
资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:27 评论:0
盘点国际虚拟币10大交易所排名 币安网(Binance)币安网资产30.70亿美元,共有694个交易对,24小时成交额1192亿美元。An inventory of the 10 largest international v...



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盘点国际虚拟币10大交易所排名 币安网(Binance)币安网资产30.70亿美元,共有694个交易对,24小时成交额1192亿美元。

An inventory of the 10 largest international virtual currency exchanges ranked Binance's netting assets at $3.07 billion, 694 transactions equal to $119.2 billion on a 24-hour basis.


The final part is that our two major stock exchanges in the global stock market are also ranked, with our Shanghai Stock Exchange stock market of $249 trillion 10 years ago ranked seventh in the global exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange stock market of $122 trillion and fourteenth in the world.


The Currency Net is an app software published by the Money Security Network, a platform that specializes in virtual currency and Bitcoin transactions, with a large number of currencies, up to 18, essentially commonly used virtual currency that can be bought and sold, secure and user-friendly.

排名前五如下: 纽约证券交易所 其历史可以追溯到1792年,是一个在全球占有非常重要地位的证券交易所,位于美国纽约州纽约市百老汇大街18号,许多国际大公司都在这里上市,起市值超过300000亿美元。

The top five rankings are as follows: The New York Stock Exchange, which dates back to 1792, is a stock exchange of great global importance, located at 18 Broadway Street, New York, New York, United States of America, where a number of major international companies are listed at a market value of over $3 trillion.


For example, China’s two largest exchanges, the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, both of which have a long history and a wealth of trading varieties, also provide high-quality services to investors. As a result, they have been among the top in China’s ranking.


All of the country's well-known digital currency transactions include the Currency Exchange, the BBVIP Exchange, the MGS Exchange, the EZB Cow Exchange and the CoinCoin Currency Exchange.


The currency network, OKCoin and the currency net are the country’s three main bitcoin trading platforms, which are highly risky in terms of currency transactions, and suggest a careful choice for those who have little experience in investing. Caution suggests that the explanation above is for information purposes only and does not suggest anything.

OKEX OKEX是全球著名的数字资产国际站之一,主要面向全球用户提供比特币、莱特币、以太币等数字资产的现货和衍生品交易服务。

OKEX OKEX is one of the world's well-known digital asset international stations, which provides spot and derivative trading services for digital assets such as Bitcoin, Latcoin, etc., primarily for global users.

目前中币国际(ZBG)和火币都是流量在前十的。备注: 目前海外coingecko榜单比较中立,是花钱也无法放入榜单前列的。

The Chinese currency International (ZBG) and the gun are currently in the top ten. Note: The foreign coingecko list is currently neutral and cannot be put at the top of the list.


Digital money industry, which is a high-quality stock: Helium Electronics, where companies are the leading leader in domestic finance, IT. Longlight Technology, where companies are the leading bank, IT. Broadband, where companies are the leader of ATM equipment in the country.



The BIBOX Exchange was officially launched on 10 November 2017 as the country's only large high-capacity exchange with futures, artificial intelligence, and transactional strategy assignments, supporting 195 transactions, 90 currencies, with 24-hour transactions of up to 25 billion yuan.

全球币圈有十大常用的交易所,分别是:(1)币安网 Binance;(2)OKEX;(3)火币网;(4)CoinbasePro;(5)Bitfinex;(6)Bittrex;(7)Kraken;(8)BitMEX;(9)Bitflyer;(10)双子星 Gemini。 币安网。

There are 10 most commonly used exchanges in the global currency circle, namely: (1) money netting; (2) OKEX; (3) gunnet; (4) CoinbasePro; (5) Bitfinex; (6) Bittrex; (7) Kraken; (8) BitMEX; (9) Bitflyer; (10) Twin Star Gemini.

