
资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:27 评论:0
TronScan是基于波场的第一款区块链浏览器,内置了网络钱包,可用于发送、接收和管理波场币以及跨网络的去中心化应用程序 (dapp) 交互,满足从全节点统计数据到去中心化应用程序交互以及智能合约触发器等多项指标...



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TronScan是基于波场的第一款区块链浏览器,内置了网络钱包,可用于发送、接收和管理波场币以及跨网络的去中心化应用程序 (dapp) 交互,满足从全节点统计数据到去中心化应用程序交互以及智能合约触发器等多项指标。

TronScan is a wavefield-based first block chain browser with network wallets that can be used to send, receive and manage wave currency and cross-network decentralised applications (dapp) interactively to meet a number of indicators ranging from full node statistics to decentralized application interactions and smart contract triggers.


TronScan has several important uses and functions, including transaction tracking, wallet management, currency balances, governance and insight into smart contracts.


TronScan provides users with real-time information about the history of transactions at the wave. Users are thus able to monitor the flow of TRX and various TRC tokens, view details of their transactions and verify transactions on the network.

TronScan 的另一个功能让用户能创建和管理Tron钱包。如果您需要导入现有钱包或生成新钱包,那么您能通过该平台管理这些钱包并安全地存储资产。

Another function of TronScan allows users to create and manage Tron’s wallets. If you need to import existing wallets or generate new wallets, you can manage them from this platform and store assets safely.


TronScan displays the currency balance of the wallet to inform you of the TRX and TRC tokens held. This information is essential for the efficient management of encrypted assets.


For example, users can pledge their TRX and vote for super-representatives, thereby participating in TRON’s decision-making process.

TronScan提供了对Tron网络上智能合约执行情况的深入见解,可跟踪智能合约交易、查看其源代码并评估 Tron Dapp 生态系统。

TronScan provides insight into the implementation of smart contracts on the Tron network to track smart contract transactions, view their source code and assess the Troon Dapp ecosystem.


It should be noted that TronScan is available to all free of charge, but users can also create accounts to benefit from the increased functionality of the platform.

创建TronScan帐户很简单。首先,请访问网站。在主页上,使用有效的电子邮件地址和密码注册来创建帐户,还可选择使用你的电话号码创建帐户,或者通过连接到 Tronlink 或 Ledger 钱包等去中心化钱包来创建账户。

It is easy to create a TrondScan account. First, please visit the website. On the home page, you can register to create an account using a valid e-mail address and password. You can also choose to create an account using your telephone number or to create an account by connecting to a centralized wallet such as Tronlink or Ledger wallet.


When an account is created, you will receive an e-mail that alerts you to activate the account. When the account is activated, you will be able to access the site and begin to experience it.


With Tronscan, you can manage digital assets in the Tron block chain, and the following is a reference step in how Tronscan is used to create wallets and manage assets.

单击“连接”进入 Tronlink 钱包。

Click Connect into the Tronlink wallet.

进入 Tronlink 钱包

进入 Tronlink 钱包

选择Tronlink,如果之前创建过钱包并且在 Chrome 扩展程序上安装了 Tronlink,则可以直接导入钱包。若尚未安装该应用程序且之前未创建过钱包帐户,则根据系统将提示在浏览器上安装该应用程序扩展。

Select Tronlink to import the wallet directly if you have previously created the wallet and installed it on the Chrome extension. If the application has not been installed and no wallet account has been created before, an extension will be installed on the browser based on the system.


Create your wallet with the hint, you will need to select a user name and password. Remember to store your notes safely and write them in alphabetical order.

创建钱包后,单击“连接”将钱包连接到 TronScan。

After you create a wallet, click Connect to connect the wallet to TronScan.

如果遇到问题,只需重新加载页面并再次连接即可。现在你已成功创建 Tronlink 钱包,可以查看你持有的代币及其数量和价值。

If there is a problem, just reload the page and connect again. Now you have succeeded in creating the Trenlink wallet, and you can see the tokens you hold and their number and value.

Tronscan 允许你发起和跟踪代币传输,如果你想将 TRX 或任何 TRC 代币发送到另一个地址,可按照以下步骤操作:

Transcan allows you to initiate and track money transmissions. If you want to send TRX or any TRC tokens to another address, you can proceed as follows:

  1. 使用 Tronlink 将你的钱包连接到 TronScan。在你的钱包中,点击“Send”。
  2. 输入收件人地址、发送金额以及其他相关信息。
  3. 确认交易,其详细信息将在 Tron 网络中可见。
  4. 你还能按照本文中的“检查 tron 区块链交易”指南,在交易板块跟踪交易进度。


通过主页,你可以了解 Tronscan 的总体信息。

Through the homepage, you can see the overall information about Transcan.




This shows the price and market value of TRX, the total number of activated accounts on TRON, the value of TVLs locked in all the assets in the TRON agreement, the total number of transactions recorded on TRON, the total amount of money transferred on TRON in hot currency, etc., so that you can see all the data in real time.



From the block chain, you can access nodes, blocks, accounts, contracts, transfers and transactions.


你可查看节点总数以及节点可用的国家和地区,包括每个地区节点总数图形概览地图。该地图甚至能识别你是从何处访问 TRON 区块链的。

You can see the total number of nodes, as well as the countries and areas available for nodes, including a graphical overview map of the total number of nodes per region. The map can even identify where you have access to the Tron block chain.




从账户中,你可查看账户总数、TRX 持有者和活跃账户。若你点击“账户数”下的“更多”时,你可看到TRON上显示总转账户数的图表,包括钱包和转账账户。

From the accounts, you can see the total number of accounts, the holders of TRX and active accounts. If you click " More " under " Number of accounts, you can see the chart showing the total number of turns on Tron, including wallets and transfer accounts.

