北美观察丨比特币再度暴跌 恐慌与骗局之下 舆论呼吁市场监管

资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:23 评论:0
近期,比特币等加密货币价格剧烈波动,引发广泛关注。美国当地时间6月8日,比特币价格一度跌至3.2万美元,较4月份6.4万美元的最高点相比,下跌50%。同时,以太币和狗狗币等热门加密货币价格也都呈加速下跌趋势。In the US, on Ju...



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In the US, on June 8, local time fell to $32,000, down 50% from the peak of $640 million in April. Meanwhile, the price of popularly encrypted currencies, such as Tai and Dog, has been on an accelerated downward trend.



According to the United States media, the volatility of the encrypted currency market, coupled with regulatory gaps and currency anonymity, has led to a deterioration in market sales, increased panic, and widespread fraud. Public opinion has called on governments to strengthen market regulation.


比特币暴涨又暴跌 市场抛售加剧

Bitcoin's going up and down, and the market's selling' up.


When investors predicted that Bitcoins would break 100,000 dollars by the end of the year, their prices fell again this week, by more than 12%, to the lowest settlement level since 31 January. Under its influence, the price fell by 4.3% to $2537, and the dog price fell by more than 13% to 33 cents.


The Wall Street Journal reports that hot, encrypted currency prices, including Bitcoin, have shown a huge downward trend

在经历跳水式下跌后,加密货币市场出现抛售现象,一度引发崩盘担忧。衡量加密货币市场焦虑程度的流行指标“恐惧和贪婪指数”(Fear and Greed Index)目前等级为14,表明市场已处于极度恐惧状态之中。

After a dive, the sale of encrypted money markets caused a breakdown of concern. The popular indicator for measuring anxiety in encrypted money markets, the Fear and Greed Index, is now at 14 levels, indicating that markets are already in a state of extreme fear.


美国《财富》杂志称,加密货币的强烈波动性,使人们看到了历史上几乎从未有过的巨大金融泡沫。耶鲁大学经济学教授罗伯特·席勒 (Robert Shiller)则在接受彭博社采访时表示,比特币现象更像是一场“流行病”,其后续影响很难估测。

According to the American journal Fortune, the volatility of encrypted currencies has led to a huge financial bubble almost never seen in history. Robert Shiller, a professor of economics at Yale University, said in an interview with Bloomberg that the Bitcoin phenomenon is more like an “epidemiological” whose subsequent effects are difficult to estimate.

△耶鲁大学经济学教授罗伯特·席勒 (Robert Shiller)表示,比特币现象像是一场无法预测的“流行病”


Encrypted Money Catalyzing Cyber Fraud and Fraud


According to the latest figures released by the United States Federal Trade Commission, consumer-reported losses associated with encryption currency scams amounted to nearly $82 million in the fourth quarter of 2020 and the first quarter of 2021.



According to the Wall Street Journal in the United States, the victims of crypto-money scams are a broad group, encompassing both small-scale investors and professional investors, including large companies. In addition, encryption money has contributed to the recent Internet-based hacking in the United States.



For example, the U.S. Department of Justice announced on 7 June that it had recovered the $2.3 million ransom paid to the hacker organization by the Kolonier pipeline, and that it would investigate the role of encrypted currency in extortion. The negative impact of similar events caused market panic, leading to a number of price declines for encrypted currency.

商业巨头齐质疑 市场信心值下降

Business giants are questioning the decline in market confidence.


At the 2021 Shareholders’ Congress, held in May by Birkhter Hassaway, President Buffett and Vice-President Manger simultaneously expressed the negative attitude of Bitcoin. Manger stated that such money fuels kidnapping and extortion, and that the relevant trading platforms turn markets into “casinos”, and criticized the development of encrypted money as contrary to the interests of civilization.


reported in the American magazine Forbes, former President Trump of the United States called encrypt currency "like a fraud" .


In addition, the mining of encrypted currency (commonly known as “mining”) requires the use of a large number of high-performance computers for round-the-clock operation and calculation, which consumes large amounts of electricity, including the announcement by Tesla founder, Mr. Mask, among others, that they no longer support encrypted currency.


> > > > > > According to the American magazine Forbes, the environmental problems posed by Bitcoin deter investors .

加密货币风险高 多方呼吁加强监管

Encryption Currency Risk High Multipliers Call for more regulation


According to public opinion, encrypted currency not only poses a potential risk to investors, but is also highly liable to disrupt markets and affect the country’s stability and social order. With multiple calls, encrypted currency-related transactions are facing increasing scrutiny and regulation, and there are now restrictive policies in place in multinational regulators.


The U.S. Treasury released a report on 20 May that encrypted currency facilitates illegal activities, including tax evasion, and poses a significant threat to government authorities in detecting illegal acts. In the future, encrypted currency and encrypted asset trading accounts will be included in government surveillance, and related transactions with a market value of more than $10,000 will have to be reported to the U.S. Tax Office.



According to the US press, the US government’s recent stringent policy on cryptographic currency reflects the urgency of the issue. US national security adviser Sullivan said on June 7 that encryption currency-related cyber-security issues would be a priority for the G-7 summit.



According to Bloomberg, as the halo spreads, encrypted currencies such as Bitcoin are subject to regulatory shocks or will enter “death intersecting” forms, implying that their prices will fall further in the future.





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