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Recently, Shenzhen’s P2P Net lending platform was unable to access it after false claims of network maintenance, and many investors suspected that they had been deceived and reported it to the police. Uniquely, Beijing also reported on the first P2P Net Treasure. 45 P2P platforms have run since this year.


For example, in the case of the Wirenet case, the 60 million investments known to be made by nearly a thousand consumers are currently floating. The victims can only provide bank transfer vouchers when they report a crime, but they cannot prove the specifics of the investment and therefore their loss.


In the above case, if a consumer uses a system similar to the “315 purchase order treasure” system to preserve relevant evidence through a third party, there will be strong evidence to support a complaint and report a case!


On 28 April 2014, the People's Court of the Yang District of Beijing issued a first-instance judgement in the case of the Amazon Rainbow Television Chopping Bill, in which it ruled that the electric company Amazon, who unilaterally cancelled the order on the grounds of lack of goods, had lost the case and supported all consumer claims for payment of rights such as delivery of a rainbow television machine to three consumers on the Internet, and payment of legal fees to consumers. The suit was a public interest action organized by the Bar Fighter Network, with Sun Yingjie, a lawyer representing consumers throughout the process. This public-interest action had a landmark significance for the rule of law environment on the Internet, and the Court's decision resolved four main legal issues that consumers would face in the online purchase rights - the determination of the subject's qualifications; the legal nature of the order; the validity of the form clause and the cost of defending rights.


In the context of this case, in November last year, Amazons sold 32 inches of LED television on a website for $161.99, and after a large number of consumers had ordered and paid for it, the Amazon unilaterally cancelled the order on the grounds of “no goods.” The Amazon admitted in court that more than a thousand consumers were affected. More than a hundred of them took part in a network buying rights campaign organized by the network of gladiators and sent a lawyer to the Amazon, but the Amazon ignored its demands. In order to help consumers to assert their rights in accordance with the law, and in order to clarify the relevant legal issues, the FLN organized the public interest lawsuit, hired Sun Young-ja's lawyer for three consumer representatives to sue Amazonia in the Beijing Yangtze District Court, where Amazon was located.


The unilateral cancellation of consumer orders (commonly referred to as “cut-off orders”) on the electricity vendor’s website for various reasons is a persistent problem in the Internet buying industry. Amazon’s defenses in court also do so, including that of other power-buying giants.


views the judgement address:


In July 2011, many Internet users saw an original price of $680 on the Internet, selling only $1 for Adidas' three-leaf shoes. Some bought more than 10 pairs at such a cheap price, some even 100 pairs.


On 7 February 2012, a Valentine's Day promotional campaign was launched in Guangdong Business City, under the name of HUAWEI's HonorU88603G mobile phone with a price of $1899, describing the promotional campaign: a single reduction of 600 and a further 8G card! The campaign attracted many users. Mr. Shen in Beijing bought two of them himself, bought two of them for his friends, and completed the payment, but did not expect that he would have deleted his order the same night. The reason was that he was identified as a dealer by placing more than three of them at the same IP address, thus helping him “actally cancel the order”.


On 1 April 2012, a super-low-priced group of “one dollar to travel freely and to stay in a high-end hotel” in Tokyo, however, when most buyers received confirmation that the purchase had been successful, the group purchased products on the grounds of staff error and the fact that the web page was in the testing stage.


With regard to the unilateral deletion of the list, the Chief Legal Adviser of China's Internet Legal Network, Mr. Zhao Occidental, stated that the mail sent by the electrician to the user confirming the success of the purchase had already indicated that the purchase contract between the parties had been established and that the unilateral cancellation of the order in Guangdong City had constituted a breach of contract.




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