
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:54 评论:0
来源:央视网Source: Omnibus Network.再来看大公司动态:华为折叠手机来袭,钱包准备好了吗?to see big company dynamics: is the wallet ready? ˃/strang's rea...



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Source: Omnibus Network.


to see big company dynamics: is the wallet ready? >/strang's ready.


A hundred thousand dollars in stock, and the fastest screen phone in the country in July: or 14999 dollars.

6月30日消息,据产业链最新爆料称,华为即将在国内启动Mate X 5G手机的上市,预计最快会在7月底进行,而等到9月份的时候,它才会陆续在国外市场上市。目前,为了能让Mate X尽快在国内上市,华为已经在跟三大运营商做最后的商用测试。爆料中提到,Mate X国内上市后,其供应量可能是在10万台左右,由于京东方折叠屏良品率、产品售价过高等原因,华为并不会让这款折叠屏手机大范围供货,当然他们也是想通过这样一款产品来试水,看看用户的市场反馈。(钛媒体)

On 30 June, according to the latest explosion in the industrial chain, China is expected to be listed at the end of July, as soon as possible, before September, when it will be marketed in the foreign market. For the time being, in order for Mate X to be listed in the domestic market as soon as possible, China is already doing the final commercial tests with the three major operators. According to the blast, after Mate X was listed in the domestic market, its supply could be around 100,000, and it would not be able to supply a wide range of mobile phones because of the high rate of collapses in the Tokyo East and the high price of their products.



G.I.A. and 10 systems integrators.


On 30 June, it was reported from Greivers that the Gretchen Smart Equipment Promotion and the Second Quarterly System Integrator Signing ceremony was held at Gretchen's headquarters. The Gretchen Smart equipment entered into cooperation agreements with 10 systems integrators such as Mid-Swig Dong, Henan Ying-Tyu, Fujian Hing-Hing, and released new products developed autonomously in the form of new industrial robots, digital control machines, smart logistics storage, etc.




The country's 93-cars down the line, and it's going to be in the real phase.


On 30 June, according to news sources, a ceremony was held in Tianjin to bring down 93-cars-type vehicles from the Great New Energy Motors Group, marking a large-scale production capacity for the Hegemonic Power New Energy Motors Group in the country. According to relevant sources, the construction of new energy vehicles from the Hegemonic Power Group in Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenyang will also be stepped up in order to provide productive security for the subsequent launch of more large-genetic new vehicles. (China's Automobile Report)


The way Buster's transition seems to be going well too.


BEST: Substream client Garrett has been successfully delivered.


On 30 June, Béster stated at the Investor Interaction Platform that, to date, the company had successfully delivered a core package of hydrogen fuel cells for its downstream client, Garrett (formerly Hornewell), for the production of new energy vehicles in Hondaclarity, Japan. At the same time, the company was actively involved in the core functional components of hydrogen fuel cells developed in partnership with its clients, thus effectively accumulating a wealth of manufacturing experience and technological reserves for rapid and large-scale entry into the new energy chain. (Financial community)


Some people are happy, some people are sad.


"Responding to Jelly's separation: the R & D system will not be affected."


On 30 June, it was reported that the recall wave for car ES8 had just passed, and that on the evening of 29 September, the Vice-President for Software Development, Jeunesse, had been exposed to the company’s departure. In response, the car confirmed that the information was true and stated that thousands of researchers had been involved and that, over the past four and a half years, the R & D architecture had been complete and mature, and that the normal movement of a small number of people had not been affected.


At the same time, it has been reported that the software teams in Beijing and Shanghai are already open, with two-line reports, and CEO Li Bin will be directly in charge.



"Plustoken's wallet can't be cashed. It's worth $20 billion."


On 30 June, several Plustoken investors announced that the Plustoken wallet, known as the First Money in the Circle, could not be cashed since the evening of 27 June. It was understood that the Plustoken wallet was run by a micro-group, primarily for profit, by upgrading its own account registration and raising it by “browing heads”, so long as enough people were involved in the investment, they could upgrade their accounts and get more back-to-home workers and dividends.


According to one person who claims to be close to the police, Plustoken is involved, or 20 billion yuan.


looks at two more lists:


China issues ten major IT front-line hotspots, autopilot and so on.