点击“TRX持有者”中的“更多”,你可看到TRON上显示TRX持有账户总数变化的趋势图。这些信息可帮助投资者访问 TRON 生态系统并确定其进展情况,然后决定是否投资 TRX。

Click “More” on the TRX holder. You can see a trend map showing changes in the total number of TRX holding accounts on TRON. This information helps investors to access Tron ecosystems and determine their progress, and then decides whether to invest in TRX.


You can also look at the best-performing accounts in the TRON ecosystem. Click on any wallet account, you can see total assets, including transactions and transfers. This information allows traders and investors to track the best-performing wallets and to understand how they diversify their portfolios across generations.




Here, the total number of contracts, including those that have been certified, can be accessed. Investors may be interested in the best part of the 24-hour contract, where they can see smart contract accounts and get detailed information on each account.


代币板块允许访问TRON生态系统中代币的代币的跟踪情况,例如 TRX、USDT 和 USDD 等代币的跟踪情况。

The token plate allows access to the tracking of the tokens in the Tron ecosystem, such as TRX, USDT and USDD.


If you click on TRX, you can see the total supply of TRX, the flow supply, the official network, the white paper, the social information, the volume of transactions, etc.


在数据板块,可以查看图表、排名和分析,以进一步了解 TRON 区块链。

On the data plate, you can view graphs, rankings and analyses to gain a better understanding of the Tron block chain.


For example, under the “chart”, if you click on the “agreement income”, you will be able to access its detailed information and to view the TRON income trend chart, which shows the value destroyed by the TRX users in order to obtain resources and pay for transactions.





Super-representatives are viewed and voted on in the governance block, participate in TRX pledge governance, etc., and even apply to become super-representatives.


在Tron生态系统板块,可以查看 DeFi,如 stUSDT、SUN、APENFT和基础设施,如 TronLink、BTTC 和 BTFS。

On the Tron ecosystem plate, the DeFi can be viewed such as stUSDT, SUN, APENFT and infrastructure such as TronLink, BTTC and BTFS.




For example, under “DeFi”, if you click on “stUSDT”, you will come to the Stusdt.io website to allow you to interact directly with the token and perform operations such as pledging real world assets (RWA).




开发人员可通过开发者板块访问 Tron 的 API,以定制他们的产品、开发人员工具和资源,并成为 Tron 社区的一部分。

Developers can access Tron's API through developers'plates to customize their products, develop people's tools and resources and become part of the Tron community.

例如,在“开发工具”下,如果单击“TronGrid”,你将来到 TronGrid 网站,在这里你能访问 TRON 和 BTTC 网络。你可使用托管 API、负载平衡节点,并找到可靠且可扩展的工具来访问区块链。

For example, under the " Development Tool ", if you click " TronGrid ", you will come to the TronGrid site, where you can access the Tron and BTTC networks. You can use hosting API, load balance nodes, and find reliable and scalable tools to access the block chain.


If you want to search the transaction details of the wallet address, you can copy the wallet address and visit the website. You can choose to log in. You can also search the transaction details without login.


The details of the transaction, as well as the number of transactions, the pledge of the currency, and even whether the wallet address participated in the vote, can be seen by pasting the duplicate wallet address to the search field.



要访问 TRON 区块链区块,单击“区块链”并选择“区块”,可以看到统计数据的简要概述,例如区块总数、最新构建的区块数量、总区块奖励、销毁的 TRX 统计数据等。

To access the Tron block chain blocks, click on the Block Chain and select the Blocks, you can see a brief overview of the statistics, such as the total number of blocks, the number of newly constructed blocks, the total block incentive, the TRX statistics for destruction, etc.


You can also click each block to see more details about the block.


To pledge and vote, you need:

  1. 在钱包板块点击“资产管理”并带来“获取 Tron Power”;
  2. 质押锁定你的TRX并增加你的 Tron Power。为此,你必须至少拥有1枚TRX,并确认将TRX锁定三天;
  3. 成功锁定后,在治理板块单击“投票”。单击“查看超级代表”以选择要投票给哪些超级代表并确认你的选择,投票SR后可获得Tron 代币奖励作为回报,在 TronScan DEX 上可将代币兑换为 TRX。

Tronscan 为用户管理 TRON 资产和探索区块链提供了一个安全的环境。然而,与任何在线平台一样,需要考虑一些安全因素:

Transcan provides a secure environment for users to manage Tron assets and explore block chains. However, as with any online platform, a number of security considerations need to be considered:

安全与用户在线交互的方式有很大关系。因此用户遵循在线安全最佳实践至关重要,例如使用强而独特的密码、启用 2FA(增加额外的保护层)以及对登录凭据保密等。

Security and the way users interact online are highly relevant. It is therefore essential that users follow the best practices of online security, such as the use of strong and unique passwords, the use of 2FAs (addition of additional layers of protection) and the confidentiality of access documents.

警惕网络钓鱼网站和诈骗。您可通过访问TronScan官方网站 tronscan.org 来避免这些诈骗,并且记住切勿共享私钥和密码。

Watch out for web fishing sites and fraud. You can avoid these frauds by accessing TronScan’s official website, tronscan.org, and remember not to share private keys and passwords.

在 TronScan 上与 DApp 交互时,请务必检查智能合约并仅使用受信任且经过验证的应用程序。

When interacting with Dapp on TronScan, check the smart contract and use only trusted and validated applications.


In general, the functions provided by Tronscan are comprehensive, ranging from transaction tracking to wallet management, currency balances, participation in governance, and providing insight into smart contracts.




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