
资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:29 评论:0
来源:巴比特Source: Babbitt2018年11月6号,乐博资本创始人杨宁“跑路”消息刷爆朋友圈,巴比特《8问》栏目第一时间联系到杨宁本人。次日,《8问》栏目组奔赴北京,就 “CDC团队解散...



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Source: Babbitt

2018年11月6号,乐博资本创始人杨宁“跑路”消息刷爆朋友圈,巴比特《8问》栏目第一时间联系到杨宁本人。次日,《8问》栏目组奔赴北京,就 “CDC团队解散”、“黑庄”、“跑路”等事件,对杨宁进行了独家采访。

On November 6, 2018, Yang Ning, founder of Lebo Capital, swiped his circle of friends and made contact with Yang Ning himself the first time in Babbitt's 8th Inquiries section. The next day, the 8th inquisition team went to Beijing to interview Yang Ning in an exclusive interview about the “dissolution of the CDC team”, the “Black House” and the “Runway.”


Interview video can be viewed at https://www.8btc.com/video/307134


The dialogue below was organized by Babbitt, with minor drafting changes without changing the intent.


The CDC team is down.


Babbitt: What exactly do you have to do with the consumer chain?


Yang Ning: In 2017, I felt that the chain of blocks could really change the world, when I came together with the money and Internet entrepreneurs to do this project, and I was born as a co-founder.


Because I represent a very experienced investor in the traditional area of investment, and I have a technical background, and I've given a lot of technical guidance to the development of the entire project. The project has also had a lot of problems in its development, so I'm tired and I don't want to do it. I'm the last -- the team's gone, and it's just me.


Babbitt: In May of this year, there were reports that your team was disbanded. Why haven't you come out for so long?


Yang Ning: I say that the team is about to fall apart on the spot? Unless I leave, I will surely say that the team is about to disband, and I will certainly not say so if I am still insisting.


BABYT: Does the break-up of the team mean that this project has failed?


YANING: If it's an entrepreneurial project, it's failed. But if it's a block chain, it's not. Because Bitcoin doesn't have a team, it's growing well. I believe the CDC story is not over, but it's not my story anymore.


Babbitt: What is the status of community members now?


Yang Ning: This has become very intense as a result of media coverage. In a very intense situation, a sustainable development of the community must wait until the dust settles. According to the spirit of the block chain, if anyone wants to pick it up, the project can continue.


Babbitt: What do you think is the root cause of the dissolution of the CDC team?


Yang Ning: The reason is that when many people in the currency circle join the team, their thoughts are different from those of me. They may be entering the industry to make money. So when the price is falling, many people say they can't make money, and then they tell me that they can't do it. As an investor, when the team comes up with this idea, I'm sure it's okay. I'll see if I can still insist that one day I won't be able to do it, and that, as a start-up project, it might end.


Who's Black House?


Babbitt: Did you say you were cut by a black man?

杨宁:最后是被黑庄割了,一开始不是黑庄割的。 社区里面有一个人来找我,他说他想给项目提一些好的建议。加了我(微信)之后,他就开始跟我说一些很奇怪的话,我就发现这个人不一般。 其实有朋友提醒过我,过去我们这个币价诡异的走势,肯定有黑庄在背后操纵。然后我立马就开始觉得这个人可能就是那个黑庄。 他说他有很多的币,当我意识到他的币占流通盘这么大比例的时候,那这个项目已经无法再正常发展下去了。 当时我的想法是什么呢?我说你的币这么多,那么就剩我一个人,可能也干不下去了,干脆我把这个项目卖给你好了。 为什么要转给黑庄?因为他手里有最多的币,按照区块链的精神来说,他就是这个项目的主人。 然后他就说可以谈,当时他想着几乎不给我任何钱,就要把这个项目拿走。我说我亏了2000万,你得让我回一点本,就是稍微补偿一点。然后我跟他谈了一个价格,大概几百万元人民币,然后他就说好,就要跟我进行交割。我说交割完之后我们就公告,之后他又反悔了。

He said he had a lot of coins, and when I realized that his money was in circulation, he wanted to make some good proposals for the project. What was my idea? I said there were so many coins, so that I could not sell the project to you, and I could just sell it to you. Why go to Black House? Because he had the most money in his hand, he was the owner of the project, according to the spirit of the chain. Then he said he could talk about it, and then he had to cut it off.


Babbitt: Why did he turn back?

