Photo source: Photonet
In recent times, Bitcoin & ldquón & & rdquón has been a cause for concern. Bitcoin prices & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; growth trend: since April, Bitcoin prices have fallen sharply , on 2 April, and are now down by $60,000. Beijing time, on 14 April, Bitcot prices were dropped on a massive scale, prices were quickly down, and
During the period when Bitcoin prices plunged, there was a spatter of text messages in the ring's investor's cell phone, and the price of , which led to large numbers of multi-contractive investors. According to Coinglass, in the last 24 hours, the virtual currency market of 一位爆仓者表示:“比特币近期一直在暴涨暴跌中反复切换。过高的价格让比特币变得危险,市场情绪逆转往往发生在一瞬间,钱蒸发得比水还快。” A banger said: &ldquao; Bitcoin has been switching in recent surges and drops. Overprices have made bitcoin dangerous, and market mood reversals often occur at a moment, when 业内人士表示,比特币本周走势低迷,主要由于地缘政治不确定性加剧,市场的避险情绪蔓延至虚拟货币资产。此外,业内人士表示,投资者对比特币“减半”事件的高预期和投机行为可能在“减半”前推高价格,而一旦这些预期未被满足,大量投资者或将倾向于获利了结,导致币价急转直下。 In addition, industry sources say that 从“比特币暴跌”回看加密货币行业发展情况: From & ldquao; Bitcoin Dropped & rdquao; Looking back at developments in the crypto-currency sector: ——全球加密货币数量
At present, a large number of encrypted currencies are being created by non-financial institutions, issued and traded on block chains, with independent transaction prices. According to Finbold data, the number of encrypted currencies worldwide was only 8,000 + sizes in 2020, and by 2021 it was over 16,000, an increase of 98.98 per cent.
Bitcoin is a total constant digital currency of 21 million, which, like the Internet, is decentralized, globalized, anonymous, and so on. Bitcoin operates in two core concepts: nodes and decentralized books. Each computer with a Bitcoin client is called a node, and each node is equal, and there is no central node. Numerous of these computers are connected to one another, and the network is a decentralized book.
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As at 19 January 2022, Bitcoin (bitcoin) had a market value of $783.33 billion, ranking first, followed by Etheeum (Etheria) with a market value of $36.570 billion, and Latoken (Lateken) with a market value of $247.18 billion.
加密货币交易员、独立分析师Rekt Capital表示,“减半”事件发生前,比特币价格将持续回调。在2016年和2020年“减半”周期中,比特币分别下跌38%和20%。
The encrypt currency dealer, independent analyst Rekt Capital, said “ halved & rdquo; before the event, bitcoin prices would continue to rebound. in 2016 and 2020 & & ldquao; halved & rdquao; during the cycle, bitcoins would fall by 38 per cent and 20 per cent, respectively.
A report by Morgan Chase states that Bitcoin&ldquao; halving & rdquao; events that may have a serious negative impact on the profitability of the miners. The report warns that the price of bitcoin may drop sharply to $42,000, more than 36% of the potential decline in current prices.
Note: This paper is for content dissemination only and does not constitute any investment proposal.
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