
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:31 评论:0
  央广网北京6月7日消息 据经济之声《天天315》报道,随着虚拟货币行情的火爆,进入今年以后,国内掀起一股号称是“区块链游戏”的“虚拟养宠物热潮”。据媒体报道,此前被业界称为“第一款区块链游戏”的迷恋猫,最贵的一只“创世猫”交易价格曾达到...



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  央广网北京6月7日消息 据经济之声《天天315》报道,随着虚拟货币行情的火爆,进入今年以后,国内掀起一股号称是“区块链游戏”的“虚拟养宠物热潮”。据媒体报道,此前被业界称为“第一款区块链游戏”的迷恋猫,最贵的一只“创世猫”交易价格曾达到折合人民币大约77万元的天价。看起来强大的变现能力,让无数想要蹭热度的游戏研发团队纷纷效仿。

On June 7, in Beijing, according to the Voice of the Economy, Daily 315, a “virtual pet boom” called the “block chain game” was launched in the country after this year, with the explosion of virtual currency. According to media reports, the price of the most expensive “world cat” deal, previously known as the “first block chain game,” had reached about 770,000 yuan.


The block chain is an important concept of Bitcoin, which is essentially a decentralized database. As a bottom-of-the-line technology of Bitcoin, the block chain is a series of data blocks that are linked by cryptography, each containing information on a Bitcoin network transaction to verify the validity of its information and generate the next block. It is equivalent to version 2.0 of Bitcoin.


There are data that show that more than 200 games have taken place on the Taiyo platform alone. Virtual pets are the hottest model of the block chain game. A lot of gamers who go into the block chain game want to profit by reselling virtual pets. One player, Rabbit, says that friends in the neighborhood who play games often recommend this game to him, calling it a 7% profit for a week, but he thinks it is more like an illegal collection of funds without any entertainment.


In this so-called block chain game, you buy virtual pets and raise their prices for some time before you get out. These virtual pets have no value. It's not so much fun for so many players to come in, but it's all about profitable ideas, hoping to profit from them. If no one takes over, they will face the consequences of being crushed.







When journalists access a well-known section of the country's network, they see that the pages capture about 70 games according to sections such as talismans, chains, public and private chains. Although these 70 games also have tactical, virtual, etc., they tend to be class-based. Forty-five of them, or 64 per cent, are marked as nutrients. According to journalists, these games are basically played in favor of trading patterns, with a variety of pets, such as dogs and rabbits.


The top media executive president of Beijing, Jor Xiao Xiang, has been working on the development of the block chain game, which he believes is not a real block chain game for pets on the market: “This is not even a game, it's not a game, it's not a game or a block chain game that we're talking about, and you think of it as a game-making financial product.”


But, in fact, it is not clear to the players themselves when the last stick will stop, let alone who will fall into the hands. There are no rules to protect the interests of the players.


He said that while the virtual props purchased by the players could always be recorded on the Etherno public chain, once the game research and development team closes or collapses, only a series of digital codes remain in the hands of the players.


The production of pet games usually requires a research and development team to prepare an intel contract with a front-end design to complete the game. The program elements of wallets, transactions, etc. are added to the game so that user transactions can be applied. And the time required to complete this series of research and development usually takes two to three months, often at a cost of $200,000. But many game developers cannot wait so long and do not want to drop heavy money to be patiently grinding the game. They want to put the game on the market quickly.


Player rabbits explain that the game development team, after acquiring a similar game code, modified the characters of the game, without changing the core game and the value system, “for example, if you play a cat, a puppy, and sell it to me, I'll give you a little snake, a little turtle, and that's called a ‘skin change’.” In this way, the team quickly replicates a mature game template, while at the same time significantly reducing the cost of research and development.


Player rabbits lament that because of the fire of the virtual currency, many of them don't understand it, but they join the army to invest in the virtual currency, even the grandparents who met in teahouses, talking about bitcoin. “Many salesmen are now in the military chain business and start lying to the old people because they don't understand what this thing is in their eyes that doesn't matter.