On 30 June, it was reported from the annual meeting of the China Association of Science and Technology, which continued in Harbin in 2019, that the Forum on Information Technology had published ten cutting-edge hotspot issues in the field of information technology, such as autopilot and artificial biointelligence. Ten cutting-edge hotspot issues in the field of information technology included: 1 natural language understanding; 2 size quantum computer basic software research; 3 critical technology research and market-based applications for autopilot operating systems; 4 non-ortho-axis three-dimensional laser measurement instruments; 5 technology based on head displays to enhance real-life systems; 6 generation of perfect cryptography random numbers; 7 new technologies for complex electromagnetic environment satellite resistance; 8 high-resolution imaging and recognition on a day-to-day basis; 9 integration of artificial and biointelligence: research and application of artificial biointelligence; and 10 interferences with optical imaging technology (centrenet).


MIT's 50 smartest companies. Ali Yun's the first service provider in the world.

6月29日,《MIT科技评论》发布2019 年 “50 家聪明的公司” (TR50)榜单,阿里云成为首家上榜云服务商。今年MIT更加关注具备创新活力的未来公司,阿里云入选,体现出对云和智能技术特别关注,这一技术正在替代传统IT成为未来公司的发展动力。(钛媒体)

On June 29, the MIT Science and Technology Review published its 2019 “50 smart companies” (TR50) list, and Aliun became the first to become a service provider. This year, MIT focused more on future companies with innovative dynamism, and Aliyun was elected, reflecting a special focus on cloud and smart technology, which is replacing traditional IT as a driving force for future companies.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}It's going to be a big market. {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}It's going to be a big market. {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}


The global market for men's make-up is going to be 540 billion dollars in four years.


According to June 30, the largest male make-up brand in Europe, MMUK, had a turnover of Pound1 million last year. MMUK said that one third of British men would use such products as cast, beard, and browsing by 2020. According to statistics, in 2017, the global market for men’s make-up was $57.7 billion, or about 400 billion yuan. By 2023, the global market for men’s make-up was projected to reach $78.6 billion, or about $540 billion.


"Strong" is bad for the landlord, and Apple is suspected of monopolizing the defendant.


"IOS Developer vs. Apple: $99 a year and 30%."

6月30日消息,美国当地时间上周五,iOS开发者向苹果发起集体诉讼,开发者认为苹果滥用垄断权,强制设定最低价,要求App开发者每年支付99美元费用,必须将30%的销售收入交给苹果。开发者向北加州地区法院提交诉状,他们认为苹果利用反竞争手段在iOS App市场形成垄断,苹果禁止第三方分销数字内容,在定价时向开发者提出强制性要求,还向开发者“征税”。(新浪科技)

On 30 June, according to news reports, local U.S. time last Friday, iOS developers filed a class action suit against Apple, which they believed abused the monopoly, imposed a minimum price, demanded that App developers pay $99 a year, and had to hand over 30% of their sales revenue to Apple. The developers filed a petition with the Northern California District Court, arguing that Apple used anti-competitive means to create a monopoly in iOS App markets, that apples prohibited third-party distribution of digital content, imposed demands on developers when pricing, and “taxes” on developers.

波音737 MAX飞控系统为什么问题多?原因竟然是这个:

What's wrong with the Boeing 737 MAX flight control system?

【波音737MAX软件被曝分包给印度毕业生 时薪仅9美元】

The Boeing 737 MAX software was subcontracted to Indian graduates with an hourly salary of only $9.00.

6月30日消息,彭博社报道称,为减少成本,波音一直在将737 MAX部分软件的开发外包给价格低廉的分包商,而此举表明该型号飞机坠毁的一个原因可能是对质量把控不严。(新浪)

On 30 June, Bloomberg reported that Boeing had been outsourcing the development of some of the 737 MAX software to low-cost subcontractors in order to reduce costs, which suggested that one of the reasons for the crash might be poor quality control.


How many people went to Spider-Man on weekends?


Spider-Man: The Heroes Expedition three days ago, 600 million tickets broke down.


