
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:18 评论:0
人人都有发财梦,只是级别各不同。Everyone has a dream of making a fortune, but at different levels.有的人想在北上广有套自己的房,有的...



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Everyone has a dream of making a fortune, but at different levels.


Some want to have their own room in the north, some want to travel around a few times a year, others just want to spend too little money per month, get a lottery ticket, drink a few more drinks with their old friends. "I want a billion" dreams, but few dare to do it.


What do you do, however, when a huge “new world” unfolds?


Currency rings, which have been broken by myths, now appear on the market in all kinds of new and eccentric ways, with far more fire than anyone who understands.


Bitcoin is a faith for a 23-year-old billion-old tycoon. He persuades everyone around him to have a bitcoin because it is “a ticket to the future.” The great wealth is just an attachment to his faith, but it allows him to see the human sadness.


For more people, the price of a coin is a hope. In the words of the former “former Fujikang workers” who had earned 1.2 million dollars for $5,000, “How can a person like me who has no education and no interconnection make a fortune without speculation?” Even if he has debts and no family to return, he never goes to work. He says, “Working is a path that countless people have proven wrong.


For the vast majority of those who follow the wind, the currency ring is a dream of yellow sorghum, and Liu Qu, a sophomore, started out with petty cash and a small test knife, but gamblers were caught up in net lending and eventually lost their parents' savings to running away from Cambodia... He mocked himself: I am the pickle, the longer I cut.


The currency ring is a mirror that reflects the desire for money and the perception of real life.


Talk to Strangers is a rich dream. Please watch.


This issue of Talk with Strangers, because of its currency circle, has a few words that may not be familiar to the rich and the white, and the little strange sauces make some words for you in the hope that they will be useful for viewing and understanding.

1. 比特币

1. Bitcoin


A digital currency in the form of a P2P, the concept of which was originally proposed by Nakamoto in 2009. Bitcoin does not depend on a specific monetary institution, which is generated by a large number of calculations. Its characteristic is that currency values cannot be artificially manipulated by large amounts of bitcoins and can only be transferred or paid by real owners. Bitcoins can be converted into the currencies of most countries, or used to purchase virtual or real-life items.

2. 区块链

2. Block chains


Block chains are important concepts and bottom technologies for bitcoin, which is essentially a de-intermediated database and a new application model for distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanisms, encryption algorithms, etc. The block chains are a series of data blocks that are associated with cryptography, each containing information from a Bitcoin network transaction to verify the validity of its information (security) and generate the next block.

3. 矿池

3. Mineral ponds


Because of the continuous exponential rise in Bitcoin-wide computing standards, individual equipment or a small amount of arithmetic will not be able to get block awards from the Bitcoin network on the Bitcoin network. After a certain increase in full Web capacity, the low probability of receiving incentives has prompted some polars to develop a method that combines a small amount of arithmetic power, which is called a “mine pool.” The essence of the mechanism is that many people cooperate in mining, and that the bitcoin rewards are shared by many on the basis of their contributions.


4. The funds cut-off


But, as the form of financing evolves, it evolves into a phenomenon in which funds are promised a high return of money to an unsettled target of society and then used to pay the “rewards” of former members. Thus, the portfolio is nominally a capital operation, which in essence evolves into a market financial distribution under the Ponzi scheme.


5. Explosion warehouse


In the currency market, it is usually the case that the losses after overdrafting an investment exceed its own funds. Unlike in the case of general losses, it is often the case that the crash is suddenly completely zero in good circumstances, and that the slow loss cannot be described as a bust.


6. Cross-section


The rounding phase is a crucial stage in the operation of the stock price. In general, stock prices are in the process of being rounded up for most of the time, and the swings will account for two-thirds of the stock price movement. It may appear at the head or bottom, or on the way up or down, and the direction of the round may therefore be uncertain and often the most confusing time for investors.


This period of interaction


The wealth story around me.


Have you ever heard that or have witnessed such a “monstered” that they are ordinary people like us who, through their own struggles or mere coincidences, are rich, or that they are confused, displacing their wealth, and moving away from the lives of ordinary people? Whether they are stories that happen to you or to relatives and friends around us, they are welcome to share with us.




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