杨宁:我也不知道,莫名其妙。他一会说要来北京,一会又不来。 然后他就把币价拉到了六七毛钱。有些大户就跟我说这个黑庄要跑,所以我就做出了一个非常大的决策——开闸放水。

Yang Ning: I don't know, I don't know. He said he was coming to Beijing, and he didn't come. Then he pulled the currency to 67 cents. Some big families told me that the black house was going to run, so I made a very big decision -- open the gate and put water on it.


Babbitt: All in circulation?


Yang Ning: 100% in circulation. So I released the liquidity and flooded the black house. After the flooding, it reduced his share of the currency very low and lowered the cost of the money for everyone. That was the only way I could cure the black house. That was to say, I could not do it by myself, so that all the members of the community could come to him with him, and the members of the community would beat him immediately.


Babbitt: Do you know anything about Black House?

杨宁:就是网上那个头像,至今不知道是谁。 但是他告诉我很多东西,当时我也挺震惊的,他说他还控盘了好几个其他的币。

Yang Ning: It's the image on the Internet, who does not yet know who it is, but he told me a lot, and I was shocked, and he said he also controlled several other coins.


Babbitt: What are the coins?


YANG NING: I can't say that I can only tell you that he controls currencies other than the CDC.


Babbitt: In fact, you are suspected of throwing a pot at the black house, and you have to clean yourself up.


Yang Ning: Black House has sent out some screenshots. I have other screenshots, and the media wanted to see them, and I didn't.


Babbitt: You can create a black house yourself.


Yang Ning: You can say that, but the problem is that if you release mobility, the black house may have picked up some, which I believe, otherwise it would have broken through. If there is no answer, the coin would have been 0.000001, but obviously it wasn't for me, and someone would have picked it up.


Babbitt: Have you investigated who he is?


Yang Ning: I heard his accent was Fujian. He said he was from Shandong, and the Shandongs did not have it.


Why do you want to back off?


Babbitt: The Black House thing is the reason why you left?


Yang Ning: This is the last straw.


Babbitt: Is it a direct reason to push forward, the announcement of the next CDC?


YAN NING: That's not true, it's a matter of concern to the media. I wanted to leave quietly. I wanted to leave the circle quietly, quietly and quietly. But the currency won't let me leave quietly.


Babbitt: Are you defending yourself by opting out now?


Young Ning: No, I don't think there's anything to protect myself from. I should quit now. I should get out of this circle. It's too bad for the people in this circle. This circle has friends who ask me on a note today, or ask me what's going on, and I tell him that there are a lot of bad guys in the currency, and I say 99.9% of the bad guys -- 999 of 1,000 of them are bad people and one of them is a good man.

也许你觉得我很极端,但是我就是这么认为的!至于那些999个坏人怎么看我已经不重要了。至于币圈的媒体怎么写我,那都不重要了,我都把他们全删干净了。当我发现我删去了所有币圈的群,所有币圈的这些人之后,我发现世界真的非常精彩。 那么多人在做着那么多有意义的事情,为什么互相要割韭菜呢?

Maybe you think I'm extreme, but that's what I think. It doesn't matter what the 999 bad guys think about me. It doesn't matter what the media write about me in the currency circles, and I cut them off. When I found out that I had deleted all the coin rings, all the money circles of these people, the world was really wonderful.


My goal is not to cut vegetables. You see me talking to the black house or the black house inviting me at the time -- he said, "Do you want to cut vegetables with me?" He wanted me to play with him.


Babbitt: The loss of money makes you angry?


YANG NING: That's not true. I think I'm being cheated.


Babbitt: By whom?


Yang Ning: Deeded by the whole industry. First the collaborators cut us off, fell from 40 cents, and I didn't say who it was, because it was all the people in the currency. So the first wave was cut by the people in the industry. The second wave was cut by the black man. I quit.


Babbitt: When did you get in?


Yang Ning: end of 2017.


Babbitt: Did you get the money?

杨宁: CBC被割了2000万,我在其他所有的币上面又亏损了2000多万。

The CBC was cut 20 million, and I lost more than 20 million on all the other currencies.


Babbitt: Has it happened?


Yang Ning: I cut meat! All my projects are lost, and I'm in the highest position.


Babbitt: But you're in contact with the block chain in 2014 and 2015.

