这几天网上经常能够看到关于元宇宙概念的探讨,尤其是在国内科技圈中元宇宙越来越出名了,不过还是有不少人搞不明白元宇宙到底是什么。元宇宙概念是什么意思?元宇宙概念到底是干嘛的呢?有关此类元宇宙定义下面给大家通俗解释下, 不懂的赶紧来看了。
These days, the idea of meta-cosmos has become more and more famous on the Internet, but many people still don't understand what it is. What does the concept of meta-cosmos mean? What does the concept of meta-cosmos mean?
What does the concept of the meta-cosmos mean?
所谓“元宇宙”,英文叫做Metaverse 是一个虚拟时空间的集合, 由一系列的增强现实(AR), 虚拟现实(VR) 和互联网(Internet)所组成。元宇宙不是真正的世界,而是一个虚拟的世界,元宇宙是未来的虚拟世界(现在还不存在)。
It's called the metaspace, called Metaverse, a collection of virtual time space, made up of a series of enhanced reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and the Internet (Internet). The metacosystem is not a real world, but a virtual world, and the metacosystem is a virtual world of the future (which does not yet exist).
元宇宙是一个29年前就被提出的概念,但是随着近几年吸纳了日臻成熟的 AI、游戏引擎、AR/VR、区块链等技术成果后,在A股市场上也获得了越来越多的关注(元宇宙概念股)。
The meta-cosmos is a concept that was proposed 29 years ago, but has received increasing attention in the A-share market (the meta-cosm concept unit) as a result of the incorporation in recent years of technological achievements such as the increasingly mature AI, game engines, AR/VR, block chains, etc.
In both the present and the future, the markets of the meta-cosmos have great development space and market prospects. At present, however, the “cosmos” is still in the conceptual stage.
This is a description of what is meant by the concept of meta-cosm, which is currently also very hot in the market, and you can pay more attention if you have any stock.
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