On 30 June, an official tweet of Spider-Man's series of films reported that Spider-Man: The Heroes Expedition was less than 72 hours old and 600 million tickets were broken for three days.


Source: Spider-Man Film Series, Bo.


Since it was shown on the mainland on June 28, Spider-Man: The Heroes Expedition has broken the ticket house record, breaking the zero-point ticket house by 21.9 million and becoming the winner of the single-hero hero zero-point ticket house. The first-day film room has reached 244 million and won the first-day ticket house champion of the single-man superhero movie. In addition, the film has surpassed the record of 241 million dollars on the first day of Poison: Deadly Guardian, the third-high-time ticket house record (including midnighttime) of the local superhero movie, followed only by the Avengers Alliance 4: End of War and the Avengers Alliance 3: End of War.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The last thing we do is go to #New Leadership Innovation # Time. {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D} {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D} {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}


From 7 to 9 July, the first #New Leaders for Innovation # is about to begin in Shanghai. , Vice-President of the Shanghai City Association, Zhou Hanmin, Chairman of the United States Year of Health, Liu Song, Vice-President of the Alibaba Group, Yoo Seung-fa, Vice-President of the ants’ Golden Clothes, Chairman of Sio-Technology, Liu Yi-hung Liu, Founder of the UCloud Capital Operating Partnership, Chen Ji-hwa, Director of the Han Eun-Investance Group, Chen Sheng, Founder of food item No. 1, Founder of the Big Search Vehicle, Yao Jun-hong, Director of the Bo Island Glass Curtain, Wang Ji-min, Professor of the National University of Singapore, Zhou Hong-hoon, Founder of the Sea Spring Fund, Hu Hai Spring , among others, have confirmed their attendance.


Today, let's meet a new wave of confirmed mentors:


In the early 1990’s, business started as a pioneer in China’s national charters. In recent years, China’s industry has shifted to diversity, with five major business lines: air transport, financial services, modern consumption, education services, and science, technology, and innovation, with three A-equity companies already listed under the banner.


In the 1990s, he became the chief representative of Morgan Stanley’s Asian region, and returned home to start China’s first market innovation fund. The boom in investment has a history of brightness, including 100 degrees, search for foxes, Xiaoqing brothers, Ulai, home house, American Year’s health, and so forth.


The third is the Vice-President of the New Hope Group, the founder of the HSBI, who served in the central bank early in the year, and who has long supported Liu Young-hyun in the new hope group, who is now investing in agriculture, and who has been thinking about finance and agriculture for many years, and who is doing so. The King will share with you how traditional businesses are rejuvenating in an era of change.


The fourth is Javee, Chairman of the Loco Innovation Design Group, who, as an entrepreneur with a design talent and a business mind, has created a 5 billion-dollar business miracle. Today, Loco has become the world’s largest industrial design company, with his Internet-sharing design platform, a crowd of 30,000 designers, using big data and AI as an enabler of design, to become an inspiration for commercial design.


The fifth is the founder of Sunnet and CEO Hongmei, using the Internet+ to activate the traditional printing industry, which brings together more than 15,000 suppliers and provides one-stop shopping services to more than 200,000 businesses and is a successful implementer of the digital transformation of the industry. She will share experiences and thoughts about Internet opportunities in traditional industries.


The sixth is the “Face++” view, which has received more than 700 national patents and set up the world’s largest face recognition platform. He will tell you how artificial intelligence can transform traditional industries.


The seventh is Yang Fan, the co-founder and vice-president of Business and Technology. He is also from Microsoft and has worked for years at the Microsoft Asia Institute. Business and soup is one of the most valuable companies in the world, AI Unicorn.


You're welcome to click on the poster and sign up for the ticket.


Eggtime: First day of the New Deal for Garbage Classification, how's the Arahen Sea Silver?


I'm sure you'll find out what you're talking about.


Shanghai's top-of-the-line waste classification program, which will be implemented on 1 July, has given rise to a new profession: “Receiving garbage network workers.” Clients, when they make online appointments, pick up waste products, pack them, send paper products to paper mills, and send plastics to shredding plants. In recent days, the collection of garbage orders has increased daily, and even thousands of dollars have been made available to my younger brother.




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