杨宁:是的,我当时认为区块链都是骗子。直到2017年的时候,我感觉技术真的能改变世界。于是我去潜心研究了中本聪的白皮书,研究以太坊的白皮书。后来我发现自己天真在哪?我认为所有区块链的共识机制也好、智能合约也好,都是针对计算机世界的,计算机所有的节点——包括你的电脑,你的手机,它是不能作恶的,因为代码限制住它了。 问题是网络世界与现实世界接口的地方出问题了,也就是人是不靠谱的。

Young Ning: Yes, I thought that the chain of blocks was a fraud. Until 2017, I felt that technology could really change the world. So I went into the middle-blind white paper, and I looked at the Ithaya white paper. And then I found out where I was naive. I thought that the consensus mechanisms of all the block chains were good, smart contracts were good for the computer world, that all the nodes of the computer -- including your computer, your mobile phone -- could not be bad, because the code restricted it.


Babbitt: Now you're a broken can, you don't feel worth it, you break it, you go. Is that it?


Yang Ning: I now think this place is full of liars and gamblers, and I'm not playing with you. I made up for a little loss -- 20 million dollars, millions, and more than 10 million dollars. Did I cut my pickles, and lost more than 10 million?


Babbitt: In 1998, you chased the first wave of the Internet, came in at the highest price at the end of 2017, and left now. Are you the catcher of the wind?


Yang Ning: I was also the first to pursue artificial intelligence, and I'm now investing heavily in artificial intelligence, as well as in visual culture, but I've got a big stick in this circle.

巴比特:你曾经说过自己All in区块链?

BABYT: Have you ever said your whole block chain?

杨宁:这只是说辞。你知道在宣传的时候,All in是一种态度。区块链我还会关注。但一定不是现在去中心化的区块链,我关注的是工信部鼓励的那种区块链。

Yang Ning: It's just rhetoric. You know that All in is an attitude when it comes to propaganda. I'll be concerned about the chain of blocks. But it's not the chain of blocks that we're going to centralize now, and I'm concerned with the kind of chain of blocks encouraged by the Ministry of Information and Communications.


Babbitt: Is the block chain outside the law in your eyes?


Yang Ning: Absolutely. It's not part of the legal framework. What's legal?


Babbitt: Extralegal is a place for profit?


Young Ning: Outside the law, because there is no government to protect the weak and prevent the strong from doing what they want, they will be harvested.


Babbitt: Did you know that before you entered the industry?


Yang Ning: I don't know. I really feel like decentralizing this structure, that it can organize itself, run itself, that it can block evil from doing evil through a consensus mechanism. I really think so. But, unfortunately, in this process, I understand and know the truth.


Babbitt: Remember what you said before, that all those who were undesired in the traditional VC investment circle would come to the block chain.


YANG NING: Yeah, yeah.


Babbitt: Are you one of those who do not want to?


YANG NING: I don't belong to the undesired, and I think I'm special in this field. I'm not coming, I'm coming, I'm good. Now I feel so stupid.


Babbitt: How long has it been since you decided to leave the industry?


Yang Ning: It's been painful, and it's been painful since April/May, and the team has been gone.


I didn't care about the cold or the cold at the beginning of the day. The real thing that made me feel like it was the black house, and he really made me feel like it, and I said there was no hope, and I couldn't help it.


(Note: At the end of the interview, Yang Ning said, "It's good to leave the circle of coins that the gamblers are walking around. It's nice to leave quietly, but it has to be one man fighting against the whole circle. I've removed all the coins and people. If you're still in the circle and you can see this circle of friends is a sign that you're not famous enough. I don't believe in the centralized chain of blocks. The chain of blocks has to be developed within the central framework of the laws and regulations.


BABYT: After you sent that circle of friends, a lot of people yelled at you. Did you hear all that noise?


Yang Ning: I heard it, and I deleted it. I didn't regret it at all, and I decided against the circle. Today, a lot of big guys yelled at me, including how I cut my pickles, and I just wanted to say that there is a saying in English that says, "Live in a glass house, don't throw stones," and I think everybody asks themselves, "Look, I can't afford this kind of investigation, and I think that's the most important thing.


Babbitt: What do you think of those calls?

杨宁:我对这些骂声毫无感觉。你知道我今天发这个朋友圈,已经想到了这个结果的 ,所以没有出乎我的意料,我在你采访完了之后,就感觉需要干事儿,我一定要把这个发出来,我一定要发(朋友)圈。

Yang Ning: I don't feel a thing about these scoldings. You know I'm sending this ring of friends today, and I've thought about it, so it's not surprising. After your interview, I feel like I need an officer, and I have to send it, and I have to send it.




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