Liu Xiaorey, Director of the Block Chain Laboratory at the Guanghua School of Management, Beijing University, argued that the mood of players looking for richness magnifies the risk of a block chain game, and the regulations are still being explored. She said that the game was worthless, but it could be high, and that, "It's a fool, you think, I can buy it if someone wants it, though it's a zero price, but I'm selling it for 10 bucks now, and I know that there's another 20 bucks that I want to buy, and I'm looking for a bigger fool to sell it to him."


With regard to the sparking of block-chain games, ICU Chairman Xi just concluded that the first thing is that block-chain games are non-existent, because any technology of the game itself and block-chains are irrelevant, and it simply labels a block-chain. Second, it must use the game to get the next person to buy a virtual currency, let him spend his money, and then “roll out the flowers”, bring in more people, spend the money in the game. That is a trick, and it is not a worthwhile game at all.


Is such a game legally viable? In Beijing, Jane’s law firm, lawyer Hu Xiao Xiao believes that the chain of blocks is actually like a “new bottle of old wine” and may be used to circumvent regulation by playing a block chain game. In fact, it works in the same way as the previous Ponzi scheme, so there is no legal space for such a game.


Does the development and listing of such block-chain games require approval? Anyone who knows technology can launch such games to make money? First, there is no problem if the pet's game is declared according to normal procedures. But if there is a link in the game, such as requiring a player to buy a virtual currency, then it cannot continue to play, and when it buys a virtual currency, it does not produce value in itself, but it is always open. If this mechanism must be an integral part of the game, the relevant regulatory authority should regulate it, which cannot be listed.


Is this so-called block chain game defined as illegal fund-raising? Hu Xiaoqiao suggested that it might be biased if it was qualified as illegal fund-raising, or whether it would depend on a specific business plan for the game. Because the block chain is a new technology, the best value of Bitcoin is that it has already been used in block chain technology. It would not be a good thing if it could use real block chain technology to address some of the pains of some gamers.


Hu Xiao Xiao states that this may depend on his or her own circumstances, such as the fact that the operator or platform in this game has something experienced that induces people to participate with an investment mentality and that, where there is sufficient evidence for the player, complaints can still be made to the financial regulatory and cultural authorities, or even to initiate proceedings. If it is true that illegal fund-raising is involved, it can be reported to the public security authorities. But Ho Xiao also reminds the players of the effects of empowerment, which is not clear. First, because it is possible that the money has been wasted in bad faith, it is difficult for people to assert their rights. Second, there is a need for time and economic energy in the process of defending rights, which is a huge burden for many people. If you want to enjoy the game, you need to calm down if you want to use it as a means of enrichment, which is likely to be a fraud.


Liu Xiaoree, Director of the Block Chain Laboratory at the Beijing School of Management, argued that the player's mood of high fortune magnifies the risk of block-chain games, and that regulation needs to be constantly explored and the pace of exploration is accelerated. Second, people play block-chain games, and if money goes in, the block-chain game is not a legitimate, state-protected thing, and it is difficult to guarantee that any block-chain game itself has never used any block-chain technology. For users, there is still very little chance that any so-called block-chain game will have its benefits, but that it will have a label-block-chain game in the game. Because it is actually a distribution-based station, it will need to consume a lot of energy and storage space.


Hu Xiao Xiao said that it is now a new technology for block chains, and that it has to be explored, both in terms of technology itself and in terms of regulation at the national level, with vigilance. In particular, ordinary investors, even institutional investors, are controversial in this area.


Whether it's a block chain or a block chain game, many people are involved in it without enjoying the pleasure of the new technology, and much more looking forward to it. For the players in the block chain game or investors in various virtual currencies, it is suggested that the block chain is not a particularly new technology, and it does not become a particularly valuable application. In doing one thing, it is important to see whether these products or technologies bring value to society and good things. What the block chain does is less efficient and more costly, such as something that is less frequent and a few that is particularly valuable, perhaps using the block chain technology. If it is widely used, it is contrary to the overall direction of social development, it never goes out of the sky.




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