币交易所排名前十名如下:1 数字货币第一龙头 BTC比特币据。2 以太坊ETH。3 瑞波币XRP。4 泰达币USDT。5 比特现金BCH。6 BSV。7 ADA艾达币。8 莱特币LTC。9 币安币BNB。10 LINK。

The currency exchange ranked the top ten: 1 digital currency with BTC bitcoin. 2 Ethio-Ethno-Eth. 3 Ripoco-XRP. 4 tedar-USDT. 5 bit cash BCH. 6 BSV. 7 ADA-Ada-coin. 8 Lightcoin LTC. 9 coins BNB. 10 LINK.


The Democratic Republic of the Congo is the largest country in the world in the world in the world, with a currency network of US$ 39.6 billion, with 830 trading pairs of US$ 13.6 billion in 24 hours. The network is operated by the Beijing Seal Network Technology Ltd., which was launched in September 2013 and is one of the world's leading Bitcoin trading platforms.


By September 2017, it was also an online platform that was not known, and on 4 September it began to delegitimize the ICO at the domestic regulatory level. Three major exchanges — the coin, the OKCoin, and the Bitcoin China — were asked to stop their transactions, which gave them a chance to take over the seat of Binance.

1、比特币 比特币(BTC)是虚拟货币排名榜第一位,总最近六周分别占比全球数字货币总市值的691%,628%,602%,662%,657%,617%。

1 Bitcoin (BTC) is the first on the virtual currency list, accounting for 691 per cent of the total market value of global digital currencies, 628 per cent, 602 per cent, 662 per cent, 657 per cent and 617 per cent, respectively, in the last six weeks.


Dogecoin, known as “dog-coins/dog-coins”, was born on 8 December 2013 and is the second largest virtual currency in international use after Bitcoins, based on the Scrypt algorithm.


3. China’s ten largest virtual currency ranking bitcoin (BTC) must be discussed from bitcoin when talking about the ten largest encrypted currencies that are currently to be invested, either in general or simply in smart encryption. Bitcoin is the most widely used encrypted currency so far, commonly known as the “King of Encrypted Currency.”


4. BitGo is a high-security multi-signature wallet, easy to use and medium-security, which protects Bitcoin from theft and loss, but the only alternative is that funds cannot be spent or frozen to provide high-level security features.


One, safemars is on five exchanges. The Watt WBF Exchange: is an emerging digital financial services platform with a team of senior financial scientists from the United States, Singapore and China.

2、ass目前已经在抹茶、瓦特交虎符等交易上线,最新消息上线5个交易所。ass币又名澳洲牧羊犬币,也可以叫做驴币,它的全称是Australian Safe Shepherd。ass是Safemoon分叉的社区模因代币,该令牌完全由社区驱动,并已公平启动。

2 Ass is now on the line for tea, wads, and five exchanges. Asscopics, also known as Australian sheepdogs, can be called donkey coins, all known as Australian Safe Shepherd. Ass is the Community Monet for Safemoon, which is entirely community-driven and has been fairly activated.


3 All commonly used digital currency transactions: BitMEX, OKEX, Currency Net, Coal Pro, Bitfinex, etc. BitMEX: Currently the largest futures exchange in the world. OKEX: Supports spot, futures, and French currency transactions. Coin Pro: Supports spot, futures, and French currency transactions.


The circulation of the helmets safemars is 1,000,000 SMARS. According to the information available, the full name of the SMARS is SAFEMARS, issued in English on a date of 2021-03-22 and issued at a price of $0.000001, with a maximum supply of 1,000,000 SMARS. SAFEMARS is intended to reward the holder while increasing activity and value.


Five. Bitget has been one of the fastest-growing exchanges since its creation in 2018. I dare to say that because of his earlier possession of BGB, most users know that the performance of an exchange is usually reflected in their own platform currency.


The above-mentioned article is an answer to the one hundredth block chain exchange and the global ranking of the block chain exchange, organized by Max Finance, and hopefully will help you. If you want to learn more about financial information, remember to focus on the site.

标签: 区块链交易所排名100




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