the early rise in currency prices through celebrity stands, hot spots, marketing, etc., and then runs out of the cargo ring for money, leaving the scavengers, who are cut off, to mess with the wind.


Prior to the introduction of the regulatory policy, Li was directly involved in a large number of ICO projects, which were more numerous than the well-known ones, such as communal treasures, quantum chains, Purty, EOS, Co.info, Big.one, Pressone, Oraclechain, and so on — most of which, of course, were inflated and collapsed, and were denied by Li as being directly related.


In July last year, a recording of Li's private conversation was exposed. In this recording, Li not only told the truth about his investment as a negro, a puncture concept, a trickle-down and a community, but also commented on many of the big coins and their projects:


"Well, I can't go out in private. I'm the first guy to sell him air money. We sold him air money for six months. Otherwise he wouldn't have had it today.


"Why's Lettco going up, and the last explanation is simple, is that there's too much stupidity. Consensus values, stupidity's consensus is consensus."


After the ICO project was shut down by seven ministries in September 2017, the national exchange released more than 95% of the ICO project, and the price of some air currency fell by more than 99%. The price was pushed up on the day the market was raised, and the next day's shopkeepers sold the runways.


On 24 August 2018, the Central Network Information Office, the Ministry, the People's Bank and the General Directorate of Market Supervision of China, together with five ministries, issued a “Risk Notice on Protection against Illegal Fund-raising in the name of the “virtual currency” “block chain”.


The bulletin directly characterizes the virtual currency as “not really based on block chain technology, but based on the concept of illegal fund-raising and the truth of the block chain”.


Prostoken, who was exposed in June this year, is a typical example. The virtual currency wallet, established last April, involves an encrypted currency value of more than $20 billion and the number of users of more than 1 million.


Not only did it set a significant difference in the fee for the tender at the time threshold of 28 days, it achieved the “you want my interest, I want your principal” fundboard model, but it also developed a bottom-up reward for head-pushing, with a huge reward of up to $1.5 million available to users through the founding, the Great God, the Big Curry, and the Big Dwell IV levels.


This form of user-paying eligibility and the development of multi-level downlinks, calculated on the basis of performance at each level, and the payment of back-up payments undoubtedly constitute behaviour.


For example, on January 15, last year, the world’s first game platform, known as the Heroe Chain for Digital Encryption Currency, broke, falling directly from 0.6 dollars to 0.05 dollars, a drop of more than 90%, and was quickly investigated by the authorities for suspicion.


Almost simultaneously with the new instructions issued by the five ministries, a large number of front-rate media outlets, such as the Gold Book, Gun Information, Gun Rating, the Money World News Service, and Deep Chain Finance, have been shut down. Surviving block-chain media have been transformed into financial media, seeking to survive in a low profile.


And the virtual currency exchange that did not set the server shelves overseas is almost all over again, closing down. As the regulatory pressure is all over, the conglomerates begin to walk down the altar.


Li laughter announced that he would no longer invest in any project or platform, and that it would take several years to prepare carefully for the transfer; called on entrepreneurs in the llin block chain, Xiaoping, to delete all relevant tweets; and established a record of more than 40 days of investing in 20 ICO projects, Hanko Xue travelled to Japan to buy a street in Kyoto to invest in the cause of the people.


As for Dounun and Sun Woo-jin and others, either cut off from the currency circle project into silence or went overseas to watch low profile situations, it was difficult for them to be dressed and to hide their credit and fame.


It was not until now that the genuine block chain technology was given a proper name by the State that the currency circles began the act of celebration at the beginning of this paper.


As a matter of fact, a few days after the bridal festivities in the currency ring, the heavy fists of the regulatory regime struck:


On 30 October, the Virtual Currency Exchange Biss was arrested for suspected association with most of its employees, including its founders; on the evening of 13 November, the official tweets of the market were blocked; on 18 November, the Exchange OKEx crashed and some of the other exchanges were exposed to home-based work and the boss was ready to run.


Today, it appears that the popular boom is essentially a wave of conjurers of capital, media and exchanges, who spend every day on block-link courses, snuggled into various “three o'clock” virtual currency investment groups, and helped the giants of the ring to achieve financial freedom with their own wealth.


The circle is no longer around. The chain of blocks is back on.


Virtual currency may be the first product of block chain technology deployment, but it is by no means exhaustive and does not represent a block chain.


To date, a number of technology giants, including BAT, have explored their own paths at the level of technology development and landing applications in the block chain.


Of these, Ali has applied for 1005 block chain patents, mainly in the financial field, and now has more than 40 scenes in the ants gold garments technology, which is technically capable of supporting 1 billion account sizes while at the same time supporting 1 billion transactions per day and achieving 100,000 cross-chain information processing capabilities per second.


The ant block company under the ant flag has also worked with the Hangzhou Internet Court to issue the judicial block chain, helping notaries, forensic centres, and any documents produced by the court have electronic documents that cannot be tampered with. Ali’s health, in cooperation with Jiangsugu County, has launched our first pilot project on the medical landscape-based medical association + block chain.


Circulation has become more diverse in the layout of block chain technology, and in the application of the now-settled tether block chain, there are block chain electronic invoice projects “tax chain”, supply chain finance projects “micro-business chain”, judicial documentation projects “to-letter chain”, city-bank money orders, etc.


It also seeks to promote the application of block-chain technologies in a wider range of areas, such as public goods, games and medical care, and to conduct research in various directions, such as industrial pain spots, solutions and potential applications.


There are also several sectors involved in block chain operations at 100 degrees, including the 100-degree finance “Open Platform for Small Filling Financial Block Chains”, the 100-degree search for block chain applications such as the “Didescos” and the “Totten” of the block chain library, and the 100-degree cloud can also provide block chain solutions and a dedicated block chain laboratory.


In addition, Chinese companies such as Huaieng, China's Peace, Jindong and Suning are already involved in this area.


If block chain technology is bound to have a bright future, it is more of a dark and flawed human face behind currency circles.


Speculators and sons take advantage of the odious laws and regulations that regulate money, and the madness of currency circles cannot be separated from the greed, short-sightedness and blindness of the pickles.


In an era in which everyone aspires to the freedom of wealth, too many are caught in undue anxiety and complementarities between anxiety and greed, and the phrase “no pie falls out of the sky” has long been forgotten in the midst of a single quest for money and a one-night rush of wealth.


The scavengers who have been cut off have no say in the currency circles, while the big bankers stand under the spotlight and are therefore selective in ignoring their fallen peers and focusing on a very small number of rich players.


This “survivor bias” pushes human greed to the extreme — even when it is known that it is a game of rumours, the squids remain convinced that they will not be the fool of the last succession.


A straightforward example of this is that even after the laughter of Li’s “cutter recording” triggered a scuffle on social networks, currency trading continued in an orderly fashion, and the new military campaign did not stop the pace of entry.


Without recognition of these shortcomings in human nature, it is not possible to deal with those that exploit human defects. Even without virtual currency, there will be real money, and there will always be a sickle for you.




"My country must be at the forefront of the development of the chain of blocks." Yap, People's Network.


"Sun Woo's Badness of the Human Being"


"Away to the freedom of wealth, is it a pickle?" "Li laughs to record the leak: uncovering the coins and cutting the recipes." Wang Xiao, 21st century economic report.


The Dealer Dudu. Fan Junjie, Ping West.


"Calling Double 11 Rich Hundred Hundreds! Virtual Currency Exchange Surrounding Investors", Lee Xiao, Securities Times.


"Showing the air money: How big is the bubble in here?" Bitnet.


Label: "https://www.qref="https://www.qjnu.com/tag/encrypt currency.html"




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